30 minutes cardio! Had a delicious breakfast. talked to him. had a delicious lunch. ate all my calories.
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didn't spend any money today. didn't watch any TV or movies. Took a rest day. returned library book before it was overdue.
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GREAT unintentional workout today.  Shot me up into the sky. 1 hours and 30 minutes. Of that, 28 minutes were cardio level, and 14 minutes I was at peak! I meant to just walk until all my stress and anxiety was gone and it worked. All this time I’ve only been stopping after 30 minutes and turns out that that was just a warm-up. 
Got lots of sun.
Took all my vitamins.
Did the dishes.
Cleaned and tied up loose ends around the house for 20 minutes.
Meditated for 15 minutes.
Moisturized with coconut oil.
Worked on hydration.
Didn’t spend money on Starbucks.
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Made headway on relaxing without feeling guilty.
Did pretty good at living in the moment today instead of letting the dread of tomorrow and the sadness of yesterday get in the way <3
Ate dinner even though I really didn’t want to spend money.  And I don’t regret it.
Worked out.
Read a book whilst getting some sun.
Meditated at sunset.
Moisturized my body.
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made it through a dreaded long shift at work. and thankfully there was a lot of people there. Woke up with enough time for sun and a book. Ate lunch before work. had Moes for dinner.
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Didn’t sleep too much.  7 hours.
Exercised for 45 minutes. Felt good.
Ate breakfast.
Took my vitamins.
Got some sun and vitamin D.
took a shower when I was feeling sad.
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Cleaned my bellybutton 😅 Did a load of laundry and hung it to dry on the line 😍 Read a book in the sun. Posted some good book quotes on Tumblr. Had a day off. Slept in. Haven't spent any money today.
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Had an 8 hour shift today and now have the next two days off.
Spent the rest of the day at the beach, just reading, soaking up sun and inhaling fresh air.
Didn’t workout today because I deserve a day off every once in a while.  And that’s f’in healthy.
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got a new book at the library.  rumi biography.  I’m obsessed with that poetman.
got some sun + vitamin d.
ate some food even though I really had no feeling to.
started hydrating when I was feeling sad and unmotivated.
worked out for 30 minutes.  feeling like getting into jogging lately. need something new.
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roadtrip. five hours of driving and thinking and brainstorming solutions.
new soap with charcoal exfoliating beads.
Got a lot of sun.
listened to a LOT of music.
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Made it through a 10 hour shift on one hour of sleep. actually wasn’t exhausted.
didn’t punch a bitch in the ugly fucking mug.
didnt quit my job.
Got to know one of my coworkers a bit.
worked out even though I wanted to skip it.
Did some laundry.
cleaned for 15 minutes.
ate a decent lunch ❤️
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Got almost an hour of hot, delicious sun before work and read a book while I was at it <3
Learned a history tidbit: “charity girl” back in the days was a term for a promiscuous woman.
Packed a decent lunch for tomorrow eight hours shift.
Got asked to work some extra hours tomorrow! Thank you, boss <3
Was 15 minutes early to work! Day 1 :<
Felt inspired to do some cardio.  I’m supposing that the hard day I had at work triggered a need for a cathartic cool night bike session.
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Got extra hours at work.
Learned some history tidbits.
Expressed myself a bit on /r/mmfb. Thanks to the people to actually reply to those things <3
Was positive pretty much all day-- holy shit.
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Made it through without being too depressed.
Slept it and relished it deeply.
Read a book for a couple of hours!
Took a 30 minute walk even though I felt nauseous and lazy and just overall sad and unwilling.
Got some sun.
Took a shower and moisturized with coconut oil.
Listened to classical music.
Had a day off.
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Got out of the house for a bit.  read a book on the beach.
Made it through closing at work.
Tracked calories.
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Got a bunch of procrastinated stuff done to the car.  Not in danger anymore.
30 minutes of exercise.
Got some sun.
Read a book.
Got to work even though I was throwing up a bunch last night.
Got decent sleep even though I was sick last night.
Renewed motivation to hydrate.
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Bought new tires for my car. Did the research and everything and defeated my anxiety in talking to a strangers about cars. He was kind. Thank you, stranger. Chilled without feel as guilty as I usually do. hydrated a bunch.
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