@athenadark  yeah we say the word, but in the US it's spelled draft, and even when I was looking it up for the picture, Siri pronounces drought like “drawt “
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Fifteen years later and I just this minute learned that ‘draught’, as in Draught of Living Death, Sleeping Draught, etc. is, in fact, pronounced “draft”.
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Teach boys about periods
My mother also talked about periods to my brothers.
When I first got mine I had terrible cramps. Crippling cramps. I once was camping with my family and a few of my big brother’s friends when my period came. My cramps were so bad that my mom gave me a full pain killer ( I was 13 and before that she only gave me pills cut in half).
I literally laid down on my parents’ air mattress and cried in pain for an hour before the pill kicked in.
My brothers friend came in to the big tent and I was just curled up and sobbing. Now, I was quite the tomboy and was known to rough house with my brothers and their friends and made sure I wasnt seen as just “a little girl.” So my brother’s friend was confused to see me openly weeping in the fetal position (seriously, these were the worst cramps I have had in my life. My vision went white). He asked what was wrong with me.
My big brother stood up immediately and suggested a nice long hike. During this hike I am sure he had a pretty awkward conversation with his friend explaining menstrual cramps, because when they got back the pain pill had (mostly) kicked in and I was sitting up at a table when my brother’s friend sheepishly asked me if I was feeling better. I said I was better, and he said good.
When we made s'mores that night my brother and his friend kept me well supplied with chocolate.
Making sure sons know as much about periods and menstruation as daughters makes them better brothers, better sons better fathers, and better men. A man that understands a period will not lightly accuse a woman of “being on her period” if the woman is in an argument.
Raise better sons Teach them about normal bodily functions.
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god bless the girl scouts
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Yesterday involved having a “come to Jesus” talk with ETDs aunt concerning my food issues, because there was not a single safe thing for me to eat at the party, even though she insisted there was. I had to point out that baking a dish with meat in one side, and not in the other, doesn’t make it meat free, cause that’s not how fucking cooking works and was especially dangerous for me because while my wheat allergy is painful and inconvenient, my allergy to the protein in red meats is potentially fatal. And I only found out the dish had meat in it when my mouth began to burn and my breathing hitched. Thankfully I hadn’t swallowed the mouthful yet, and had my meds with me.
There was also another person there with full blown celiac who did her best to avoid everything, but still got cross contaminated. I hope she’s doing okay today and not in too much pain.
So yea, I had to do the whole “if I’m offering to help you, let me fucking help you cause you might kill me” song and dance. Hopefully she listened.
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There’s a lot of discourse going around right now about everyone’s ages but this is literally the only thing I’ve been thinking of since they were officially released
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no but like parker memorised that whole fucking speech of nate’s from the first episode and it’s not like she was even slightly thinking of nostalgia reasons at this point. its because parker notes everything, what people say, when they said and how it could be used against her and her family
but she couldn’t have just recalled it off the top of her head right?
look what im saying is that parker has a book called “Nate’s speeches” and her and the ot3 do fucking dramatic re-enactments of them with their favorite being that every so often they’ll throw themselves against the nearest available surface and just shout “My name’s Nate Ford, and I am a THIEF” and they compete for who can be the most dramatic
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Dyscalculia is a learning disability, a lot like dyslexia, but with math and numbers. Everyone knows what dyslexia is, but for some reason, dyscalculia isn’t as well known. I want people to know about this so no more kids are gonna believe uneducated adults who tells them that they’re just lazy and no more kids are going to think they’re just hopeless idiots when they try and try but just can’t understand. It happened to me, and I won’t let it happen to anyone else.
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Everyone always makes modern Mulan super punk rock but my dudes…… Mulan grew up on a farm……. she’s definitely the dirty cowgirl who wears jeans everywhere all the time, rubs dirt stains out of her t-shirts with spit, and owns one (1) pair of nice flats that sit in the back of her closet gathering dust while she climbs trees in her giant clunky heavy duty outdoorsman boots that are sturdy enough to stop a bullet
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Other, More Considerate People: I like to keep my story as close to canon and ship-free as possible so everyone can enjoy it. :)
My Self-Indulgent Ass: ‘Sup, assholes, here’re all my implausible OTPs, their future children, a bunch of OCs that play prominent roles, and all my sexuality headcanons are in effect.
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When your friends decide that the day before an important meeting with the Japanese ambassador is a great time for a hair dye prank haha
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A veterinarian created a natural cat feeding system to keep your cat both happy and healthy. Get more information here
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so if there’s one single trope i’m always down to fight it’s the animal bride (folklore motif 402??) which a lot of you are probably familiar with as the selkie - the fisherman either falls in love, steals her skin to trap her on land/gain power over her, or they fall in love and THEN he steals her skin to keep her from leaving, and either way she spends a lot of time gazing sadly out to sea and then she or her child finds the skin and never returns again. and that’s awful on a whole lot of levels - it’s not love, it’s control.
BUT. but the thing is. you how selkies/seal women was a pretty common variation of this? another really popular one was swans.
i just want you to think about that for a moment. swans. like…I get it, they’re pretty, graceful birds, certainly it’s easy to imagine them magically becoming pretty graceful ladies? but have you ever fought a swan. swans are awful. swans are the devil’s geese. imagine seeing a pretty magic lady and being absolutely enchanted by her, and stealing her magic feather cloak, and then you go up and say ‘hey i’m in love with you, let me make you my queen, it will be great, we’ll be so happy’ and she just looks at you for a moment and…
you know i was going to say maybe she just shouts for her sisters and suddenly you’re realizing you’ve made a terrible terrible mistake bc you’re surrounded by big fucking birds who are all hissing. but honestly if this swan lady is as aggressively down to brawl as any other generally unhappy swan, then she’d straight up fuck you up on her own. she’d just deck you roundhouse, honestly. you don’t fuck with swans. why does this trope exist
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Saw this on Essence Magazine’s Snapchat and thought it would be helpful💕
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@greenekangaroo these little guys are probably the closest you're ever going to get to owning a pet crocodile. They're so cute!
Please google crocodile skinks
I love them 
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i love cats
you have long cat (serval)
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ear cat (sand cat)
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small evil cat (black footed cat)
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spherical cat (pallas cat)
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cat who probably watches makeup tutorials on youtube (caracal)
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very round cat (leopardus guigna)
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water cat (fishing cat)
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cat with socks (leopardus colocolo)
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grayscale cat (geoffroy’s cat)
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and let’s not forget revolver cat (ocelot)
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