thirdsght · 3 months
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Anne Carson, Eras of Yves Klein
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thirdsght · 3 months
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The Dogs, Noah Ross
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thirdsght · 4 months
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❝ i do know. ❞ his stoic face misaligned with the playful air in his tone. bereft the onyx helm, his exposed face conveys little. ❝ too restless and impulsive. ❞ something almost resembling a smirk graces his lips for an iota of time. for a second he feels like karitza scolding his younger self a lifetime ago, in a memory that doesn't feel like his anymore. that night at the temple was his first death. is this the second? have they all been reborn anew from the ashes of snoke's decaying corps? or is this just a chapter of the same fable? he huffs a husky chuckle, nudging her shoulder with his. ❝ lucky you've got me to keep your shit together. ❞ he flashes her a pointed tooth grin that evaporates before he raises to stand and peer over the ledge. the sleepy city below fades into dusk under the dying amber light. ❝ you ready to catch some rats? ❞ palm up, he extends his hand to her.
       stability. that's what the first order preaches; some populations just need to be ruled. but they are not first order and balance has never been particularly appealing to her. she should be glad for the rid of snoke and his more than prying eye. his haunting voice, his grim touch, she doesn’t miss it. but there’s a stillness to the air that crawls in her gut and festers like rot, an unsettling quiet that has her wanting to spin with unease.    ❝  please,  ❞    a little scoff, she shakes her head, waves her legs a little on the ledge they’re seated. it’s a tell, a stupidly obvious one, but she thinks she’s masking her nerves well.    ❝  i'm not afraid,  ❞    that much is true enough. fear isn’t what she’d call the pitted feeling in her chest.    ❝  i’m waiting,  ❞    for the bad she knows must be coming.    ❝  and i’m just impatient, is all--  you know that.  ❞
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thirdsght · 5 months
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You wanna volunteer?
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thirdsght · 5 months
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lazy fingers tuck into the bag, pulling out a cluster of crisps. he can feel row's warmth ebb with his through the press of their thighs. the warmth spreads to his chest. ❝ ditto ❞ rivk mumbles through a mouthful of crisps. he leans in to match the other knight's movement. this. this simplicity between them. this moment of peace. it was luxury when the aura of their former supreme leader lorded over them. the trance of snoke's waning shadow fades slowly, revealing trauma they did know they had. some wounds never heal. others take time. rivk sees this newfound freedom as an epiphany. a revelation of how much rownei's presence comforts him through unsteady times. wiping the crisp crumbs from his face with an ungloved hand, he grins. ❝ i read a good philosophy when i'm in the mood. ❞ he chuckles, the solemn facade wiped away in the privacy of their ship. ❝ i think i've been on too many missions with hux. say what you want about him but he's eloquent as fuck.❞ he steals one more crips from the bag. ❝ you'd know. you've spent more time with him than any of us, save kylo. ❞ the difference was, rownei enjoyed hux's company. and kylo...was kylo. ❝ how's he handling it? ❞
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Still alive? Like Rownei's gonna let a dozen or so shots be the thing to call quits on his life. He opens his eyes just to roll them, soft smile gleaming larger when the items fall into his grasp. He leaves the flask aside, focusing instead on ripping open the bag and popping some of the crisps into his mouth after giving a quick word of thanks. It tastes amazing. Perfect in the way only an approaching hangover can manifest. Row's balance teeters towards his companion, physically leaning into the conversation, though still too tipsy to notice the way his thigh now leans against Rivk's. "Happiest dream I've ever had," Row mumbles. The constant dread at the back of his mind is gone and its a relief, but the topic is one Rownei would happily let go without discussion. Leaving the being a little thought of figment of the past seems fitting ( if not spitefully satisfying .) And so Row's more focused on the near poetry of Rivk's words, gaze settling solidly on him as Rownei wonders on it. "Have you swapped out the manuals? You almost sounded like one of those ages-ago poets who's always going on about trees or skies."
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thirdsght · 6 months
12 year old tanyn ren: is stabbing someone immoral? kylo ren: to death or just once? rownei ren: not if they consent to it. karitza ren: depends who you’re stabbing. rivk ren: and how you stab them. frankie ren: actually it's kinky. ushar ren: YES?!?
@fcalty @cruoren @renkniighted @inarretable @pohlepen
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thirdsght · 7 months
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a quick, leftward feint just misses, sending him into a duck and weave. he nearly escapes his opponent's strike, pivoting right to block the advance. their eyes lock in the heat of the moment.
rownei ren challenges : “come, why are you holding back?”
the crimson glow of his eyes masks an eye roll. why? because maybe he likes @renkniighted. way more than he dares to admit. maybe that dose of the other knight's signature sass is threatening to bring a smile to his face and set loose butterflies in his stomach. stars above. this was just supposed to be sex. ( really good sex, if he says so himself. ) not some some sentimental shit. ❝ maybe you're a better fighter than you thought. ❞ the chiss shrugs. ❝ or maybe i was trying to catch you off your guard. ❞ he flashes a one fanged grin and swoops forward to snatch row by the waist and haul him upward, laughing.
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thirdsght · 7 months
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     ❛  We were on the  ᵛᵉʳᵍᵉ  of  ɢʀᴇᴀᴛɴᴇꜱꜱ.     We were  𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴  c̲l̲o̲s̲e̲  to providing  𝗉𝖾𝖺𝖼𝖾   &   𝗌𝖾𝖼𝗎𝗋𝗂𝗍𝗒  for the  𝐠𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐱𝐲.  ❜ ©
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thirdsght · 7 months
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❝ and 𝑏𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑠 the daughter but 𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤 the family. what is a home if not the first place you learn to 𝗿𝘂𝗻 from? ❞
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thirdsght · 7 months
which tarot card are you?
The Hermit
It’s a skill, to look inside yourself, one you have mastered. The endless corridors and shifting thoughts are mapped to very carefully. This all takes time, of course. And those twisting hallways are so very difficult to map. It would be so easy to get lost. You know this space so well. Wouldn’t it be a lovely place to stay? So well-known and comforting. Why go back? How nice, how easy, to dissolve, to hide from the rest of the world and all the people in it. Why bother, when you are so good at looking inside yourself. Like enlightenment, the self. Retreating this far inwards is like retreating just as far out, into the vast ether. So comforting. The thing that was you looks at the thing that was the old woman. There is no you anymore. Goodbye.
tagged by: @renkniighted ty bestie!
tagging: @inarretable @debelltio @mutatiio @etoilebleu @twilekd @quietresistance + you!
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thirdsght · 8 months
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Franz Kafka, Letters to Milena
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thirdsght · 8 months
most people outside of the kor probably don't know what rivk's voice sounds like. he can slaughter a gang of rivals without uttering a word. he can stand stone still for hours on watch. rivk's self control is precise. he doesn't speak to people that he doesn't think are worth his time.
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thirdsght · 8 months
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Lang Leav, Soul Mates
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thirdsght · 8 months
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❝ suppose it is. ❞ the knight shrugs, unconcerned. his stoic shell conceals his amusement. ❝ sounds like you have something in mind.❞ the vision of a stuffy, old aristocrat clawing at his throat while he chokes on his own blood is an entertaining thought. rivk wonders if the smirking dignitary even needs the knight to accompany him on this outing, or if his presence is just for show. an intimidation tactic. beneath the pretty package of tranquil green eyes and crisp tailored clothes is something vicious and cruel. hux is lethal. there is no doubt about it. kylo wouldn't have chosen him otherwise.
the eerie glow of his irises lessens the effect of the eyeroll. ❝ controlled chaos is my axiom. don't lump me in with tanyn. ❞ arms fold over a broad chest while the chiss huffs his irritation. ❝ the third? i should be second. kylo, then karitza, okay never mind. ❞ he throws his hands up in mock defeat. ❝ if you're done playing games, chancellor, we should strategize. ❞
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❛ Oh, just an old family friend. ❜ He hums idly. ❛ A senator friend of my late father who claims that he, most certainly, is not the source of the scathing gossip revolving fidelity of my marriage. ❜ Teeth flash beneath the acrid curl of a disenchanted scowl. ❛ It is really quite unbecoming for a man of his status. ❜ Venom lights the Chancellor's eyes, in tune with the upward curve of his lips. ❛ I suppose it is my duty to enlighten him about proper etiquette. ❜ He sighs wistfully.
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❛ Oh come now, Ren the third. ❜ Jade eyes twinkle impishly at his implementation of the comedic pet name. ❛ I thought chaos was your group axiom. Unless you are losing your touch. ❜
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thirdsght · 8 months
rivk: getting his ass kicked by finn's new lightsaber technique. finn: you're going to be locked up for a long time! rivk: let me ask my bf finn: wtf? rivk, getting carried away by the kor ship: he said no.
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thirdsght · 8 months
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her impatience coaxes a crooked grin out of him, one canine tooth on display. the chiss uncrosses his arms and lifts from where he's leaning. ❝ you don't have to ask twice. what's on the menu today? ❞ he pulls out a chair and sinks into it eagerly. if he wasn't hungry a minute ago, he is now. ❝ my enemies can wait. ❞
@thirdsght > “A man with no enemies is a man with no character.”
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"wise words from you, rivk," she replies as she wipes her hands on her apron, "now will you finally try the dish I prepared for you?"
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thirdsght · 9 months
rivk wears really dark sunglasses and goggles when he's out in civilian gear. sometimes he wears a hat. depends on the planet and population. without his glowing eyes to give him away, people think he is a pantoran.
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