I've been reblogging bro jokes from a person for like 6 hours for a blog that's entirely dedicated to those.. Fingers crossed cuz I'm afraid they'll block me which i think THEY WILL.
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I saw floating cities on a youtube video and I was like 'Someone launch me there'
I'd probably fall to my death if someone were to launch me there.. But it would be interesting if there were people or aliens living in those cities but also they probably would be like 'who tf is that mofo?!'
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I kinda want to wear roller skates 24/7 to get to places faster.
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What would it be like to go to a club and actually have fun??
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I kinda want to get yeeted out of an elevator for.. reasons.
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How many dominoes could I stack together in a nice looking tower? :):)
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I'm between really wanting to have friends and socialize but then I remember that I don't know how to socialize and also extroverts aren't handling well the quarantine like at ALL. So I'm between feeling like I'm really lucky but at the same time I feel miserable.
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Am I missing out by not knowing how to swim??
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Me and this world just dont vibe well together.
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I really want to try out skateboarding, but the place I live in just doesn't allow it. It's not illegal or anything but it would be really dangerous.
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If only I had a skinny body type I could wear some really cool clothes.
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*dab* *dab* *dab* *dab* *dab*
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I might be becoming a shitty person once again and I don't like that possibility.
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I wonder a lot about dinosaurs.. What did they look like? Movies represent them accurately?? Did they really make that loud roaring sound, was it a completely different sound or did they make no sound at all?? It must be really cool if I could see a dinosaur for real.
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I want to live stuff that looks like it was pulled out straight from a sci-fi movie. I want to do stuff that's crazy, fun, dangerous and fills me with joy and adrenaline but I likely won't ever do that and will die without doing anything interesting ever.
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It's too bad that dragons aren't real cuz I want to ride one so bad.
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Parkour looks cool and I kinda want to try it, but I know that my legs are shit and I'll very likely end up injuring/killing myself.
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