thissebstan · 2 years
Anthony knows as well, he just likes to rile you up a little. I mean, I have to say, I do like knowing i have that kind of power over you and I try to only abuse it for mutually beneficial purposes. I am not sure he also had no..nether regions as Ken. Actually, now I cannot believe I did not ask him about that when I had the chance. 
Speaking of weeping for a week…I still cannot believe Blond has finally gotten a release date. 
A yacht..I like the sound of a yacht a lot. Hide from the sun? Absolutely never, will not happen. 
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He always does. I mean, didn’t he write to Chris to ignore me? Pffft. I will not be ignored. Mutually beneficial purposes, that’s what that power was made for, I believe. And you are very gracious not to bring me to my knees every single time you talk to me, sweetheart. See, you should have asked the important questions. I’ve always wondered how Barbie could never have a family of her own. Guess that answers the question. 
Finally. We’ve waited long enough for it. You’re going to be perfect.
Mmmm, I’d love that. Also a private beach and a cabana somewhere, and just you and me and no one around for miles on end... 
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thissebstan · 2 years
With the gloves? Found them laying around and decided they’d be a great snack apparently. You think goats are smart but then they do this kinda stuff and it just.. they’re idiots. So far, all good though so let’s just hope the whole glove fiasko won’t get any worse. I’d rather not have to make an emergency trip to the vet. And the horses just.. they like to nap, but I’d like for them to not randomly do that scattered across the field. I don’t know how I cope sometimes, it’s insane.
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Goats are smart, until they aren’t, apparently. And gloves seem like a stupid idea in the first place. But they’re all right? Aren’t they? I thought horses slept standing up, because they cannot get up once they lie down for too long? Who knew that they could? 
You’re stronger than I am. Ana’s dogs already do my head in at times. And I love them dearly. 
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thissebstan · 2 years
Oh, now I really want you to say that publicly and see his fandom fight you, cause those women are crazy. The other reasons are pretty good ones as well, you’re right. No, not at all, I am just giving you all the reasons to say yes to let me steal you away for a bit. He is a pretty perfect specimen, but he also does look like Ken out of Barbie and I am just not quite sure how fantastic life in plastic actually is…
See, this is where my plan fails, but there must be some private beach we can spend some silly amount of our hard earned money on
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Oh, the fandom knows. I’m the pretty one out of the two of us. Winter Smoulder and all that. They know, we know, Chris definitely knows. Anthony might disagree, but he’d do that on purpose. You don’t need reasons, just look at me with that look on your face, and I’ll melt into a puddle of love goo and agree to whatever you want. That blonde hair is something else, that is for certain. Life in plastic sounds exhausting. Imagine having to pretend to have no nether regions. 
I’d probably weep for a week. 
Somewhere in the Caribbean maybe? Antigua? St. Barth’s? A yacht? Or would you rather like coconut palm trees to hide from the sun?
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thissebstan · 2 years
That is exactly what I am saying, because I think I’ve all together seen too much of Chris’ face these past few days and not enough of yours. I might also be more familiar with Ryans abs these days than with yours and all of that has to change..so you, me, beach and no clothes it is. 
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My face, of course, is much nicer than Chris’s, so I get why you would want to see me again. That, and the fact, that he already has a family, and you’re actually my girlfriend. But those are minor factors. Are you actively trying to make me feel bad? First Chris, now... Ryan Gosling is just about the perfect specimen. My abs cannot compare to that. 
No clothes? I’m sold. Where are we heading to that has secret textile-free beaches?
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thissebstan · 2 years
My goats tried to kill themselves by eating a pair of latex gloves I had in the barn, so naturally I have to keep an eye on  them now to see if they’re all good or need to be taken to the vet immediately. So I go out last night to check on them, mind ya, it’s like 3 in the fucking morning and one of the horses is laying around out on the fiel. Turns out he was just napping there. These animals are gonna give me a heart attack..
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Wait, what? What were they even doing with them? How did they get to them in the first place? I’d be so scared, seeing a horse just lying about, or the goats nibbling on latex. How do you cope with all of that?
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thissebstan · 2 years
What do we say we just ignore work and any and all responsibilities we have for a week and finally just enjoy the fact that its summer, that almost all the boxes from your move are unpacked and go on a little mini vacation. I want to steal you away to a little secluded beach somewhere and possibly never return to reality. @thissebstan​
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So you’re suggesting that now, that we’re fully moved in, after months and months of hard labour, we walk away from our place? I’m in. You, beach, as little clothing as possible? It’s a dream waiting to happen. 
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thissebstan · 2 years
I am a very lucky girl because while you claim you dont have words, you have such a way with them no matter how I look at you. Cute monster for sure. Come on, I am not even sure I am lucky its doing well, I was the luckiest during the time when there was concern for it never being released. Unlike Marilyn, I cannot believe we might actually get that to see the light of day soon. I dont think your moment to shine is over, nobody will stop talking about those performances any time soon. 
They are fun, you just need to come and visit us! 
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Aw, that’s sweet of you to say, amor. Cute monster. Fine, I’ll take it. I’ll apply to be in Hotel Transilvania IV, then - I’m still not sure why I haven’t been invited to voice a character yet. Ana, we all take up projects which don’t turn out to be what they were, when you shot them. A lot of things end up on the cutting room floor, and you’re left with a whole other film sometimes. And therefore also with kind of a meh feeling about it all. Personally, I cannot wait for Marilyn. You did look quite lovely with that blonde wig. For the moment, it is. And I’m fine with it. A new moment will come eventually. 
Would I be invited? Or should I - if you get to hang out with Chris - look for a project to work on with Soph? It’d only be fair...
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thissebstan · 2 years
Nothing is wrong with cute, but I prefer you to use other words when you need to describe me. Massive ego, you’ve become a monster. How does it feel to your ego that my movie has overtaken yours - and everybody else’s - in terms of streams after release on hulu? 
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Aw, sweetheart, you are so many more things than “just cute” - but then you look at me in that adorable way of yours, and with that heart-melting smile, and my brain can’t form words anymore. Am I, at least, a cute monster? See, that’s where you won’t ever hear a complaint from me. I’m here to support you, and cheer you on, and perhaps challenge you to take those jobs you want to do most of all. I’m happy your film is doing well - I already had my moment to shine, now it’s yours. 
How is it that I’m not invited to your lunches, though? Those look like fun.
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thissebstan · 2 years
I’d say I am sorry but I am not because I know you actually love seeing me wear my clothes. Or at least I think you do, even if you are saying I look “cute” in them. Are you sure you want me to think of you or low key want Chris to think of you? 
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I do, but that doesn’t take away from the fact that this clothes stealing is pretty one-sided. Wait, what’s wrong with “cute”? Because you are, most of the time. Both, actually. I want you both distracted by thoughts of me. See what ego I have developed?
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thissebstan · 2 years
Mi casa es nuestra casa || Sebastian & Ana
“I havent seen many burglars around these parts lately, so I couldnt tell you!” Ana answered still laughing, a laughter that only died softly at his spanish greeting and the way he nudged her nose with his. “Maybe you should stay and see how you’ll be greeted daily!” Ana offered in return to his statement, surely not letting him go any time soon again - even though work would perhaps make that a little hard on both of their sides, however, work was the only reason she would accept for now. His question wasn’t actually dignified with an answer, not when his body was so closed to her and her arms could so easily slide around his back to pull herself even closer to him, even though he seemed to have another plan, one she certainly would not protest. The brunette could not and would not deny the fact that she enjoyed her view from her position on the kitchen counter more than just a little, her eyes staying locked with his for a moment before she leant in closer once again, lips meeting his before she whispered against them “if thats how I am greeted every time you return, maybe you should actually leave more often!” She whispered against his lips teasingly, echoing his words from just a few minutes ago. 
Sebastian stared at her for a moment, before he shook his head. “I surely hope not. They might try and steal you, and then who would make sure I am not too earnest all the time?” Her offer was oh so tempting and he only managed a nod in reply. If it were up to him, he wouldn’t be going anywhere for a while, not if he could help it. And if work got in the way, well, then they would make do, and make the best out of it. But right now, he was home, with her - in their home, no less - and there was nowhere he would rather want to be. Ana sitting on the counter gave him all the opportunity to let his hands roam, rediscover those curves that haunted his dreams in the best ways possible. He didn’t want to laugh, because he was enjoying their kiss too much to want to stop, but somehow laughter won, and he pressed his forehead against hers until the puffs of amusement subsided. “Make up your mind, sweetheart,” he grumbled at her good-naturedly, but then went back to pressing little butterfly kisses to her lips, and her jaw, and her cheeks, only veering back to her mouth, when he really couldn’t resist anymore. “It says absence makes the heart grow fonder, but -” Drawing back just a little, he locked his gaze with hers, and linked his hands at the small of her back, effectively locking her in. “I’d miss you too much. And your impromptu dance sessions. And your laughter. And your food. And your.... why hello, doggos.” Of course, they had realised that they weren’t the centre of attention anymore and come to investigate. Sebastian didn’t mind, for the most part, but he did kinda want to continue what they were doing, too.
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thissebstan · 2 years
I might never know but I will just take your clothing and see that as a love letter and it will be my solution for it all. See, you think I look cute in your clothes, I feel very good in them, we found the perfect sweet spot here! 
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How is that fair? I cannot do the same. You’re so tiny, nothing you have will fit me. I might have to go naked. You do look cute in them, though, I’ll give you that. Especially, when you dance around the house. Plus, since you are working with Chris right now, at least that way I know you think of me...
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thissebstan · 3 years
Mi casa es nuestra casa || Sebastian & Ana
Their timing for moving in together really was not exactly well thought through. If they had thought about it they would have realised that she was filming (and had a movie come out which she was actively trying to avoid looking at any press and footage on the news media), plus waiting on some news on a possible release date for yet another movie - while Sebastian was in the middle of promotion and travelling all over the globe for it. All together absolutely not the kind of moment that would allow them to make her home feel like theirs, at least not in the most typical sense. While she hardly minded the boxes, or the fact that most things had not changed, the fact that Sebastian now had a key, a key she could hear was being used. “If you’re an intruder with a key please just turn around and leave again. If you are the person who is supposed to actually be living here but have not been here in ages, please do come to the kitchen and show your face!” Ana called out teasingly, a soft laugh leaving her lips as she leant in the doorframe of the kitchen waiting to finally see Sebastian; inside their own four walls. 
“Does that ever work with the burglars?” he asked, as he popped his head in through the door, and almost knocked heads with her, because she was far closer than he had assumed. For a moment, he just took her in, the way she was standing there, the smile on her face, the laughter on her lips, the light in her eyes. Ana was breathtaking. “Hola amor.” Finally having found his voice again, he smiled back at her, and nudged her nose gently with his. “If that’s how I get greeted, I should leave more often,” he teased her with a laugh mimicking her own, but he didn’t mean any of it. if it were up to him, he would stay exactly where he was at the moment and not leave again any time soon. Fuck work. Fuck everything. This was where he wanted to be. “So, do I pass your expectations, or should I find some gentleman burglars with keys to our place to come and go?” Slowly, mostly to savour the moment and the feel of her, he snaked his arms around her waist and pulled her forward towards him, and off the door frame, but then thought better of it and began walking her backwards into the kitchen. The counter was barely in view, when he picked her up and set her down on it, which made her somewhat taller than him for once. Looking up at her, he smiled and pecked her lips. “I’m happy to be home,” he told her between kisses. And he fully meant it. 
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thissebstan · 3 years
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MONDAY (2021)
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thissebstan · 3 years
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SEBASTIAN STAN L'Officiel USA — Greg Swales (2022)
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thissebstan · 3 years
Well, for an official complaint you’ll have to write a letter, which I will then loose, never read and therefore your official complaint will never be accepted. If you are asking me this because you want to tell me how cute I look in your clothes, please continue. 
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You’ll just lose my hand-written letter of complaint - or love letter, you might never know, this would become your Schrödinger’s letter - instead of reading it. I... why would you do that? You do look cute, and quite tiny, in my clothes. That hoodie could pass for a dress. Perhaps you should alert your stylist that you have a new style all together?
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thissebstan · 3 years
Mi casa es nuestra casa || Sebastian & Ana
They might have had plans to move in together. They might have gone ahead and done so. They had definitely planned it much differently, and not with filming - on her side - and lots of promo work - on his side - getting in the way since the new year had begun. Where on earth had those last weeks gone? Seb thought to himself, as he dropped his bag onto the floor next to the front door and toed off his boots. He was finally home, well, in what would be their home, if he had actually moved in properly. Instead, there were still boxes stowed away somewhere, which were waiting for him to get to them. He wouldn’t do so tonight. Nope. Not even thinking about it. Even an overachiever like him knew that on the night of his return from England, he should make his absence up to the one person who really deserved better than being left standing in the rain, so to speak. The only question now was to finally find her in her - their - house.
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thissebstan · 3 years
@anaxarmas​ - why is it that every time I wonder where one of my shirts, or sweaters or hoodies have disappeared to, I just need to find you, and I’ll find whatever I’m currently looking for? Don’t you have your own closet full of clothes?
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