thotbugatti · 10 months
everything should cost one dollar, ten dollars, or one hundred dollars. a drinky drink is one dollar. a t shirt is ten dollars. rent is one hundred. i might be convinced to allow one thousand dollars for some very big purchases like a house. i get it, you're running a business. i'm not unreasonable.
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thotbugatti · 11 months
The Audra Diaries
Hi so I’m doing the second episode so soon after the first because I watched the pilot yesterday and just finished episode 2. Only just got around to posting it here a little while ago. It won’t always be like this, I want to try to just do one per day at most.
Season 1 Episode 2
* so if Stefan is over a century old, what are the implications of him being attracted to a high school girl
* The way they’re not afraid to use blood as liberally as they do for a show made for teens on cable tv is fascinating to me
* How old is the aunt? She looks like she’s only a few years older than Elena
* Some of these teachers are fucking dicks man
* Nice faux hawk bro nice deep v bro
* Bro said dick on cable tv
* I feel a little bad for Matt but also like you might need to get over her man
* I hate this teacher so fucking much oh my god GO TO HELL
* if she’s deeply traumatized from almost being murdered why would you just grab her like that
* A vampire walking into a room with so much blood must be like an alcoholic walking into a bar during happy hour huh
* Jump his bones? What is that, stoner talk?
* Jeremy is a freshman?? How
* “You get high? 😏”
* So if she survived a vampire attack does that mean she’s going to turn into a vampire too?
* Kiss him girl he wonts u bad
* Now idk if you should be walking into this creepy old house girl
* Sotheby’s auction?
* She’s got…spunk…
* Nice deep V douche
* Jeremy is trying so hard to be the cool rebellious teen but man he sucks at it
* I thought vampires didn’t have reflections how did Damon show up in the mirror
* The way these guys just randomly disappear all the time must make these girls think they’re schizophrenic sometimes
* Where is Jeremy getting all these pills
* “You seem to spend a lot of time apologizing” me
* Why is she so hung up on his supposed ex he’s into YOU girl
* Okay, now this is epic
* What is her problem why is she mad at him he’s into you girl
* “Are you dealing?!”
* The way she treats Jeremy it’s almost as if she forgot their parents are dead and very recently too
* I took some pills mannn
* Damon’s a little goober trickster weirdo (and an evil freak)
* Caroline is a BITCH wow
* “She kinda wigs out it’s kinda her thing” CHECK ON YOUR FRIEND
* Don’t talk about your dead sister like this to her daughter Jenna why is everyone so strange in this show
* I’m sorry but there’s no way this kid is 15
* Don’t attack Caroline Damon she wonts u bad
* Elena and Damon have known each other for three minutes why does she act like this
* It was EPIC
* So are you gonna tell her that you’re a vampire since you guys like to pretend that you’ve known each other for so long cause it’s kinda important I think
Right, so, I’m not sure how to feel about this episode honesty. It doesn’t really feel like much progress was made in advancing the plot. In fact, they just kind of did more of the same from the pilot. Elena and Stefan do some more of the “will they wont they” dance, Jeremy wanders after Vicki like a wounded dog; Damon attacks some more people, Stefan struggles around blood, the episode ends with another girl getting attacked. I’m also kind of realizing that most of the people in this town are terrible people. Nobody seems to know how to talk to each other like normal people. In reality, it’s probably just CW writing, but it’s making it hard to like a lot of the characters. I’m not really sure who I’m meant to be rooting for aside from Stefan and Elena. This is only the second episode though, so I wont be too harsh and actually give them a chance to get it going.
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thotbugatti · 11 months
The Audra Diaries
Hi. So recently, I had a silly and goofy idea. Before I even talk about it, let me hit you with a recommendation. If you haven’t already, watch Jenny Nicholson’s video about the Vampire Diaries. I was watching/listening to that video today for the umpteenth time despite never actually watching the show myself, and I figured I should go ahead and watch it for the first time. I don’t want to just watch it though because that’s lame, that’s boring. Instead, I’m going to sit down and review every single episode of the show. So here’s the plan: I’m going to share the bullet point notes that I take while watching the episode, then afterward I’m going to write an actual review for the episode. That’s it. (The notes themself are often out of context comments, which is something that I personally enjoy looking at because I think that kind of thing is funny). Anyway, I hope you enjoy it. :3
Season 1 Episode 1
• why was he just standing in the road and why did he land on his back so perfectly
•so if vampires turn people by biting them, why did it kill that guy
•the thing that CW shows do where they have to make every plot element super obvious through exposition is amazing
• “I predict that we’ll get into a fatal car crash just like your parents huh *nudge*”
• why is Jeremy just watching them make out walk away bro
• you’re STONED
• chill myself? What is that, stoner talk?
• give him a break damn your parents are dead girl
• she said hubba hubba
• hawt-e. staring (@) u
• CAW!
• why does the gravestone only have the death date and no birth dates
• she’s going to fist fight the crow
• why are you in a graveyard FREAK?! is he not allowed to be there why are YOU here
• there is a bloody gash in your leg and somehow you don’t feel a thing
• he stole her diary he’s a pervert
• “when’s the last time you hooked up with a puppy?”
• “you keep a journal too omg fuck me now pls”
• Matt looks like an anemic Heath Ledger
• running up that hill instrumental? Ope nope just a cover
• “cute becomes dumb in an instant” what teacher is talking like this to their students
• why does he have a confederate flag on his desk
• his smolder is so dreamy
• so if Jeremy didn’t show up would that guy have just r*ped her???
• fog monster FOG MONSTER
• so she was almost r*ped then she was murdered. If I didn’t know any better I’d say that TY killed her
• she’s not into you bro
• OMG my brother is drunk at the party where everyone is drunk what the FUCK
• omg secret brother
• the crow is my fav character
• Damon looks kinda like Glinner if Glinner looked normal
• so is Vicki alive or dead cause they took her away in the ambulance covered
• can vampires teleport in this universe what’s up
• I love the way that people drink beer in movies and tv. It’s always so animated
• she basically told him to get over the death of their parents. CHILL, it’s been 5 months, you’re not over it either
• Vicki: “vampire…” Matt: 😯
• mid 2000s shows all using Fray songs is so on the nose
Review: I actually kind of liked this pilot. I think it’s compelling enough on its own and establishes most of the characters well (with the exception of Jeremy). It’s certainly not without its, uh, dicey moments. Tranny mess? The confederate imagery? From what I can tell, there is 1 (one) black character in the show. Also, the way they transition between scenes can be a little jarring, but that’s not even exclusive to this show. It’s a very CW thing. I think the actor they got for Stefan is a pretty rock solid choice as well. The mysterious, hot boy vampire that serves as their answer to Edward Cullen, that doesn’t sound insanely awkward when he speaks. I’ve had my reservations about this show for a while now, but after the pilot, I’m at least a little interested to see how it goes, and that’s how a pilot should be.
(I’m also posting these on substack if you’re interested in that: https://open.substack.com/pub/thotbugatti/p/the-vampire-diaries?r=302je1&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post :) )
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thotbugatti · 2 years
WHY are you pitting vampires and werewolves against each other they should be having lesbian sex
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thotbugatti · 2 years
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thotbugatti · 2 years
In my almost 24 years of life, my mother has been the greatest person I’ve ever known personally. This is something I’m very grateful for, because I know a lot of people really struggle with their relationship with their mom. Sickeningly kind, so compassionate, raised her children with so much patience and love and understanding and kindness. Did not give a shit about herself in the way she cared more about how others were doing and feeling more than herself, even right up to the moment she died. I don’t think I’ll ever know another person like her. She’s been gone for almost 12 years, and even though I feel like I’m so far detached from her at this point, I find myself thinking of her the more time passes. The further I get into my transition, the more I wish I had her here with me. Some of my most valued moments with her make me sound like an insane person, but these moments come from dreams. A few times a year at least, I have these very vivid dreams where I walk into her old house at my current stage of adulthood, walk up the stairs, and there she is, sitting in her recliner on the left. She never looks sick, she always looks radiant and happy, like how I choose to remember her, but she always seems tired. And I’ll sit there, having conversations about my life for hours. Then I wake up. Then I feel great. Then I feel awful, because I remember that she’s actually gone. I think recently I’ve begun to realize that I’ve probably never really moved past the grief. The more I think of that, the more I wonder that if these dreams are attached to the grief, will I lose the dreams if I do move past it? Because if that’s the case, I don’t think I want to, which probably also sounds crazy. These dreams offer so much comfort when I’m feeling particularly like I could do something drastic, and I never want to lose those moments that I’m able to have with her even though she’s not here anymore. Anyway, I constantly wonder how my transition would progress if she was alive. In my mind, she is the one person who would absolutely 1000% accept my transness because that’s just the kind of person that she was. Though, she was also a lesbian so I think that added layer would’ve helped me so much. I’m not entirely sure why I typed all this out, I just miss my mom and I wish she could see how I’ve turned out because I think she would be proud.
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thotbugatti · 2 years
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Obsessed with old hoothoot
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thotbugatti · 2 years
It’s sooooo silly to me that certain people are still complaining about the shiny hunting in SV being too “easy.” Like ofc it’s going to feel like that if you’re only hunting with charm and lvl 3 shiny sandwiches in the increased odds outbreaks. Just full odds hunt faceass
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thotbugatti · 2 years
I love accidentally leaving a program open that I didn’t even open on purpose that discord tracks like citra or psx because I wonder what my friends think I do all day. I play Pokémon on my switch at work. That’s it.
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thotbugatti · 2 years
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this happened in my playthrough 
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thotbugatti · 2 years
Whenever I’m just like unbearably sad and depressed I actively go out of my way to seek out the saddest conceivable music that I can imagine. It keeps me humble by reminding me that I’m not the first person that’s thought whatever I’m thinking. One could argue that it’s just wallowing, or that you’re just reaffirming whatever you’re feeling by creating the saddest echo chamber, but idk if it works it works.
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thotbugatti · 2 years
Why is true crime almost exclusively just murder? Where are the podcasts about petty larceny
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thotbugatti · 2 years
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Lifelong Swamp Friends. 
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thotbugatti · 2 years
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could ai make THIS!????
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thotbugatti · 2 years
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Looking for a Christmas gift for my dad that’ll make him laugh and TRUCK NUTS BALLS TESTICLES had me crying in the gas station parking lot
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thotbugatti · 2 years
They call me miss penis fingers because I have penises for fingers
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thotbugatti · 2 years
ngl if i was a elphephant id whip that thing around crazy style
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