This is going to be my personal project, posting once a day to find out some pattern or sort of connection to daily thought and long term decision or action.
This is also a social experiment. A personal one. 
The world is filled with ideas about life, love, purpose, emotion. Living in america its hard not to see how social media has changed daily interaction. My hope is to try and find some common ground and understanding between all walks of life, so hopefully we can find a common goal. This will be a daily journal as well as an open ended discussion platform, where ideas will be challenged, pressed, and ultimately strengthened. Please understand this is not an opportunity for you to jump on your soap box, or have a heated argument with a stranger to fuel your understanding, but rather a place to hone intellectualism in a calm, peaceful, and understanding manner.
This week I've been thinking a lot about religion. I have been wondering a lot about death. The mind is a beautiful thing. What happens when the lights go out? What happens to the personality created by all that organic tissue and grey matter? Some say its just the end, that the neuron firings cease and the ideas and thoughts that made you who you are no longer exist. Some say that with the mind and body their is a soul, that life continues on in a different existence. Maybe you believe that, maybe you choose to believe something. Maybe the unknown scares you and you choose not to approach thoughts that make you uncomfortable. The mind is a beautiful thing, whether or not you have any beliefs or stipulations, I would like to challenge you. Explore what makes you uncomfortable intellectually. Take time to discover what you truly believe. Fuel your understanding, and above all else, when discussing with someone, come from a pragmatic position, don’t let emotion control the discussion. Try to maintain a calm and understanding demeanor even if the conversation takes a heated tone. Understanding and utilizing this is key to progressing thought and understanding. There is a place for debate, do not misunderstand me, but for the purpose of this experiment, be collected and calm.
Whether or not you have a chosen belief or idea. I challenge you, open your view and talk to someone without any predisposed criticism or emotion.
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