thilien · 3 months
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The Danish training ship “Georg Stage” (1934) dresses in rainbow colour, 2021 
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thilien · 4 months
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Good morning 🍎📻
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thilien · 5 months
never let anyone tell you that trawling through mediocre victorian poetry isn't worth it. we just happened upon an absolute BANGER of a worm poem. go read it or else 🪱🪱🪱
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thilien · 5 months
tiktok is such an awful app, it's almost designed to feed you misinformation and expose you to insane discourse. unlike beloved tumblr, the app that feeds me misinformation and exposes me to insane discourse
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thilien · 6 months
Lucifer and Alastor becoming the guardian of each other's secrets.
Not intentionally, not at first. It starts with Lucifer, as he sees things that Alastor would really, really rather he not -- the angelic tint in his wound, the shackle around his neck. Some things you can't hide from the King of Hell, not if he bothers to truly look.
And unfortunately for Alastor, he's incapable of not drawing attention to himself. Perhaps more fortunately, Lucifer doesn't tell anyone. Alastor knows better than to think it's altruism. Surely, he's just keeping that knowledge to use against him later. It's what he would do. Blackmail, collateral.
The truth is, Alastor doesn't know quite as much as he thinks he does.
Alastor tries to claw back some sort of advantage. Lucifer is like his daughter -- powerful but softhearted, weak to a kind word or hint of praise. They clash, loudly and frequently, but over time the clashes become less vicious and turn more into a sort of game. A rivalry, a competition that is more tinged with "friendly" than not. How thrilling, to have someone who can match you word for word, blow for blow.
And sure enough, Lucifer begins to open up. And once he starts, it's hard for him to stop -- allowing Alastor windows into his soul, into his guilt and his sorrow and his regrets. Into the thoughts that drove him into solitude, surrounded by nothing but the empty gazes of thousands of rubber ducks. Alastor revels in this, this knowledge, this view into such weakness. Finally, he is balancing the scales, collecting the chinks in Lucifer's armor for the day in which he may need to slip a proverbial dagger into the gaps.
He doesn't realize, at first, that he's giving away more of himself. Hints into his own behavior, his own past, his own fears. Much as he may pretend, even to himself, that he doesn't have them... Lucifer's older than sin. He knows, more than anyone, that everybody is afraid of something. Alastor is no exception.
Alastor, who is convinced that he's cradling Lucifer's secrets close to his chest because he is saving them for the moment when they would do the most damage. Not acknowledging that such a moment could have come and gone many times already. Not listening to the small voice in the back of his mind whispering that he won't ever share these secrets, because no one else is worthy of them. No one else holds them.
The king's wounds belong to Alastor, and no one else. He isn't keen on sharing.
And Lucifer, for his part, guards Alastor's skeletons just as closely. Not because he intends to use them, no. He has no interest in such control. Instead if someone asks about them, he laughs, demurs, scoffs. Pretends ignorance.
After all, he understands pride.
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thilien · 6 months
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Absolutely insane lines to just drop in the middle of an academic text btw. Feeling so normal about this.
[ A Critical History of English Literature, Vol. 1, Prof. David Daiches, first published in 1960 ]
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thilien · 6 months
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I was rereading Skulduggery Pleasant and realised it was a goldmine for cute Alastor & Charlie moments.👌
I’m gonna project genuine friendship onto these fuckers and you can’t stop me!
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thilien · 6 months
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thilien · 6 months
Within a year of founding the hotel, Alastor transitions from enigmatic figure of mystery to beleagured mom friend, solely because 60% of the time he is the only person in the room who can or bothers to Adult.
Everyone else is too militaristic (Vaggie) or coddled (Charlie) or depressed (Lucifer, Husk) or generally off their rocker (everyone else). And Alastor may be a homicidal maniac, but by God, he's a homicidal maniac with CLASS who was a careerman in life and respected his mama.
He sets up a chore wheel after one too many times of the kitchen sink being left with dishes. Teaches Charlie how to do property taxes. Has a strict hold on the take-out budget so that people HAVE to cook "real food." Confiscates any illicit substances Angel leaves lying around. He doesn't even realize he's doing it, or he does but deludes himself into thinking that it's a manipulation tactic. Mwahaha, see his power as he makes the King of Hell take his antidepressants with a glass of water.
They bring in an ugly, dirty red cat one day and he puts his foot down. It takes an hour of needling and bribery via angelic blood before he reluctantly lays down ground rules. They had better get it vaccinated and neutered before it gets poor KeeKee, and no, they are not naming it Catlastor. Unfortunately that is the only name the cat responds to. The urge to drown his sorrows at the bar is stronger than it has been in decades.
Nothing seems to have changed outside of the hotel, but for some reason Carmilla, a mother herself, feels the strange need to pat the Radio Demon on the shoulder and tell him that it gets easier with time.
for your consideration: the cat is called alastor and he is henceforth referred to as 'human alastor'
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thilien · 6 months
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Hebden Bridge, Calderdale, West Yorkshire (England)
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thilien · 6 months
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thilien · 6 months
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Alastor: “Now, let’s talk about literally anything else please!”
Me: “Good! Cause I don’t know where you went so I can’t go further with this!😂”
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thilien · 6 months
what's the most cancelable shit y'all do when ur not online
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thilien · 7 months
Alastor after season 1: All of your existences are confusing.
The whole hotel: How so?
Alastor: Your presence is annoying, but the thought of anything bad happening to any of you upsets me.
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thilien · 7 months
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Imagine spending all your energy being cool and mysterious 24/7.
What an idiot have I mentioned I love him?
Idea came from a cool post @nouverx made about Alastor’s possible sleeping habits. 💕
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thilien · 7 months
A little advice from someone studying extremist groups: if you’re in a social media environment where the daily ubiquitous message is that you have no hope of any kind of future and you can’t possibly achieve anything without a violent overthrow of society, you’re being radicalized, and not in the good way.
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thilien · 7 months
Artists who know how to draw armors or very detailed clothing are powerful
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