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Do You Remember The Times?
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Open Projects PPD
The following questions may not feature directly in the viva but do indicate areas of concern likely to be addressed.
·               How would you characterise your working process as a model of practice? What aspects of this model would you use again?
- there was a lot of influence during the making of the piece, sleepwalk collectives’ methods of lighting and how a female performer used her voice to make the atmosphere drowsy.
- The performance summit, I used this as a way of reference because of any performance I watched and they involved a script I would always look at the scrips and think how long there is to the end of the performance
-      I found that the Performance The end By Michael Pinchbeck also gave me and the idea of the way the paper should be placed, and I also liked the way he spreads the material towards the end
- the phenomenological aspect of the performance can be seen as I wanted to take people out of the physical bodies to think about the metal side of things which helped draw to things they heard about, as well things they know.
·               In what ways have your ideas and opinions on theatre changed or developed during the process of making this piece?
-      I have found it interesting on how then the perception of time and the use of text has such an effect on the audience. as well as having the ability to have a personal connection with the information and my personal experiences as well.  
·               What criteria did you use, consciously or not, in determining which material and ideas were to be included in the piece? Be prepared to give an example of this in the viva.
-      Determine the material was the hard bit, with the research of finding factual stuff about time that has the ability some form of connection with the audience in some way. For them to consider time and themselves. To also having enough facts to allow for the piece to flow and have the effect of boredom yet allowing them to connect with the piece.
·               Take some time to reflect on the experience that your piece created for the audience. What did the piece encourage them to do with what happened?
-      I feel that the piece had created a unique experience for them, allowing them to get bored for the duration of the piece but not everyone experienced this. Towards the end of the performance, the last section allows them to then engage in the piece because it’s different to know the straight facts.
-      I know from hearing from the audience is that some of the text being factual and then heading into a personal direction. It made them feel on a lot more on a personal level to the point where someone said that after the performance they felt like they should ring there mum because
·               Pick a moment from your piece which you feel was particularly successful and be prepared to talk about why.
-      A successful part of my piece was the use of my script and the use of the lighting in the space and how beautiful the piece looked as well. I also liked when I heard the piece made someone call there parents because they experienced something in the performance and they wanted to act on it.
·               How would your piece improve if you were given another two weeks now to work on it?
-      If I had another two weeks, I would like to extend the time period of the piece. Instead of being 15 minutes It would have been May 30-40 minutes. I feel that the extra time would have also helped to allow them to be fully immersed into the experience and experience the boredom.
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the full Video of where I got the picture form. 
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I like the idea of the scattering off the papers into the floor. 
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this is one of the soundtracks that I want to use. 
it has a calm and relaxing effect and I think with the continued noise of the crashing water the audience will get beard of the sound and drown it out after a couple of minutes 
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Open Project
section 4 - personal
I lived in Southport for 18 years 
I was born in Bradford 
I am 20 years old 
247 months old ( changed to the performance date)  
1,076 weeks old (ibid) 
7,533 days old 
it is 136 days 10 hours and 25 minutes 20  till my next birthday 
My mum was in labour for 5 hours giving birth to me 
I was breast feed for three weeks 
my favourite colour is blue 
I use to ride my bike every day for 30 minuets riding to school
I have played Xbox for 14 hours in one day 
when I am at home I walk my dog for one hour 
I have a typing speed of 53 words a minuet on a laptop 
I live 23.3 miles from Liverpool that takes 48 minuets by the merseyrail train service to get to Liverpool station from Southport station 
it takes me 1 hour 47 minuets to travel home by car on the M6 north bound past 5pm 
I spend on average 24 minutes in traffic travelling home 
it took me 8 minuets 17 to walk to this studio today
I rode 182 miles for a charity bike ride 
it took altogether  4 days 
it took 3 days 
4 hours
57 minuets and 3 seconds riding my bike 
that is 227,023 seconds 
4617 minuets 
76 hours 
it takes 71 milliseconds to say hello 
it takes 72 milliseconds to say hello back 
it takes 1 second to say please 
it takes 1.3 seconds to say thank you 
it takes 23 milliseconds to like a Facebook post 
yesterday I spend 4 hours and 2 minuets on my phone 
it takes 2 seconds to dial a phone number 
I have spoken to my parents for 36 minuets this week 
I haven't spoken to my sister in over 3 weeks 
I haven't seen my two nieces  since Christmas 
they live 4 miles away from my house 
I just don't have the time 
In October 2017 I cried every day 
I had 18 hours of counselling last year 
(the personal section)  
I want it to go along the lines of this 
-      what I’m trying to say is that time is too short, there are only 23 hours 56 minutes and 4.2 seconds in a day, people spend too much time worrying about the bad times and the past. Time flies so fast you can blink, and you might miss it. You all have been sitting here for 15 minutes listening to me talk about time, but it might seem like a century. On the 22nd September 2017 things changed for my life in two seconds, but we all experience life differently. So instead of thinking about all the bad times let’s look towards the times we have in front of us
this then changes the atmosphere for the performance for the audience, it allows them to connect with the information that they have just heard and then put it to a perspective allowing them to hopefully dwell on the situations i am giving them. 
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this is a testing of what will be the finalised lighting for the Performance, this then allows the perspective of time to drift over the 15 minutes. 
I will start on the stage left and the paper will be on the right-hand side and as the light unveils the picture of the space to the audience over time. 
the lighting will also mimic the shadow effect with the draws and me being stationary in the space 
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Open project
using the script as a visual aspect if the performance for the audience was inspired by the performance Summit by Andy Smith. Summits performance allows the audience to ‘Use our Imagination’ and I personally whilst watching, I looked at the script that was visible on stage and was estimating on how long the performance was going to be. I feel this idea was the way the audience can then move in and out of the boredom state and the presence of the performer. I also feel there is a phenomenological approach to the script because the audience is in and out of the boredom state where they can think about the information they are receiving and apply it to mentally or physically to there personal lives. if that doesn't happen then it's ok as well 
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open projects
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The Orange part of the script in the pile of paper allows the audience to see and have a visual gade to look at, and this then allows the audience to estimate time as they can visually see the orange paper. the idea of the orange paper is so that the audience can witness it in the pile and when then when it comes to the section on where i am reading the orange paper, hopefully, it then gives some form of time to the audience or reaction because they have been sitting there for some time and then been realising they have only just got to the orange paper. 
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some pictures working with the lights to see shadows and spacing 
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Open Projects
Section 3 of the script - Sleep and health 
Randy Gardner currently holds the official scientific record for longest sleep deprivation. In 1964, he kept awake for 264 consecutive hours (11 days) without the use of any stimulants. Gardner achieved this record when he was only 17 years old.
According to a study taken by 4000 students in the UK, art student gets the least amount of sleep with an average of 5.912 hours of sleep per night.
I personally get around 7 hours of sleep
Last night I had 7 hours 54 minutes of sleep 
I am Officially classed as fully rested 
in September 2017 I averaged around 3 1/2 hours sleep a night 
sleep is essential to regulate your emotions 
it cleans harmful plaques and waste that is produced in your brain 
your brain processes and responds to important emotions and experiences from the day and commits it to your memory 
a lack of sleep makes it difficult for your body to regulate essential things like appetite 
sleeping is essential, teenagers 14/17 years should range to 8-10 hours of sleep per night 
young adults 18-25 should sleep around 7-9 hours per night 
adults 26-64 sleep doesn't change and on average should get around 7-9 hours per night 
being sleep deprived for one night can increase your emotional response to negative by 60%
The human body makes 2.5 million Red Blood Cells every second
about 200 billion Red Blood Cells every day.
The human heart beats 30 million times a year. 
In the north-west
an ambulance call that is classed as a category one call that is life-threatening call  an ambulance will respond on average 7 minutes and 9/10 15 minutes 
a category two call they will respond to an average time of 18 minutes at least 9/10 with 40 minutes
category 3 calls, these calls 9/10 within 120 minutes 
category 4 calls that are a less urgent call the ambulance will respond 9/10 time with 180 minutes 
it can take up to six days after intercourse for the sperm and egg to join and form a fertilized egg 
it takes on average four to six weeks for a broken toe to heal 
In Northern Island, they have the longest diagnose period for bowel cancer which is 64 days
in Northen Island, they have the fasted time to start treatment for bowel cancer 
In the UK a patient who has been diagnosed with bowel cancer might have to wait up to a year to start treatment 
It takes 2 minutes to check for any lumps or bumps 
I waited 7 hours 8 minutes while my mum's stomach was removed 
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Open Project
Section 2 script finalised
time is an illusion
time is one of the seven fundamental physical quantities' in both the international system of units and the international system of quantities.
daylight saving was a joke, Benjamin Franklin purposed that people waking up on a brighter summer morning so they would work long thus saving candles, it was then introduced in the UK in 1917, then it spread around the world.
the Department of Energy estimates that electricity demands drop around 0.5 percent during day light savings, this is the equivalent of nearly 3 million barrels of oil.
tidal frictions from the sun and moon slow down the planet and increase the lengths of the days by 3 milliseconds per century
this means the dinosaurs days was just 23 hours long  
in 1972 a network of atomic clocks in more than 50 countries was made the final authority of the time.
the earth's rotation is slowing, making the 24 hour day slightly off. in order to compensate, the international earth rotation service adds one second to the clock to keep things regular. the most recent second was added on December 31st, 2016
the worlds most accurate clock is in Colorado.
until the 1800s, every village lived in its own little time zone, with clocks synchronised to the local solar noon.
Railway time required clocks in different places, this might of inspired Einstein to develop the theory of Relativity, which unifies space and time.
Einstein showed that gravity makes time run more slowly, thus aeroplane passengers flying where earth pull is weaker, age a few extra nanoseconds each flight.
Einstein's theory of relativity states that the closer one is to earth the slower time goes, a year passes by 15 microseconds faster at the top of Mount Everest than it does at sea level.
there is no such thing as 'now', according to Einstein,'the distinction between past and present and the future is only an illusion, however persistent' this is because space and time are fluid and are effected by gravity and speed.
According to quantum theory, the shortest moment of time that can exist is known as Planck time, or
1 second
Planck Time is the smallest standard of scientific measurement of time, it takes about five
and fifty
Planck times to blink a single time
Prior to the invention of atomic clocks, a second was measured as 9,192,631,770 oscillations of a caesium
time hasn't been around forever, most scientists believe it was created along with the rest of the universe in the big bang, 13.7 billion years ago.
a galaxy called Z8_GND_5296 is the oldest object in the known universe. it is estimated to be 13.1 billion years old, which is about 700 million years younger than the universe itself.
despite what we have been taught, a day isn't a full 24 hour long. it actually takes 23 hours 56 minutes and 4.2 seconds for a full rotation of the earth
it takes 24 hours from sunrise to sunrise because each day the earth moves further away in its orbit around the sun, thus lengthening the days
According to a psychological study, the old adage “time flies when you’re having fun” isn’t quite true. In fact, it’s just the opposite. When people were listening to music they enjoyed, time seemed to pass more slowly. This could be because people pay more attention to the things they like, which slows their perception of time.
There are 31,556,926 seconds in a year.
it takes 4 Minutes 34 seconds to boil a kettle with 1.7 litres of room temperature water with the power of 800 wats 
it takes 3 minutes to boil an egg that has the consistency to be classed as a ‘runny egg’ (imply a gesture)
in a BMW 1 series with a 1.6-litre engine, it takes 11.8 seconds to get to 60Mph
For the average human, it takes 15 minutes to walk 1 mile with a speed of 3 1/2 Mph  
It takes 37 minutes to travel 36 miles by train to Liverpool lime street station  from Crewe station by the virgin trains service
It takes 47 minutes to travel 36 miles  by train to Liverpool lime street station  from Crewe station by the north-western train service
It takes 8 hours to fly to New York from Manchester airport
It takes 7 hours 10 minutes to fly to Dubai from Manchester airport
It takes 21 seconds to sing the alphabet song
The longest Mexican wave lasted 17 minutes 14 seconds 
365 days is 8760 hours 
The slowest animal on earth is the two-toed sloth with a maximum speed of 0.003 Mph 
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Open project Solo
first finalised section of the script.
  the first finalised section of my script is
section 1 - introduction 
playing the music of the beach throughout
 I am going on a journey
Let's go on this journey
I would like you to come on this journey with me
come on this journey
we are all equal
there are no strings attached
we are going on a trip through time
through time that lets us do many things
we look across the good times
the bad times
the times we learn
the time we fail
the times we miss
the times we remember
the times with friends
the times with family
the times you ask a stranger for the time
the times you ignore that stranger
those times you regret missing
the times you really regret missing
  Time does exist
time doesn't exist
time is just a figure of our imagination
the past and the future are both equally real
everyone experiences time differently
you live in the past
we all live in the future
your memory isn't as good as you think
I forget those times
those times that course pain
those times you can't eat
those times you can't sleep
those times you just watch the world go by 
those times you just think what's the fucking point
those times nobody should live through
the time we all just want to forget everything
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Open project
Things I have found Interesting and want to adapt into the rehearsal process is the sleepwalk collective performance Domestica that I watched in the first year.
 the way that Domestica plays with the aspects of pleasure and boredom with the audience.
the technique with the microphone was important to there piece as it allowed a trance like state for the audience to hook onto which then allowed them to drift in and out of the boredom state. I found myself fighting against falling asleep in the performance with the use of the lights being slightly dim and the scripted sound working together putting me into that state of mind.
I would like to adapt this into my performance as I feel this will allow me to play with the perception of time with the audience. the way I speak into the microphone then allows the audience to have some form of boredom effect on the audience on what they are listening to 
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Open Project Solo 1st script
This is the first decided script for the performance, as time progresses I will edit throughout the rehearsal process so things are likely to change until I have finalised everything. 
-      I going on a journey
-      Lets go on this journey
-      I want you to come on this journey with me
-      come on the journey
-      We are all equal
-      There’s no strings attached      
-      I want you to take a trip through time with me
-      Through time that helps us do so many things
-      We look across the good times
-      The bad times
-      The times we learn
-      The times we fail
-      The time we miss
-      The time we remember
-      The times with friends
-      The times with family
-      That time a stranger asked you for the time
-      The time you ignored a Stanger
-      The time you regret missing
-      Time exists
-      The past and future are equally real
-      Everyone experiences time differently
-      You live in the past
-      Your memory isn’t as good as you think
-      Aging can be reversed
-      Time is an illusion.
-       Try explaining that when you get to work late. The average U.S. city commuter loses 38 hours a year to traffic delays.
-      Have you ever wondered why daylight saving is a thing, it began as a joke by Benjamin Franklin, who proposed waking people earlier on bright summer mornings, so they might work more during the day and thus save candles. It was introduced in the U.K. in 1917 and then spread around the world.
-      Green days. The Department of Energy estimates that electricity demand drops by 0.5 percent during Daylight Saving Time, saving the equivalent of nearly 3 million barrels of oil.
-      One second used to be defined as 1/86,400 the length of a day. However, Earth’s rotation isn’t perfectly reliable. Tidal friction from the sun and moon slows our planet and increases the length of a day by 3 milli­seconds per century.
-      This means that in the time of the dinosaurs, the day was just 23 hours long.
-      Modern technology can do better. In 1972 a network of atomic clocks in more than 50 countries was made the final authority on time, so accurate that it takes 31.7 million years to lose about one second.
-      To keep this time in sync with Earth’s slowing rotation, a “leap second” must be added every few years, most recently this past New Year’s Eve.
-      The world’s most accurate clock, at the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Colorado,
-      Until the 1800s, every village lived in its own little time zone, with clocks synchronized to the local solar noon.
-      On November 18, 1883, American railway companies forced the national adoption of standardized time zones.
-      Thinking about how railway time required clocks in different places to be synchronized may have inspired Einstein to develop his theory of relativity, which unifies space and time.
-      Einstein showed that gravity makes time run more slowly. Thus airplane passengers, flying where Earth’s pull is weaker, age a few extra nano­seconds each flight.
-      According to quantum theory, the shortest moment of time that can exist is known as Planck time, or 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 second.
-      Time has not been around forever. Most scientists believe it was created along with the rest of the universe in the Big Bang, 13.7 billion years ago.
-      It takes 4minutes 34 seconds to boil a kettle with 1.7 litres of room temperature water with the power of 8oo wats
-      It takes 3 minutes to boil an egg that has the consistency to be classed as a ‘runny egg
-      In a BMW 1 series with a 1.6 diesel engine it takes 11.8 second to get to 60Mph
-      It takes 37minuets to travel by train to Liverpool from Crewe by virgin trains service
-      It takes 47 minutes to travel by train to Liverpool from Crewe by north-western train service
-      It takes 8 hours to fly to New York
-      It takes 21 seconds to sing the alphabet song
-      It takes 15 minutes to walk 1 mile
-      It takes between 8 – 12 minutes to cook pasta
-      It takes between 8 – 12 minutes to cook pasta
-      It took 3 days to get to the moon
-      Randy Gardner currently holds the official scientific record for longest sleep deprivation. In 1964, he kept awake for 264 consecutive hours (11 days) without the use of any stimulants. Gardner achieved this record when he was only 17 years old.
-      The human body needs food and water to survive. A human can go for more than three weeks without food — Mahatma Gandhi survived 21 days of complete starvation — but water is a different story. At least 60% of the adult body is made of it and every living cell in the body needs it to keep functioning.
-      The human body contains 30 000 billion red blood cells. The human body is estimated to have 60,000 miles of blood vessels. The human body makes 2.5 million Red Blood Cells every second or about 200 billion Red Blood Cells every day. The human heart beats 30 million times a year.
      -      Category one is for calls about people with life-threatening injuries and illnesses. These will be responded to in an average time of 7 minutes and at least 9 out of 10 times within 15 minutes.
-      Category two is for emergency calls. These will be responded to in an average time of 18 minutes and at least 9 out of 10 times within 40 minutes.
-      Category three is for urgent calls. In some instances, you may be treated by ambulance staff in your own home. These types of calls will be responded to at least 9 out of 10 times within 120 minutes.
-      Category four is for less urgent calls. In some instances, you may be given advice over the telephone or referred to another service such as a GP or pharmacist. These less urgent calls will be responded to at least 9 out of 10 times within 180 minutes.
-      It takes
-      It takes me 1 hour 40 minutes to travel home
-      365 days is 8760 hours
-       3 days, 4 hours, 57 minutes and 3 seconds to do my charity bike ride that’s 277,023 seconds 4617 minutes (rounded down)76 hours (rounded down)3 days (rounded down)
-      It took me 8 minutes to walk to uni today
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