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                                                 “That guy was a Jackass! ”
Independent - MCU/616 - Guardians of the Galaxy Roleplay - J’Son
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                                                 “That guy was a Jackass! ”
Independent - MCU/616 - Guardians of the Galaxy Roleplay - J’Son
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frustration creases features, panic rising as she continues to squirm. why was he repeating the same things over and over and why did he want to know about her brother and mother? furthermore, why the hell did she take the shortcut when she wasn’t supposed to in the first place? 
“what don’t you understand? my mother’s meredith and my older brother’s peter! but someone took peter when he was eight and i was seven! let me go mister, please. i’m not playing a joke on you! i just wanted to– wanted to talk to my mom.” 
tears are starting to form in her eyes, anger morphing into fear and sadness. she misses her mother, misses her brother and now she’s being held captive by this stranger who refuses to let her go.
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And that’s when he saw it. His grip on her became more gentle. He crouched down so he could be on her level, both hands now gingerly holding onto her shoulders.
“Meredith was your mother and Peter is your brother..”
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“I knew Meredith..Did she talk about your father?”
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*touches the butt*
“Normally, I’d be offended but let’s just say..”
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"I’m in a forgiving mood.”
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     there was a reason her grandfather had told her not to take shortcuts by herself, the golden-haired girl realizes too late. stranger danger was a thing and she perhaps more than anyone should have known that after peter– “let. me. go!” voice rises multiple octaves, girl squirming in hold as she attempts to twist out of jacket except with her bookbag on over it that appeared an impossibility. 
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     this wasn’t how today was supposed to go. wasn’t how anything was supposed to go. but then he mentioned her brother’s name and all movement halts in complete confusion laced with fearful hope and then anger. “peter? peter’s missing! do you know where my brother is?!” it’s a demand that’s accompanied by a hard shove to get him to release her. “are you the person who took my brother?”
J’Son frowned but didn’t let go of his hold the girl. He was trying to get a decent look at the terran child but her squirming around wasn’t helping either of them.
“Brother?” He repeated again.
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“...Are you playing a joke on me, Terran child?” He spat out not in the mood for earthlings pranks.
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Which quality of Peter's does J'Son admire the most?
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“His stubbornness”
J’Son saw it as a challenge and he seldom saw a good challenge..
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All you do is yell at each other you’re not friends, no we’re family. 
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 dir. James Gunn
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     there’s a look of outrage that’s mirrored across her features in response to his own. how dare he be upset about being disturbed at HER mother’s gravesite. it didn’t take a rocket scientist to notice the expression, though, she also bares witness to the confusion of questioned tone. a defiant step forward is taken, hand reaching to touch the etched into stone before she turns back toward him. 
     “meredith quill.” she reads with a half a breath, as if the wind is almost knocked out of her. “this is my mother’s grave and i don’t know you.” and if he was from around there she suspects she would know him. 
     “so, i’ll ask you again. why are you standing over my mom’s grave?” she may be a child but there’s a certain ferocity in her; she’s not scared to stand up to an adult especially when they were being creepy and standing over her mother’s grave.
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He repeated her words trying to figure out exactly what the girl meant by them. He reached out and grabbed her by the jacket, pulling her in closer to get a better look at her.
“What do you mean, your mother?” He tried to calculate times and dates but he could never quite understand Terran timetables. 
“Where’s Peter?”
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     an afternoon breeze carries autumn leaves, dancing colors fluttering through air as the girl treks across land. she’s not supposed to take the shortcut through the cemetary, after all, she’s only thirteen and though they live in a small town in missori her grandfather isn’t willing to take chances after peter went missing. and yet, elena’s found there all the same, school books tucked away in her bag as she heads in the direction of her home. it’s not an act of difiance as much as her wanting to visit her mother, wanting to talk to her and tell her about her day, even if she’s talking to a grave. 
     she’s not expected home yet, in the least, so she figures she can take her time. but then confusion creases pale features, blonde hair hovering around her face. “why are you standing over my mom’s grave?” she only sees his back though she’s fairly certain she’s never seen this man before. in small towns you got used to spotting the differences and noticing the new. and yet there’s something strange about his presence, something framilar in the way one looked into a foggy mirror, when he turns and she looks into his features. 
          he reminds her of peter. god, she missed her brother. and her mother.
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J’Son knew that this could be a possibility. He just had a feeling that when he left Meredith and their young son that it would be one of the last times he’d see her face. He almost turned back around several times because that feeling of finality was so strong... 
The name etched on the cold tombstone might as well have said ‘yes, you should’ve come back for us’.
Not only was Meredith gone but, apparently, the boy was gone as well..
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J’Son rubbed at this face, tugging at his scraggly beard and the moisture that wasn’t in his eyes when he heard the small voice. He looked down, an angry expression across his already distressed features. He did not want to be interrupted--
“..What did you say?”
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--Continued from Here @outlawiism
[Outgoing Message] How about my unconditional approval and a proud pat on the back? *tiniest of hiccups*
[Outgoing Message] Also, good negotiating tactics, keep that up. Never do something for nothing. When are you getting here?
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danversiism replied to your post “;;How did I not know that they did an animated thing with J’son?! And...”
The show is amazing tbh. Lucy and I watch it together
;;is it good?! Oh, man! It’s like Christmas came early for me! <3
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planetstargoon replied to your post: ;;How did I not know that they did an animated...
(( i was actually going to ask if you did animated verse!! just never got the nerve to say anything, lol. but yeah, j'son is actually a pretty significant character in both seasons! (though he doesn’t show up until halfway through the first) ))
;; As soon as I watch all these episodes then YES! YEs, I do animated!J’son :X
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;;How did I not know that they did an animated thing with J’son?! And that Jonathan Frakes was the voice?!
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-throws a bomb in his direction- ( no chill kajaaoaushj, also hi uwú )
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“Now, now.. is that any way to treat the father of your beloved?”
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