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Desire - art by Aaron Campbell
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worrying is like worshipping the problem
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Bruce Springsteen, Born to Run
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( through tears ) yes chef !!
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sydcarmy on the mind. and. on the lap i guess
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happy october third!
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Este es un headcanon que se me ocurrió:
El destino está destinado
La muerte  eventualmente morirá 
El deseo puede desear
¿Entonces, por que el sueño no puede soñar?
Puede que Morfeo tenga que reposar su cuerpo antropomórfico en algún momento entre tantos años. Después de tantas miles de millones de sueños y velar relativamente por los sueños de todas las criaturas vivas por existir, eventualmente el tendrá que descansar.
Escondido de todo, un lugar agradable. Dream literalmente dormirá entre nubes.
En mi idea, Morfeo ODIA con toda su alma este día, por que lo siente como un error de su propia existencia. El tratará de mantenerse despierto con todas sus fuerzas, somnoliento al  final, será inevitable y terminara exhausto.
This is a headcanon:
Fate is destined
Death will eventually die
Desire can be tempted
So why can't dream sleep?
Morpheus may have to lay down his anthropomorphic body sometime in between so many years. After so many billions of dreams and relatively watching over the dreams of all living creatures to exist, he will eventually have to rest.
Hidden from everything, a nice place. Dream will literally sleep in the clouds.
In my idea, Morpheus HATES this day with all his soul, because he feels it as a mistake of his own existence. He will try to stay awake with all his might, drowsy in the end, it will be unavoidable and he will end up exhausted
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and i thought 'Jealousy, but make it stupid'
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i still really like the idea that twilight never stops being a librarian. like she does all of her princess stuff but also she’s just ponyville’s librarian still. thousands of years pass and it’s like little Sorbet Sunset and her sister Ibuprofen Delight wanna get a copy of the newest Death of a Diamond Dog book so they go and visit their local library but they need new library cards so they go to the front desk and this thousands of years old immortal god-being is sitting there and they’re like “hey sorry we need new library cards” and she’s like “it’s no problem!” and then she lines them up for their pictures and hands them her own card as a reference for what the ideal library card photo should look like because she says that she’s taken them hundreds of times over so she’s got it down to a science and it looks like this
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Some morpheus croquis in ep1
(🚫Nudity included! I warned ya)
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The ineffable husbands as "Couple Dancing" by Leyendecker
Painting this was difficult but really fun and rewarding, I love the result!
(I'm @/noixtky on Instagram!)
EDIT: thank you soooo much for the support to this painting ❤️ I've gotten a few comments about getting this as a print so if you're interested in that please read this ^^
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some gay bantz from eddie izzard & alan carr
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How it started...
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from one chronically anxious person to another: the world is not going to go up in flames. What happens will be more slow, more bureaucratic, more boring. There is no catastrophe to end all catastrophes, no rapture, no sudden end. You can't give into the call of the void, because there is no void. So you just have to do the work to make tomorrow a better place, anyway. Because that's how it gets better.
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