tini-writes · 4 years
My discord is in there- add me if you want I’m lonely :’)
Would anyone want to Klance rp? I have an rp book on my wattpad here-
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tini-writes · 4 years
Would anyone want to Klance rp? I have an rp book on my wattpad here-
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tini-writes · 4 years
Hand over a discord buddy—
i am looking for voltron friends pls
requirements - likes voltron
that is all
my positive attributes - I can make little stars out of paper and I like cats
please I have literally no friends
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tini-writes · 4 years
I was thinking and literally remembered dancing with my first girlfriend in a space section of a museum. No wonder I can’t feel happy in relationships anymore. So like do i write this as a klance, adashi, shatt or romellura fic?
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tini-writes · 4 years
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I’m pretty sure Lance was having a bi panic attack at this moment
Lance: “he’s SO CUTE I CANT- I WANT TO HUG HIM AND HOLD HIM IN MY ARMS FOREVER AND NEVER LET GO. i want to hold him tightly while his soft hair brushes against my chin as he cuddles like a little fur ball under my arms. i want to see him sleep peacefully laying against my chest. i want to hear him breathe slowly while thinking about what our future could be. i want to shower his adorable face with my kisses. i want to annoy him and make breakfast for him everyday. i want to wake up next to his face every single day. i want to hold him while i sleep and hug him when he’s sad”
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tini-writes · 4 years
The fact that Lance said "Razzle Dazzle 'em." Makes me think he's watched Chicago 24 times
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tini-writes · 4 years
Reading this, I imagined Keith just smiling and signing at Lance bash fully the sign for ‘I love you’.
Never Heard Myself - A Deaf!Lance AU (part 2)
So part 1 can be found on my blog just search it up. You don’t have to necessarily read it to understand this but like,,, it may be better ?? Idk
Lance walked aimlessly down the hallway, unsure of where to go or what to do. It was a fairly slow day of fighting the evil Emperor Zarkon and everyone was off doing their own things. And once again, Lance felt like he didn’t have a thing. He felt like he had nothing to do or to contribute to the team. He thought that maybe he should figure out his own talent. Something that would prove he was needed. Like the way Pidge was a Tech Wiz or Hunk was an amazing cook and overall amazing friend. He just needed something that made him stand out- even just slightly.
Feeling desperate and alone Lance slumped against the wall. He didn’t know if anyone was around but he assumed he was no where near anyone. They were off being helpful while Lance was sitting here holding the team back like always.
Maybe he would have a thing if he wouldn’t have been deaf. He had spent so much of his time trying to overcome- or learn to live with- being deaf. He had learned sign language and struggled to read lips and talk on his own. All that time spent learning how to function like everyone else took away his time to discover talents and create hobbies. If he just wouldn’t have been born deaf-
No. Lance cut his thoughts off. He had been over this in his head too many times to remember. He had agreed with himself and with his mom that he wouldn’t think like that. Being deaf was not a disadvantage. It helped him become who he was today. He learned skills most other people don’t know. He had to stop selling himself short. If he wanted a hobby- wanted his own talent- then he would make one. He would figure one out and work on it. Now he only had to decide what to try.
Maybe he could try close hand combat. But Keith already had that on lockdown. He thought about practicing on being a better pilot but Keith and Shiro where both far better than him. Maybe he could build something or- or… or what? He wasn’t sure. There was nothing useful left for him to do. Sure, he could shoot from far away and had good aim but that didn’t come in handy far as often as all the other talents did. He just wished he had a thing.
Lance lowered his head into his hands. He felt his eyes sting as tears started to prick the edges of his tear ducts. No, he couldn’t cry, no, he promised he would stop feeling sorry for himself. He couldn’t help it. The tears started to slowly fall down his face and onto the floor. He stayed there for a couple minutes trying to calm himself down when he felt some vibrations through the floor.
He wiped his face quickly and looked up to see Keith walking towards him. Keith smiled and waved. His mouth moved but he was too far for Lance to understand what he was saying. He assumed it was somewhere along the line of “Hey, Lance”.
Lance stood up and waved down at Keith. Keith walked up to him. “What are you doing sitting here alone?” Keith asked Lance with a conscerned look.
Lance shrugged. “I dunno, just thinking and stuff. What are you up to?”
“Just finished helping Shiro and Allura out with planning a mission. I was thinking about going to train a bit,” Keith said. Lance nodded but his eyebrows folded together, his mind elsewhere. Ever since he told Keith about him being deaf Keith tended to over pronounce things with his mouth. His lips formed his ‘O’s stronger than necessary and he seemed to linger on every syllable. It frustrated Lance. Keith was clearly changing his speech to make sure Lance could understand him better but it only angered him. He didn’t need him to change, if anything, it only made it worse.
Keith seemed to notice Lance’s upset expression. “What?” He asked.
“You,” Lance answered simply. “You changed the way you pronounce things when you talk to me. You over exaggerate your words. You know you don’t have to do that, right?”
Keith’s eyes widened slightly as he lowered his head ashamed. “Sorry, it’s kind of a subconscious thing. I don’t really mean to…”
Lance shook his head. “It’s fine, you’ll get used to it,” he told Keith but deep down he knew this was exactly why he didn’t want to tell anyone he was deaf.
Keith’s head shot up suddenly, a tiny yet hopeful smile on his face. Lance shot him a questionable glance before he spoke. “You know… I’ve been thinking and… well, I think it’d be pretty cool if you taught me sign language. That way I could learn to communicate with you better and in different ways.”
Lance shifted on his feet as he thought through the idea. Would it be a good idea? Should he bother?
“Please?” Keith asked with a slightly bigger smile. It was rare to see Keith smile so he clearly really wanted to do this for whatever reason.
Lance grimaced. “Fine,” he muttered as he gave in. Keith beamed at his response. “Let’s go to my room, I’ll teach you there.”
They walked together over to Lance’s room. The door opened and they both took a seat on the bead facing each other. Lance nodded. “Okay, lets start with the basics.” The first thing Lance did was tell him the rules of sign language: always sign with your dominant hand at about neck level unless it needs to be moved, don’t bounce your hand, make sure your hand is facing forward unless the sign requires it to face a different way, and always use facial expressions to show what type of emotion you want to emit while signing.
Once Keith understood that, Lance went on to show him the alphabet. They went one letter at a time, Lance demonstrating and Keith attempting to copy his sign. Lance instructed him on how to fix his hand so it was in the right place. After about 20 minutes Keith knew the whole alphabet and could slowly sign his own name.
“You did it!” Lance said as he signed his words. Keith beamed proudly at his own accomplishment at understanding even a small part of another language, understanding a part of Lance’s life. Keith went on to practice signing other words, determined and eager to get better at it and learn new things.
Lance smiled as he watched the other boy attempt to get faster and spell out other words. Maybe Keith knowing wouldn’t be so bad after all.
idk but hoped y’all enjoyed. I know basic sign language so yeah, the rules are actually real rules of sign language. Could this be Klance? Yeah maybe. Will I develop more chapter and make it into Klance? Maybe. If you guys want it then sure, let me know and I just might do it.
Hoped you guys enjoyed and I will probably be back later for some more parts to this Deaf!Lance au
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tini-writes · 4 years
My heart-
Space Face Time
Fic Type: One-shot     Length: 2027 words     Ship: Klance
Prompt: Anonymous Asked: every night in Lance’s room he lays on his bed waiting for his weird space phone thing to light up and get a face call from Keith & they have been face timing eachother every night to just talk. Lance tells everyone he does it so the team can get updates about the next move the Blade Of Marmora is making but he lyin  
Lance lay there on his side in his room on the castle ship. The vents above his head hummed as they blew in cool recycled air. His wet towel hung next to his bed, drying from his shower earlier, and his now-almost-dried-hair was combed through and slightly sticking to his pillowcase. The only light in the room was orange and came from the phone Lance held in his hand.
He scrolled through the pictures he had taken on their most recent mission (since there was no space-twitter to mindlessly scroll through) and impatiently waited for the call to come in.
Every night for the past few weeks, Lance would take Pidge’s phone and use it to face chat with a certain mullet-haired mongrel. 
The first time was a week after Keith left for the Blade. Lance had called because he couldn’t find one of Hunk’s electrical tools and he was sure that he saw Keith using it. Kolivan answered and grumpily told Lance to bug off- that the phone line was for emergency contact only. But then good ol’ Keith came into frame and (not so nicely) swiped the phone from Kolivan and ran. In the end, Hunk’s wire clips were found (turns out Pidge had them the whole time in her room) and Lance found himself not wanting to hang up.
Apparently, Keith didn’t want to either.
Thus starting a nightly covert communication between Keith and Lance. Keith would get annoyed when Lance would act like they were actually covert operatives, though.
“Kilo Golf Kilo, what’s your position?” Lance would whisper into the orange-tinted video feed as he crouched hidden in a corner.
“Lance,” Keith deadpanned, “Do we really have to-“
“Ugh, FINE!” Keith groaned, and then muttered out, “Lima Mike Charlie, my position is SCREW YOU!”
“hEY!” Lance said a bit too loudly, “I’ll have you know, tons of ladies are lining up to do just that!”
“Oh, don’t make me gag…” to which Keith actually gagged.
This lasted all of a week until Pidge found out. And lemme tell you she was NOT happy. She climbed Lance like a tree trying to grab her phone, all the while protesting because “That’s my phone, Lance. Give it back! You’re hogging the data. LANCE! I said GIMME! I want it- ALLURA! LANCE WON’T GIVE ME MY PHONE!”
Lance basically got space-grounded right on the spot.
So Lance made up an excuse. He wasn’t just using the phone all willy-nilly like (He really was). He was getting vital info from Keith (He wasn’t really). He was nobly trying to aid the cause by getting more Blade statistics (At this point he was lying out his ass). Then, smugly, he crossed his arms and stuck his head up dramatically, as if he didn’t just get caught using a secure Voltron-to-Blade channel just to gossip and joke.
“Oh, really? Then what info have you gotten?” Pidge asked, just as smug. Lance blanched. He hadn’t planned this far.
“Uhhhh, well… I can’t tell you!” He decided to say, “Uh, I didn’t get all of the info. You interrupted me you little gremlin!!”
Allura, ever the mediator between her paladin’s arguments, decided that extra ‘non-official’ info from the Blade, provided by one former paladin to a current one, would be a great idea. So she allowed Lance two hours max with the phone per night. 
Pidge, of course, protested again, which made Lance start up, which made Hunk nervously try to intervene, which made Lotor pinch the bridge of his nose, which got on Shiro’s nerves, which made Coran snatch up the phone and almost humorously yell, “IF I HEAR ANOTHER QUIZNAKING ARGUMENT, THIS THING GOES OUT THE AIRLOCK!” which made everyone shut the hell up.
In the end, Lance got one hour per night with the phone and was required to relay any info he acquired. Which, y’know, kinda put a damper on his and Keith’s conversations, but they made it work. Mainly just by front-loading the conversation with BoM updates and spending the rest of the hour goofing off as usual.
“You know,” Keith said one night, voice kind of static-y from the castleship’s close proximity to a nearby neutron star, “if you had just told them the truth, they may have still let you use the phone.”
“Yeah, okay,” Lance replied sarcastically, “And I’m the Queen of Sheba.”
“No, I’m serious!” Keith insisted, “You could have framed it as a morale-booster or something. That’s what I told Kolivan over here.”
Lance stayed silent for a moment and Keith, realizing what he said, turned red, his eyes widening.
Keith got angry, frowning, “Well then why do we keep calling and talking to each other, you mo-ron?!”
Lance paused. Then snickered.
Keith rose an eyebrow.
Lance busted out laughing, tears forming in the corners of his eyes.
“What the quizna- Dude! Why are you laughing?” Keith asked.
Lance just laughed louder, cackling. Keith started laughing too, Lance’s behavior becoming contagious.
“Just, tell me what’s funny,” Keith tried to stifle his laughs, “Y’all really got that weird since I left?”
“BAHAHAHAHA,” Lance bellowed, no doubt audible from the bridge of the ship.
It took a few minutes for Lance to gain some composure enough to form words. By the time he did, Keith had stopped laughing and was wiping tears from his eyes that formed from him trying not to laugh.
Out of breath, Lance wheezed, “You- You said, ‘mo-ron’. Like-like ‘moe’ plus ‘ron’. ‘Moe-Ron’. A-and then you said ‘Y’ALL’!” Lance started laughing again.
Keith was confused, “What’s wrong with that? That’s how you say it!”
“What a-are you?” Lance cackled, “Are you TEXAN?!”
Keith, even more confused, said, “Yeah. So?”
Lance’s eyes grew wide as he held back a new string of giggles, “Nothing, nothing,” He took a deep breath to steady himself and to stop the laughing, “Ahhh,” He sighed, “Texans are hilarious.”
Which launched them into another laugh-filled conversation all together.
That’s basically how all of their calls went. Light-hearted jabs and banters, half-hearted arguments and full-hearted complaining about training and missions.
So now, here Lance lay, waiting for the usual call from Keith. They alternated nights on who would call who. Some nights, there wouldn’t be a call, either because of a Voltron battle or because of a Blade of Marmora mission. Yeah, those nights there wouldn’t be a call and, Lance found, those were the nights he dreaded the most.
Lance was too attached to the term to stop calling Keith his ‘rival’, and oh-boy-oh-boy did he love to make fun of him. (Especially since he found out his middle name was Gerald of all things.) But Lance found that his face calls with Keith were the part of his day he looked forward to the most. He wouldn’t admit it to anyone, but he missed the greasy-haired hot-head. And even if he did admit it to someone, he doubted anyone would listen.
Everything was so different now- the whole dynamic of the team had changed! Coran was always busy behind the scenes, Allura and Shiro had a co-leadership thing going on, Shiro would sometimes snap and become a plain old jerk, Lotor wasn’t even an option, and even Hunk and Pidge had split off into their own nerd-group. So where did that leave Lance? Oh yeah, that’s right. The seventh wheel. Even with Keith gone.
Especially with Keith gone.
At least with Keith as black paladin, Lance was able to be taken seriously and not get yelled at by Shiro- like he had been today… again. It seemed that no one would let him get a word in edge-wise and ignored him if he did manage to speak his mind.
The hour Lance was allowed with the phone was almost up- only 15 minutes left- and there was still no call from Keith. Lance would be worried if this were unexpected, but the night before, Keith had told Lance that the solar activity surrounding the BoM base might spike and interrupt communications. So Lance calmly waited.
The ding ding ding of a face call request finally popped up. He clicked accept immediately.
Keith’s face popped up on screen- a bit too close to the camera. Lance had a clear line of sight up Keith’s nose which was fogging up the camera with his breath.
“Is this thing finally on?” Keith muttered.
“Kilo Golf Kilo, am I coming in clear?” Lance asked, voice quiet from lack of use over the past almost-hour and from Lance’s general lack of enthusiasm for the day he had been having.
“Lance! Finally,” Keith sounded relieved, “God, this solar storm has been driving our machines haywire. I thought I might not get through, tonight.”
“Well, that’s no good,” Lance said, “Everyone needs their daily dose of Lancey Lance,” His voice somewhat lacked his usual bravado, “I mean, I heard it’s great for a morale-booster,” He teased.
Keith, who seemed to suspect something, half-heartedly laughed, “Still not on about that, are you?”
“You’re never gonna be able to live it down,” Lance said softly and softly smiled instead of laughing.
Keith frowned a bit, just enough for a slight crease to form between his eyes, “Hey, you doing okay?”
Lance slightly panicked at first but didn’t want to show it. So, he put on a fake face and stumbled in a voice that was about three octaves too squeaky, “W-what I- pfshhh, noooo. I-I’m fineeee. Everything is A-Okay.”
Keith just gave him one of those ‘stop-bullshitting-me’ looks, “Stop lying. What’s going on over there?”
Lance deflected, “Isn’t it me that’s supposed to be asking the status report questions in this conversation?”
“Shut up and answer the question,” Keith ordered. Not stern but friendly. Not as a superior officer, like how Shiro would say it. Not mocking, like Pidge. Not too sweet and round-about, like Hunk. Not almost disinterested, like Allura. Not completely disinterested like Lotor. And not detached, like Coran. This was a banter that only Keith and Lance could communicate with.
“It’s just been a rough day,” Lance admitted after a long pause, giving the truth but not the whole truth- anything but the true truth.
Keith nodded and awkwardly ran his hand through his hair, “Okay. Uhhh, wanna… wanna talk about it?”
Lance just shook his head, looking away from the phone, “No. No it’s… fine I guess? I’m just overreacting, as usual.”
Lance looked back at the screen where tangerine-colored Keith looked through the screen.
“Don’t get me wrong, you do overreact a lot but you never mope about it,” Keith said bluntly.
“I’m not moping,” Lance mumbled.
“Don’t make me Queen-of-Sheba you,” Keith scolded and Lance chuckled.
Keith sighed, rubbing the back of his neck and looking at the camera awkwardly again, “Look. You know I’m horrible at this stuff, right? I don’t know how to- What I’m trying to say is that, whatever you’re upset about, you’re more upset than usual? And it doesn’t seem right,” Keith decided, “So, you can vent to me if you need to, alright? I may not know what to say, but I can at least listen.”
Lance nodded, the corners of his mouth drawing up into a smile.
“Okay, mullet-head,” Lance said, “Strap in. You’re about to get on a Lance-themed rollercoaster.”
Keith chuckled and nodded for Lance to begin.
They talked for the next two hours. No one came to get the phone when the time was up- or so Lance thought. Because three hours later, Pidge walked into his room, ready to rat him out for using up the phone’s battery, but stopped short.
There was Lance, sound-asleep on his stomach, the phone in front of his face still on face call. And on the screen was Keith, also asleep. They had fallen asleep talking to each other.
Pidge would have snickered, but she was too annoyed that the only camera that she could have used to capture this moment for future blackmail purposes was on the phone, where Keith’s image let out a comic-sized snore.
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tini-writes · 4 years
Someone make a third one where their fingers are tangled that says ‘I do’ I BEG-
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12K notes · View notes
tini-writes · 4 years
The amount of Lance Mcclain vibes I got from this is immaculate
who wants to go to the aquarium with me i want to stand in cold rooms for two hours straight and look at jellyfish and maybe pet a small stingray
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tini-writes · 4 years
I love how you draw allura!! Eveything really, and you make her specially pretty!! Wow!!
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tini-writes · 4 years
shiro: "you took my arm, what more do you want?"
me: your fiance.
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tini-writes · 4 years
This makes me hurt- everybody around him litterally compared him to Keith the entire show—
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When you look in the mirror, who do you see?
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tini-writes · 4 years
I’m on my feels-
“Would they like what they saw? Or would they hate it too?”
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tini-writes · 4 years
But imagine the moment the war is declared over, everyone in the room starts cheering, Allura and Romelle hug, and Lance just jumps into Keith’s arms- the black Paladin holding him by his thighs and they just... kiss. And suddenly it feels like they’re the only ones in the room.
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Because the war is over
Me?? Drawing a kiss?? Where they’re actually touching instead of hovering an inch apart?? Outstanding.
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tini-writes · 4 years
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Idk what everyone is still looking for, Shiro’s vlog was great :/// (we’re gonna pretend I can draw hands)
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tini-writes · 4 years
Happy space Valentine's Day
Almost the end of Valentine's day and I want to pay my respects to the ship and fandom that got me into writing! Happy Valentine's Day to the voltron fandom and klance!
Today was the day! Today's the day that Keith finally surprises his boyfriend; lance.
For the past two years of their relationship, lance has, without fail surprise Keith for every holiday or anniversary.
How lance is able to keep the surprises a secret, from Keith of all people is beyond him.
And It's not that Keith hates the surprises, but he wishs that he could do the same for lance. Keith loves him and he wants to be able to give him a good surprise.
The problem? Keith can't lie to save his life. Much less long enough for a valentine surprise. That's why he has a plan for the perfect surprise.
Phase 1: get everyone out of the ship.
That itself wasn't to hard, allura and coran wanted to go to the space mall. Hunk went to visit shay, pidge left with hunk(after being bribed) and shiro agreed to leave in exchange for "a favor later".
It was kinda worrying, but Keith will have to think about that later.
Phase 2: get the surprise ready before lance woke up.
That wasn't hard, Lance's sleeps like the dead and wouldn't be awake for another half hour. Which is plenty of time for Keith to finish the surprise.
A simple plan but simplicity is the way for this plan is gonna work.
Everything is gonna well, their breakfast is done and all that's left is to get the present.... From their bedroom.
"Crap! I should've know everything was going to well"
Keith runs into the bedroom to fortunately find a still asleep lance. And the present sitting on the nightstand.
Keith let's out a sigh of relief and moves to grab the present. But when he gets near the bed, an arm grabs him around his waist and pulls him onto the bed.
Keith let's out a muffled "Lance!"
"Yahoo! Gotta mullet" Lance cheers in victory. "What are you doing up anyway? When I woke up you weren't here. And on Valentine's day one less"
Keith playfully rolls his eyes. "Don't be dramatic"
"Whatcha got there babe?" Lance motions to the present in his boyfriends hand.
'Crap what do I do?'
Suddenly, Keith got an idea.
"Catch me and find out," Keith pushes lance off of him and makes a run for it.
"Hay that's cheating!" Lance gets up and begins to run after Keith.
The two run through the halls of the castle, with Keith running to the living room and lance hot on his heels.
Keith is almost to the door when he feels lance jump on top of him and tackles him through the door.
The two laugh as they hit the ground of living room. After lance catchs his breath, he rolls off of Keith and sites up. "Ok, ok, why did you run?"
Lance looks over at the living room and sees a nice breakfast set up on the table.
"Aww, did you do all of this?"
"Yup, and one more thing," Keith hands lance the box he has been holding.
Lance smiles as he takes the box from him, and opens it with doormat excitement.
Inside was a chained necklace with a small bottle attached at the end.
"Woow, this is awesome!," Lance looks closer at the necklace and realizes that there's some type of liquid inside the bottle. "What's the stuff inside?"
"Earth ocean water, I found it in a box of antiques at the space mall"
When he hears this, Lance goes completely quiet and just stares at Keith.
'Does he not like it?'
"Lance?.. Do you not like it?-" Lance pulls him in a tight embrace.
"I love it"
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