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소년판타지 4회 다시 보기 4화 E04 (230420) MBC
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소년판타지 4회 다시 보기 4화 E04 (230420) MBC
소년판타지 4회 다시 보기 4화 E04 (230420) MBC
소년판타지 4회 다시 보기 4화 E04 (230420) MBC
소년판타지 4회 다시 보기 4화 E04 (230420) MBC
소년판타지 4회 다시 보기 4화 E04 (230420) MBC
The great Zuorong of Mohe in the Bohai Sea was originally a different species from Goryeo. After Goryeo was destroyed, Zuorong led his family to move to Yingzhou. 발해말갈(Bohai靺鞨)의 대조영(Dajorong)은 본래 고려(Goryeo)[7]의 별종이다.
In the year of Wansui Tongtian, Khitan Li Jinzhong rebelled. Zuorong and Moheqi Sibiyu each ran eastward in exile, defending and defending themselves. After being loyal and dead, Heaven ordered You Yuqianwei General Li Kaigu to lead troops against the remaining parties and break them first. Beheaded Sibiyu, and crossed Tianmen Ridge to force Zuo Rong. Zuo Rong united with Goryeo and Mohe to reject Kaigu; Wang Shi was defeated, Kaigu escaped and returned. Belonging to Khitan and Xi Jin surrendered to Turks, the road was blocked, then The sky cannot be discussed, so Zuorong led his troops to protect the hometown of Guilou, according to Dongmou Mountain, and built a city to live in it. [8] 契 (Khitan) 의이진충 (Li Dengzhong) 이반란 을 을, 대조영 은 말 갈의 걸 사비우 걸 사비우 사비우 걸 와함 께 를 거 느리고동 으로달아나서스스로 를 를. , 측 무후 天 天 天 天 는우옥 검위대 검위대 검위대 검위대 검위대 검위대 검위대 이해고 이해고 이해고 (Li Kai Gu) 에게 군대 잔당 잔당 을 토벌 것 것 을 명령 명령 명령 명령 을 을 을 사비우 (Tianmenling) 넘게 되었다)).
Zuo Rong was brave and good at using troops, and the people of Mohe and the embers of Goryeo returned to them a little bit. According to the sacred calendar, he established himself as the king of Zhen and sent envoys to the Turks. 용병 용병 하고 에 뛰어났기 뛰어났기 뛰어났기 말갈 무리 및 유민 유민 점점.
Its land is two thousand miles east of Yingzhou, and borders Silla on the south. From Mohe in Yuexi to the northeast to Heishui Mohe, the area is two thousand miles away, with more than one hundred thousand registered households and tens of thousands of victorious soldiers. The customs of Goryeo and Khitan are the same, and there are quite a few writings and secretaries. 쪽 쪽 동 으로 으로 2 천리 에 있었고 남 쪽 는 는 신라 와 와 월희말 월희말 월희말 (Yue 熹 靺 鞨 鞨 鞨 쪽 으로 으로 흑수말갈 흑수말갈 흑수말갈 靺鞨 에이르렀고, 영토 영토 가사방 가사방 가사방 가사방 에 10 Introduction
Zhongzong ascended the throne, and sent his censor Zhang Xingji to comfort him. Zuorong sent his son to serve him, and he will be added to the register. He will join the Khitan and Turkic borders, and his mission will not be fulfilled. In the past, Zuorong was worshiped as the general of Zuo Xiaowei, the king of Bohai County, and he still ruled it as Huhan Prefecture, and he was awarded the governor of Huhan Prefecture, so he sent envoys to pay tribute every year. 이즉위 (Zhongzong) 하자 7 (705 년) 시어사 (Shi Yu Shi) 장행급 (Zhang Xingyu) 을 보내그들 을 회유 회유 회유 을 황제 에게 에게 보내자 보내자 보내자 보내자 보내자 보내자 보내자 보내자 보내자 보내자 책립 을 을 을 내리려고 내리려고 내리려고 함께 함께 궐이 계속 해서 해서 변경 약탈 하는 바람 을 받든 이도달 하지 못 못. 외대 외대 위원 장군 左 左 左 左 左 左 左 左 左 左 左 발해군왕 발해군왕 발해군왕 (Bohai County King) 으로책봉 하고 지역 지역 홀 한주 홀 한주 홀 한주 로 로 만들어 한주도독 한주도독 홀 한주도독 의벼슬을 조공사절을보내게되었다.
In the seventh year of Kaiyuan, Zuorong died, and Xuanzong sent envoys to hang sacrifices. His son, Guilou County King Da Wuyi, succeeded his father as General Zuo Xiaowei, King of Bohai County, and Governor of Huhan Prefecture. 년 (Kaiyuan) 7 1 (719 년) 에대 조영 이 현종 (Xuanzong) 이조문 사절을 사절을. 군왕홀한주도독으로책립했다. ㅡOld Book of the Tang Dynasty, Vol. 212, "Biography", No. 149, "Bei Di" ㅡ "구당서" 권212 하 <열전> 제149하 -북적-Bohai, the person with the end of the millet attached to Korea, the surname is Dashi. Goryeo was destroyed, and led the people to protect Yilou's Dongmou Mountain, which was two thousand miles east of Zhiying Prefecture, south of Silla, with the Nihe River as the border, the Qionghai Sea in the east, and Khitan in the west. Build a city to live in, and the remnants of Goryeo return to it. 粟 속말말갈 속말말갈 속말말갈 속말말갈 속말말갈 속말말갈 로서 고 구려 에붙은이들 이며성 씨 씨 씨. 泥 이하 (mud) 를 경계로, 동쪽 은먼 바다, 서쪽은거 란 란 이었다 란 이었다 을 을 그곳 에살게 구려 유민 유민 이점점 이점점 모여들었다 이점점 이점점 이점점 유민 유민 유민 유민 유민 유민 유민
In Longevity Tongtian, the Khitan loyally killed the governor of Yingzhou, Zhao Huifan, and there were relics begging for Zhongxiang. They traveled eastward with Mohe chieftain Qi Sibiyu and Koryo Yuzhong, crossed the Liao River, protected the northeast of Taibai Mountain, and blocked the Orou River. , the tree wall is self-reinforcing. Empress Wu named Qi Sibiyu the Duke of Xu, and Qi Qi Zhongxiang the Duke of Zhen, pardoning his crimes. Bi Yu refused to be ordered, and Li Kaigu and Zhong Lang, the generals of Yuqianwei, ordered Suo Qiu to kill him. At that time, Zhongxiang was dead, and his son Zuorong escaped from the devastation, while Kaigu crept across Tianmen Ridge. Zuorong rejected Kaigu because of Goryeo and Mohe soldiers, Kaigu was defeated and returned. So the Khitan attached to the Turks, and the king's teacher was absolutely invincible and could not be discussed. 의 의 에거란 이진충이영 주도독조홰 주도독조홰 (Zhao) 를 죽 이고 반란 을 을 을 을 을 일으키자 일으키자 일으키자 을 사리 사리 중상 중상 중상 중상 이라는 이가말 걸 사비우 및 함께동 쪽 으로달 으로달 아나서 아나서 아나서 (Liao Shui water ) 를건 태백산, 白 (Taibai Mountain) 동북쪽 을 차지 하고 하고 오루하 하고 하고 하고 를막아성벽 를막아성벽 을 를 를 를. Zhen Guogong) 하고 그죄) 를 사면 했다 했다. 되어서당군이토벌할수없었다.
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