thunderdriven · 5 years
(( im so sorry that the only way i Emerged was through pineapple joke
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Naturu Pineapple/Naturia Pineapple
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thunderdriven · 5 years
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thunderdriven · 5 years
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when you wanna fight your alternate but you’re hella sick all of a sudden
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thunderdriven · 5 years
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“Hey, I’m not third place either! I’ll be first if you host another tournament!”
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“You probably need to host another tournament-”
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“You realise implying I might not be the best Jun Manjoume of all Jun Manjoumes means you are, at best, third place? Are you sure about that? Are you absolutely sure?”
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thunderdriven · 5 years
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“You probably need to host another tournament-”
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Oh god, he did do that, didn’t he-
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“So? Does it count for all of us? Or do I have to host another tournament?”
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thunderdriven · 5 years
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Oh god, he did do that, didn’t he-
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“Hey, since when have you been the alpha around here?! I never agreed to you being the best Jun.”
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“You literally challenged me for the position of alpha Jun, and I won.”
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thunderdriven · 5 years
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“Hey, since when have you been the alpha around here?! I never agreed to you being the best Jun.”
“Hey pineapple-fucker, I have a question!”
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“Does my title as the official alpha Jun count across the entire multiverse or is it only in relation to you? Asking for a friend.”
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thunderdriven · 5 years
“I’m brushing your hair, it’s a mess.” ((Fubuki @duelroyalty))
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“Hey, my hair is fine!” Get that brush away from him, Fubuki, he brushed it just fine this morning. 
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thunderdriven · 5 years
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“Oh great, you. Nice to see you again, not being aggressive for a change.” Ah yes, the Supreme King. Time to bring up the old sarcasm shield and hope to god nothing bad happens. “So...what even caused him to be so mentally unavailable that you had to come out and push him back? Or is it just a case of nothing really causing it but it still happens?”
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"If you are here to see Juudai, he is quite literally mentally unavailable. As Ouka has out it, if you are here to see how he is, he isn't." The supreme king felt he should at least be honest with one of the many friends Juudai had that had been trying to help him through his mental... issues.
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thunderdriven · 5 years
"I got you tickets to Kaibaland. You can take someone special, or maybe we can go together if you want." With a grin and a wink, Fubuki hands Manjoume a bouquet of flowers. There's indeed an envelope hidden between them. ((@duelroyalty))
Wait. Wait wait wait wait wait.
Bouquet of flowers, hidden card, Kaibaland for two-
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Ok, either Manjoume’s even more a hopeless romantic than even he thought, or this is actually him being asked out on his birthday. Manjoume.exe has crashed, please hold.
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thunderdriven · 5 years
‘  it’s  not  true .  ’
‘  tell  me  i’ve  been  lied  to .  ’
‘  crying  isn’t  like  you .  ’
‘  what  the  hell  did  i  do ?  ’
‘  nothing  has  to  change  today .  ’
‘  you  didn’t  mean  to  say  ‘i  love  you’ .  ’
‘  i  love  you  and  i  don’t  want  to .  ’
‘  i  didn’t  mean  to  make  you  cry .  ’
‘  i  can’t  escape  the  way  i  love  you .  ’
‘  told  you  not  to  worry ,  but  maybe  that’s  a  lie .  ’
‘  honey ,  what’s  the  hurry ?  ’
‘  they’re  never  gonna  give  you  love  like  ours .  ’
‘  i  don’t  wanna  be  lonely .  ’
‘  show  me  the  way  home .  ’
‘  i  tried  not  to  upset  you .  ’
‘  i  couldn’t  love  someone  ‘cause  i  might  break .  ’
‘  i  just  wanted  to  protect  you ,  but  now  i’ll  never  get  to .  ’
‘  don’t  you  know  i’m  no  good  for  you ?  ’
‘  i’ve  learned  to  lose  you ,  can’t  afford  to .  ’
‘  nothing  ever  stops  you  leaving .  ’
‘  don’t  you  know  too  much  already ?  ’
‘  i’ll  only  hurt  you  if  you  let  me .  ’
‘  call  me  friend ,  but  keep  me  closer .  ’
‘  call  me  back .  ’
‘  nothing  is  better  sometimes .  ’
‘  let’s  just  let  it  go .  ’
‘  let  me  let  you  go .  ’
‘  if  we  were  meant  to  be ,  we  would  have  been  by  now .  ’
‘  all  i  see  is  you  right  now .  ’
‘  i’ll  sit  and  watch  your  car  burn  with  the  fire  that  you  started  in  me .  ’
‘  your  love  feels  so  fake .  ’
‘  my  demands  aren’t  high  to  make .  ’
‘  if  i  could  get  to  sleep ,  i  would  have  slept  by  now .  ’
‘  when  you  call  my  name ,  do  you  think  i’ll  come  running ?  ’
‘  you’re  so  good  at  giving  me  nothing .  ’
‘  when  you  close  your  eyes ,  do  you  picture  me ?  ’
‘  when  you  fantasize ,  am  i  your  fantasy ?  ’
8 .
‘  i  know  you  don’t  care ,  but  can  you  listen ?  ’
‘  so  i  think  i  better  go .  ’
‘  i  never  really  know  how  to  please  you .  ’
‘  you’re  looking  at  me  like  i’m  see-through .  ’
‘  i  just  never  know  how  you  feel .  ’
‘  do  you  even  feel  anything ?  ’
‘  don’t  treat  me  badly .  ’
‘  i  know  you’re  not  sorry .  why  should  you  be ?  ’
‘  who  am  i  to  be  in  love  when  your  love  never  is  for  me ?  ’
‘  baby ,  i  don’t  feel  so  good .  ’
‘  i’ll  never  let  you  go .  ’
‘  i  just  wanna  make  you  feel  okay .  ’
‘  i  just  wanna  make  you  feel  okay ,  but  all  you  do  is  look  the  other  way .  ’
‘  i  can’t  tell  you  how  much  i  wish  i  didn’t  wanna  stay .  ’
‘  i  just  kinda  wish  you  were  gay .  ’
‘  is  there  a  reason  we’re  not  through ?  ’
‘  how  am  i  supposed  to  make  you  feel  okay  when  all  you  do  is  walk  the  other  way ?  ’
‘  i’m  so  selfish .  ’
‘  you  make  me  feel  helpless .  ’
‘  you  can  pretend  you  don’t  miss  me .  ’
‘  you  can  pretend  you  don’t  care .  ’
‘  all  you  wanna  do  is  kiss  me .  ’
‘  what  a  shame  i’m  not  there .  ’
‘  what  is  it  you  want ?  ’
‘  you  can  lie ,  but  i  know  that  you’re  not  fine .  ’
‘  every  time  you  talk  it’s  all  about  me ,  but  you  swear  i’m  not  on  your  mind .  ’
‘  somebody  new  is  gonna  comfort  you  like  you  want  me  to .  ’
‘  somebody  new  is  gonna  comfort  me  like  you  never  do .  ’
‘  i’m  the  one  that  got  away .  ’
‘  i  guess  being  lonely  fits  me .  ’
‘  you  were  made  for  begging  ‘stay’ .  ’
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thunderdriven · 5 years
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thunderdriven‌ / manjoume . 
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hmph , don’t be that way . even if it’s absolutely humiliating to be beaten by yourself on your birthday , now you know where you’ll be in the future , right ? 
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thunderdriven · 5 years
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thunderdriven‌ / manjoume .
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go on tell me i’m wrong , i dare you . 
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thunderdriven · 5 years
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thunderdriven‌ / manjoume . 
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You can’t tell me to shut the fuck up, it’s my birthday.
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… you know what , fine . 
anyway , i’ll be satisfied that i wasn’t completely demolished by older me on my birthday , get wrecked . 
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thunderdriven · 5 years
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You can’t tell me to shut the fuck up, it’s my birthday.
thunderdriven‌ / manjoume . 
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Well, now you perish.
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shut the fuck up 
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thunderdriven · 5 years
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Well, now you perish.
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update i am not kicking my own ass , unless other me is doing the same thing 
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thunderdriven · 5 years
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“Don’t get cocky, young lady!”
((@rhopalojama, duel))
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