The role of Hunter Clarington is played by Katie.
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Good evening, GLEE RP TAG! We've just filled the role of Hunter Clarington, and now officially only have one more open role! That being none other than the dashing Mr. Sam Evans. If you're a Sam player, or just somebody looking to take part in a new, small, AU Glee role-play and feel like trying your hand at playing Sam, please come and check us out! We'd love to have a full cast list, and may even consider adding in two more roles if we manage to fill Sam soon! If you're unsure, check out our PLOT, as well as Sam's character biography, and maybe that will help you make up your mind. We look forward to hearing from you!
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♔ NAME/AGE: Katie, 16
♔ ACTIVITY: 9/10, I should be on everyday from 4pm until I go to sleep, usually around midnight. I’ll be on almost all day during the holidays and weekends.
♔ CHARACTER NAME: Hunter Clarington
♔ APPROVED SHIPS: Huntbastian, Blainter, Kunter, Samter, Hunter/chemistry
♔ ANTI-SHIPS: Hunter/no chemistry Hunter/forced
Seven years of Hunter Claringtons life had been spent full of hopelessly devoted parents, giving him everything he asked for, singing lessons, dance lessons, acting lessons. They had definitely paid off.  He was by far the most talented person he’d ever met, and he was damn certain that wasn’t going to change, ever. He had an amazing voice, amazing moves, and an amazing face. He was the full package. However, after his parents popped out another three kids, he got pushed to the back of the pile. He became the relatively ignored sibling, never the first to be mentioned in the billions of thank-you speeches his parents had to make, never the first to be praised, always the first to be forced to babysit the little Claringtons. It wasn’t that he didn’t love his siblings, he adored them. Harry, Elizabeth and Carly were his entire world, and he would do anything for them. He’d spent countless hours wiping snotty noses, changing diapers, brushing tangles from hair and giving shoulder-rides around the garden, skipping along just to hear them giggle. Yes, he was the very definition of a big brother; he doted on their every need.
 Hunter was never neglected, no, he still got everything he needed. The spotlight was just pulled away from him, and shone straight onto the younger Claringtons. The fresh meat. And the eldest was definitely not okay with that. To him, attention was like oxygen; he needed it to live.
That’s the exact reason why he decided to pack his bags and head for the big apple. There, he knew that his talents would be fully appreciated, he could get that spotlight, that attention. Hunter Clarington was going to be a star. A really, really attractive star.
One thing that Hunter was sure of in this world of mass uncertainty, was that he was fucking awesome. And talented, hot, funny, hot, talented, and did he mention hot? Therefore, with a little hard work, a lot of dazzling smiles, as many songs and dance numbers as he could manage and possibly sleeping with some people, he was going to make it to the top. He would do anything.
 It wasn’t hard for him to find himself a nice, spacious apartment on the upper east side, nor was it hard for him to find a small group of less-talented friends from his classes at Julliard. The apartment was chosen for him; a gift from his mother to say “good luck in New York!” It wasn’t as though he needed her, or his fathers, blessing, no, he would have followed his dreams regardless of their opinions. But it was nice to know he didn’t have to worry about money.
As soon as his acceptance letter to Julliard came, his parents thrust him into centre stage once again. He suddenly became the golden child, the big success, and his mother would introduce him to everyone as “This is Hunter. He’s going to be a big big star!” Well, that had been obvious for years. Everyone who’d ever seen Hunter perform could see how talented he was, and nobody doubted his future success. He basked in the return of his former glory, not bothering to build his siblings up to seem better. After all, he was going to be a big big star.
Even if his parents hadn’t bought him an apartment as a leaving gift, Hunter still wouldn’t have had to worry about money. Hunter never had to worry about money. With a world renowned lawyer for a father and a successful chef for a mother, cash was something that flowed in abundance through the family. He’d never been flashy with it, though, preferring to keep his purchases simple, things he needed, treating himself occasionally. Hunter, on the whole, wasn’t an exceptionally flamboyant person. Admittedly, he was very confident about his talent, and did like to keep the spotlight on himself the majority of the time, but he never boasted about his money, his families success, none of it.
After the big move from Nashville to NYC, Hunter managed to tone down the overall wealth even more. His parents still payed most of his bills, supplying him with money for rent, utilities, his tuition, and any other major costs he came across, but he decided to start making money for himself, become more independent with his finances, and his life. That was why he got a job down at a singing bar a few blocks from his home, performing every night without fail. People tried to approach him, several girls, and occasionally guys would walk up with offers of numbers, dates, and “maybe we could go back to my place?” But he brushed them all off in favour of sitting behind the bar with his friend and co-worker Blaine, chatting, laughing and drinking the night away as they watched the failures of New York City filter through the doors and wander past the windows.
Hunter loved his new life in the city. He’d always felt suppressed, completely reliant on those around him. But now, with his own home, a job he loved and worked hard at, a place at an amazing school, he felt like the pieces of his life were falling into place. After all, he’d only ever wanted to be a star. And now, in the city of dreams, that was starting to happen.
One thing that Hunter was sure of, was that he was fucking awesome, and he was about to prove it. Watch out New York, here comes the fierce, sexy, talented, and ridiculously dedicated small town boy who will become Hunter Clarington; big big star.
This is the easiest question I have ever been asked. I mean, seriously. Give a guy a challenge. It would have to be when I went to see All Shook Up on Broadway. Cheyenne Jacksons performance as Chad, the leather jacketed roustabout, is what inspired me to become a Broadway star. I mean, his voice and my voice…they’re practically identical. I would be incredible in that musical. As soon as I heard the opening chords of Jailhouse Rock, and saw Cheyenne up on stage belting it out, I realised that that’s where I belong. Centre stage, spotlight on me, full on dance number, awesome song. It may sound cheesy, but it’s my destiny. I need it. I need to be a star.
This if fun, it’s like being interviewed. Good practise for the future, right?  It’s kind of inevitable that I’ll do this again. Anyway, what was the question? Oh, yeah, five years. Um…well, I hope to  have graduated Julliard at the top of my class, obviously. Maybe I’ll have moved apartments, somewhere more interesting. I hope I’ll be in an off Broadway production at least, maybe even Broadway if I can get there that soon. A relationship, that would be nice. Probably a boy though; I know I’m bisexual, but girls irritate me more than guys do. I know it’s not technically ‘myself’, but I hope my siblings are doing well, I hope Harry’s gotten into a college, and my sisters are doing well in high school. I just…I guess overall, in five years time I want to be happy and successful in whatever I’m doing at the time. But yes, Broadway. I want to be on Broadway. 
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This is your official ONE HOUR CLOSING WARNING. Hunter will be closing at 6 P.M. EST, exactly one hour form now. Make sure to get those applications in, or let us know ASAP if you're gonna need more time!
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Is there much distinction between who is better out of the two Hunter applicants? I'm thinking of applying and am curious as to whether there is much of a gap between them.
Honestly, no. They're both excellent, it's going to be really hard to choose between the two. That doesn't mean a third isn't welcome, of course! We'd love more applications. Sam Evans is also open, if you feel like you're not sure about Hunter and would still like to be in the group. Either way, we'd love applications for both.
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The role of HUNTER CLARINGTON will be closing at 6 P.M. EST. This gives you three hours to send in anymore applications for the role. Don't miss out, he's one of our only TWO remaining open roles!
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Hi, I'd like to audition for Hunter, and I'm nearly done with my application, I've been working on it for a couple of days, so I was wondering if you could hold off on accepting the other one until I've at least sent mine in, thanks :)
Of course! We look forward to reading your application. May I ask your name so we know whose application we're waiting for? We won't publish your response.
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Have you had any auditions for Hunter yet?
We have! I haven't been able to be around since yesterday afternoon due to a silly migraine, so I haven't had the chance to update the application count. I'm gonna go ahead and do that right now, though.
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Puckitty ship?
It really depends on if anybody will actually fill the roles, and if Puck players would be comfortable with a Quick Beth story line, as that's already a part of the role-play. It's also up to our current members, as we don't want to make anybody feel uncomfortable with an expanding group when they originally joined a small one. We'll ask, though.
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What's up, Glee RP tag? Our apologies for flooding the tags with our posts all night, but we'd very much like to fill our last two remaining open roles. We're a brand new AU GLEE RP set in New York City. We do have set endgames, but any and all midgames are possible and encouraged! Come check out our plot, and read the bios for our two remaining roles. We look forward to hearing from you via our inbox in the form of any questions or applications!
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The role of Blaine Anderson is played by Mimi.
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The role of Kurt Hummel is played by R.
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I didn't quite get the chance to make a post once I'd gotten done posting the accepted applications and updated the main, it took a lot longer than expected! Anyway, so those are all of our wonderful accepted applications posted for your viewing pleasure. As for our other lovely applicants who were not accepted, we're truly sorry, and wish you the best of luck with all of your role-play endeavors. If you would like to apply again for either of our two remaining open roles, we'd be thrilled. Anyway, to those of you just now stumbling upon the group, we still have two more open roles left for you to play! So, as we're just getting started with the game now, I strongly urge anybody interested in applying for either of those roles to fill out an application as soon as possible! As for our current members, the dash is looking impressive already, and both Elise and I are very thankful, and really hope you enjoy your time here.
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The role of Brittany Pierce is played by Korrie.
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The role of Santana Lopez is played by Summer.
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