thorfinnrowlex · 14 hours
"One of us has to." He laughs, fingers combing through his locks. There was always hope that the rumours were not true. Part of him liked Travers. He was good for the cause. "We should get drinks soon. Would be nice to do something outside of work."
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"You're giving him more of a shot than me." Only time would tell which one of them was right. Then again, Evelyn might surprise them and perhaps it would be neither. "It certainly has. Work has kept me quite busy and I've checked in with my sisters a couple of times. We should get drinks soon."
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thorfinnrowlex · 17 hours
Thorfinn let out a chuckle at the amount of time he was giving Zafar until they heard about his death. "I was going to say six months. Maybe she'll find some use for him and keep him around." This was all fun and game, but there was something about Evelyn that gave black widow vibe. "It's been awhile since I've seen you."
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Emir chuckled at Thorfinn's comment, lifting his shoulders in a noncommittal shrug. He'd heard whispers about Evelyn Zabini and her past and he knew the woman was as cunning as she was beautiful. "I would wager three months. Perhaps he will surprise us. What do you think?"
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thorfinnrowlex · 2 days
where: fulham palace who: open
Thorfinn glanced over at the brunette that he had come with. The reality hitting him that soon enough this would be his own wedding. He knew it was coming, but he had always pictured it with another. He took a sip of his drink to finish it, turning at the bar to order another that he felt someone come up beside him.
"If the rumours are true, how long are we giving him?"
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thorfinnrowlex · 7 days
Thorfinn was not one to question orders when it was given to him. If the Dark Lord asked him to deal with a matter, he simply nodded his head and went on his merry way. He was intrigued when he found out who he would be doing this with, no protest him him, that all he did was merely send Athena an owl, letting her know where to meet him.
Considering they had lost a safehouse recently, due to the Order, they were in the market for a new location and Thorfinn was sent to scope out one that could be of their benefit. The blonde felt the other before she was standing behind him, no real desire to turn to face her, not at the current moment. The wedding lingered in his head and that was a mistake that could not be repeated any time soon.
"I do not question his motive, Athena." It was a sick joke, that he was certain of. "If he wants you here, you are here. We are to search the manor to see if it is fitting for a new safehouse." A magic waft around them, concealing their conversation.
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where: death eater location in glencoe, scotland who: @thorfinnrowlex
She recognised the owl the instant it set on her window frame, therefore she knew who the letter was from before opening it. A part of her had hoped for the contents to be about the two of them, another part of her had begged for it to have nothing to do with them. Either way, she was disappointed, curious and excited as she read the letter— a whole mix of emotions proper for the case at hand. Without hesitation, the witch grabbed both her cloak and mask, fixing her hair before apparating right where she was needed.
The first thing she noticed after the darkness of the trip over was the sound of the wind rushing outside, her eyes then settling on her surroundings. An old Manor, cold and uninhabited, she’d been there before but on a different occasion and with different companions. Athena turned around, aware of his presence behind her yet still not ready to face him. Still, her eyes found his and she had to press her lips tightly together to hold herself back— so many things left unsaid, one thing she needed to do. Instead, she decided to focus on the matter at hand, hearing a whimper coming from the adjacent room.
“Are you sure the Dark Lord asked for me to be here for this?” She asked, bluntly, not one to tiptoe around things. “And, if I may, are you sure it is me you want to do this with?”
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thorfinnrowlex · 7 days
There were a few potions that Thorfinn required stocking, his mind lingering on a conversation he had with his father. A betrothal had been put in place and tomorrow the two families would be sitting down to speak about the union. At least his father was generous enough to speak of the witch he would be marrying. One that he knew of. One of who's brother was murdered, a friend of his.
His body grew rigid at the voice of the witch speaking, curious if fate was being cruel to place her in front of him before the announcement. Digits comb through blonde strands before turning to face his wife to be; curious if she knew of her fate.
"I might take a little more." A smirk grows on his face, azure hues dancing with delight. Matilda Vance was attractive, and as vain as it sounded, he wanted to have that appeal to the witch that would be his. "And I do mind." He teased.
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who : @thorfinnrowlex
where : J. Pippin's Potions
Errands, that was all Matilda seemed to be embarking upon since her return to London. Her apartment was cold, and empty, clearly neglected since her departure from London. Her pantry needed filled, her potions cupboard restocked, and her clothes mended of the frayed material.
In a bid to strike one of those tasks of her list, Tilly embarked on a trip to J.Pippin's Potions, in dire need of Wiggenweld Potion and Blemish blitzer. Eyes scanning the shelves of the store in pursuit of a quick purchase, Matilda exhaled a small puff of frustration at the man standing in her way.
"You seem to be taking your time," Matilda pointed out, her tone stern, "Do you mind if I cut in? Some people have places to be."
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thorfinnrowlex · 7 days
Thorfinn shook his head at his friend, a few muttered words, a bit of his blood splattered and the wards came down, letting them pass. He didn't sense anyone else was here but them. There was no need for the Order to come snooping around, their trap was no more. "I often wonder what is going on in that head of yours." Thorfinn would do anything for his friend, his best friend, someone who had been by his side since a child. "I do have a favour to ask you though." He continued to walk down the path towards the shack.
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“Almost everyone.  I take it in stride since I have yet to meet someone I deemed adequately prepared.  Alright show me what you’ve got then break us inside, and we’ll see what we’re dealing with.  I doubt they put up anything that would last through a fire, they probably expected us to reclaim this safe house or something equally trifling.”  He took a deep breath, it didn’t pay to get too wound up, but one of them had to have their head on a swivel, one ambush was enough.  He wondered what had her coming to the safe house alone, though he doubted he would get a straight answer.
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thorfinnrowlex · 7 days
There was something about the Longbottom's that bothered him. Rumours circulated in their circle, but he wasn't one to believe until told to his face, but it gave a slight desire to torment them a little. What was a little intimidation. "I beg to differ." The tip of his wand jabbed into her side. "Turn this way." His head nodded to the left, into an alley. A warning in his tone. She was on his turf and most would not care what happened to her.
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Alice didn't cower in fear when the masked figure approached her, her hand firmly grasping her wand. "I'm exactly where I want to be." The death eater knew who she was although that didn't mean much as to pointing her in the direction of his identity. "What do you want? " Would he be foolish enough to attack her in public, she wondered. If he wanted to fight she was more than ready for it.
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thorfinnrowlex · 10 days
Thorfinn heard what happened to Alecto, more so pissed that the Order found this safehouse and was planning to use it against them, that was something that didn't sit well with him. He glanced over at his friend. "Anyone ever tell you that you worry too much?" A smirk seeps on his face and he laughs. The blonde had faith that between the two of them they could deal with what was required. "Wards have been put up. It's simple, we have to make sure there is nothing inside and burn it." A hand comes to rest on his shoulder. "Relax."
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Who:@thorfinnrowlex Where: Abandoned Death Eater Safehouse Once safe, this place had been compromised.  Who was to blame he wasn’t sure but Thorfinn had asked him along to be rid of it. Torch it until there was nothing left the order might use against them.  He wondered if it had any latent magic left, any traps or gifts, but those had been sprung he would let Thorfinn lead the way just in case, better to be able to respond.  “You’re sure there isn’t anything waiting for us here.  Just burning a husk of a house that’s no longer safe?  Have you set up wards so we won’t be noticed, and to control the blaze?  I don’t want anything left to chance if I’m going to be a part.  No uninvited guests, no inquisitive sorts coming when they smell or see smoke.  This should be easy, cathartic, watching a mistake burn to the ground.”
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thorfinnrowlex · 15 days
It had been some time since he had last spent time with the brunette. It was a friendship that survived over the years, and one that had some benefits with it when they wished to indulge. Seeing Agatha at the wedding, with both of them seeing the ones that they cared for the most there, it left some uneasy thoughts that could be eased with good company. He felt his wards tingling, knowing that someone was arriving and he knew who that was.
Thorfinn meant her at the door, a smile on his face when he opened it. The blonde let out a laugh, fingers combing through his locks. "Do we really have to do all that talking?" He pulled the door open further, waiting until she was in before shutting it. "I thought we could lounge in the living room." Not a space he usually used, but tonight was different.
"How are you doing?"
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where: his house who: @thorfinnrowlex
An uncomplicated friendship and a long lasting one, Agatha really appreciated the presence of the wizard on her life. They’d known each other for a long time before anything happened between them, allowing for them to take things as they were: fun and every once in a while. Friends who got to enjoy a bit more of each other whenever they felt like wasn’t at all a bad deal, especially when things were completely out in the open and clear for both of them.
After their run in at the wedding, they had decided to meet again that week and Agatha made sure to grab a bottle of firewhisky before apparating at the front door of his house. As the door opened, the brunette was delighted to find Thorfinn’s handsome face staring back at her. “Hi love, brought some fine firewhisky and a lot to talk about!” She greeted him, leaning forward to place a soft kiss to his cheek before letting herself in.
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thorfinnrowlex · 19 days
Thorfinn leads Serra out to the dance floor, a hand resting on her waist and one keeps hold of her hand, leading her around the floor gracefully. "It is very hard to miss the last one. You are very pretty." He gives a smirk, pulling her body close to his. "You danced ballet? I have heard how tedious that can be. Do you miss it?" Engaging in small talk was not something he would usually do.
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"I would love to." Serra liked public events and dancing with handsome men, who wouldn't? So when he asked her to dance saying yes to him was a no brainer. She thrived off of attention, so when she felt like she captured his she felt proud. "I'm a Libra sun with a cancer moon. I used to dance Ballet for many years but now I only do it when I find the time for it. I am involved with several charities and I'm very pretty. Although you'd be blind not to notice the last one."
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thorfinnrowlex · 20 days
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thorfinnrowlex · 25 days
His actions were fuelled by the pain and heartbreak she caused him. The fact that she stood moments ago confessing that she missed him when she turned down his proposal sent him into a vengeful spiral. His hips slam repeatedly into her hips, hard enough to leave bruises on her delicate skin, a reminder of the time they shared together to hit in her in the morning. Thorfinn wanted her to regret the choice she made.
His lips latched onto hers, the tip of his tongue gliding across her lower lip to ask silently for access into her mouth before tangling their tongues together in their own hypnotic dance. Thorfinn dig his fingers harshly into the flesh of her ass, bounding her off his member, faster - harder, knowing that their time in the bathroom was limited. This was about him, feeling himself growing closer to his own release, his lips pull away from her mouth, gliding across her shoulder. "I'm going too." He groaned against her skin, a few more thrusts of his hips that his body grows rigid, his orgasm rippling through him, spilling deep inside of her. The blonde wanted to say he cared if she found her own release, but at this moment, he was only thinking selfishly for himself.
Athena knew better, in a way she'd always had, but it never mattered. Whatever reasoning she intended was lost entirely at this point. They were a tragedy of their own, the love they shared too intense it burnt them over and over again, and no matter how much it teared them apart, they lived for the way it hurt. The rawness of his moves and the rage in his touch only made her pulse quicken, her breath getting heavier as she couldn’t hold back. No amount of pain or disappointment could compete with how he made her body feel, he knew exactly what to do to have her losing her mind in lustful bliss.
The brunette bit harshly on her bottom lip trying to hold back the loud moan that still managed to leave her lips as he thrust inside her, no time to process how they were crossing all boundaries, lost in how good it felt to have his hands on her skin once again. Her leg instinctively wrapped around his waist, hands sliding up his naked torso until they settled on his shoulders, holding herself in place. She wanted all of him, she wanted him desperately, regret washing over her as she’d pushed him away and wouldn’t get him back.
Her walls clenched around his length as he slammed into her frantically, nails digging on his skin as moans poured from her lips. It was raw, it was needy, it was heart-wrenching. I love you. The words never left her mouth. I hate you. It wasn’t true. Instead she leaned in for a passionate kiss, one that said everything she couldn’t say, teeth nipping at his lower lip, tongue battling against his. She wanted him so badly that she wanted the moment to go by as quickly as it had come, love heavy on her chest as she focused on her body instead. Wave after wave of pleasure shot through her body, letting her lips trail down his neck as she lifted herself up from the floor now wrapping both her legs around him and giving him better access, another moan dropping from her lips, her breathing hitched. “Fuck me like you hate me.” She pleaded against the skin of his neck, head buried in his nape as she tightened her walls around him, urging him to increase the rhythm.
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thorfinnrowlex · 29 days
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Chad Michael Murray
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thorfinnrowlex · 1 month
where: streets of knockturn alley who: @alicealongbottom
It was unusual to see Alice Longbottom roaming these streets at this late, not one to fit in with this crowd, but it did give him an idea. There was something about the Longbottom's he didn't like and the opportunity to mess with one was present.
The blonde said his goodbyes, getting what he needed and crossed the street. With a squish of his wand, his masked appeared in his hand, another, changing the colour of his robe, pulling the hood up over his head and slippint he mask on.
"You seem to be lost, Longbottom." A deepness added to his tone.
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thorfinnrowlex · 1 month
At the moment, he was going to put his efforts into the cause, doing what he was good at, and spend his evenings how he wished. "That will be something you'll have to wait and find out for yourself." A smirk toys on his features. He couldn't deny the truth to her words, but that didn't mean he had to acknowledge them. They could have stolen away unnoticed, all eyes too busy on the happy couple that married. "I'd like to think no one will pay attention to us." He came to a stop when he felt they were far enough away. "And if it was?" Wanton hues glance down at the witch within his grasp, wrapping his arms around her waist, pulling her body flush with his. "Doesn't sound like a horrible idea." He felt the night coming to an end and ready to leave soon.
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"Oh, and what does that new path entail?" Evelyn wondered if it entailed more torturing of muggles, or perhaps his attempt at a serious relationship. Clearly it hadn't worked thus far, and she never understood why people bothered trying at all. She gave him a droll look, laughter falling from her lips. "Not suspicious? Thorfinn you led me away from the party and down an empty path where no one might see us. Anyone who saw us leave would find that strange." And she was sure at least one person if not many had. There were many always paying attention after all, much as she had been all evening. A quirked eyebrow at the comment, an amused smile lifting her lips. "Is that your intentions, to have me go home with you?"
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thorfinnrowlex · 1 month
He didn't understand the voice in his head that suggested he mingle with the witches. Trying to keep himself distracted and away from another he had already make a mistake with earlier this evening. A smile played on his face, holding out a hand for her. "Then shall we?" The blonde led her onto the dance floor, an arm around her waist and the other holding the hand offered, gliding around effortlessly, dance lessons something his mother started at a young age. "Tell me something about yourself." Thorfinn was curious about her.
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"Pleasure to meet you as well." She smiled, her voice honest as she thought that he was handsome. Serra wasn't objective, never had been, but she didn't care for anyone else's taste but her own. "I am. Thank you for asking." It was one of the better weddings she's been to. "I'd love to." Dancing was one of the things she enjoyed most, having had lessons since she learned to walk.
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thorfinnrowlex · 1 month
Nothing outside of the restroom meant anything to him, consumed by what was held within, and this moment he would bend to his fervor. Thorfinn led with the anger he felt for Athena, lost in translation with the love he knew would never fade, taking this liberty to seize one chance to feel her, even in this state. We could have had it all. Words, he would never utter to her, a confession kept to himself. Instinct took over, leaving all thoughts in abyss, his hiked the dress up over her hips, a hand reaching down to pop the button on his trousers, tug the zipper down and push them off one hip at a time, down to his knees.
Fingers press firmly into her ass, lifting her up off the ground, wrapping her legs around his waist. "Don't fucking talk." He pulled back from her lips, a deadly intent written in his eyes, all he wanted to hear was her moans and take from her, like she took from him. A greed and need consumed him. He hooks a finger around the bottom of her panties, pulling them to the side, and without warning, he delves deep inside of her, stilling his hips a moment, before building into a frantic pace. His lips find hers, fingers digging into her hips, losing himself in the moment.
They were a tragedy of their own, they had loved, they still loved, and that made them both vulnerable. Vulnerable enough not to walk away even when they were constantly breaking their own heart. Exposed to the rawest of pains, they just kept coming back for more. He'd broken her heart, she'd teared his to pieces, yet here they were once again. Their gazes locked and confessions made, they should know better by now, but there was little they could do. As much as they hurt and break, there was no love like theirs.
Athena saw it in his eyes a split second before it happened and she braced herself for the kiss, his lips clashing against her with a force that said enough. Anger, pain, love. Her mouth opened beneath his, desperate and hungry, she hadn't thought she'd kiss him ever again. Her heartbeat increased rapidly, hands grasping at his arms, quickly finding the nape of his neck and pulling him closer towards her. Her soul ached at his words, not for what he said but because she knew what he really meant. "No, you don't." She breathed out against his lips, letting her hands slip down to find the buttons of his shirt, pulling at them to remove the fabric between their bodies. A moan left her lips as she parted her legs, making it easier for her dress to slip up. She wanted him, like she always had. She loved him, like she always had. She couldn't say it, so instead she repeated his words for he would know what they meant. "I hate you too." The witch whispered as she parted away from the kiss momentarily, dark blue irises making the confession for her and then she latched her lips with his once again, ready to be burnt yet again.
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