thosebigsadeyes · 10 years
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             [♫]Claude honestly didn’t see why one wouldn’t engage a tour guide                      when visiting a foreign nation, but that was none of his concern;                      anyway, he didn’t mind being of assistance. “Of course, mademoiselle.                     You are in Cannes, France — and in not a very touristy place.                     Most people would be at the beaches.”
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             "Right.  'Course I'd be in . . . France."
                            If she could read into his thoughts, Clara wouldn't blame him,                             really.  God knows she could use a few adventures with a tour                             guide who wasn't an overly hyperactive alien with minute atten-                             tion span.  Who, by the way, has gone off on a little solo adven-                             ture of his own.  He'd be back, she doesn't doubt it      but hone-                             stly, she's got no clue of what to do in France.
                                               "Guess I'm not your typical tourist, then.  And I nev-                                                 er was one for beaches.                                                                             Don't suppose you'd like to point me                                                                       to the nearest bakery?"
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thosebigsadeyes · 10 years
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thosebigsadeyes · 10 years
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             "You're not hostile, are you?"
                                  It's a reasonable question to ask an alien she's never                                   met before, right?  I mean, not all of them were as, ah                                         warm as the Doctor.
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thosebigsadeyes · 10 years
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                 "Not right now!" is Clara Oswald's battle cry, sprinting up the steps                  to her humble abode.  A soufflé is in the oven, and it has dangerously                  resided there for too long.
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thosebigsadeyes · 10 years
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                "Hello there.  Are you lookin' for someone?"
                                  She has that expression to her, that you might find in                                   someone perusing a bookstore.  Only it seems a little                                   sadder.  More determined.
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thosebigsadeyes · 10 years
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               "That bowtie of yours is starting to droop.  Ever given it a wash?"
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thosebigsadeyes · 10 years
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thosebigsadeyes · 10 years
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               "      Teensy bit awkward, I know, but don't suppose you                                                 have a way of                                                                getting me home?"
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thosebigsadeyes · 10 years
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                  "It's you."
                       She says it without thinking      and she has to remind herself,                        of course, that this version of the Doctor doesn't remember h-                        er as she remembers him.  Odd, that.  Maybe one day, things                        might be simple with the old Time Lord.
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                                              "I mean, sorry.  It's not      you don't know me.  And                                                I only     actually, this shouldn't be happenin', pro-                                                bably.  You should actually      forget you saw me.                                                                         Go on!  Off you pop!"
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thosebigsadeyes · 10 years
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               "That's terrifyin'.  Please don't talk about that anymore."
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thosebigsadeyes · 10 years
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               "Oh gosh, sorry, I wasn't listenin'.  You were      talking to me,                                                         weren't you?"
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thosebigsadeyes · 10 years
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               "Hi, sorry, um      I'm not from around 'ere.  I'm  l o s t ,  actually.                             Could you      help me know where I am?"
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thosebigsadeyes · 10 years
(make a different post instead of reblogging please and thank you)
tagged by:  egomaniiiac
six similarities between mun & muse:
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we both prefer to be in control, & kind of freak out if we're not.
we both use a bubbly personality to mask feelings that are less 'sweet'.
we're both good at coming up with a quick (if temporary) fix to a difficult situation in the heat of the moment.
we both have a keen sense of wanderlust.
we're both very protective of the people we care about.
we both keep indulging in whatever makes us happy, no matter how imperfect we are at it.
six differences between mun & muse:
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i really don't talk as much as clara does, unless i'm really really tired or extremely excited about something personally huge & grand.
i don't drink tea as much as she does.
i think i've only had one soufflé in my life.
i'm not as quick on the tongue as clara, but that's probably because i don't talk so much & don't have the practice.
in relation to the last, i'm a heavy introvert.
children make me awkward.
tagging:  justonetrip debxssy undxcim deathfollowed actualproperclara thedarknesstohislight
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thosebigsadeyes · 10 years
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"Doorbells are so twenty-first century.”
          Well duh.
"I was gonna knock. I was just… Loitering."
          He’d been busy getting used to the           kinks this body provided, actually,           and gotten so distracted by a little           extra belly and surprisingly capable           facial expressions that he’d forgotten           entirely to get on with doing the           sweeping Clara away on another trip.
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            "      You're not wrong, I'll give you that."
                        Of course, it's hard to keep exaggeratedly cross with him f-                         orever, and she's learnt to appreciate him in all of his fine f-                         orms      the happy, the dark, and the occasionally infuriatin-                         g.  Also the form that gets easily distracted by everything bu-                         t Clara's door, but she finds that usually goes hand in hand                         with the adventurous Doctor.  She likes that one.
                                                "Let's pretend you knocked, shall we?  I've got                                                  tea if you like."
                                  She expects it'll grow cold rather quickly.
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thosebigsadeyes · 10 years
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                                                          [   h o m e .   ]
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thosebigsadeyes · 10 years
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thosebigsadeyes · 10 years
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                               ’ uh … no ? ‘            although, now she could direct a different question            to  anyone  around  her  and probably get a decent            answer.                       ‘ actually, though … could you tell me where i am ? ‘
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           "Awkward.  Sorry.  I'll just      "
                          Or not.  As soon as her presence is welcomed, in its own                           way, the petite brunette is back in her bubbly sway as if n-                           othing previous had ever come to pass.
                                                "St. Paul's Cathedral is just down the road, a-                                                  nd City Thameslink is past that.  Anywhere s-                                                  pecific you're lookin' for?"
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