Where's that post that's like "I can't buy expensive things like plane tickets on my phone, I have to use my laptop, big purchases are for the big screen"
Because apparently this is a literal actual thing that retailers hate cuz you think more before spending a lot of money, they want you to spend a lot without thinking about it so much
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Keep buying Big Things on the Big Screen, it's healthy for you financially to think before spending a lot of money!
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thingsthatmakenoise · 3 hours
Why are you lgbtq+? wrong answers only GO
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thingsthatmakenoise · 5 hours
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thingsthatmakenoise · 6 hours
starting to think some of yall arent serious bout finding beauty in the grotesque
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thingsthatmakenoise · 14 hours
i am yet another product of the “child who was at best tolerated by the people around them” to “adult who is genuinely confused when people like spending time with them” pipeline
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thingsthatmakenoise · 15 hours
i hope that bi woman and her boyfriend ruin pride for 23000 people
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backdating my transgenderfication to november 12 2019 (the date i saved this meme to my phone)
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Doc is fighting the good fight on Twitter (calling out people who hate his rainbow beacon) and idk I thought this was very sweet
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"i would kill for you" "i would die for you" okay but would you forgive me if i forgot something important for the 51204th time in a row even though i tried my best to remember
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delighted to listen to a nine year old discussing his thoughts on star wars. his dad’s been introducing him to the movies in release-date order, and they’re now halfway through The Force Awakens. here are his hot takes:
- best movie: phantom menace. qui gon and obi wan and yoda and anakin are all really cool.
- worst movie: return of the jedi. it took too long to save han solo; jabba is gross to look at and slave leia was weird to watch, ‘and they call it PG!’
- best characters: luke skywalker. anakin skywalker is second-best because he becomes darth vader. (this was very disappointing to discover)
- best villain: darth vader (even if he’s anakin). but dooku was also very good. palpatine is ugly.
- favorite jedi: yoda.
- biggest complaint: it would be better if anakin wasn’t darth vader. and, why did they kill padme? she would be a better vader. they should bring back anakin for the new movies. no, not as a ghost, just bring him back.
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if you've ever pet more than a few dogs you'd Know what dog residue is
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The Biden administration enacted a major increase in Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits, though it's received little attention.
WASHINGTON ― In 2021, President Joe Biden enacted the largest-ever permanent increase to federal food benefits, giving the average Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program recipients an extra $36 per person each month. 
The 21% benefit boost stands as one of the major domestic policy changes of Biden’s first term. But it happened at a time when many safety net policies were in flux due to the coronavirus pandemic, and it hasn’t received much attention. 
Republicans noticed, however, and now they’re hoping to change the law to prevent a future Democratic president from making a similar move. 
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I'm seeing people in the notes of this responding as if this is a GC radfem failing at feminism, so I think it's important to point out that this is something else. It's a conspiracy theory called EGI (elite gender inversion) that all famous people in all of history became famous by selling their souls to Baphamet to become "inverts", and continue to serve him by trying to make everyone trans. And that that is, in fact, the only way anyone CAN become famous. This includes Trump and all the right-wing idols- seriously, if they've ever heard your name, they already believe the devil got you.
I checked her account and yeah, it's right in her bio, along with flat earth and covid denial.
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Did you guys know there's nothing inherently wrong with selfish thoughts and desires and there's no such thing as thought crimes or thought sins and a balanced amount of selfishness is healthy and adaptive for living things to have and it's fine to act selfishly as long as you don't harm others
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10k likes is crazy … well someone call dykes on bikes and the dyke march and the dyke alliance and
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