thinnb0nes · 4 years
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i'm so jealous (via a1es5andra on ig)
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thinnb0nes · 4 years
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thinnb0nes · 4 years
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thinnb0nes · 4 years
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thinnb0nes · 4 years
I'm overweight by two pounds. That hangs over my head constantly. I'm scared even for my parents to see me. I don't want anyone to see me until I'm skinny.
I used to be 122 pounds. I'm so disappointed in myself. That's 30 pounds gained. I feel so ugly.
At least I know when I weigh myself Wednesday, I will have lost at least a little bit of weight.
I'm so sad. I just want to eat like eveyone else.
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thinnb0nes · 4 years
I didn't eat today. I thought I'd be proud of myself. Now I'm crying because I just want to feel attractive.
Eating disorders are hell. I'm killing myself slowly but I just can't stop. I'm scared.
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thinnb0nes · 4 years
People look at me and think, "Wow, she has her life figured out. She's so responsible! What a good kid."
They don't know that I have an eating disorder.
They don't know that I use my ADHD medication to starve myself.
They don't know that I haven't eaten more than half a cheese stick and some gum for two days.
I'm killing myself slowly for school and social reasons.
I tell myself, "If you don't eat, that's more time to work!"
"This is for the best. The struggle is only now, in the future you'll be happy."
"Don't tell your psychiatrist."
I'm so lost. People think I'm the "responsible" friend. I sacrificed so many parts of my lfie because I'm so scared to fail. I'm scared that people will hate me. I'm scared I'll be deemed "ugly". I'm scared no one will love me.
My stomach hurts but the thought of food makes me anxious and repulsed. I'm disgusted yet proud.
They look at me and see a girl who's got her life on track. They don't know that I'm in so much pain every day.
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thinnb0nes · 5 years
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thinnb0nes · 5 years
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thinnb0nes · 5 years
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thinnb0nes · 5 years
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thinnb0nes · 5 years
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thinnb0nes · 5 years
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Soft Thinspo
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thinnb0nes · 5 years
Me: I’m not gonna weigh myself this morning. No,no, no. Im on my period, I ate a bunch of salty food late last night, I KNOW im bloated-
Me, already on the scale: FUCK
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thinnb0nes · 5 years
how I stop my cravings/prevent binges :)
Coke Zero. or Diet Coke. - seriously a life saver, I always bring this to work or when I’m out especially so I don’t get tempted to eat outside. The fizziness of the drink just fills you up, you get your boost of energy, the calories are almost nothing, and cancels out any sweet cravings I have.
Watch Secret Eaters - I recently got recommended to watch this show, and whenever I feel like the cravings are kicking in, I just watch an episode and distract myself completely. The show actually gives a lot of tips on how to control your portions, eating habits, etc.
Talk to my ana buddy - talking to someone openly about your ed, really helps, I feel absolutely no shame and it feels so good saying how you’re feeling out loud.
Go to the gym or exercise - figure out when your binges or cravings tend to kick in. I go from round 5pm - 7pm, and my cravings kick in 5pm-midnight. This seriously helps me so much, cos my appetite disappears for a couple hours after a workout.
Thinspo - just looking at them is so convincing and keeps me determined to reaching my goal.
Count the calories - before eating anything, think of all the food you want to eat and count the amount of calories you would plan to eat. Doing this shows how many calories I would’ve eaten and how much it would gone over my limit. Sometimes it make me feel quite sick thinking about consuming those kinds of calories.
Wait it out - it takes your body 20 minutes to get over the cravings, within those 20 mins do these things and you’ll almost forget about it. bahaha learnt this from the Secret Eaters show.
anyway here are the tips, hope this helped someone lmao xx stay safe :))
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thinnb0nes · 5 years
Having my tummy rumble because I’m hungry is one of the most satisfying noises. Ya bitch you’re empty what u gonna do
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thinnb0nes · 5 years
You can start again tomorrow
Drink some water
Rinse your face
Look in the mirror
New start
New hope
New you
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