Hi......If you don't mind, can I ask, what are your top 10 (or top 7) favorite media (can be books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series)? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks....
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Hey, thanks for the ask! I don't mind at all, I love talking about my favorite things!
I actually have a post up about my top 10 favorite anime, but I don't talk much about those other types of media on this blog, so I'll just give one top favorite from each and why I like it so much.
Favorite manga: 20th Century Boys
I love Naoki Urasawa and this series is just so unique, creative, and compelling. I read each volume back to back without reading anything in between because I was so invested. it's one of the only longer form manga series I own in its entirety.
Favorite book: Murder on the Orient Express
I really love mystery novels in general but especially Agatha Christie's. For an author whose works came out literally a century ago, in my opinion she has a surprisingly modern perspective on crime, violence, and murder, and it's why so many people have tried to emulate her style in the past 100 years.
Favorite movie: When Harry Met Sally
Best rom com ever (in my opinion), flawless friends to lovers execution, I can watch it 100 times and not get sick of it. Just an excellent movie and makes me happy every time.
Favorite TV series: Twenty Five Twenty One
This show is absolutely gut wrenching, but it got me through a really difficult time in my life and truly changed my perspective on love and romance. It will always be extremely important to me.
Thanks for asking that, I hope you all got to know a little more about me through this because I normally only ever talk about anime!
Thanks for reading,
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Anime Review: Pluto
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*this review is Spoiler free!*
Hi everyone! I'm back for the first time in a while with a review of Naoki Urasawa's Pluto anime that debuted on Netflix in the fall. Let's check it out!
Here's a short summary of the plot: Pluto focuses on a detective robot named Gesicht who is on the case of a serial killer who's targeting both beloved well known robots and humans who champion for robot rights. He hopes to find the killer while grappling with the knowledge that he is a target himself.
I think the series started off a little slow/rough, but I was hooked by the end of the first episode. The episodes are all 1 hour long, which allows for more time to develop the plot in each episode. As a mystery anime enthusiast, I thought the story was super compelling. The characters are all extremely likable, even if they appear for only a short time, and they all have memorable designs and characteristics. I was especially fond of Epsilon and Atom.
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Something everyone should know going into this series is that Pluto is a retelling/reimagining of one storyline in the Astro Boy canon. Astro Boy is an extremely popular comic series in Japan that originated in the 1950s, and Naoki Urasawa was given permission to adapt the story in 2003. I’ve actually never seen or read anything about it, and I was worried at first that I'd be confused. However even though I had no prior knowledge of Astro Boy I had no issue following the story of Pluto. If anything, it just made me more curious about the original series and made me want to check it out later.
I will say, some of the animation in this series I was less than pleased with; during moments that in other anime would typically be higher budget, more detailed, or a higher frame rate, in some cases actually looked worse than the regular non-action scenes. This may be due to my personal gripe with the use of 3D models in 2D animation, so I'll write it up as a me thing for now. Either way, in my opinion the animation is definitely the least impressive aspect of this series.
Overall, this was a very enjoyable show and honestly a great introduction to Urasawa's works for someone who might not be familiar. I highly recommend this series to anyone who enjoys mystery or sci-fi anime.
Thanks for reading!
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threecheersforinking · 3 months
WYSW: Revolutionary Girl Utena
*WYSW = Why You Should Watch*
**this review is spoiler-free!**
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Revolutionary Girl Utena is an older anime with a huge legacy. Having aired in 1997, it was definitely the inspiration for many of the dark magical girl series we know and love today. Not to mention, this show was revolutionary in more ways than one, particularly because of its early LGBTQ+ themes.
I won’t be able to say much as to avoid any spoilers, but here’s a short summary of the plot: Utena Tenjou is an unconventional, gender non-conforming girl at Ootori academy, who was once given a ring by a mysterious prince on the day her parents died. One day she has a run in with kendo club member Saionji, who is also on the Ootori student council. When he challenges her to a duel, Utena discovers that the student council all have the same rose signet ring that the prince gave her many years ago. She becomes roped into their peculiar games to win betrothal to the rose bride, the unusual Anthy Himemiya.
That is as much as I’m willing to describe, but if you’re still unsure if you’ll enjoy this show, I’ll mention that it’s categorized as comedy, drama, mystery, and psychological. The plot also gets much wilder and deeper than what you can surmise from my spoiler-free summary, I can assure you.
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Despite its low budget, the show manages to have absolutely incredible visuals. Every shot is very carefully thought out, and I genuinely think it’s one of the most visually stunning anime I’ve ever seen. The backgrounds are very intricately drawn, and it has really incredible direction/cinematography.
An important thing I should mention is that RGU is a show made for mature audiences, and as a result it has some intentionally inappropriate/problematic aspects. So as a warning here are some parts of the show that might be triggering/upsetting to some: large age gap relationships (though I will say, these are not portrayed in a positive light), sexual abuse/assault/rape, domestic violence, incest, and homophobia, amongst other things.
However, if you can handle those difficult elements of the show, it’s an incredible watch and absolutely worth it. It might require a few video essays to fully understand, but overall Revolutionary Girl Utena is genuinely one of my favorite shows now and I hope it can be one of yours, too!
If you’re already a fan of Utena, feel free to add to this! I didn’t want to spoil too much but if you can add more convincing details without spoiling please do, because I think more people should watch this anime.
Thanks for reading,
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threecheersforinking · 3 months
MORE Anime Openings I Love
Hello! I know I’ve made posts about anime openings before a few times already, but there are just so many that I couldn’t help myself. Here are more anime openings I love!
Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu OP 1
On this blog I frequently talk about how underrated Rakugo Shinjuu is, and its OP is no exception. I love this opening for its cool and mysterious vibe, and how well it manages to fit all of the different time periods in the story.
Vinland Saga OP 1
I never would’ve thought that a modern rock song would work so well for a show about Vikings, but this song really hypes you up for the content of Vinland Saga and the lyrics are very fitting to Thorfinn’s story as well. The animation also manages to showcase many important moments from the show without spoiling anything, which is impressive.
Haikyuu OP 5
This is already such a classic I almost don’t even need to mention it, but Hikariare is not only my favorite Haikyuu op song but also the OP to my favorite season of the show (so far). The visuals of this opening are just as stunning, like the mountain transforming into the eagle? Come on. Amazing.
Ranking of Kings OP 1
Ranking of Kings protagonists Bojji and Kage are the cutest ever, and this opening is mostly just the two of them running around and being cute. The second opening of the show is also very good, but it’s more serious, so I like the calm and sweet vibes of this one more.
Chihayafuru OP 2
As much as I love Chihayafuru and plug it on this blog as much as possible, I have to admit it doesn’t have the strongest openings. That being said, I like the second season’s opening song the best, which is fortunate because the second season is my favorite so far (same thing as Haikyuu I guess lol). I really love the last few seconds of this OP, where Chihaya is animated practicing karuta alone. Anyway please watch this show it’s great :)
That’s all for now! I’m sure I’ll come up with more to add to this series because I love anime openings. Side note: I’m linking youtube videos which tend to get taken down for copyright/other reasons but I usually keep the post updated with newer links. So if u see this with a broken link, just head back to the original post and you should be able to find it!
Thanks for reading!
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threecheersforinking · 3 months
Paranoia Agent: Anime Review
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(spoiler free!)
Paranoia Agent has been on my to-watch list for a while, since I've seen all of Satoshi Kon's movies and generally like his work. I had a lot of mixed feelings about this show and want to talk about it, so let's get into it!
Here's a quick summary of the plot:
After work one evening, a popular young character designer stressed about her upcoming deadline gets suddenly assaulted by a young boy on rollerblades with a bat. Soon afterwards, various people all over the city begin to claim they have also been attacked by this boy, known by the media as 'shounen bat', and the citizens began to speculate whether shounen bat is real or a figment of the victims' imaginations.
Knowing that Satoshi Kon's other stories often focus on the disparity between reality/unreality/imagination, I was intrigued. I am critical of many of his portrayals of individuals with mental illness in these stories, but overall enjoy the way he writes about the uncertainty between what is real life and what is not. With this show, the audience is in the same position as the characters. The entire time, you will be questioning who shounen bat really is, and why he exists.
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I thought this anime was great for the first couple episodes, but around episode 7, it really stagnates and the quality drops significantly, in my opinion. To me the show seemed like it was reaching its climax at that point, but this is a 13 episode show, so I knew there had to be more of the story left. The episodes in between episode 7 and the finale aren't bad by any means, they just seem to disrupt the flow set by the first several episodes. This is just my opinion though, I'm sure some people may disagree about the pacing issues.
This is a side note, but I also think this show has one of the most unsettling opening songs/animations I've ever seen in anime. It's just deeply unsettling, lol. I don't know how else to describe it. This is a good thing though, I think it captures the mood of the show perfectly.
Overall, if you like some of Satoshi Kon's other works and are curious about Paranoia Agent, I'd say it's definitely worth a watch, but it's not something I'd necessarily recommend, especially to anyone who isn't familiar with Kon's directorial style. But that's just me.
Thank you for reading!
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threecheersforinking · 3 months
My Top Anime of 2023
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Hey everyone! I know this is SUPER late, I usually do this the first week of January but things have been a bit crazy. I promise I haven't abandoned this blog, however I have been working on my youtube channel like I've mentioned, it's going to be called threecheersforinking just like this blog. I'll def post about it again once I get a video up!
SO anyway after all that let's get into it! As usual, these are anime I watched in 2023, not necessarily ones that came out in 2023.
Death Parade
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Yes I know, it's taken me so long to watch Death Parade. But I finally got around to it! This show is so creative and unique, every episode was its own little story. My one complaint was I wish it was longer. Not just because I loved the characters and the world and wanted to see more of it, but also because I felt like there was a lot more that could/should have been expanded upon, especially in the last couple episodes. Besides that though, I really enjoyed this series.
Kaguya-Sama Love is War: The First Kiss that Never Ends
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Kind of cheating since this isn't a new series, but I enjoyed it so much I couldn't not include it. Kaguya really only gets better and better, and since I finished the manga a few months ago too I was in such a Kaguya mood in 2023. The character development in this arc is so great, and it's so rewarding to finally see Kaguya and Shirogane's relationship progress. I highly recommend the whole series to anyone who likes comedy anime, it's really top tier.
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And lastly, my favorite anime I watched this year was definitely Pluto. I was so excited for this as a huge fan of Naoki Urasawa, and watched it in literally 2 days. As soon as I finished the episode that focused on North No. 2, I was hooked. What a great introduction to the world and to the series as a whole. There were some aspects of the animation and pacing that I wasn't a huge fan of, but the character designs were great and the story in general was so good. I am not sure how much the adaptation differs from the manga, but it really made me want to read the manga super badly. I really loved all of the characters, but especially Atom and Epsilon.
Anyway, thank you for reading! I'll be back soon with some one-off recommendations and reviews as well. Thanks again for all your love to this blog as always.
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threecheersforinking · 8 months
Hey everyone! It's been a while since I've done an update post on here.
Firstly, if you're still following me and enjoying my content, I really appreciate it a lot! I know my posts have slowed down a lot in the past year, but I am so grateful for everyone who still interacts and asks me for anime recs.
So, I figured I'd make a post like this to make an announcement. I think I might start a youtube channel?
I'm not 100% sure that I'll be able to pull that off yet, but I'm definitely going to try. It will allow me to do longer form analyses and also include visuals and audio, which will be very exciting.
Of course, that doesn't mean I'll abandon this account or anything. I think having a youtube channel will be great for making longer form video essay type posts, but shorter posts like recommendations, first impressions, and WYSW wouldn't make as much sense in video format.
Again, disclaimer that I am not even sure if I'll be able to get this off the ground in the first place, lol. Just wanted to let you all know first that (if I can pull it off) it'll be something to look forward to!
Thanks for reading,
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threecheersforinking · 8 months
First Impressions: Daemons of the Shadow Realm
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Hey guys! I’m back with a manga review after a really long time. Today I'll be reviewing the first volume of the newest Hiromu Arakawa manga, Daemons of the Shadow Realm (or Yomi no Tsugai)! If you don’t know Hiromu Arakawa, she is the manga author of Fullmetal Alchemist and of Silver Spoon. FMAB is one of my favorite anime ever and I really like Silver Spoon too, so I figured I’d enjoy anything else she wrote. I went into this story knowing absolutely nothing about the plot, and it was refreshing to have that sort of blank slate without any already existing impressions. If you want to experience it the same way, go read it now instead of finishing this review! But if you'd like some more context, I'll be describing the plot below. I will not be posting any major spoilers, just a plot summary.
The story centers around a pair of twins, Yuru and Asa, who are born in a rural mountainside town in a fantasy version of historical Japan. 16 years later, Yuru grows up to be a kind hearted young man who is a talented archer, and Asa is quiet and reserved, kept hidden away in a caged room for unknown reasons and does not speak to anyone but Yuru. One day, their village gets attacked by what appears to be helicopters and men in modern military attire. While trying to escape the chaos, Yuru discovers that he possesses the ability to control two daemons who will act as his guardians.
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I don't read a ton of shonen or fantasy manga, so going into this I was hesitant and unsure about how much I would like it. This early in the manga, it is difficult to tell how deep or complex the plot is going to be, but so far it seems to be a fairly typical anime fantasy story. It is also shaping up to be a reverse-isekai, which is not what I was expecting but I am optimistic about that concept. Overall, I like it well enough so far but I am hoping there will be more complex themes and story beats as the story goes on.
Unsurprisingly though, Hiromu Arakawa's real strength is the character dynamics and designs. All of the characters in this story are immediately likable, charming, and interesting, even at their first introduction. It is difficult for me to pick a favorite without listing the entire cast, but I absolutely love Gabby and Yuru, and Left and Right (Yuru's Daemons) have such fun lightning-inspired designs.
If you've read it, let me know what you think! I am definitely going to be reading more as soon as more chapters are translated and available.
Thanks for reading,
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Suzume: Anime Movie Review
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Hi! It’s been a while, I’m very excited to be returning to this blog after a hiatus to share my spoiler-free thoughts on the movie Suzume, or Suzume no Tojimari, by Makoto Shinkai!
To sum up the plot, Suzume is about a teen girl named Suzume who comes across a mysterious man in her hometown seeking ruins within which he hopes to find a door. She decides to accompany him on his journey throughout Japan and is introduced to a whole world of magical doors that must be closed, lest a mysterious harmful beast be released into the world.
I’m someone who has been following the development of this movie closely for years, and when early visuals of the film were released, director Shinkai stated that he created this movie to showcase the beauty and culture of various lesser-known areas of Japan. I had this in mind throughout watching this movie, and I can confidently say he delivers. There’s regional dialect used, references to certain cuisines only eaten in specific provinces, and really beautiful landscape shots of each location the characters visit.
Suzume herself is a delightful protagonist that clearly stands out and is different from the other protagonist characters in the prior movies. She feels very real and genuine, and her flaws make her relatable and believable.
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As for the actual plot content, there is quite a lot going on in this movie. Shinkai’s earlier works were often criticized for being “style over substance”, but on the first watch I felt like Suzume had almost too much substance? This movie is definitely the most fantasy-like out of all of the recent Shinkai films, Your Name and Weathering with You. While those other two have mystical elements and magic, their mythology is relatively simple and alluded to vaguely. Suzume faces these mystical creatures and elements a lot more head-on, and in my opinion it was a shaky execution. I really liked the fantasy elements and creatures we were introduced to, but wished there was more time to expand on them.
Another positive though is that this film is surprisingly very funny. Your Name and Weathering with You definitely have their fair share of chuckle-y moments, but Suzume is the only one out of these that I genuinely would consider a comedy in its own right. There’s a lot of fantastic visual gags, one-liners, and repeated jokes throughout the film that I really enjoyed and am excited to re-experience on a rewatch.
Overall I do think I prefer the other two films, but it’s really difficult not to when each passing film will be inevitably compared to the others. I still really did enjoy watching it though, and I would recommend it to anyone who likes anime fantasy movies and comedies. If you’re a fan of the other two movies, you should definitely still give this one a shot. The familiar elements and charm that make these movies so lovable are absolutely present in Suzume as well.
Thanks for reading!
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Hi! Hope you are doing well 💛. I just finished monthly girls nozaki kun and i am sad to let it go. What i love about it is there is no serious plot and there is a big cast of characters with their own things. Do you know some other anime like this?
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Hello! Thank you for your question, I also love Monthly Girls' Nozaki-Kun for those reasons and I think I have some suggestions that would work for you.
What immediately comes to mind if you like Nozaki is The Disastrous Life of Saiki K and also Nichijou. If you haven’t already seen them, I think they’re definitely the closest shows to Nozaki in terms of comedy, lightheartedness, and no serious plot. Definitely worth checking them out.
This one is more of a stretch, but Kimi ni Todoke is a shoujo romcom that also feels similar to Nozaki in terms of the romance plot, as well as the cast of characters and the slice-of-life feel. It is very pleasant and relaxing, while also funny at times (although Nozaki is definitely funnier).
These two are a bit further from Nozaki but I remember watching them around the same time and liking them too, so I think they might be something you’d like: Hyouka and Silver Spoon. Hyouka is a slice-of-life where the characters solve small mysteries in their school, and Silver Spoon is about a boy who goes to farming high school. They have slightly more of a plot than the previous ones I mentioned, but they are also very lighthearted and calming, and Silver Spoon is very funny too.
I hope this was helpful! Thanks again for asking, I love helping people find more anime that they will like :)
Thanks for reading,
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FMAB Endings: Ranked
**spoilers for FMAB!**
A while back I made a ranking of all the FMAB openings, but now I’ve decided to do a ranking of the ending songs too. This one was just as difficult because Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood has some really great music. If you need a refresher on what the endings are like, I included a link for each of them. Let’s go!
#5: Ending 3, “Tsunaida Te” by Lil’B
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I don’t dislike this ending by any means, but one of them has to be last. I do like the focus on Winry and her time in Rush Valley, but the song doesn’t stand out too much to me and I don’t find it very memorable. The best part though is when they show Winry talking on the phone and you can tell just by her facial expressions that she’s talking to Ed :)
#4: Ending 2: “Let it Out” by Miho Fukuhara
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This ending signals the start of things getting more serious in FMAB, hence the more emotional song and the stoic expressions of the characters. This ending, like ending 3, starts off focused on Winry, but includes shots of some of the other female characters as well. Overall it’s a perfectly good ending but doesn’t stick out too much to me, I think the reason why this one won over ending 3 is because I prefer the song.
#3: Ending 4: “Shunkan Sentimental” by Scandal
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This one probably is my favorite song out of the EDs (maybe excluding my top pick). As much as I enjoy it, the animation for this one is kind of unusual because it really seems more like an opening than an ending.  Like, it’s a more upbeat song, there’s a lot of flashing scenes and buildup, etc. Despite this, it does feel like the penultimate ending animation, like things are gearing up to be more intense as they approach the final arc.
#2: Ending 1: “Uso” by Sid
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This one has such a nostalgic energy to it, the little animation is so adorable, and it’s a great start to the series. This is probably the ED most people think of when they think of FMAB. It’s very simple and pleasant, which is a reflection of how the show isn’t as violent or upsetting at this point in the story. This one in particular brings back strong memories of the first time I watched the show, so that may be why I like it so much.
#1: Ending 5: “Ray of Light” by Shoko Nakagawa
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I have to admit I am a little biased since I am a Hohenheim stan, but this one is undeniably my favorite. I have teared up while watching it on more than one occasion, especially in the final episodes after we learn everything about Hohenheim and extra especially after his death scene. Those sad moments are such a contrast to his peaceful smile in this ending. I think it’s only fitting that the final ending of the series focuses on Hohenheim, since he is basically the hidden protagonist of the show.
I hope you enjoyed my ranking list as well as looking back fondly on all the great FMAB endings! Feel free to share your thoughts/your own ranking below, I have a feeling some people would disagree so I’m curious as to which your favorites are.
Thanks for reading,
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Top 3 Anime I watched in 2022
It’s that time of year again! Here are my favorite anime I watched in 2022.
Nichijou (2011)
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I could not believe how funny and well-animated this show is, and also how underrated it is. It’s up there with Saiki K for me when it comes to comedies, similar in the way that it’s a bunch of comedic shorts with no real throughplot, but it is ten times more absurd than any other comedy show I’ve ever seen. Highly recommend.
Golden Kamuy (2018-)
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I am not even close to finishing this series but so far I am really enjoying it; I think the main cast of characters are so pleasant and interesting, and I don’t know how factually accurate this show is but I really liked learning more about the culture of the Ainu people. A really great historical comedy adventure show.
Vinland Saga (2019-)
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I’ve already made a few posts about this show on this blog and it honestly might be creeping onto my favorites list. Vinland Saga is a beautiful story about revenge, family, war, tragedy, life, and a million other things in between. If you’re put off by the historical setting I urge you to look past it, because the fact that this show is about vikings is the least interesting thing about it. Highly recommend if you like drama anime.
Anyway, as usual thanks for another year of following me and reading my reviews. :) I love when people add to the discussions on my posts or dm me for anime recommendations, so please keep that up if you enjoy my blog.
Thanks for reading,
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hello, can you recommend me a series in mushishi style?
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Hi! Thanks for reaching out, I love giving recommendations! Mushishi is a really unique anime but I will try my best to find something similar out of the stuff I've seen. If anyone has any other suggestions feel free to leave a reply!
Natsume's Book of Friends is actually pretty similar to Mushishi. Natsume the protagonist has a unique ability to see yokai, and every episode he meets a new yokai and helps set them free from the book his grandmother trapped them in. It takes place in a modern setting, but both shows are episodic and have the similarities of protagonists having abilities to see magical things others can't, as well as both of them having a desire to help others.
I also think To Your Eternity has some loose similarities with Mushishi too, they both take place in a fictional/historical landscape where the protagonist is battling mysterious destructive forces of nature. This one has a bit more of a through storyline and more action compared to Mushishi, but the protagonists Fushi and Ginko have similar energy.
Also, not an anime but if you can handle things a bit spookier than Mushishi, I've found that a lot of Junji Ito's short stories have Mushishi vibes, in particular one of my favorite stories of his, Roar (of Ages).
Anyway I hope that was helpful! I love Mushishi a lot (my pfp has been Ginko since forever lol) so I'm really glad you also like it and are looking for something similar. Thanks for reading!
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Anime Rec List: More Underrated Faves
People really ended up liking my last post about underrated anime, and I know there’s a ton more underrated shows that I’d like to bring attention to so I decided to make another one! As I said in the first post, ‘underrated’ is a difficult thing to define. But rather than try to fit that mold, I decided to just pick some shows I personally wish were more popular/more talked about. Let’s go!
Monthly Girls’ Nozaki Kun
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This show is such a funny anime, up there with some of my other favorite comedies (Saiki K, Love is War). It starts off pretty standard focusing on a girl named Sakura who has a crush on Nozaki, a boy in her class. However, he misinterprets her love confession as a confession that she’s a fan of the shoujo manga he writes. It’s so cute and funny, I highly recommend it to comedy anime fans!
To Your Eternity
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By no means is this show totally underground; from what I understand it’s a decently popular manga and I did hear a lot of buzz about it when the first season aired, but in between seasons I haven’t heard much more about it and that is a crime. It’s a really unique fantasy drama written by the author of A Silent Voice. Please watch To Your Eternity, read my WYSW post linked above if you want to learn more!
Kimi Ni Todoke
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This show definitely wasn’t underrated when it aired, but these days I’m seeing fewer and fewer people talk about it. Kimi Ni Todoke is essential shoujo; it’s so cute and fun and soft and I really love the art style. It’s about a girl named Sawako who is ostracized at school because she looks like the girl from The Ring.
Odd Taxi
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Odd Taxi aired this past year, and while it got some attention I really didn’t see much buzz about it after the finale. It’s a super compelling 12-episode crime drama with a unique art style and a very interesting twist. If you like short-and-sweet anime or mystery anime, you really should check it out.
Welcome to the NHK
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Welcome to the NHK is definitely not for everyone, but it is for some people and if you’re one of those people it’s a must see. It’s about a 22 year old shut-in who decides to try and face the world using his teenage friend’s multiple step program. This show is really wild but definitely requires some trigger warnings, so if you’re interested in watching, read my previous post linked above and see how you feel about it.
Anyway, I really hope some of you check out these shows! thanks for reading,
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My favorite anime from each year, 2010-2020
Hello! I love making these favorite anime lists so I wanted to try something different. I’m open to doing other years (possibly 2000-2010) but I felt like 2010-2020 would be the decade I’m most likely to have seen the most stuff lol. Also I did cheat a little by picking the second season of some shows (rather than when they first aired) but who cares this is my game and I make the rules. Anyway here we go!
2010: Maid Sama
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2011: Madoka Magica
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2012: Hyouka
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2013: Chihayafuru 2
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2014: Your Lie in April
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2015: Haikyuu Season 2
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2016: Mob Psycho 100
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2017: March Comes in like a Lion Season 2
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2018: Violet Evergarden
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2019: Vinland Saga
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2020: Love is War Season 2
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As usual, I’ve linked my recommendation/review posts if you haven’t seen any of these yet. Thanks for reading!
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WYSW: Love is War
*why you should watch*
*spoiler free!*
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I actually already made a Love is War recommendation post ages ago, but now, 3 seasons and many manga chapters in, I have more to say about it and even more praises to shower upon it. And some convincing to do, if you haven’t watched the show yet. If you like comedy anime, romance anime, or romcom anime, and you haven’t seen Love is War yet, what are you waiting for?
If you don’t know the plot, Kaguya-sama: Love is War focuses on the student council of an exclusive high school for the children of Japan’s elite. The president, Miyuki Shirogane, and the vice president, Kaguya Shinomiya, secretly have a crush on each other but refuse to let the other person know. Instead, they’re determined to make the other confess to them first.
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I’m not the first to say it, but Love is War genuinely has Death Note level mind games. The lengths these two go to in order to get in each other’s heads is truly impressive and frightening. But, there actually is a developing heartfelt story underneath all of the silliness, and despite their resistance and stubbornness you will be rooting so hard for Kaguya and Shirogane to get together.
The show has a wide variety of beloved characters, from the other members of the student council to Shirogane and Kaguya’s quirky families. Everyone is very likable and funny, with their own personal struggles that get explored as the story gets more complex.
Love is War has a lot to say about relationships, crushes, insecurity, classism, growing up, and even more, and does it all while being one of the funniest anime I’ve ever seen. If you’re looking for a lighthearted romcom with a bit of depth to it, Love is War is the show for you.
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My Favorite Tropes: Couple Edition
I’ve made a few posts forever ago about some of my favorite tropes in anime, but I wanted to make one specifically about common tropes seen in ships/pairings. I thought this would be a fun idea, so let’s get into it!
Rivals to Lovers
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I have a confession: I don’t particularly care for enemies to lovers. I think the stakes are way too high and I am not into watching my faves have opposing moral codes/try to kill each other (though I know many people are, I am not). However, I do enjoy pairings where the characters are fighting against each other to win something. The idea of them always thinking about beating each other and constantly trying to one-up each other just leaves a lot of room for romantic tension.
Bickering Couple
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Ok, hear me out. I think this trope gets a lot of hate because it tends to bleed into the “straight couples who hate each other” trope, but I personally find it very entertaining (though it is definitely more of a guilty pleasure). As long as they aren’t too horrifically mean to each other I think it can be a compelling and realistic portrayal of how confusing feelings can lead to defensive behavior, especially when the characters in question are teenagers and still figuring themselves out. (to reiterate, the straight couples who hate each other trope sucks, but I hope you understand why I consider this to be different)
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I don’t know what this trope is actually called so I’m just going with Tragic for now. I will admit, I am a bit of a masochist in this regard because I have so many pairings that I really love that just do not end well at all, in one way or another. I think the emotional impact of a pairing that just doesn’t work out in the end holds a lot of weight, and couples who are doomed from the start have such a poetic, Shakespearean vibe to them that I can’t help but be interested in.
Childhood Friends to Lovers
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I am a huge sucker for childhood friends to lovers. I just think they always make such sweet couples because they know each other really well and slowly realize they’re in love over a longer period of time. It’s usually very cute and wholesome!
Loud Idiot x Quiet Asshole
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I’m not sure the exact name for this trope either (maybe opposites attract?) but I think that the dynamic of a couple who are complete opposites in personality is really fun to watch, because they both complete each other and make up for what the other person lacks. Specifically when one of them is very moody/quiet and the other is happy and outgoing. I just love that.
Overall, this is just a general list. Some of my favorite anime couples don’t fit into any of these at all, and others fall into multiple. Let me know your favorite ship tropes or if you like any of the ones I listed. Thanks for reading!
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