thorkificrecs · 11 years
Because this blog is a side blog.... I have to delete it
I'm going through some really hard shit on my personal and I can't fucking do it anymore
I love you guys so much
I'll keep this here as an archive of fics
I'm really sorry guys, but this is the last post
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thorkificrecs · 11 years
Hi... I asked this before but any more highschool au fics?? :333 thank you!!
Hm... Let me see if I can find some more. The list is a bit short, but I don't like reccing things simply for having the request in them, you know? I'd rather it be short with quality fics.
Thanks for the request! :)
his scarlet ibis
Mature. Underage.
He remembers when Loki was first brought home: a wailing, shrieking bundle tucked into his mother's arms. His parents had gazed at the infant with such awe, obviously smitten no matter how loud Loki cried, how much he scratched at the hands that reached for him.
Thor disliked his baby brother instantly.
Mature, if only for the sexual language. No actual smut though. Other than that, I'd say teen.
"Loki. You have. You've put your cock in my mouth. The least you could do is call me by my first name. It's easier than Laufeyjarson, anyway."
The Fundamental Theorem of Shakespeare
Mature. Student/teacher relationship.
Thanks to a prank gone wrong, Loki gets kicked out of a class and must sign up for a new one in order to earn enough credits to graduate. The problem? He may or may not have implied wanting sexual relations with his teacher. Fortunately, it seems as if his feelings might not be so unrequited after all.
Three Weeks Before Hell
Teen. I'm pretty sure this will never update but it's gooood.
Odin and Laufey are set to wed in New York. Their sons are not so happy about this arrangement. In fact, they already hate each other. They have hated each other since they were toddlers. And now, they must become brothers.
Hanging Out, Freaking Out, Sneaking About, Making Out
When Thor and Loki's parents go on vacation, trusting their children to a weekend alone, of course they do what any teenagers would do.
Let's Go All The Way
He was sure if his father walked in on him and Thor now, both shirtless with their hands down each others’ pants on the bed, that the look on his father’s face would be equal parts amusing and terrifying.
A Little More Than Mammals
White Carnations
Noncon. Underage. Neither on Thor's part don't worry.
Maybe Thor never really realized how much he had until now, when it's walking away from him. To be fair, maybe Loki never really did, either.
Loki finds it somewhat hard to help when Thor’s focused more on getting in his pants.
Go, Thor, Go!
Mature. Underage.
Loki is a cheerleader. His not-brother Thor is a football player.
Thor likes cheerleaders and may or may not have a weakness for Loki (read: definitely has a weakness for Loki which Loki knows all about).
Electric Tonight
Explicit. Underage. Genderbent!Loki
Okay, so, um: He doesn’t actually remember when he started sleeping with his adopted sister (his adopted little sister, on days when he’s feeling particularly miserable). He’s pretty sure that it happened after her sixteenth birthday, one year and two months ago, but other than that… Well. He only knows that it happened, and has kept happening ever since.
Loki the Teenage Witch
Loki could magick the polish onto his toenails, but where would the fun be in that?
Loki and Thor under the bleachers. Somehow, Thor just gets it. 
Also not trying to sound awful but I wrote one a while back. *falls over*
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thorkificrecs · 11 years
Mature. AU. Dubcon (it's prostitution, so dubcon in the first part is inevitable).
He leaves early for work these days, wandering along his old trawling grounds toward the playhouse where he doles out peanut butter sandwiches, warm socks, and change to the kids with the babyfaces that should be home in bed worrying about assignments rather than their next john. He smiles at them warmly and though he never says much, every one of them knows exactly who he is and why he's there. You never do forget where you came from.
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thorkificrecs · 11 years
Explicit. Mortal AU. Fandral/Loki thrown in there.
Thor becomes the inadvertent audience to his college roommate's sex life.
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thorkificrecs · 11 years
Explicit (not for sex). Graphic descriptions of violence. Underage. Some seriously disturbing imagery. Mortal AU.
Loki draws: severed heads, mutilated torsos, a mouth wide open in a scream. Bodies strewn about, arms and legs akimbo, drenched liberally in blood. All the victims look like Thor.
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thorkificrecs · 11 years
Mod Post
I wanted to thank all of my new followers
and also for over a 100 notes on two of my recent posts
thanks guys!
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thorkificrecs · 11 years
Any jotun loki fics?
Oh, yes!
The Asgardians have defeated them. To save himself, Laufey offers the hand of his smallest son.
One Night With the King
Explicit. WIP.
After a foolish night of drunkenness, the young King Thor is on a search for a new queen, this time a commoner that the people of Asgard can rise behind and love as one of their own. All Aesir youth who are of age and pass the initial tests of beauty, virginity, and fertility are to be housed in the king’s harem where they will be groomed and trained for potential queenship. After one year’s time, the king will then spend a single night with each of the chosen youth in order to choose his queen.
The strangest youth in competition for the crown? A lying, thieving, mysterious trickster known only by the name of Loki.
Little does the House of Odin know that Loki is neither Aesir nor a commoner.
Black As Coal
It is tradition for the Æsir to give cats to new brides. For Loki, the little kitten Thor gifts to him is all he has, until he falls into a conspiracy to rid Thor of his Jotun Queen.
All That Sparkles is Sometimes Blue
As a dragon, Thor is rather fond of capturing ‘virgin’ princes.
Boom Baby Boom
There is a certain Jotun Ambassador that is rather skilled at getting under Thor’s skin.
For He is Still an Enemy
He that is taken and put into prison or chains is not conquered, though overcome; for he is still an enemy. --Thomas Hobbes
And so he flung himself between Laufey and the final strike that would have been his death, arms flung wide to cover as much of his crumbled and bleeding father as possible, and called out, "I will be the weregild for this transgression!"
It was only enough to stop Thor's hammer from crashing down, for still it stayed raised into the air, the lightning still crackling over its uru head. Eyes the color of the clearest ice had bored into Loki, giving him a chill he'd never known before and could not entirely banish no matter how he steeled himself. "You offer your own death in place of your king then? And why should I exchange one small prince for a just punishment to a king who brought this cost to his own people?"
Let Me Be Your Ruler
Jotunheim won and Laufey did what any other warlord would do; he took the heart of Asgard.
Thor is raised by Loki's side and helps Loki overthrow his father. But Loki wants so much more than just Jotunheim.
"You will be a fine husband," Frigga says. "Your father and I are very proud."
light in the monochrome night
Thor is young and reckless, eager to slay one of the ferocious frost giants and have the skalds sing songs of his mighty deed. He sneaks into Jötunheimr, but the giant he meets is nothing like the hulking, bloodthirsty creatures from the age-old stories they tell in Asgard.
Diplomatic Mission
Explicit. Underage.
One of the large doors creaked open behind Odin as he droned on and someone slipped inside. A lanky teenager with long blond hair and splotchy tan silently filled the empty seat beside the Allfather.
Ah, Odin's little boy. But not so little anymore it seemed. He'd grown quite a bit since Loki had last visited. Well, this made everything more pleasant He always liked a little eye candy.
'til nothing else remains (except the fires from which I came)
Growing up had been a rather strange and indefinitely frustrating experience for Loki. Where most male frost giants became burly with age and training, shoulders broad and muscles defined, Loki was toned and lithe, and the cunt he'd spent years ignoring as equally as his cock began to moisten with heat.
A Role to Play
Unfavored son of Laufey, Loki, has been sent to Asgard to win the affections of Thor Odinson for manipulation to Jotunheim's benefit, however he manages to do it.
magic, lost and found
Mature. WIP.
Magic is for children and cruel, cowardly adults. This is what Thor and all Asgardians are taught and know is true.
These are some of the best I've read, but if you want more, you can check out my Jotun Loki tag!
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thorkificrecs · 11 years
Ice Skating AUs
No one asked for it but here it is anyway
The Ice is Getting Thinner
Mature (it's not graphic).
For all the meticulous and calculated planning he does, when Loki chooses to be impulsive, he somehow manages to go to the extremes of it.
it's lonely on the ice
Everyone's heard that blood bounces on ice. Everyone knows that it's something to do with the temperature difference, how the heat of the blood reacts with the coldness of the ice and rolls away.
They're wrong.
When blood comes into contact with ice, it melts the ice and soaks into it, then refreezes, turning the ice into a macabre canvas. Two different elements merge, and become one.
“I don’t do autographs,” Loki says with a scowl, kicking up a spray of ice as he twists and stops, looking at a point about a foot to Thor’s left.
It had not always been like this.
every me
Thor can’t say it. He simply cannot. So instead, he turns and places his hand, steam-hot, on the chilled, sleek plane of his brother’s stomach.
There's probably a few more, but these are the ones I personally enjoyed. :)
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thorkificrecs · 11 years
Age gap fics? Thanks!
Oh my friend I have so many
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Trial Run
Explicit. Underage.
The fact of the matter is - Loki likes to try new things.
a cellar, a wishing well, a war
Explicit. Underage.
Thor's father warned him not to visit the prisoner.
The Symbols Series
Explicit. Underage.
Loki is the symbol of peace. He will be ravished by Thor in place of his kingdom. Only Loki does not want to be a symbol.
We'll Build Our Alter Here
Explicit. Underage. Dub-con.
It's distressingly easy to get Loki under him. For all his cleverness, Loki is still so painfully naive, especially in matters concerning the physical.
Where We Went Wrong
Explicit. (mild) Underage.
And there are thousands of miles between them and home, except not really: They're right next to each other, after all.
Like the Sea over Sand
Mature. Underage.
„If I — if I die tomorrow,“ Loki whispers, his cheek pressed tightly to Thor’s chest. „Brother, I have never even been kissed.“
Thor’s world crumbles.
Explicit. Underage.
"Now, run along, little godling. We shall soon have our reckoning."
Gravity Series
Teen-mature. Underage.
Thor has to say yes, eventually.
Burn Down the Walls in Front of Everyone
Explicit. Underage.
"No? Then why do you taunt me like this, parading around the training fields in this-- this licentious attire, making a spectacle of yourself and mocking me in front of my brothers in arms?"
Loki's plan of seducing Thor by wearing a tiny skirt doesn't play out the way he thought it would.
The Disgrace of All Gods and Men
In which Loki is many things, but not that kind of monster, and Thor has no idea of what lies ahead. Or, what does a trickster god while he waits for a little Thunderer to grow up?
Some bonus Hiddlesworth (since I have so many in this category)~
consolers of the lonely
Explicit. Underage (for like, 2 seconds. Tom's 18 for most of the sexual content tho idk if that is underage where the fic is set or not but here, tis not)
chris comes home after five years away and meets the foster kid his parents have taken in. life is never the same again.
taste of cherry
Explicit. Underage.
chris moves in across the street the summer tom is seventeen.
pot kettle black
Explicit. Underage.
wherein tom is a blogger who posts incriminating photos of himself on the internet and chris is the hapless sap that falls for it. then they arrange to meet. warnings for age-difference.
still my heart, hold my tongue
Explicit. Underage.
chris visits tom's family's summer home in siena. 
This love will be your downfall
Explicit. Underage. Noncon.
Suffering from emotional neglect, Tom is the perfect victim for a too nice handyman.
Also (since there's not too many with plain age difference) there's plenty others in my underage tag.
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thorkificrecs · 11 years
100 (and 1) followers!
I hit 100 a few days ago but kept forgetting to make this post...
Thank you all for following, you're all really lovely.
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thorkificrecs · 11 years
Explicit. Noncon.
Even the Golden Odinson has a dark, dirty little secret.
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thorkificrecs · 11 years
Teen. Crack.
“...today, the latest sextape...this time featuring the stars of superhero films Thor and The Avengers!” “Wow! I didn’t know the movies had any ladies in common!” “That’s what makes this such a great headline, George, they don’t!”
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thorkificrecs · 11 years
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serena-4 ha escrito un fan fic que deben leer!! Se llama “Rosas para una Diva”(haciendo referencia a uno de mis fan arts). Es hermoso, y tiene como centro de atención a mamá Loki <3. Me ha dado muchísimos feelings T_T
Aquí les dejo el enlace: http://www.amor-yaoi.com/fanfic/viewstory.php?sid=111231&textsize=0&chapter=1 
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thorkificrecs · 11 years
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If you didn’t know what was actually happening in this scene, you’d think they were about to make out.
Hell, even if you do know what’s actually happening in the scene, they still look like they’re about to make out.
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thorkificrecs · 11 years
Explicit. Noncon.
For his war crimes on Midgard Loki is imprisoned in the Asgardian dungeons. Until Thor is crowned King, and things change. Or perhaps they simply go back to the way they were.
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thorkificrecs · 11 years
Explicit. Underage.
chris comes home after five years away and meets the foster kid his parents have taken in. life is never the same again.
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thorkificrecs · 11 years
Hi... Have you got any highschool au's? Thanks! Btw, I love your blog! :3
Why thank you! But as cheesy as they are, high school au's are one of my favorite tropes. So. Here we go.
They're Playing Our Song
In retrospect, Thor supposes he was lucky (really lucky) that it was Loki he stumbled upon that fateful day and not some other student instead. 
I just found this one recently and read it in one sitting. While I wish it could have been longer with some more in-depth character development, it's really good.
Explicit. Also featuring genderbent Thorki hell yeah
"I told you from the beginning that I didn’t want anything serious.”
Thora moved closer, their faces now just an inch or so apart. “Then why do you look like you’re about to stab anyone I so much as talk to now.”
By one of my favorite authors and this is really good and short but great characterization yeah.
How about a little Thorki highschool AU in which they are horny bastards that want to screw in inappropriate places.
There are more to come involving this author and all of her highschool fics.I promise it's wonderful.
Because nobody would ever get under Thor’s skin like Loki could, and only ever they would always be the best and the worst for each other.
This one is grand for reasons.
Sonnet 18
Mature. (though they just kiss I don't see how it's mature but whatevs tis their choice?)
Loki isn't used to not getting what he wants, but he is certainly up for a challenge. 
This one has some iiiiiiiiffy characterization of some side characters (*coughs* hOGUN *coughs*) but it's pretty good yeah. New too yay.
Mistakes and Accidents Series
Explicit. Underage. TW: some suicidal thoughts. Also beyond high school after a while.
They're twins. Fraternal, obviously. Thor is nine minutes older.In kindergarten everyone assumes they're cousins. Thor instantly corrects them, loudly asserting, “He's my brother.”
This is one of my all time favorites everyone should go read it right this very moment.
Love, Lust, Temptation and Sin
Underage. Explicit. Intersex Loki.
What else is a big brother for, than to lend a hand when necessary?
Another one of my favorites.... *hides in shame*
Text Chronicles
Thor and Loki are stepbrothers with communication issues, and anger issues, and well, really, they just have issues.
Luckily, these issues are nothing that copious amounts of alcohol can't fix. After all, everyone knows that it's easier to solve deep-rooted emotional problems when you're drunk.
Not really a high school one but they're teenagers in a modern setting does that count.
"How’d you get your car back?"
Thor gave him an arrogant grin. “I broke into the impound.”
This one is gr9. I haven't read it in a while but you should.
Ok wow I think it's time to stop I could go on forever with high school fics you don't understand.
Thank you for the request! *tips hat*
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