throw-the-torch · 5 years
warm when you get close
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gif credit: @motoleafs
request: Would you be willing to write an Auston Matthews one where the reader gets locked out of their condo or something and no neighbours are home and Auston went out drinking after his game and when he comes home he finds her crouched on the front pour his frozen cold and sipping wet and how he reacts/handles it
author’s note: this took me forever, but it’s finally done!! i actually really like this one haha i hope you guys do too!! please like and reblog, and feel free to drop any comments/requests you have in my inbox!!! <3
warnings: a(n almost) car accident, and an incredibly cold reader!!
word count: 1423
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throw-the-torch · 5 years
a splash of sun
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gif credit: @werenski
request: can i request something for auston matthews? maybe like where the reader gets upset because he’s so protective and she thinks he thinks she’s naive?? and they sort it out :-)
author’s note: thank you for the request, and your patience!! life comes at you fast sometimes, but i’m happy to be back to filling requests :) i hope you enjoy
warnings: going to bed angry, and the subsequent morning after
word count: 965
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throw-the-torch · 5 years
new moon, seeing you
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gif credit: @lehkonens​
request: can you do a mat tkachuk where you guys are out and another guy is like hitting on you and he gets super protective?! (setting could be either out in public or like a bar?) - anonymous
author’s note: thank you for the request, and your patience!! this was very fun to write. please let me know if you like the new formatting! next up is an a. matts request that has been in my inbox for a while now. thank you for reading, don’t forget to let me know what you thought! likes are fantastic, but reblogs are really where it’s at ;* ciao!
warnings: men not knowing how to keep their hands to themselves, puking, a panic attack if you squint, tenderness, and a hopeful ending!
word count: 1905
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throw-the-torch · 5 years
stay here, with me
Requested: Yes (like a long time ago so I’m so sorry) and this is total trash
Prompt: can you write something about the reader dating auston and he doesn’t really like their friends because they do bad things and something bad happens while she’s out with them and he comforts her??
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throw-the-torch · 5 years
Yellow - Travis Konecny
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A/N: I know I’m posting this super late in the night (est anyway) but surprise! I wrote something and I don’t know what to do with it so here it is. As always thanks to my beta @penaltbox​, and yes before you ask, this is angsty, because what else do I do?
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throw-the-torch · 5 years
Flashlight | Jamie Benn
Summary: When life gets a little too dark, a certain someone is always there to light the way.  Words: 5k (i’m so sorry) Note: I wrote something with a similar plot line a long time ago and have been wanting to rewrite it so I can post, but it really wasn’t meant to become this long…. oops. 
You’re 5 years old and the light flashes twice.
Sitting in front of your bedroom window, your chin resting in your hands, you frown. You’d been watching the stars, but now you focus your gaze on your neighbor’s window. You know the room from where the light flashed; that’s Jamie’s room.
Jamie is your best friend. You’ve lived next to him your whole life and one day, you accidentally kicked your ball over the hedge. He came to bring it back but told you you’d only get it back if you would play with him. He prefers street hockey, but you’re a football fan, and he agreed to play your game.
Ever since then, you’ve been thick as thieves.
The light flashes once more, and then Jamie appears in front of his window. His is open, but yours is closed; he motions to you to open yours too, and you oblige.
“What are you doing?” you ask him, trying to keep your voice down but still reach him. “If mommy and daddy find out we’re awake, they’ll be super mad.”
It’s 11 pm and at that age, it feels like the middle of the night.
“I can’t sleep,” says Jamie, on the other hand. “And I’m bored. The light was to get your attention. I wanna talk.”
You sigh. You don’t like the possibility of getting into trouble, but even as young as you are, you find it hard to say no when Jamie looks at you with his big brown eyes, so you nod.
“Fine. But from now on, you can only flash the light when it’s an emergency.”
“Okay, but when I do, you have to promise to respond.” Jamie crosses his arms, a stubborn look on his face. “That’s what best friends do.”
You’re 6 years old and the light flashes twice.
You don’t notice it at first, cause you’re in your room, reading. It’s late at night and you should probably be asleep, but your book is just so much fun. Reading is one of your favorite things to do to pass the time, even if Jamie sometimes makes fun of you for it and tries to convince you to play street hockey with him, instead. But playing street hockey with Jamie isn’t very fun cause he always wins.
When you notice the light flashing, you walk to your window. You wonder if it’s an actual emergency or if Jamie is simply bored again.  But when you get to the window and open it, you’re met with Jamie’s face, his eyes filled with tears.
“What’s wrong?” you ask, worry flooding your veins. You rarely see Jamie cry; you cry all the time, when you fall or when you drop your ice cream or when you lose your favorite stuffed animal, but the only thing you’ve ever noticed on Jamie is a slight quiver of his lip.
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throw-the-torch · 5 years
Bread Crumbs (w/ Travis Konecny)
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Requested: No
Word Count: 1,284 (very short)
A/N: Sorry this is so angsty but I’m going through something and I had to let my feels out. This is heavily unedited and I’m just honestly dumping it here so I don’t have to save it anywhere or read it again.
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throw-the-torch · 5 years
Nachos (Josh Anderson)
Warnings: Pregnancy? in case that’s triggering
Word count: 1,372
    Nachos. All you could think about was nachos. You wanted cheese, beef, and lots of jalapeños. Unfortunately for you, it was 3:52 a.m. and your fiancé was sleeping peacefully next to you. You didn’t want to wake him up, but it was his baby that wouldn’t let you sleep and he always said “if you need anything, no matter what time it is, you tell me.” So, with a heavy sigh and a growling stomach, you rolled to your side.
     Josh looked almost too peaceful with his mouth slightly parted and his small snores filling the otherwise quiet room. He had his arm outstretched toward you, although it wasn’t wrapped around you like it normally would be at this time of night. Ever since you got pregnant, you were constantly overheating and Josh’s heavy arm around you felt suffocating. You loved this baby, you really did, but you were dying to get back to your normal routine of eating in the daylight and cuddling with Josh.
     “Baby,” you cooed, reaching a hand up to gently brush Josh’s cheek.
     When he didn’t wake up - didn’t even stir - you were forced to up your method. You reached out again, this time grabbing onto his arm and giving it a squeeze.
     “Josh,” you stated as he hummed, “I need you to get up.”
     He sat up quickly at that, eyes going wide as one of his large hands went to your stomach, laying flat against your bump.
     “What’s wrong? Is it the baby?” Josh’s eyes were wild and you felt guilt cloud your senses, heart swelling at his protective instinct.
     “Well, sorta. The baby wants nachos.” 
     You could see Josh’s shoulders relax as he dropped back onto his pillow, letting out a long groan. The hand that was covering your stomach went over his own heart and you laughed.
     “Nothin’ funny, Y/N, you damn near gave me a heart attack.” Even in the dark, you could make out your fiancé’s smile as he looked at you.
     “I tried to be nice about it,” you chirped back, shrugging your shoulders, “it’s not my fault you’re a heavy sleeper.”
     “Right,” Josh responded, “because god forbid we get any rest before this baby comes and takes it all.”
     Josh sat up again and this time you joined him, his arm wrapping around your back to steady you at the shift; everything was harder with this bump in the way.
     “So he wants nachos, ay, my love?”
     “Yes, Josh, they want nachos. The mini woke me up over it.” You gave him an exaggerated pout which only made him smile.
     “I know a 24 hour place a few miles out. I’ll go grab ‘em.” Josh was already getting out of bed and moving around the dark room to put on his shoes.
     You scooted to the edge of the bed, sticking your bottom lip out and making grabby-hands at your own feet. Josh turned back, looking at you sideways before shaking his head. He walked over to you, giving you a quick kiss as he pushed your hair behind your ears.
     “You don’t have to come, baby. You should try and get some rest while I’m gone, yeah?” 
     You responded with a shake of your head.
     “I’m not gonna be able to sleep now, especially not without you. Besides, the drive might help me relax.”
     Josh nodded, grabbing your favorite sneakers before returning to you where he dropped to his knees. He carefully put on each of your shoes, followed by him throwing you the sweatshirt he’d worn earlier that day. Josh then took your hand in his as you got off the bed, leaning down to kiss you once more.
     You clung to his large arm as you made your way to the car, the chilly night-time spring air nipping at your skin even through the thick fabric of Josh’s clothes around your body. You each climbed into the car quietly as Josh turned on the radio, quiet music filling your ears.
     “It’s a boy, y’know.” Josh spoke, his voice still thick with sleep, “I can just feel it.”
     “I just don’t want you to be disappointed if it’s a girl,” you responded warily.
     The quietness of the car and the flicker of the stars above you made it all too easy to turn the lighthearted conversation into a deep confession.
     “Are you kidding?” Josh questioned, bringing one hand off of the steering wheel to latch it with yours. “I want a girl too, I just know that this one is a boy. We’ll have a girl next. After the wedding.”
     His tone was so matter-of-fact that you couldn’t even respond, just smiling widely at your soon-to-be husband. 
     You arrived at the 24 hour Mexican restaurant within minutes. You vaguely remembered the name, letting out a laugh.
     “What’s so funny?”
     “Isn’t this where you and the boys go when you’re completely hammered?”
     Josh’s cheeks tinged pink as he cocked his head to the side.
     “Okay, so it’s my drunk stop,” he confessed, “but they have good food and plenty of nachos for you and the little guy.”
     You scoffed at him as he got out of the driver’s seat, coming around to your side of the car to help you down. You always swore that you didn’t need him hovering over you constantly, but in reality, it felt nice and with your bump getting larger by the day, you were starting to actually need his big hands to steady you.
     You followed closely behind Josh as he walked into the small restaurant, shooting a greeting to the guy behind the counter. You wrapped your arms around Josh’s waist, laying your cheek against his back. He held your wrist gently and rubbed small circles with his thumb as he rambled off your order.
     “Lots of jalapeños,” you muttered and he chuckled.
     “Yeah and can I get like a side bowl of jalapeños for my girl,” he repeated to the worker, “and we’re probably gonna need some of your spiciest salsa, too.” 
     It didn’t take long for your food to come out, which you were thankful for. Josh wrapped his arm around your shoulders as you walked back to the car, clutching the to-go box of your nachos. He let out a quiet laugh followed by a yawn as you reached the car again. You still felt guilty for having to wake him up in the first place, despite the fact that he hadn’t complained at all.
     “Thank you, Josh, I love you.”
     He leaned across the center console of the car, giving you a kiss which you happily leaned into.
     “Anything for you, baby,” he grinned, “now eat. I can’t have the two of you starving to death. It wouldn’t be very good PR.”
     You gave him a light smack on the arm as he leaned his head back and laughed. The rest of the drive was filled only with the sounds of the radio and the crunch of your nachos. Josh watched in disgust as you poured all of the spicy salsa and dumped every jalapeño onto the meal. Your pregnancy brain had you craving spicy food and you couldn’t help it. The entire box of nachos was gone in record time and by the time Josh was pulling into your driveway, sleep had begun to set in and you suddenly felt very tired.
     “Okay, sweet cheeks,” Josh spoke as he turned off the car, “let’s get you up to bed, yeah?”
     You managed to give him a slow nod as he lead you out of the car. Any other time, he would’ve just carried you, but the obstruction of your bump made it too awkward, and so you were forced to drag your feet up the stairs in exhaustion. You flopped yourself down onto the bed, closing your eyes with a content sigh. As you drifted off to sleep, you could feel Josh taking your shoes off and covering you with the comforter. The bed dipped as he laid next to you, kissing your belly once followed by your forehead. He placed a hand onto your bump, patting it gently as you heard him mutter.
     “Okay, you gotta let mama sleep now, my little nacho.”
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throw-the-torch · 5 years
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★ Request: Not Requested
★ Warnings: None
★ Note: Italics indicate a flashback in the story. Feedback is always appreciated. (For real, love it or hate it, I appreciate constructive criticism!)
★ Links: Master List ★ Current Requests ★ Imagine Schedule
Twenty blocks was a long way to run, but you didn’t have any other option. Your legs burned as you carried yourself past the standstill traffic; getting closer and closer to the boy you had let go, again. He was sitting right there and you let another opportunity pass you by. The two of you ran with the same crowd through your years in school; you were friends, that was it. And if you didn’t risk it now, that’s all you’d ever be. Colton was on his way to the train station, heading back to St. Louis for the season. If you didn’t tell him how you felt now, you may not get another chance.
You were waiting for your friends to make their way back to you. The three of you had driven 5 hours to Fort McMurray to watch Colton play during your senior year of high school.
“Hey, (Y/N)! I didn’t know you were coming to the game tonight.” Colton said, as he dragged his bag behind him through the lobby of the rink; his smile bringing the butterflies in your stomach to life as he came to a stop in front of you. “Did you drive up here?”
“No, I ran.” you joked, fiddling with your bracelet, glancing up at him, his smile dropping as he processed what you said. “God Colton, relax. As much as I wanted to see your game, my legs would have fallen off in the first 5 minutes. Jake and Linds told me they were making the drive up here, so I figured I’d tag along.” You laughed.
“Oh, yeah, right.” He grinned, shaking his head. “I’m glad that you and your legs all ended up here intact. Where are Jake and Lindsay, anyway?” he asked looking over you, his eyes scanning the lobby.
“Uh, I think they went off in search of rations for our drive back to St. Albert.” You replied, joining him in the search for your friends. “Yep.” You said pointing them out to Colton as you spotted them shoving quarters into the vending machines at the back of the room. Lindsay hit Jake’s arm when she saw Colton had come out of the locker room, arms filled with foil packets and bottles of Gatorade, they made their way over to the two of you.
“Hey man! You played a great game.” Jake said; Lindsay nodded in agreement, her mouth already stuffed with an Oreo.
“Eh, it could’ve been better. Sorry we didn’t pull a win out for you guys.”
“No worries, man, next time. I think we’re coming back for another game in… what? 3 weeks?” he asked looking back to Lindsay, who again nodded as she shoved another cookie in her mouth.
“(Y/N), will you be coming?” he implored.
“Uh, maybe? If Linds and Jake don’t mind dragging me with them again.” You replied, looking over to your friends.
“Yeah girl, I think we can manage that.” Lindsay mumbled through her cookie.
“Colton! You ready to go?” A man yelled from the main doors.
“Shoot, my ride is gonna leave without me. Thanks for coming all the way up here.” He said as he shook Jake’s hand. “It was great seeing you guys” he continued, wrapping Lindsay in an awkward one-armed hug, careful not to knock the snacks out of her arms. “(Y/N) I really hope you’re able to make it to the next game. Seeing you was a nice surprise.” He said pulling you in for a hug, he kept his arms locked around you for a moment longer than he needed to, warmth radiating through your body. He pulled away, smiling at you as he grabbed his bag and pulled it towards the door, turning and waving as he exited the rink. Lindsay raised her eyebrows at you, smirking.
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throw-the-torch · 5 years
Hey! Any good multi part imagine recommendations? I cant find any I like (besides all of yours that I’ve already read)
I sure do!
Amen (EJ) by @hockeyandtaylorswift (complete)
bring you back to me (Skinner) by @rawmeanderson (wip)
Fourth Line Grinder (EJ) by @kallmekarlsson (wip)
Proof (Elias Lindholm) by @whockeywhore (wip)
Hook, Line & Sinker (Barzal) by @thirst-trapnhl (complete)
A Drunk Tongue/Liquid Courage (Segs) by @puckinghell (complete)
All The Small Things (Nate Dogg) by @hockeyandtaylorswift (complete)
Back Road (2) (Segs) by @hattywatch (complete)
So You Know What’s On My Mind (PLD) by @rawmeanderson (complete)
Offbeat (Auston) by @mapleleafstrash (somplete)
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throw-the-torch · 5 years
Flashlight | Jamie Benn
Summary: When life gets a little too dark, a certain someone is always there to light the way.  Words: 5k (i’m so sorry) Note: I wrote something with a similar plot line a long time ago and have been wanting to rewrite it so I can post, but it really wasn’t meant to become this long…. oops. 
You’re 5 years old and the light flashes twice.
Sitting in front of your bedroom window, your chin resting in your hands, you frown. You’d been watching the stars, but now you focus your gaze on your neighbor’s window. You know the room from where the light flashed; that’s Jamie’s room.
Jamie is your best friend. You’ve lived next to him your whole life and one day, you accidentally kicked your ball over the hedge. He came to bring it back but told you you’d only get it back if you would play with him. He prefers street hockey, but you’re a football fan, and he agreed to play your game.
Ever since then, you’ve been thick as thieves.
The light flashes once more, and then Jamie appears in front of his window. His is open, but yours is closed; he motions to you to open yours too, and you oblige.
“What are you doing?” you ask him, trying to keep your voice down but still reach him. “If mommy and daddy find out we’re awake, they’ll be super mad.”
It’s 11 pm and at that age, it feels like the middle of the night.
“I can’t sleep,” says Jamie, on the other hand. “And I’m bored. The light was to get your attention. I wanna talk.”
You sigh. You don’t like the possibility of getting into trouble, but even as young as you are, you find it hard to say no when Jamie looks at you with his big brown eyes, so you nod.
“Fine. But from now on, you can only flash the light when it’s an emergency.”
“Okay, but when I do, you have to promise to respond.” Jamie crosses his arms, a stubborn look on his face. “That’s what best friends do.”
You’re 6 years old and the light flashes twice.
You don’t notice it at first, cause you’re in your room, reading. It’s late at night and you should probably be asleep, but your book is just so much fun. Reading is one of your favorite things to do to pass the time, even if Jamie sometimes makes fun of you for it and tries to convince you to play street hockey with him, instead. But playing street hockey with Jamie isn’t very fun cause he always wins.
When you notice the light flashing, you walk to your window. You wonder if it’s an actual emergency or if Jamie is simply bored again.  But when you get to the window and open it, you’re met with Jamie’s face, his eyes filled with tears.
“What’s wrong?” you ask, worry flooding your veins. You rarely see Jamie cry; you cry all the time, when you fall or when you drop your ice cream or when you lose your favorite stuffed animal, but the only thing you’ve ever noticed on Jamie is a slight quiver of his lip.
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throw-the-torch · 5 years
What do you think Kevin’s opinion on “bigger/plus sized” girls is?
this literally makes my heart sing and i had to save it for last because i have so many many many thoughts and feelings about this. it got long, obvi.
it doesn’t cross his mind. you’re a girl, you’re hot, he’s into you. end of story. it never occurs to him that “guys like him” don’t like “girls like you” and you don’t really want to be the one to bring it up to him but when hes clueless about some of the insecurities you have you know you have to talk to him about it. and hes shocked. because like Kevin is crazy over you. his friends love you, his family loves you, the team loves you. he loves you. you’re so fucking hot, all feminine curves and softness. you have to explain that your belly is a source of anxiety and every time he touches it you lose the haze of lust and sex.
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throw-the-torch · 5 years
Might Just Be My Everything
Part 4: Lookin’ Like A Grown Man’s Dream
Player: Charlie Coyle
Words: 10,603
Warnings: smut, smut, smut!, unprotected sex, food, alcohol 
Notes: well. i’m finally posting it! there will be at least one more part, please don’t ask me I’m posting it for at least a week. I beg of you.This is uh.. more smut than I’ve ever written before, but Charlie seems to just bring it out in me, idk. I have like half a scene written that includes the Wagner’s backyard rink and Charlie meeting her dad, stepmom, and little brother, but I couldn’t figure out where I was going with it so I cut it out and will probably start with it for the next part. I… had a link for the dress I describe in here because I was obsessed but the shop took it down so :(. Lastly, thank you to everyone who gave me restaurant ideas!! You the best!! <3 (playlist)
      You wake up with a start, your heart hammering as you bolt upright. It takes a moment to get your bearings, to realize it’s the blaring of an alarm clock that woke you. But then you realize you’re in a dark, unfamiliar bedroom, and you have no idea what time it is, and the panic comes rushing back.
“It’s too early…”
Rolling to the left, you just make out Charlie in the darkness, his curls mussed and his face puffy with sleep. Your heart rate starts to slow, and you smile, reaching out and tracing the tip of your finger across one eyebrow and down the bridge of his nose. “What time is it?” You whisper, leaning over him to try to look at his clock. “Oh my god, it’s quarter after six, I gotta get moving!”
“No,” Charlie grunts, his arms wrapping around your middle and tugging you down on top of him. It’s only then that you realize that you’re still completely naked, your body reacting immediately to the firm press of skin on skin. “What time do you have to be to work? We’re already in the city, remember?” Charlie presses a kiss to your bare shoulder, and you shiver, pressing closer to him.
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throw-the-torch · 6 years
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(pt.1) (pt.2) 
smut: yes | no 
word count: 9.1k (double whoops)
warnings: swearing, angst, smut, unprotected sex, *age difference (disclaimer: this is fiction, i am in no way suggesting that these are colton’s preferences. if you are uncomfortable with a slight age difference, the one in this story is 6 years, then this is probably not a good piece for you.)
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throw-the-torch · 6 years
Just Friends? // Chapter 16
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Summary:Y/N’s sex life has always been quite vanilla and mostly non-existent. After drunkenly confessing this to her best friend, Jimmy, he suggests a kinky solution to her problem. What she didn’t expect was to fall for him.
A/N: This is almost 2 and a half months late, and for that I am sorry. I really do hope this was worth the wait. I re-wrote the last line about 20 times, but I could never find the perfect words.  
I want to thank all of you for being such amazing followers throughout the process of writing this series <3
Warnings: a tiny bit of anxiety, language, smut
Word Count: 4,500
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throw-the-torch · 6 years
Might Just Be My Everything
Part 2: Look What God Gave Her
Player: Charlie Coyle Words: 8,482 Warnings: steam?, food, plus size reader (but like low key) Notes: Happy birthdayyyyy Charlie!!! Anyways, here’s part 2, which is unsurprisingly, even more self indulgent than the previous part. The houses is this part are completely made up and don’t reflect a real neighborhood in Cohasset, I have no idea if it’s even possible.
You wake up to gentle tapping on your nose and a warm, heavy weight on your chest. Not to mention the sweat, the headache, and the taste of death in your mouth. It’s been a while since you’ve woken up hungover, having grown out of your partying stage at some point over the last few years. Being suffocated by your cat, however, is a daily occurrence, one that you are sure won’t be coming to an end any time soon. Oliver – afore mentioned cat – swats your nose with a little more aggression than necessary, blowing his vaguely unpleasant breath in your face.
“Dude,” you groan, shoving him off your chest and rolling over. “I get it. Relax.”
Slowly, painfully, you drag yourself out of bed, rubbing your eyes with the back of your hand as you stumble down the hall towards the kitchen. Ollie meows and jumps off the bed with a thump, skittering down the hall behind you until he can wind between your legs. It’s possible that he’s trying to kill you, but it’s more likely that he’s just a stupid, orange, boy cat and sometimes it feels like the two of you share a single brain cell. Which. Might be the case this morning.
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throw-the-torch · 6 years
Young Dirty Love
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Request: @dirtierhockey and I were chatting one day about this idea and it exploded. 5 months later and I’m finally fucking posting it.
Authors Notes: I’m well aware you can’t pause Fortnite but for this imagine right here it pauses okay. 
Warnings: swearing, blowjobs, cunnilingus, dirty talk, anal fingering, eating pussy, squirting, threesome?, idk.
Word Count: 2931
Title Song: Dirty Love - Mt Joy
Morgan loves Fortnite.
He loves that he gets to play with his teammates. He definitely loves that he gets to chirp without physical retaliation. Morgan is usually the bigger guy in the group but William Nylander pinches like a motherfucker because he knows how much it hurts.
Morgan also loves his girlfriend.
They’ve been together for 2 years and are very happy in their downtown apartment together. She has no problem with him playing the game when he’s home.
On one condition.
The first time she had snuggled up against him Morgan had just smiled. 
He loved the game and he loved her so it was the best of both worlds. Having her curled around him, one palm resting lightly on his thigh as she nuzzled into his shoulder. You would think that it would hinder his movements for the game. But he was pretty solid during play so he just let himself enjoy the sweet smell of her shampoo as Mitch cursed wildly in his ears.
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