thisiscatface · 8 years
I'm your national anthem.
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thisiscatface · 8 years
If you grab my hips or run your fingertips over my lower stomach we’re having sex.
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thisiscatface · 8 years
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thisiscatface · 8 years
I’m vain. This is something that I know. I like my own face My own body My own personality. And most of the time, I think you should do to. And you might think it’s easy Being this vain. “Of course you think that,” you say, “Look at you!” Well. Thank you for the compliment, But, it’s not that easy. It takes hard work to be this vain It takes a childhood of hating myself. Of being told from younger than five That I’m nothing more than an object for consumption. And that the fact that that hunger is never satisfied, Has nothing to do with their appetite, And everything to do with the fact that I’m not enough. Of being told by one side that spots and blemishes should be hidden, Because “You don’t want to be ugly do you?” But being told by the other side they ‘prefer the natural look’, Because “You don’t want to be a slag do you?” It took years of thinking I was better than other girls. Because you can’t be both smart and pretty And I was definitely smart And you should open books not legs but… … Even all the girls in the books were pretty. And that was always so important. Because if you weren’t pretty you couldn’t get married and If you couldn’t get married you’d die alone and I didn’t want to die alone! So being pretty was important! But I was never pretty enough. All the adverts told me so. It took years of punishing myself. Years of feeling like I didn’t deserve to like myself. Of trying to rip off my skin to find a better me inside, And then feeling nothing but worse because all I did was break myself even more. Of hiding myself away because How could I subject other people to my presence when even I couldn’t stand my own company. It took years, After it clicked one night That I was wrong about everything. I took years, And will still take many more. Of unlearning and relearning. Of looking in the mirror and realising I was stuck with this face, And hating it was only helping those Who made money of my own low self-esteem. It took years of pretending, Out of pure spite. Telling myself I didn’t care what anyone else thought. Pretending I was the best damn thing in room So they could never see that they broke me. Lying to those who lied to me, Until my own lies became truth And I realised, I’m not only pretending I’m confident. I actually kind of am. I’m vain. This is something that I know. I love my own face, My own body, My own personality. I love my scars, My heart, My mind, My self. I’m very, very vain. And I think you should be to.
Vanity (via maenadish)
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thisiscatface · 10 years
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thisiscatface · 10 years
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thisiscatface · 10 years
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thisiscatface · 10 years
Truth is, you can never love someone without giving up a part of yourself. And when they’re there, you don’t realize that a piece of you is missing because you have them to fill the space. But when they’re gone, you finally start to feel it. You finally realize that a piece of you is missing and it hurts far too much to ignore.
M.O.W, February 17th, 2015 (via imwritingpoems)
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thisiscatface · 10 years
Bored and lonely...
Lonely and bored!
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thisiscatface · 10 years
don’t get me wrong I want sex and I want your body on mine and I want to make you moan but more than that I just wanna fall asleep with your arms around me and your hand in mine and not a care in the world
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thisiscatface · 10 years
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thisiscatface · 10 years
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thisiscatface · 10 years
It’s not just about sex. Don’t get me wrong. Sex is fucking great, but when you have a connection with someone, when you feel so strong for someone, just a kiss is enough to make your knees weak. You just can’t beat that.
(via laurenraelle)
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thisiscatface · 10 years
They call me coffee cuz I grind so fine
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thisiscatface · 10 years
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thisiscatface · 10 years
And now, we are strangers. Again.
(via sixwordlovestory)
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thisiscatface · 10 years
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