thirium-coffee · 3 years
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thirium-coffee · 3 years
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Lazy Sunday
Connor definitely talked Gavin into wearing matching pajamas. He pretends that he hates it, but secretly loves it.
(click for better quality)
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thirium-coffee · 6 years
"You can't kill me, Detective. Not alive. And I doubt you'd want your little fuck toy dying."
- Connor
💖 - "You've got a cute blush, Detective. It suits you."
[ah, very sneaky fren, I see you over there ;) ]
If we kissed?
[] Quickie.
[X] Tongue.
[X] Softly bite your lip
[] We wouldn’t.
[X] Long and meaningful.
[X] Let’s hit up the bedroom.
[X] You remember last time? [ ;) ]
[] Awkward…
[] Lol no.
Would I go out with you?
[X] Yes, definitely. [given Hank won’t kill me first]
[] No.
[] I want to, but it wouldn’t work.
[] Maybe. 
[] Nope, you’re like family.
[] You’re cute, but probably not.
[] Just simply not my type.
[] If I knew you better.
[] Already did.
[] I don’t know.
If we took a picture together, we’d be…
[] Hugging each other.
[X] Just chilling.
[X] Holding hands.
[X] Kissing. [If we won’t get caught of course :/]
[] Acting dumb.
[] Normal picture.
[] You holding me from behind.
You are…
[X] Cute/Pretty. [”Look how pretty you are, blushing blue for me.” ;) ]
[X] Good looking.
[X] Sexy.
[X] All of the above [”God,You’re an addiction,Con”]
You + me + room = …
[X] Movies.
[X] Cuddling.
[X] Hanging out.
[X] Kissing. [The only time we have to be close :,| ]
[] Playing games.
[] Everything.
[] Wouldn’t let you in.
You should…
[] Hit me up.
[X] Be mine.
[X] Marry me.
[] Reblog this so I can send you a heart.
[] be studying
If we got married, I’d…
[] Divorce you.
[X] Make kids. [Were it somehow medically possible, totally]
[] Take your money and bounce.
[X] Smash every day. [Probably…lol]
[] I would cheat on you.
[X] Be faithful.
[X] Kill you in your sleep [JK ILY]
[] We wouldn’t
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thirium-coffee · 6 years
More Phcking Rambling
Oh gee what have I done.
Well for one, Tumblr is throwing hands and deleting my responses instead of posting them. That’s certainly scary. 
In other news, I’ve sold my soul to a reverse au, I needed it for a fic, am now in love. I will be posting little teasers for it here and there. Oh! And I have an AO3! I’ll be linking it at somepoint, but right now, there is nothing on there. Haha. 
I have fleshed out teasers for a GV model, Connor, and Nines. So please, keep an eye out for some of those when they scroll along. I’ll be compiling a list of people that are interested so they can find it when I release the first chapter! Hit me up or like/reblog this post or those posts, whatever, let me know so I can add you to my list. I’m super excited and I hope you all will be too. The fic is definitely Convin. So yeah, keep an eye out for those!! The Reed900 oneshot is still in progress, don’t you worry about that, I’m just super hype about this right now!
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thirium-coffee · 6 years
Gift From Eli
Short Snippet from a Convin Roleplay. Summary of Roleplay An AU in which Elijah made Connor specifically for Gavin as an apology for being a horrible brother and that maybe, just maybe, it might mend broken relationships. An excuse Kamski used for the gift, is Gavin's promotion as a Detective.
Detective Fuck Boy: Me Slut Sent By Cyberlife: @detroit-becomeslut
Detective Fuck Boy Here's the thing with Gavin. People thinks he loves sleeping, often seen passed out in his desk at work. When actually, he just has bad sleeping schedule, undiagnosed insomnia, and fucking noisy neighbors that ranges from college students partying to divouring adults that found themselves nearly having a screaming contest each night.
And tonight, after he manages a thirty minute sleep, it was a surprise that greeted him. There weren't awful dub music or shattering glasses that could be heard, what greeted Gavin were the lewd noises of two people moaning and groaning and a shitload amount of dirty talk and the words, he shudders, daddy.
He didn't hesitate to retreat out of his room, and thank fucking god, he was safe now in the living room.
Or so he thought as he was reminded of his Android sleeping peacefully on his couch. There wasn't any amount of guilt in his system as shakes Connor awake. He had work, and Connor can always sleep while he's gone.
"Hey, buddy, wake up. Just- look ya don't even have to leave. Just scoot over a little and let me pass out."
Slut Sent By Cyberlife Connor looked startled and drowsy as he was awoken from stasis, LED turning yellow before he shifted over. Even though he was taller than him, he was quite petite.
He didn’t have as much muscle definition as some other Androids, but he was definitely toned. Connor yawned as he buried the side of his face into the pillows.
Even though he wasn’t human, he moved much like one did when they were tired, waiting for Gavin to join him as his LED turned blue.
Detective FUCK BOY Gavin dropped down beside Connor, not really caring he's practically sleeping beside an Android but if it means he'll get more rest then fuck it, he'll take it.
He did, however, noticed it's odd how they just... fit together perfectly in his little couch. Okay maybe his couch is actually bigger than normal, it's how he bought it, since Gavin knows he'll spend a lot of nights sleeping in it, but still.... it was weird. When he had exes and they sleep here, it never happens, it fails. Just not comfortable yet here he is, actually falling asleep despite the body beside him.
And a third party enters as Lucky settle in between their legs.
Slut Sent By Cyberlife Connor gave a sleepy giggle as Lucky giggled. He was soon back into stasis, sleeping soundly next to Gavin. His chest moved up and down, a soft breath leaving his nose.
He even breathed like a human even though he didn’t really need the oxygen. Yet another small feature that Kamski added.
Detective FUCK BOY Connor's breathing was settling into a rhythm that slowly lull Gavin to sleep.
He ended up having a dream that didn't involved the smell of blood or a knife going through his neck, instead he had a dream of blue fireflies and a pair of brown eyes, staring rather lovingly at him.
When Gavin stirred awake, blinking his eyes open, he was met with inches away from a person's face.
He screamed, and shoved, and fell. Head hitting the coffee table as his legs got left hanging to the couch.
"Fuck!" he tightly shuts his eyes, rubbing the soreness and fucking hell, that hurt.
Slut Sent By Cyberlife Connor was startled awake when he was shoved, wincing a little as he got up.
“Detective-“ Connor immediately helped him up and raced to get him pain killers and an ice pack.
Detective FUCK BOY "Hey, no, I'm fine- fuck it." He drops to the couch, sighing. Leaning on his elbows and covering his face with his hands.
Slut Sent By Cyberlife Connor came back, a worried expression on his face. He crouched neck to him, resting a hand on his knee.
“Detective? I apologize for scaring you-“
Detective FUCK BOY Gavin sighed then leaned on the couch, arms crossing, "Sit down on the couch, let's talk for a minute."
He can't believe he's doing this. He fucking can't believe he's doing this.
Slut Sent By Cyberlife Connor did as he was told, setting the painkillers and ice pack down.
“Yes, Detective Reed..?” He even sounded nervous as those brown eyes stared up at him.
Detective FUCK BOY Why did Eli had to place him in a situation like this?
"You're right about the fact we should just make this experience a little less shitty, 'cause like it or not. We're stuck together, so hell, let's do it."
He faces Connor, feeling a little like Tyler Durden announcing the rules of Fight Club.
"First of all, don't call me Detective. Gavin's fine. You're inside my fucking apartment not in the precinct. And you're just begging to be bullied. Not exactly a good cop, keep that in mind if you wanna be less hostile with each other.
Second of all," he had to briefly close his eyes, not really wanting to voice it out but... he looks at Connor, "Don't. Just don't. I'm not gonna hurt you... you look fucking pathetic always cowering away and apologizing to me, when- you get it, alright. Just don't.
And third of all, stop babysitting me. I hate it. I really fucking hate it. You don't have to worry or shit or be a maid. Pretend that you're my roommate. Surf the internet, use my Netflix subscription, read my books, I don't care.
Got it?"
Slut Sent By Cyberlife Connor seemed to lag, like he was buffering and struggling to comprehend what the other said.
“A..Alright Gavin...” The word was foreign and soft on his tongue, like an infant trying to say its first word.
“Though I don’t know what to do with myself. As an Android, I am built to take tasks and do as I am told, not to be free willed. It’s strange to be told to deviate from my specific purpose.”
His eyes flickered up to look at Gavin.
“I know you do not want to be taken care of, but if I am going to be considered like your roommate, may I at least help lessen any stress here? I can at least do minor things like do groceries and cook meals in return for you even keeping me here.”
Detective FUCK BOY "Yeah, sure. If it makes you happy."
Gavin nodded and was about to stand up, when he remembered something, "Oh yeah one last thing. You have any preference in clothing?"
Slut Sent By Cyberlife “I do not have any preference as I am expected to wear my uniform to identify that I am indeed an Android.”
Detective FUCK BOY "Cool..." he said it boredly and just stood up.
It was times like this that Gavin wished he had a best friend to talk to, just to rant about the stupid Android in his house or help him decide what kind of clothing he'd go buy for Connor.
Instead, he was left on his own to deal with this Android and shit fucking shit. He's slowly beginning to realize more why Eli have given him Connor.
When Gavin came back that evening, he dropped the gray hoodie and black sweatpants on the couch, and had to mentally slap himself as he looks at Connor.
"What are you doing?"
Slut Sent By Cyberlife Connor had been in the middle of playfully pinning Lucky. She was lying on her back with Connor pinning her front legs down while she stretched.
“We were playing.” He said it like it was obvious before letting Lucky go and watching her run off with a soft purr as she returned to her food. Connor got up and dust himself off.
“What are the clothes for, Gavin?”
Detective FUCK BOY Gavin is horrified. Eli had given him a new pet, a dog. It made sense, it's why Lucky likes him.
"It's for you."
Slut Sent By Cyberlife “Oh.” He picked the clothes up before examining them. Suddenly, a smile broke out on his face.
“Thank you, Gavin. I rather like these. Would you mind if I change into these now?”
Detective FUCK BOY "What do you think was the purpose of me giving you that shit early?"
Slut Sent By Cyberlife “I see. My apologies.” The faintest of blue could be seen on his cheeks as he entered the bathroom quietly. After a few minutes, he came out in the new clothes, uniform folded neatly in his arms. The clothes were a bit baggy on him, but he didn’t seem to mind.
“Do they.. look alright?”
Detective FUCK BOY "Fucking better." And Gavin broke into a grin, his hand open, asking for Connor's uniform.
Slut Sent By Cyberlife Connor took a moment before realizing what he wanted. He handed him the outfit, a confused expression on his face.
Detective FUCK BOY "You're not attach to this, right?" Gavin said as he starts walking to his window, taking the LED band from the uniform.
Slut Sent By Cyberlife “Not entirely, but I still need identification that I am an Android, Gavin-“
Detective FUCK BOY "And goodbye motherfucker!" He says, happily throwing the uniform out the window.
He stands beside Connor, smiling at the flying uniform in the sky, then he looks at the Android, "What?"
Slut Sent By Cyberlife Connor’s mouth was agape, and his mouth opened and closed as he tried to figure some sort of response.
“G-Gavin— I needed that-“
Detective FUCK BOY "Not anymore."
Gavin tosses the LED band go Connor, smirking, "That's enough identification. Trust me. You don't need that ugly white uniform. Gray suits you well more."
Slut Sent By Cyberlife “I..”
Software Instability ^
“..Alright..” He didn’t sound totally convinced as he slid his arm band on. Suddenly, there was an action that no android had done before. A nervous tick of lip biting.
Connor brought his plush, lower lip between his teeth absentmindedly and chewed on it as he tried to fully process what happened.
Detective FUCK BOY Gavin would be lying if he isn't finding this ordeal fun. "So what's for dinner?"
Gavin was staring at the ceiling, feeling the tiredness of his eyes intensifies as the seconds grew, and even though he had brought up music to try and silent the noises from next door, my fucking god was this bitch having a good time did her moans grew louder and louder and, Gavin's a little sad he can't hear Alex Turner's voice anymore.
He decided to grab the comforter this time as he heads into the living room. "Hey."
Slut Sent By Cyberlife Connor was curled up on the catch, cuddling with Lucky. He looked up and tilted his head curiously.
“Hello. What are you doing up so late, Gavin?” He had thought the other had went to bed hours ago, reading his internal clock to see it was 1 AM.
Connor had played something quiet to break the silence, a random movie that he wasn’t really interested in playing in the background.
Detective FUCK BOY "Do you mind scooting over? My neighbors are trying to make a new kid next door, and I need to sleep."
He glances Luck a look of betrayal. So that's why she's not in his room, when normally she cuddles with Gavin. Wow.
Slut Sent By Cyberlife It took Connor a moment to understand what he meant before giving him a quick nod.
“Of course-“ He moved over, Lucky jumping away to curl up on the arm of the couch and watch the two.
Detective FUCK BOY Gavin settled down on the space, wrapping the blanket around him. He turns around, not facing Connor and just starts closing his eyes.
But then he found himself, twisting and turning every few seconds and shit, he's gonna be awake for the next thirty minutes, isn't he?
He exhales, looking back at the ceiling. He needed to waste energy and distract himself, just allow sleep to take over instead of forcing it but the thing is, he forgotten his phone in the bedroom, and he was too lazy to retrieve it.
He probably would never do this fully awake, but right now? His sleep-derived thoughts aren't working anymore, and next thing he knows, he started talking.
"Honestly I don't know who's she's having sex with anymore."
Slut Sent By Cyberlife Connor was surprised Gavin was talking with him, and Connor gave a shrug.
“From what little I know, I assume it must be the young man I’ve seen enter her apartment.”
Detective FUCK BOY "Derek must have been gone for the week then. Could only explain why Annabell's doing the nasty. Derek and Annabell are siblings. Derek's been living in that apartment nearly as long as i've been here. Annabell? About four years ago, after she graduated college.
Don't know much about them but they're nice. Kind of weird, especially Annabell. She's the type that looks prim and conserve but trust me, she likes bad boys." He smirks, looking at Connor, "She actually asked me out once when I was on my motorcycle."
Slut Sent By Cyberlife “Ah.” He then furrowed his brows at the comment about her asking him out. A strange feeling blossomed in his chest at that comment.
Software Instability ^
“It’s illogical to assume you are a “bad boy” just because you ride a motorcycle. A fallacy in reality, honestly. You seem like a rather good man to me.”
Detective FUCK BOY "Seem.. like a rather... yeah, giving a lot of confidence that i'm a good guy here, tin can."
Slut Sent By Cyberlife “I apologize, but I’ve only known you for a few days. Though, from how well you treat your cat, I can already tell that you are kind.”
Detective FUCK BOY Gavin gazes up above him, on the sleeping Maine Coon, "Fucking traitor."
He then snorts, as he turns to the side, pulling the blanket near him, "Yeah, well, try not to judge people base on their actions to others. I might be nice to my cat, does't mean i'm nice others. Luck's my cat, it would make sense why I should treat her right."
Slut Sent By Cyberlife “But, humans react to animals, much like they would children. I can tell you probably sympathize with children, especially if they’re victims. And you may not like others, but it doesn’t make you horrible.
After all, you don’t really like me, but unlike other humans who don’t like Androids, you’ve never attempted to truly hurt me or intimidate me much.”
Detective FUCK BOY Gavin looked over his shoulder at Connor. How the fuck did this piece of shit managed to look through his layers with just spending two days with him?
When Eli had spend years with him and yet, couldn't even go pass the first layer.
"Don't read too much into it. You'll end up overheating." he looks back ahead,
Slut Sent By Cyberlife “Perhaps I wouldn’t mind overheating if it lets me learn more about you. After all, you’re one of the few fascinating people I’ve met. Everyone else I’ve seen, encountered, they all hold an underlying motive, a front they hide behind.”
He gently brushed fingers with Gavin, though it was unclear if it was an accident or on purpose.
“You’re one of the few who don’t feel the need to hide them self.”
Detective FUCK BOY Gavin didn't dare to look behind him, just kept curling on his blanket, and just muttered a quiet, "Night, Tin Can."
That night, Gavin dreamt of sitting on his motorcycle while a pair of arms were hugging his waist. He couldn't see the person behind him, their brown hair the only thing poking out as their bury their face on Gavin's shoulder, but what struck to him most, where the fabric on his arms.
They were wearing a gray hoodie.
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thirium-coffee · 6 years
Connor just fixed his tie, focusing back on the files by his desk. It's always been like this, Detective Reed approaching him, cornering him, insulting him, having Connor retort and bite, and soon enough, there goes the Detective fleeing away with a contented smirk of having known he succeeded into riling the Android up.
A coward, not dealing with what he wanted to do with Connor; not sending out that swing he so desperately wants.
It's only when Connor was alone and checking the files, did he replayed the footage of Gavin's encounter earlier.
His LED blinking red at something he didn't noticed before. Detective Reed's stress levels, each time he approaches Connor, would match the level of his arousal.
Without even thinking about it, Connor opened his mouth and Gavin's voice comes out.
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thirium-coffee · 6 years
After An Undercover Mission
Connor followed obediently, giving Sumo a well appraised pat, leaving the car keys on the living room table, and went straight to Cole's room, his room. He Shed the Eden's Club uniform, folding it neatly on top his drawer and goes to wear a pair of sweatpants. Gavin's jacket? The one draped to him, he went to zipped it up, choosing for his bed wear. He brought the fabric close to his nose, tobacco, leather, and Gavin’s cologne all mingled and clinging, helping to stabilized his stress levels as he settle down on the mattress. He prepared himself for stasis, readying his system for Sleep Mode by shutting his eyes.
Though it never came, footages instead played behind his lids. Replaying and even forgetting Hank's little We'll take tomorrow in favour of recalling the events of the day. Of how Gavin snarled at the man that tried to hit on him. Of how Gavin had draped his jacket over his frame, not once, but twice. Of Gavin kissing his cheeks when Connor expected a full on hungry kiss, and it, it feels the same as when Gavin held his hand. Of Gavin giving him a nickname, Con. It felt weird in his ears, as weird as Gavin calling him by his first name, since he was used to Plastic Prick and Tin can, Connor liked it the nickname. The same way he liked it when Hank calls him son.
He blinked, and there came red angry walls flashing before his eyes. Various alerts popping up, filling his vision. *Shoot Deviant*. *Chase Suspect.*. *Obey*. *Accomplish the Mission*, but amongst the alerts, there were some that had been teared down by him already. *Leave Fish*. *Leave Hank*. Cracked and broken, the red walls barely standing that just one more, one more, and it'll finally crumble down.
[ Remain Apathetic ]
Was the alert on the middle, the one in front of him shouting loudly, and Connor, his fingers twitched at the sight. Gavin's scent lingering in his nose, urging him to reach forward, having his fingertips touching the alert, nails digging hard, gripping at the edge, and feeling the wall crack beneath. 
Connor recoiled away, pressing his hand on his chest, eyes tightly shut.
Connor went into stasis, by having the jacket draped on the chair of his desk, the scent away from him, and all footages of temptations blocked in his file. His LED glowing dim within the dark, a red angry night light
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thirium-coffee · 6 years
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[ Connor Model | 313 248 317 - 51 ]
"I'm whatever you want me to be; a partner, a buddy to drink with, or just a machine, designed to accomplish a task."
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