thmadwolf · 3 months
Mona Lisa: Raphael made me feel things.
Sal Commander: What things?
Mona Lisa: Feelings.
Sal Commander: Raphael made you feel feelings?
Mona Lisa: Yeah.
Sal Commander: What a bitch.
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thmadwolf · 3 months
"I thought you loved him, but you act like you don't care "
" That was a low blow, Leo. Like I don't care? You want me to be screaming and crying in every corner? Someone has to be strong for the rest of us, I can't afford mourning when I have to take care of Nemo or you."
"No! Do you know how hard is to keep lying to a kid that keeps asking where his father is? Do you?! I don't know how to tell him that he's not coming back! I hate him for doing this! I need Donnie here with me, with us! I can't do this! So stop saying that I didn't love him!"
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thmadwolf · 4 months
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thmadwolf · 4 months
favorite 2012 character and why, go! :D
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I'm sorry but this is just my favorite gif of her THE FACE!! XD
She is my everything. I love her so so so much. I love her design, the pretty blues and teals and silvers in her skin and armor. Her gorgeous golden eyes. The fact she has a freaking lightsaber for a weapon!! Her voice, God bless Zelda Williams for an amazing performance! She's so freaking strong too! Not only cane she pick Raph up with ease, but when fighting the ice dragons she was able to effortlessly stop one of them from chomping at her using her BARE HANDS!!
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I also love her personality, how she is strong-willed, she's the freaking lieutenant for the Salamandrian air force (and she's only like April's age??), responsible, and loyal to her commander and loved ones. Her greatest strength is that she is always willing to give up her life for those she cares about, like when she nearly die when helping the Turtles escape Dregg's planet. But she can also be stubborn and quickly jump to conclusions, a fight first asks questions never kinda gal. It's her flaw but is what inevitably led her to the fight that made Raph fall in love with her. Speaking of...
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Her relationship with Raph is SO DAMN CUTE!! GOD I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!! I've literally written an entire wedding fanfic about them! I love how she's the pants in the relationship and Raph has no shame in that. Never once does he show or express that his masculinity is being threatened because his gf is taller, stronger and a more skilled fighter than him. No. HE LOVES THAT ABOUT HER. That fact that she's just as in love with him as he is with her is also so adorable. Cue the pushup scene. She was willing to give it all up just so she can be with Raph and I will NEVER forgive the 2012 writers for not showing Mona on Earth! RaMona are truly the only TMNT 2012 couple we get to see as a couple. No "will they won't they's" or Alabama bs, they just get to be a cute happy healthy couple, and even when they face road bumps they still come out on top, stronger than ever before.
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thmadwolf · 4 months
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that is all. thank you
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thmadwolf · 4 months
beefy donnie supremacy
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more peepaw Donnie wearing his overalls like that
Peepaw Donnie be beefy
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thmadwolf · 4 months
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thmadwolf · 4 months
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thmadwolf · 4 months
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thmadwolf · 4 months
Things that legitimately happened in TMNT 2012 that I still can’t believe actually happened:
Bigfoot exists and was a simp for Donnie
The sub joke
Donnie, Raph, April and Casey all got turned into vampires at some point
Irma losing her head (more than once)
Alopex chopping Tiger Claw’s freaking arm clean off
Mikey got betrayed by a Chuck Norris knockoff
April’s dad got mutated TWICE
Calling a human “normal” or “normie” is like a slur mutants use apparently??
April had her Dark Phoenix arc
Splinter has a literal giant ass hamster wheel that he uses on his spare time!
Raph is a masochist
Almost every turtle “died” then came back to life
Donnie got eaten by a car
Gilbert mother fucking Gottfried voiced one of the villains
Bigfoot and the Finger got MARRIED and had a KID!!
Raph Frenched kissed a mutant bug thinking it was his girlfriend
Raph got a girlfriend
Karai got half her face blown off but then just regenerated new flesh for her face like it was nothing and acted like it was a totally normal thing to do
Mikey befriended Napoleon Dynamite
Splinter got drunk and still kicked his sons’ asses in a sparring match
Leo cut Shredder’s head off in the S4 finale
The Turtles fought Satan and he was voice by MARK HAMILL
Leo crushed on his sister
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thmadwolf · 4 months
Guys, what do you think if I open commission??? Like, would anyone want to take them?👀👀
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thmadwolf · 4 months
Karai: *walks into the room*
The Turtles, April & Casey: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Karai: Oh, so this is what you were all planning in secret? I thought you were planning to kill me.
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thmadwolf · 4 months
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from chapter 24 of firefight by @remedyturtles
i am pointing at you. very. loudly.
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thmadwolf · 4 months
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thmadwolf · 4 months
wtf guys? 😭😭
he looks so baad!!! they have to look bad but wth donnie? NOT THAT BAD
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thmadwolf · 4 months
ONE-SHOT; scythe.
TW; vulgar language, violence, blood (?
She was angry, oh man, she was furious. Usagi could tell by watching how she paced around the gym like a damn caged lion.
''Gin... I'm sure you heard wrong. He's your friend, right? I don't think he said anything like that, maybe you misunderstood.''
Here's the thing, Ginny had been walking around the Resistance base, she had received the excellent news from Leo that he wanted to have her as his second in command after she had shown some surprising tactical skills in the last refugee rescue mission.
She had been elated when her old best friend told her the news that, and she almost managed it if it weren't for Leo's size, she crushed him in her arms.
While she was walking around, on her way to meet Usagi, she had managed to eavesdrop on a thread of conversation that included the three turtle brothers.
''You can't be serious, Leo. She?''
''Don, we've already talked about it, even Draxum and April said it was a great idea.''
Ginny would have frowned if she had eyebrows, she leaned a little against the wall. Mikey talked:
''Yeah, she deserves it. If it weren't for her plan we would still be in the concentration camp.''
''If it weren't for her, Raph would be here.''
Ginny held her breath, letting out a choked gasp when she heard that. Donatello's voice sounded cold and cruel, so much so that she felt herself freeze.
''Donnie that's not-''
''Don't tell me it's not true, Leo. If it weren't for her clumsiness, Raph wouldn't have had to-''
''Enough!'' Mikey cut off his older brother with an angry expression, now they were taking him more seriously. ''That theme was buried, and it will remain buried.''
Ginny did not stay to listen anymore, going like a fury to meet the samurai, who was scared when she entered the place like a bull.
''I know what I heard. He did not hesitate to say it out loud.''
''But he didn't seem to mind that you were there when we all hang together.''
''He's a great actor then.''
The rabbit snorted, the tangle of fur on his forehead ruffled a little as a result.
''It wasn't your fault...'' The calm voice of her comrade made her stop her steps. ''I know you know, everyone does it, what happened was inevitable. I don't understand why you care what Donnie thinks.''
Because she had always been worried about what he thought, ever since they met so many years ago.
''Let's leave this conversation.'' Ginny responded, her tail giving a small flap in the air.
The short-necked turtle approached the bench where Usagi was sitting, and copied him.
''Come on, I need you to cheer me up when Leo kicks my ass.'' The turtle laughed. She and Usagi were going to train a little some convate tactics that the ninja had learned in their youth so that they would know them too. ''It's not fair tho, you practically lived with them before this whole apocalypse thing'' He complained to her.
They talked for a couple of minutes about the first thing that crossed their minds, Usagi and Ginny had forged a great friendship after everything they had experienced together.
''Ah, here you are. Good.'' Leo entered with a smile that grew when he saw the samurai in the room, Ginny rolled her eyes when Usagi's pompous tail wagged.
''Poofy.'' She teased him, the rabbit smacked her on the shin.
''So, Scrabble.'' Ginny groaned when Leo used her old nickname. ''Mikey has uhm... mystical things to do? Or something like that, it doesn't matter. Dontron here will be your partner this time.''
Usagi made a small hiss as he got off the bench and looked askance at her shelled friend. Ginny looked at him out of the corner of her eye and smiled in a way that he didn't like at all.
''What's wrong, Baby Blue? Don't you want me to kick your shell?''
Leonardo gave a low growl, and faked a laugh with his hands on his hips, then told Usagi to go get his sword while he drew his own.
''Let's get started at once.'' Donnie had arrived stealthily at the dojo, he spoke with that neutral tone that had characterized him lately while typing on his wristband.
''Ginevra.'' He materialized his bō with his ninpo. Leo looked at Usagi and vice versa.
The red-eared slider drew his weapon, the bright red cloth, Raphael's mask, that was now tied to his greatsword caught the attention of the other two. Ginny narrowed her eyes a little, not realizing that the fight had started. She received the first blow to her stomach.
''Ouch! Hey, what the hell is wrong with you?!
''The fight has started, let's go.'' When Donnie charged again, Ginny was quick enough to slide her feet across the floor and grabbed a metal bar she had found. ''First lesson, which you should already know, pay attention to your enemies. Or you might regret it.''
That was a pretty direct taunt, Ginny felt it more than when the purple turtle kicked her in the face. Ginny groaned, gripped the bar tightly in her hands and attacked as well, hitting him on the arm, but he stopped the next blow with his staff.
''You're predictable.''
''Shut up''
After a few minutes, she was gasping, her lip split and bleeding, a cut on her thigh that she had given herself with the metal bar that had gone flying who knows where, a blow to the top of her face and he would probably get a bruise in various parts of his body. Donnie on the other hand, only had a couple of scratches.
Neither of them realized that Leo and Usagi had stopped their training to focus on the two of them. Usagi moved to help her friend, but Leo stopped him by grabbing his wrist.
''No. They need to fix it on their own.'' He told him in a whisper.
Donnie was standing with the staff on his shoulders in a serious manner, Ginny was hunched over slightly trying to catch her breath.
''S.H.E.L.D.O.N told me you heard us.'' Ginny froze, looking away from the ground to look at the soft shell. ''So?'' '
''You are idiot''
Donnie laughed, his tail cutting through the air like a whip. He separated from her when she made a move to straighten up.
''Give up, Ginny. You're going to hurt yourself.''
But Ginny ignored him and attacked him again with empty hands. Donnie turned the bo in his hands to block the attack, and with them he continued to comment at the female.
''It was your fault. "You were reckless and didn't think about the consequences, and that's why Raph is dead." He told her with venom in his voice, it was enough to make Ginny tackle him as she screamed in rage.
The one in purple dodged her, and when he raised his hands to hit her with his weapon, he realized. He didn't have a weapon.
''Holy shit...'' He heard Leo, his twin's eyes were wide open, Usagi's jaw was on the floor. They were both looking at Ginny, she was kneeling on the floor, and he followed their gaze.
Surprised, he imitated their expressions. Donnie saw how the purple color of his mystical powers with which he had created the staff was disappearing and changing to a cream color, the tip taking the shape of a scythe in the hands of the short-necked turtle.
Ginny had stolen his staff, and turned it into her own weapon. She had used his ninpo, to...forge her own?
Her eye marks, and the lines of her shoulders and legs glowing, as did those of her chin.
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In his stupefied state, Ginevra took advantage of the opportunity and jumped at him, too furious to notice what she had accomplished.
Donnie screamed in pain as he felt the scythe's blade embed itself in his battle shell, which fell to the ground, split in half. Leo ran to his brother's rescue, grabbing Ginny by the arms, trapping them behind her shell.
''It was my fault.'' She spoke with bitterness in her voice. ''Raph died for me, and I will always live with his death on my shoulders, there will never come a day when when I go to sleep I don't see those last minutes crossing my mind. And do not doubt that more than once I have thought that I must have been the one who died that day. I've tried to...'' Ginny stopped talking as tears threatened to come out of her eyes. ''Raph died for me, so that I could live and help this war end, and that's what I'll do until my last fucking breath.''
Donnie looked at her, his drawn eyebrows arched in an expression of compassion. He stood up with a whimper, there was a strip of blood traveling from his soft shell to the tip of his tail.
''Don't. You. Even. Dare.''
Ginny wriggled out of Leo's grasp, the scythe having fallen to the ground and evaporated. She marched out the door. The three of them stood there in silence, Usagi tapped his hips a couple of times with his fists.
''Someone explain to me, what the hell just happened?''
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thmadwolf · 4 months
i am cooking something 👀
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