Hiatus Update
I am SLOWLY getting back into Rping
I am only doing on Muse right now and that is Pietro Maximoff (MCU) @imhertwin
For those of you who do not know. In July my husband and I lost our son. There were complications while I was in labor. The last couple 6 months have been alot of up and downs.
I am starting to feel like me again.
Slowly I plan to get more of my muses active.
However, right now I'll just be doing one. I get over whelmed easily now (even though I try really hard not to)
When I feel more comfortable I will update this.
@imhertwin – MCU – Pietro Maximoff
@thefirstknightofren – Start Wars – Kylo Ren
@visionofthemindstone – MCU – Vision
@imherpuddin – Suicide Squad – Joker
@crownedprincessofgotham – DC – Lucy Quinzel
@drydenvosofthecrimsondawn – Star Wars – Dryden Vos
@worest-vampire-ever – OC – Beth
@thranduilelvenkingofmirkwood – The Hobbit – Thranduil
@imherknight – Code Geass – Gilbert G.P Guilford
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Thranduil was not thrilled when Gandalf had sent him word that he would be visiting. Mostly because where the wizard went trouble almost always followed. The letter had also been vague and full of riddles so why he was coming wasn't very clear either. In fact the only thing that was clear was that he was bringing a guest, his daughter.
Thranduil wasn't even aware he had offspring which was intriguing to the Elf.
So he sent word back that they would be welcomed with open arms. He would have an armed guard come to Lake Town. Not that it was really warranted as nothing theatened the path between the town and his kingdom now.
The spiders has all disappeared with the fall of Sauron and slowly the Greenwood was returning to the beautiful forest and kingdom it had once been.
When the day came that the wizard arrived Thranduil had stepped away to let them settle before Gandalf found him.
"I have to say Mithrandir, your letter intrigued me. You said there was a something you need of me yet you spoke in riddles as per usual."
Gandalf chuckled and talked about he would soon be taking the journey West to the undying lands. He wanted to make sure that his daughter was taken care of and could think of no one better then him.
Thranduil was taken back greatly by this. He had not thought about love and finding someone in a very long time. His heart and soul had been torn apart when his wife died. The only thing that had saved him from dispare was his son Legolas. He pour his devotion and love over the elfling...though he was no longer an elfling any longer. In fact his little green leaf had grown into a mighty tree that was hardy ever home.
"I am very honored to be offered this opportunity my friend, but I will not be pushed on someone who does not want to be married." The king thought a bit, "but what I will do is court your daughter. If it was meant to be and the light shines down on us I will make sure she is well taken care of."
It was at this time that Gandalf had pointed out she was watching over them and Thranduil looked up. She was a beauty and the sight was kind of breath taking befor she turned away.
"One other thing Mithrandir, if you feel so inclined to tell her about this or anything about me please leave out my status here. Do not mention that I am king"
Gandalf agreed before departing from their meeting. The rest of Thranduil's day was spent making sure everyone else knew that they were not to address him as King while in her presence or any other time.
He also placed his elaborate crowns in his vault while keeping simple head dressing to dawn with his robes.
His last action was to make sure that Feren and Galion stayed by his side but not as his guards. They were tasked with making sure that the kingdom ran like always while the King was absent from the throne room. Also to make sure that the king himself was aware of what was going on.
Thranduil felt light wearing simpler robes then he normally would. He might have yo make this change permanent even after he revealed who we was. Not like he got or cold but it was just lighter he thought, maybe it was also his missing accessories like his crown.
Either way he dismissed himself into the gardens. He had wanted to collect his thoughts before approaching the girl. But there would be no such luck of gathering anything. As he had run straight into the very person he was trying to get a collection on.
Well this was going to happen sooner or later, so he approached slowly his hands held behind his back loosely.
"Hello," he said softly announcing himself.
Its early morning on a summer day when gandalf arrives with his adopted daughter in new lake town. They rent a small room for the night and rests from the long journey. Gandalf has explained he has business with the Mirkwood elves and he wants her to go with him. Azirafell, Gandalf's daughter, agrees even though shes a bit nervous. They spend the day resting and cleaning up and preparing for the trip the next morning.
The next morning Gandalf wakes Azirafell and tells her to quickly ready herself. The elves have come to escort them to Mirkwood. Azirafell quickly dresses and packs and throws her hood over her head hiding her ears and most of her face. They mount two horses brought by the elves and with the town staring in awe of there beautiful elven visitors they all head off to the woodland kingdom.
Once they arrive crossing the grate bridge into Mirkwood they are greeted by a welcome comity and led to there rooms. Azirafell is in awe of the beauty around her and says nothing to anyone. When she is left in her room she smiles and goes to look out the balcony window over the most beautiful gardens shes ever seen.
Below she sees gandalf walking with a tall beautiful elf man dressed in elegant robes. She wonders who this beautiful man is and watches them talk. Gandalf seams very serious as he talks to the elf. Soon they both look up at Azirafell and she locks eyes with the elf. His eyes are incredible and beautiful. Azirafell cant look away but she realizes he sees her and blushes quickly turning and going to her bed out of his sight. Azirafell smiles and just unpacks her few things resting her wizards staff by her bed and she sits on the bed reading one of her books.
A few hours later gandalf brings dinner to Azirafell and they discuss the next few days. Gandalf reveals that she is to stay here to learn about her Mirkwood elves heritage while he is talking with the king. Azirafell agrees and they part ways after dinner.
The next morning she is woken by a servant with breakfast. Azirafell smiles and eats happily and is then told she will get a tour of the kingdom. Azirafell is very excited and eats breakfast fast. The servant leads her threw the palace while Gandalf is speaking with thranduil again. At lunch the servant has lunch brought out to the garden where they enjoy a picnic before continuing the tour of the kingdom. It was night by the time they finished the tour and Azirafell was exhausted. She is left in her room for the night to sleep.
The next morning Azirafell wakes before breakfast and is reading when a new face enters the room. A young elf maiden introduces herself as her lady in waiting and says she will serve as Azirafell's helper while she stays in Mirkwood. The girl and Azirafell become fast friends by lunch and are like sisters. Together they hang out in the library and the garden talking about Azirafell's many adventures with gandalf.
The elf maidens name is mell and she even accepts azurafell's half wizard heritage. Mell leaves Azirafell in the garden to go fetch a snack for them befor dinner and Azirafell reads a book while she waits.
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Thranduil sat back letting the girl talk, he wpuld be as paas possible with her. Of course the Elven King wasn't exactly known for that, but now he would try.
"Yes your own kind, for you are not of Elven Kin and if you are human you are not kin to any here in Middle Earth. " he pour himself another glass of wine. "As for feeling threatened and chased I am curious to how you would have reacted to someone crashed into your home banishing a weapon? Would you not protect what is yours and chase them down?"
Left Turn at Albequeque
The engine turned over for what felt like the hundredth time.
“Trrrgh. Trrrrrgh.”
Dry knuckles gripped the keys until her fingers turned white and she finally relented getting the old gal to start. Berta was through…at least until she found a fuel source. Leaning back against the driver’s seat, the 4 door Chevy Silverado sat at the threshold outside this godforsaken wasteland. Despite the lack of fuel, there was plenty of gunk and guts splattered across the hood and windows of the vehicle. She thought, for good measure, her heart would stop several times. It had been unlike anything she had ever seen before in her life.
First she had managed to get herself mixed up in the thick fog on the way home and the next thing she knew she felt like she was in the Eight-Legged Freaks movie and her entire truck was being swarmed by spiders. For the better part of 25 minutes, she witnessed herself barreling through one arachnid after the other. She was recovering from the cold sheen of sweat and the hammering of her heart in her chest before finally turning the windshield wipers on to clear off any of the green splatter on her windows. The solution smeared against the glass but the cleaner eventually wiped it away. It was all quiet now. The bright headlights ended up blinding and scaring off most of the monsters, but her heart was still pounding in her chest.
“Ugh…” Her fingers ran through frizzy red curls in exasperation. The semi-automatic shotgun at her side sat, loaded and within arm’s reach and she didn’t hesitate to grab for it. She checked the ammunition she had left before fumbling under the seat for her lock box. Taking it out she realized she only had half a case left of bullets and sighed in frustration. “…All right. Keep it together. Conserve your ammo. Treat this like a horror survival game. You’ve got this.” The redhead uttered in assurance to herself, gripping the gun tightly before looking up through the windows to assess her surroundings.
The lack of webbing in the area signaled the end of the arachnid trail. The rest of it was all tangled around parts of the vehicle. There had to be a way out of this mess, but it would all come down to what lie ahead for her. Maybe there was a gas station…maybe there were zombies next. She wasn’t sure. All Keegan Phelps knew was she had to get out of this forest before more of those things came back.
The horizon looked more promising than the path into the forest. Taking a deep breath. She placed the remaining ammunition in her L.L. Bean messenger bag and cocked the rifle. Once she was absolutely certain she made the decision to leave the car, Keegan opened the truck door and instinctively locked it in the case of someone coming to try and break in. Though…she hated to leave Berta behind. It was the only thing she was certain she felt safe in.
Taking a deep breath, she pulled her hair back into the scrunchie on her wrist and tied her boots up tightly before starting her trek ahead. Green eyes tried to focus on what was ahead of her and every 10 minutes she would mark her place so she would remember the way back to the truck.
Her feet crunched under leaves and debris while the sun began to set lower on the horizon. One thing she knew, this definitely was no Wonderland and she didn’t feel like Dorothy in Oz right now. “More like Heather Mason in Silent Hill. ..Where the hell did I end up?“
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Thranduil was already a bottle and a half of wine in when the knock on the door altered him. He was no where near being drunk, that would happen several barrels from now, but his temper was now better in check then when he was out in the woods.
When she spoke of law he smiled simply, "you are not as much of a threat when you are disarmed. So there is no need to place you in cuffs. As for rights and the court of law, in the Greenwood My word is law and you have no rights here." He waved a hand towards the seat in front of his desk.
"Please take a seat, we have much to discuss. Because while you have no rights I have a feeling you are a very long way from home and I wish to get you back there quickly. Back to your rights and your own kind."
Left Turn at Albequeque
The engine turned over for what felt like the hundredth time.
“Trrrgh. Trrrrrgh.”
Dry knuckles gripped the keys until her fingers turned white and she finally relented getting the old gal to start. Berta was through…at least until she found a fuel source. Leaning back against the driver’s seat, the 4 door Chevy Silverado sat at the threshold outside this godforsaken wasteland. Despite the lack of fuel, there was plenty of gunk and guts splattered across the hood and windows of the vehicle. She thought, for good measure, her heart would stop several times. It had been unlike anything she had ever seen before in her life.
First she had managed to get herself mixed up in the thick fog on the way home and the next thing she knew she felt like she was in the Eight-Legged Freaks movie and her entire truck was being swarmed by spiders. For the better part of 25 minutes, she witnessed herself barreling through one arachnid after the other. She was recovering from the cold sheen of sweat and the hammering of her heart in her chest before finally turning the windshield wipers on to clear off any of the green splatter on her windows. The solution smeared against the glass but the cleaner eventually wiped it away. It was all quiet now. The bright headlights ended up blinding and scaring off most of the monsters, but her heart was still pounding in her chest.
“Ugh…” Her fingers ran through frizzy red curls in exasperation. The semi-automatic shotgun at her side sat, loaded and within arm’s reach and she didn’t hesitate to grab for it. She checked the ammunition she had left before fumbling under the seat for her lock box. Taking it out she realized she only had half a case left of bullets and sighed in frustration. “…All right. Keep it together. Conserve your ammo. Treat this like a horror survival game. You’ve got this.” The redhead uttered in assurance to herself, gripping the gun tightly before looking up through the windows to assess her surroundings.
The lack of webbing in the area signaled the end of the arachnid trail. The rest of it was all tangled around parts of the vehicle. There had to be a way out of this mess, but it would all come down to what lie ahead for her. Maybe there was a gas station…maybe there were zombies next. She wasn’t sure. All Keegan Phelps knew was she had to get out of this forest before more of those things came back.
The horizon looked more promising than the path into the forest. Taking a deep breath. She placed the remaining ammunition in her L.L. Bean messenger bag and cocked the rifle. Once she was absolutely certain she made the decision to leave the car, Keegan opened the truck door and instinctively locked it in the case of someone coming to try and break in. Though…she hated to leave Berta behind. It was the only thing she was certain she felt safe in.
Taking a deep breath, she pulled her hair back into the scrunchie on her wrist and tied her boots up tightly before starting her trek ahead. Green eyes tried to focus on what was ahead of her and every 10 minutes she would mark her place so she would remember the way back to the truck.
Her feet crunched under leaves and debris while the sun began to set lower on the horizon. One thing she knew, this definitely was no Wonderland and she didn’t feel like Dorothy in Oz right now. “More like Heather Mason in Silent Hill. ..Where the hell did I end up?“
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The noise from the Gun had almost been deafening to the elves and had caused several of the guards to step in front of the king. Thranduil shook his head a bit to ease the ringing as his guard took his order and executed it to almost perfection.
When the stranger was out one of the elves picked up the gun with great cautions, “what type of weapon is this?” he asked but the king could only shake his head. in all his long years in Middle Earth he had never seen anything like that and only explosives made that kind of sound to his knowledge. “Bring it with us, we will send a messenger to the the Men of Dale and to the Lonely Mountain.” One of the others might have known what it was but if not they too should be warned about this new weapon.
Once they had made it back to the safety of the walls Thranduil dislodged himself from his armor. All he wanted to do was escape back to his room and drink until he passed out, but that was no way for a king to handle himself. So he escaped to his throne room to think about what to do with his new prisoner. She was different in so many ways from anything he knew and he knew a lot.
Finally Thranduil ordered a few soldiers to go retrieve the girl. He ordered them to bring the girl to his study. He ordered another set of elves to bring food and drink to his study as well. This girl had answers to his questions and he hoped that she would be willing to share those answers if he was a bit more hospitable.
Maybe they had gotten off on the wrong foot.
Left Turn at Albequeque
The engine turned over for what felt like the hundredth time.
“Trrrgh. Trrrrrgh.”
Dry knuckles gripped the keys until her fingers turned white and she finally relented getting the old gal to start. Berta was through…at least until she found a fuel source. Leaning back against the driver’s seat, the 4 door Chevy Silverado sat at the threshold outside this godforsaken wasteland. Despite the lack of fuel, there was plenty of gunk and guts splattered across the hood and windows of the vehicle. She thought, for good measure, her heart would stop several times. It had been unlike anything she had ever seen before in her life.
First she had managed to get herself mixed up in the thick fog on the way home and the next thing she knew she felt like she was in the Eight-Legged Freaks movie and her entire truck was being swarmed by spiders. For the better part of 25 minutes, she witnessed herself barreling through one arachnid after the other. She was recovering from the cold sheen of sweat and the hammering of her heart in her chest before finally turning the windshield wipers on to clear off any of the green splatter on her windows. The solution smeared against the glass but the cleaner eventually wiped it away. It was all quiet now. The bright headlights ended up blinding and scaring off most of the monsters, but her heart was still pounding in her chest.
“Ugh…” Her fingers ran through frizzy red curls in exasperation. The semi-automatic shotgun at her side sat, loaded and within arm’s reach and she didn’t hesitate to grab for it. She checked the ammunition she had left before fumbling under the seat for her lock box. Taking it out she realized she only had half a case left of bullets and sighed in frustration. “…All right. Keep it together. Conserve your ammo. Treat this like a horror survival game. You’ve got this.” The redhead uttered in assurance to herself, gripping the gun tightly before looking up through the windows to assess her surroundings.
The lack of webbing in the area signaled the end of the arachnid trail. The rest of it was all tangled around parts of the vehicle. There had to be a way out of this mess, but it would all come down to what lie ahead for her. Maybe there was a gas station…maybe there were zombies next. She wasn’t sure. All Keegan Phelps knew was she had to get out of this forest before more of those things came back.
The horizon looked more promising than the path into the forest. Taking a deep breath. She placed the remaining ammunition in her L.L. Bean messenger bag and cocked the rifle. Once she was absolutely certain she made the decision to leave the car, Keegan opened the truck door and instinctively locked it in the case of someone coming to try and break in. Though…she hated to leave Berta behind. It was the only thing she was certain she felt safe in.
Taking a deep breath, she pulled her hair back into the scrunchie on her wrist and tied her boots up tightly before starting her trek ahead. Green eyes tried to focus on what was ahead of her and every 10 minutes she would mark her place so she would remember the way back to the truck.
Her feet crunched under leaves and debris while the sun began to set lower on the horizon. One thing she knew, this definitely was no Wonderland and she didn’t feel like Dorothy in Oz right now. “More like Heather Mason in Silent Hill. ..Where the hell did I end up?“
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{{OoC}} ~~Kind of lol~~
Many of you may not know this but currently I am 38 weeks pregnant. Im just about due and will be taking maternity leave for 12 weeks.
So for 12 weeks I won't have anything to do except for carr for the baby. Yes, I know how time consuming that will be with two hour eat schedule, diapers, crying, needing me, ect. But there will be some down time for me, and because of the Rona I won't even be able to leave my home.
I want to slip back into RP so I dont go crazy. Just away t o step out of my world. This goes for all of my muses.
So if you would like to Rp with me again or start to Rp I would be happy to
Use a Rp generator
Brain storm
Start an RP
You can hit me up here or on Discord (KnightOfPink)
My other muses
@thefirstknightofren - Kylo Ren/Ben Solo
@imherpuddin - Joker (Leto ver)
@crownedprincessofgotham - Lucy Quinn
@visionofthemindstone - Vision (MCU)
@drydenvosofthecrimsondawn - Dryen Vos
@worest-vampire-ever - Beth (OC Vampire)
@imherknight - Gilbert G.P Guilford
@thescavengergirl - Rey
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Original post 
With a twist!
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Type: Scene Warnings: None Word Count: 3,613 Characters: Thranduil Elvenking, Illyrea Estarían, Galithil Thranduilion, Meredwen Thranduilion Timeline: Sixth Age of Middle Earth, long after the War of the Ring SUMMARY: Late one night, after returning from the Lilt Ethuil, Thranduil Elvenking has conversations with two of his children: Galithil the Smith and Meredwen, his newborn daughter. Full of fluff and domestic bliss!
This story is for the lovely @kayleighhalliday2203​ , by far and away my most supportive reader. Hope you like it!💚
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The king of the former Greenwood did not need to be told about the spiders that infested his home. Nor did he need to be told what he needed to do about said spiders. His thin patience had already been spread to the breaking point, but the girl's explanation snapped it.
"ENOUGH!" He yelled taking a step foward, "I have had enough of spiders and other trespassers in my kingdom! You two," he pointed to two of his guards. "Capture her and take her to dungeon." He growled his hand gripping the handle of his sword.
Left Turn at Albequeque
The engine turned over for what felt like the hundredth time.
“Trrrgh. Trrrrrgh.”
Dry knuckles gripped the keys until her fingers turned white and she finally relented getting the old gal to start. Berta was through…at least until she found a fuel source. Leaning back against the driver’s seat, the 4 door Chevy Silverado sat at the threshold outside this godforsaken wasteland. Despite the lack of fuel, there was plenty of gunk and guts splattered across the hood and windows of the vehicle. She thought, for good measure, her heart would stop several times. It had been unlike anything she had ever seen before in her life.
First she had managed to get herself mixed up in the thick fog on the way home and the next thing she knew she felt like she was in the Eight-Legged Freaks movie and her entire truck was being swarmed by spiders. For the better part of 25 minutes, she witnessed herself barreling through one arachnid after the other. She was recovering from the cold sheen of sweat and the hammering of her heart in her chest before finally turning the windshield wipers on to clear off any of the green splatter on her windows. The solution smeared against the glass but the cleaner eventually wiped it away. It was all quiet now. The bright headlights ended up blinding and scaring off most of the monsters, but her heart was still pounding in her chest.
“Ugh…” Her fingers ran through frizzy red curls in exasperation. The semi-automatic shotgun at her side sat, loaded and within arm’s reach and she didn’t hesitate to grab for it. She checked the ammunition she had left before fumbling under the seat for her lock box. Taking it out she realized she only had half a case left of bullets and sighed in frustration. “…All right. Keep it together. Conserve your ammo. Treat this like a horror survival game. You’ve got this.” The redhead uttered in assurance to herself, gripping the gun tightly before looking up through the windows to assess her surroundings.
The lack of webbing in the area signaled the end of the arachnid trail. The rest of it was all tangled around parts of the vehicle. There had to be a way out of this mess, but it would all come down to what lie ahead for her. Maybe there was a gas station…maybe there were zombies next. She wasn’t sure. All Keegan Phelps knew was she had to get out of this forest before more of those things came back.
The horizon looked more promising than the path into the forest. Taking a deep breath. She placed the remaining ammunition in her L.L. Bean messenger bag and cocked the rifle. Once she was absolutely certain she made the decision to leave the car, Keegan opened the truck door and instinctively locked it in the case of someone coming to try and break in. Though…she hated to leave Berta behind. It was the only thing she was certain she felt safe in.
Taking a deep breath, she pulled her hair back into the scrunchie on her wrist and tied her boots up tightly before starting her trek ahead. Green eyes tried to focus on what was ahead of her and every 10 minutes she would mark her place so she would remember the way back to the truck.
Her feet crunched under leaves and debris while the sun began to set lower on the horizon. One thing she knew, this definitely was no Wonderland and she didn’t feel like Dorothy in Oz right now. “More like Heather Mason in Silent Hill. ..Where the hell did I end up?“
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Coming back after a long hiatus…
I am back for all of my muses
If you have messaged me in the past couple of months of tagged me in something please give me a moment to answer you. I have 99+ missed messages
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Promise I’ll do posts tomorrow…just had a busy two day with work and physical therapy…
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