thordorfralf · 2 months
The Ragnarok war: News from the front
Interview form the intergalactic news network with the human contact General about the ongoing acts of war in their systems:
Reporter: “General, we got reports that the Ygdrasil system has been invaded by the Ksis'tor. Is that true and do you fear the fate of the species that were already conquered?”
General: “Well first of all thank you for the interview. Yes, the Ksis'tor have developed a military command post on Muspelheim about 4 months ago. Furthermore, I believe that there still is a possibility for peace between our races in hopes to spare innocent lives.”
R: “I see, since when have you known about their presence and how can you hope for peace when, according to your government, killed the first negotiators that you send, even though the Ksis'tor keep insisting that it was an accident.”
G:” We have known about their presence since the moment they landed on Muspelheim. That is quite a fun story. You see my people may live now on three paradise worlds, but we originated from a planet called earth, that had several classifications ranging from death world class 4 up to class 9 when we had to abandon it. That is why when we colonised Yggdrasil, it was decided to put some military testing and training facilities on Muspelheim, just so we wouldn’t lose our “edge, and the Ksis'tor decided to land in the middle of our new recruits training grounds. As for the negotiations, we believe that through peace all races can thrive better, but as long as we don’t receive any notice, we treat the Ksis'tor as a hostile race that we will approach with force.”
I:” so you are saying that you are using the “invasion” of your system as a training for new recruits? Isn’t this dangerous for them, being send into a combat zone without the proper drill and how long do you think this conflict will be without any armed interactions?”
G:” Pardon me, that might have sounded wrong. Of course we are not sending the fresh recruits into their death. They have been relocated and our special siege warfare task group is now in charge of the quarantine of the command post. For your second question, all I can say is that there was a battle in human controlled space, where an, as we believe, relieve force for the enemy forces was repelled and simultaneously our ground forces engaged with the Ksis'tor on Muspelheim, weakening their defences.”
I:” Those are some strong words from the home system of humanity, fighting for their survival against the Ksis'tor empire. Next up we will show you an exclusive report on the situation of the already conquered systems….”
As the broadcast ended the Ksis'tor garrison on Muspelheim were shocked. How could they have made such a mistake and humanity originating from a deathworld? Nobody ever said something about that. While still in shock the alarm was sounded again…
The second attack had begun.
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thordorfralf · 2 months
The Ragnarok war, first blood
Only the few traders of our race had ever seen a human.
In the briefing they told us, that they were small bipedal creatures with only two arms, two eyes and no fur or chitin. This sounded ridiculous to us as most species we fought had at least some integrated protection or more than one set of arms. All that made humans sound like a weak prey race without any means of protection.
All in all, a swift victory with few losses.
But now we are sitting on a class 5 death world in our hastily build fortifications, watching the Humans in their trenches preparing for something but not doing anything. Everyone including our commanders are a bit worried, because usually it makes sense to conquer a fortified position before a relief force arrives. The days are growing long and yesterday a private pointed out, that there are barely any heavy guns to be seen, but lots of armoured vehicles are piling up all around. We all just hope that our reinforcements are arriving soon.
We woke up to the ground shaking like it was going to burst any minute. The syrens were screaming and there was cheering all around. Walking outside we saw in the distance volcanos exploding, making the whole sky looking like it is burning, and our commanders made contact with the reinforcements that were now entering the system. Starting immediately with the preparations for their arrival, we were taken by surprise as the humans suddenly started their assault on our position, as they bombarded us with heavy siege artillery.
When the shelling stopped, and we got out of our bunkers to man the defences a horrible sight was before us. The armoured vehicles had advanced and out of there came not only humans, but also the hell beasts that live on this world directing their ferocity towards us. We immediately opened fire, just to see that our energy rifles had barely an impact on them, and their antique slug throwers just tore through our energy shields, like a needle through linen cloth.
Then the attack suddenly stopped.
They turned, went back into their tanks, and retreated towards their trenches. Seeing this, our commanders gave the signal to immediately continue working on the arrival of our brothers. Still in shock everyone who was still alive just did their duty, but now we were dull and frightful, listening to every sound that was unusual.
As the orbital clearer, to shield the incoming ships from weather and volcanic ash, was activated we hoped to finally see a friendly face rescuing us, but instead we saw a battle where our forces were outmatched, and the smaller fighter crafts were just dropping in the atmosphere like a meteor shower. So unable to do anything we had to watch the dire needed reinforcements retreat, leaving us behind.
Those humans might be prey, but they behave like a wounded predator on its last breath.
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thordorfralf · 2 months
The Ragnarok war the beginning
They promised us a quick victory as we were the superior race. They told us as born predators we are better, stronger and smarter than everyone else.
All of this was true for the first few civilizations and their sphere of influence.
We came and overran their defences within days or weeks, one time we even had the chance to best the Mon'dres in a field battle, showing of our skills in land based combat.
We thought ourselves as invincible and superior as the great prophet told us.
And then it happened. I was on the cruiser that shot down the delegation, that came unarmed with a plea of peace. Our leadership is now calling it an accident while trying to get them to negotiate, but I know the truth. Our captain ordered the destruction in cold blood, laughing at their demise.
Then we got the order to press on to their system that they called Yggdrasil and to crush them with full force, as a species trying to negotiate was seen as weak and defenseless.
Oh boy how wrong we were.
The Yggdrasil System has 3 paradise class planets that are inhabited and 5 more that are either gas planets, uninhabitable and one class 5 deathworld called Muspelheim, a planet covered in active volcanos and landmasses with harsh, resilient and dangerous flora and fauna.
Thinking they wouldn't expect us to land there, we came with stealth dropships and dug out a fortified command post. The first larger fleet made planetside soon after and only after this we noticed our mistake.
It began with a missing scout squad from the outer perimeter. Upon investigation our drones could take only a few images before they were shot down. Those showed that the whole area we occupied was surrounded by a tight vowen net of trenches. In panick we send out a distress call for a relief force just before they cut our communications and then the Ragnarok war, as its now called, started.
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thordorfralf · 2 months
The Ragnarok war prolouge
During their rise towards the interstellar age humanity completely killed their own home. The capitalistic greed poisoned the air, the seas, the land, their minds, everything. Around the year 2500 of their Christian calendar the population dwindled rapidly, because of famine, drought and the last resources were depleted.
This is why humanity was forced to the stars, building enormous life ships to evacuate as many people as possible. Those crude behemoths barely held together and without any ftl technology they started their long journey towards the planet chosen as their new home: the Ygdrasil system.
So, for many generations humans lived in their self-inflicted colony of ships and their outlook on life and society surprisingly changed. Everyone had expected that the rich would keep their luxurious levels to themselves hoarding knowledge and resources as they had done on earth, but after a few generations they started to share and work towards the good of everyone. Finally, humans left behind their greed and exchanged it with passion and love, knowing they all faced the same fate if the mistakes of the past would be repeated.
Once Midgard was reached a society was in place, that the people from the 21st century would have called solar punk, and the planets Midgard, Alfheim and Vanaheim were settled in a symbiotic way with nature. During this time the intergalactic council reached out to humanity, congratulating them for their advancements and offering them a place among the many species for trade and exploration. The humans agreed, happily sharing their technology, and trading their fine art and the crops they had to share.
The next century went by, and it was a time of prosperity for all the races, until the ksis'tor had a change in their government and decided that their occupied space wasn't enough anymore, and they started conquering the neighbouring systems. When they came closer to the Ygdrasil system, humanity send ambassadors in their beautiful and unarmed ships, but the Ksis'tor just shot them down.
After that incident humanity gave every foreign ship half a rotation to leave their part of space, after that every craft was grounded indefinitely. After that it took only 5 rotations that the human controlled space was inrecognisable. On their planets many concealed bunkers opened and out of there came things that we believe are the remnants of their journey to Ygdrasil: Large and heavy armoured vessels, armed with antique and modern weaponry. The whole system turned into one fortress with no way in or out.
I am one of the few ambassadors that didn't leave. I asked a human general yesterday why they were that good prepared for war and he just said: "We lost Earth... we won't lose another home."
The Ksis'tor don't know what they are getting into.
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thordorfralf · 1 year
Can I draw? NO! Do I do it anyway? ABSOLUTELY
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