guess who wants to write again 👁👁
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listen, not to be a masochist but i’d kill for revenge gerard to hold a knife up against my neck and say aw sugar.
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we’re all dead now.
summary; idk what this is lmao, i got inspired by i never told you and it went from there. 
triggers: swearing, murder, death...ya know... 
His breath danced out of his mouth as he stood out in the cold, winter night, in the Cemetery. it was another night of the same thing. He came home with blood on his suit, his face with smeared blood on it, you found it attractive in some..sick, twisted way. Knife in his hand, you asked how many was it tonight. 
“Four, it was four.” He sternly said, taking his jacket off, dropping the knife on the floor, tie following along onto it. “How many.....will it be tomorrow?” You questioned, “And when do I have to help?” and you added. 
“For the last one. You have to help then.” He looked up at you through tangled jet black hair. “Tomorrow will be the last night.” 
And so it was. 
You both walked to the Cemetery, you wore the most beautiful black dress you own. He loved it, he gave you a kiss on the lips before you left. 
Told some man to meet you at the middle of the Cemetery, knife in hand. He was right behind you, eager and waiting. 
That’s all it took, met the man, then one stab, two, three, five and six. 
His screams didn’t bother you much, all you could see was Gerard and the blood on his hands and face, shining in the light of the Cemetery. Both of you knew the Police were coming. 
they gave us two shots to the back of the head and we’re all dead now
they gave us two shots to the back of the head and we’re all dead now 
You’ve both been on the news; they’ve been looking for him for a few months. 
Walked back to the house. Grabbed the lighter, threw it on the house. 
Holding hands you both watched it go down in flames, you heard the Police sirens in the distance, kissed once last time for goodbye. 
Police arrived and they shouted. 
One shot. Two shots. 
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Without Me
summary: set in danger days, party recruits a new killjoy, he starts getting more touchy & flirty with her as weeks pass, you notice and things aren’t ending well. feedback would be appreciated!! 
triggers: cheating    
note; (K/N) means your killjoy name and (O/K) is the name of the other member
You’ve been there since day one with him, when he ran with them, when he didn’t think things would go as planned, when everything was falling apart. 
He sat on the dirt ground, legs crossed and crying, you could hear him and you ran over. “Party?” you said hesitantly and he sniffled, cleared his throat and quickly replied “Yeah? (K/N)? I’m fine.” You sat down next to him on the ground and knew he was lying, raising an eyebrow you replied. “Listen, I know when you’re lying and this is one of those times, what’s goin’ on?” Party shuffled a bit, fiddling with his gloves. “I’m- I’m just nervous, I’m scared they’re going to find us, I’m scared shit-less of being a leader, I know the guys trust me, I know you trust me, but, fuck.” He bit his lip and wiped the tears coming with the back of his hand. You frowned and tried to find the words to say, but it was hard to do so, you grabbed his hand and held it. “Party, it’s okay to be scared, this is all gonna work out. I swear, and, you’re a great fucking leader. You’ve got it in you to do this.” You could hear him chuckle, “I’ll catch you if you fall.” you paused, “And if they laugh then fuck ‘em all.”  
Four months had passed, you and the guys had everything set up in a small diner in the middle of nowhere, four months of being his, his killjoy, his partner in crime, his girlfriend. 
The guys came back from a trip of getting gas & target practice, you decided to stay back at the diner and sleep late, but.  
Party walked in after they all did with another girl. Party’s face lit up once he saw you and introduced you to the new member, “(K/N)! I found another one of us! She just ran...so she barely has any knowledge, or training, so I’m gonna need to help her with that.” The guys nodded and you smiled. This didn’t feel right, your gut told you so. 
Days passed, late night training passed, you still slept with Party on his mattress on the floor, he was so warm, you never wanted this taken away from you, it was heaven. 7 AM rolled around quick and you could hear them all laughing in the main room, you got up to go check it out, “(O/K)! you’re so fuckin’ funny!” Party wheezed out in reply of a joke the new member said, Kobra and Ghoul laughing a bit too much, Jet laughed so hard he choked on whatever he was drinking. Man, they really like her. But Party..was so adorable whenever he laughed, your attention was still glued to him after glancing at the others, your stomach was swirling with butterflies, the way his nose crinkled up, his lips curled up- you barely noticed that Ghoul was waving at you and telling you to come sit down. Your face heated up and you walked over beside him and sat. 
“Ah- fuck, (K/N) you should’ve heard the joke that (O/K) said, it was amazing. Jet fuckin’ choked on his pop!” Ghoul smiled and laughed at Jet, the other killjoy quickly shouted “Shut up! I couldn’t help it!” Party told them to hush, and you looked in his direction as others. 
“So, (K/N) we’re all goin’ on a quick mission and thought we should put this girl’s training to test, we were gonna invite you but I don’t think you’d wanna be cramped in with us, would you be alright stayin’ here?” Your heart cracked a little at the sound of him just taking her with them, but it was fine, you’ve been on plenty of missions with them. “Oh- yeah, that’s fine, just uh, don’t stay gone for long! and please, don’t be an idiot and get ghosted.” Ghoul patted your back. “We won’t!” He smiled reassuringly. 
And many more days like this happened, it was rare if you got to go, they thought it’d be fine, they needed someone to watch the place.  
You saw Party getting more flirty with the new girl every single moment you were awake, around, watching. He started staying up with her while she customized her ray gun, you decided to peek out one night to watch. They were sitting together in a booth, Party was too close to her for your liking, you heard hushed whispers as she painted on it. You couldn’t make out what they were saying but the next thing you knew he kissed her. quick. hard. 
Your head spun, what the fuck? You ran back to the mattress you shared with him. Closing your eyes as you heard his footsteps and then felt his warmth, you wished you could’ve gotten away from him, you wished so hard. He kissed the crook of your neck, it made you sick. 
You woke up the next morning sick and confused, was what you saw real? Or was it from the awful lack of sleep you had? You walked over to Ghoul and sat beside him in a booth, laying your head on his shoulder, he jokingly gasped at your action. “Oh my! I can’t believe miss (K/N) is showing me some affection!” You groaned at his words, he laughed and let you stay as is. “Hey (K/N), we’re gonna have a little fire tonight, thanks to (O/K) and Party...they thought it’d be fun, I stole a couple of beers at some gas station we were at, so me and you can get drunk maybe...later, you up for it?” You hummed in response; agreeing. The others were gone, again. But you were thankful that Ghoul stayed with you. 
The night came around and behind the diner they had the fire set up, warmth felt good as the night was becoming cold, once again you sat beside Ghoul and Kobra, staring at the fire you didn’t notice Party sit down in front of you, but you tried to ignore anyway. Resting your head on Ghoul’s shoulder while he opened the cans of beer, you took one from him and took sips of it. The dizzying feeling of it hugging you; holding you, what you missed from Party.
You heard him laugh and speak; but it was muffled and you couldn’t care. For a split second you looked up at Ghoul and you felt butterflies squirm around in your stomach, you knew it was the alcohol though. And somehow your head was resting in his lap now, you sat up and didn’t see Party or the other one now. Both gut feeling and alcohol made you sick, the butterflies in your stomach; you wanted to puke. You looked at Ghoul and Kobra with glassy eyes and practically screamed to Ghoul if they’ve been doing anything, He replied with a mumbled yes. Your heart ripped itself from your chest and you swore you heard his moans coming from the car parked at the side of the diner. This was happening in real time? “GHOUL! how fucking long? What have they been fucking- what have they been doing?” You choked on your words, slurred at the edges. He replied in a hesitant tone. “For about..uh, fuck, (K/N) I’m sorry man I- for a while, he hasn’t wanted to tell you.” Kobra was watching you and he nodded. “I’m sorry we haven’t..said anything, he told us to not. but.” Your eyes filled up, to the brim with tears.
Party got out of the car, your look could’ve killed him, if looks could kill. He knew on your face, he knew it. You ran to him and screamed. “How does it feel? How does it feel with her?! how’s it like? is she like me?!” He opened his mouth to speak, no words came out. 
All of them watched.
You smacked him. 
Stormed off into the diner, grabbed keys to the spare car, went back to him. 
“You still have no fucking words? I can’t believe you.” Your hands are shaky and your mind can’t get off of the thought of them touching skin to skin, you gave yourself to him like that. You had your first time with him. He was holding you, saying he loved you. That you were beautiful and all his. 
“(K/N) I- fuckin’ I’m sorry I-” Party starts, you can’t stand to hear his voice, so you interrupt.  
“I can’t forgive you, I’m leaving. I don’t know when I’ll be back.” You spit out to him. His eyes are big, he looks like a deer caught in headlights, you run to the spare car and open the door, start it and floor the gas.
Not looking back. At midnight you left.
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