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Geralt having jaskier bring ciri to Kaer morhen.
When he enters the great hall he hears her giggling for the first time since they've met.
Jaskiers playing a game with her (ye olde gold fish) and is losing badly.
Ciri looks up at geralt and smiles wider than he thought possible. "I haven't done this since I was a kid!"
Geralts heart clenches.
But you still are a kid.
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Geralt: i have tea
Jaskier: Ooh herbal or verbal? Either way dish!
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Would you absolve him of his crimes?
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No way I actually finished it
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hi if ur unaware georgia 🇬🇪 (where i live) has officially banned gay marriage, gay ‘propaganda’, gender reassignment surgery and anything ’promoting’ it. a trans model, kesaria abramidze, has been murdered as a direct consequence of this legislation. if you have a queer georgian in your life pls let them know they are loved and let this solidify why we Need pride and hope cause jesus fuck man
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lovely shots of jaskier being fruity as fuck. do with this information what you will
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this should make you angry. children in gaza have been out of school for a whole year and will be out of school as long as the israeli invasion continues. palestinian children live in flimsy tents which do not offer them any protection from the heat/cold. they travel long distances to search for water. they are threatened by water-borne diseases and skin infections that are running rampant in gaza.
no aid has been allowed in gaza since may. there is a shortage of everything from food to medicine to blankets to tents. this means that prices for everything have gone up.
it has become very expensive to survive in gaza. heavy rains followed by the winter are fast approaching. a tent does not offer much protection against the elements.
help alaa [ @alaakh998 ] buy supplies for the winter and medicine for her son who is suffering from a skin infection. she has two children aged six and four. she needs to ensure their safety and welfare and it cannot be done without your help.
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geralt smiling😞… started reading the books and decided to make my first post here because i cant stop thinking about the witcher and its driving me insane
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When Geralt joins him under the tent
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After watching the new clip from The Witcher: Siren of the Deep, I'm a bit disappointed that I have to wait until February for the full release. However, one detail from the clip really stood out to me: it seems to confirm where Jaskier is from.
In the scene, Geralt mentions that Jaskier is from Bremervoord. Since Jaskier is still referred to as the Viscount of Lettenhove, I did some digging. It turns out Bremervoord is a princedom, which suggests that Lettenhove is likely a town or a similar location within Bremervoord.
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is this what it was like in 9/11. trying to reason with people whose entire concept of human decency flies out the window when presented with the possibility of causing the smallest amount of harm to a "terrorist", no collateral damage is too large, no civilian too innocent, no connection too murky for people to deserve to die or be permanently crippled. people citing world war two urban warfare statistics to try to make a bad situation seem less worse and not balking at how fascist they sound
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You know how cats are social groomers, and they will often times groom their owners? Do you think Witchers do that?
Do you think Geralt just sometimes gets real comfortable and starts grooming Jaskier?
Like, they're at an inn after days on the road, and Geralt has had a hot meal, he's clean, sleepy, and curled up in bed with Jaskier, and he just starts grooming him.
Jaskier is trying to sleep, and Geralt is purring, and just giving him all the stinky licks with his scratchy tongue.
Jaskier wrinkles his nose at the smell, but doesn't stop Geralt because it makes him happy, so he always ends up with a raw spot on his arm, or shoulder, or hand that smells like fishsticks.
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meow meow meow
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Feral Tim
I have found I have a great love for Feral Tim Drake. This is a Tim Drake who has built his own moral code in an echoing, empty house and tracking vigilantes across rooftops. First it should be noted that Tim’s loyalty is tied closer to Robin than it is to Batman.  That his motivation for blackmailing Bruce to become Robin was more toward saving Robin’s Dad and Robin’s legacy than saving Batman. 
Little Tim Drake is Obsessively, Desperately, Dangerously protective of the Robin legacy and his predecessor Robins, particularly Robin #2 Jason Todd.  It becomes well known in Gotham, really quickly that it is not a good idea to insult Robin while Robin #3 is around.  
As always, I have no idea what is cannon here.
Like, if you insult Robin #3 to his face, you will get a laugh and an agreement-He will still stop you from your crimes but you won’t end up extra hurt. If you insult Robin in general, Robin #3 will be more aggressive in taking you down and you will get some extra bruises. If you insult Robin #1, you can expect at least one additional broken bone, which bone depends on the insult. However if you insult Robin #2, Robin #3 will bite and he will bite to the bone; you will be mauled and chances are Batman will have to pull Robin #3 off you. 
Count of Bites, before all of Gotham got the point: 4 low level criminals, 3 civilians (all of which were drunk, belligerent, and woke up the next day confused about their injuries), no less than 16 assorted Goons, and The Penguin. 
I want you to take a moment to picture Batman, who got a bit less violent after getting Robin #3 but got substantially less violent because he had to be a tired dad prying his little gremlin’s jaws off The Penguin. Everyone is distinctly uncomfortable with Batman apologizing to The Penguin. 
So Gothamites, no matter the type, learned that one does not insult Robin #2 ever. In fact avoid insulting Robins, unless you are specific enough to be insulting Robin #3 (Though they would not have cause to know for several more years, this protectiveness extended to both Robin #4, the girl Robin, and Robin # 5, the Stabby Robin). Batman gets less violent by virtue of now chasing after a child with negative fear responses (Seriously, Scarecrow once dosed him with his latest fear gas and Robin #3 did not even appear to notice). Gotham, as a whole (Goons, Civilians, all of the other Rogues, other vigilantes) and without consulting each other, decides that Robin #3 and The Joker cannot ever meet. There is a herculean, sustained effort by all of the Rogues and Goons to keep the Joker distracted until Batman can send Robin away whenever the Joker breaks out. Consensus is that no one quite knows which will come out victorious, but there would be substantial damage. Also, Robin would end up biting the Joker and no one is sure what the Joker’s blood would do to him.
We fast forward to Red Hood taking over Crime Alley. He does not notice but the first time he ranted about Robin every one of his subordinates, plus the three Black Mask Goons in the room, flinches. They all relax when it becomes clear that the Robin Red Hood takes offense to is Robin #3.   No one quite knows how to tell Red Hood that, for his health, he should stop insulting Robins (there had never been any real discussion about it). Black Mask and Ivy, at separate times, try to awkwardly pass on the warning but did not quite get the message across (there really is no way to phrase “The tiny child in the traffic light colors is dangerous and will do you actual damage if you disparage his personal hero, the dead Robin”). 
As soon as it got around that Red Hood hunts Robins, with Robin #3 specifically being a target, Batman does ship him out to Titan Tower at once, but not for the reason that Red Hood thinks.  It is not actually to protect Robin, not really. It’s because Batman has figured out that Red Hood was once Jason, and he knows down to his bones that Tim’s moral compass stays on this side of the killing line because he believes that both Jason and Dick would have a problem with him killing.  If he finds out that Jason, the preferred of the two, is ok with killing, that line goes out the window.  And then Batman is going to need to put Robin on a child leash. 
So Red Hood goes to attack a Robin far from the nest and it starts about how he expected. He got in a few good hits, and his replacement actually does have some decent moves. Then Jason makes a disparaging remark about ‘the Robin that died’ that, had he been allowed to finish his sentence, would have circled back around to insulting Tim. However he was not allowed to finish his sentence because instead of fighting on human teen, he was suddenly fighting some kind of demon (metaphorically), who in between mauling him (and how the fuck is this kid biting through kevlar, Jason would like to know) is screaming about how Red Hood was not allowed to talk about Tim’s Robin like that. 
For a few moments Red Hood gets to realize Robin is not locked in with him, he is locked in with Robin.  Then one of Robin’s attacks pulls off the helmet (no bombs at this time, thankfully). As soon as Tim sees Jason’s face he stops attacking and hugs him tightly, babbling about how good it is to see him alive and apologizing for attacking him as Tim thought it was just some villain being disrespectful.  Tim pulls him through to the med bay to treat his injuries. 
While Jason is being treated, and they wait for the lockdown to lift, Jason is struck by the realization that if he even implied he wanted it, Tim would go try to collect the Joker’s head for him.  This is quickly followed by the terrifying realization that Jason is 45% of this child’s moral compass (With Dick being about 30% with the remaining 25% being all Tim). 
The Pit Rage is practically running from this level of crazy. 
Jason finds himself escorting Tim back to the Cave, with Jason low key panicking.  While there is some sympathy in the form of Dick, it turns out that Dick and Tim have a similar way of thinking (except where Tim imprinted on the two Robins, Dick imprinted on Bruce and Alfred) and the same recklessness. It’s Bruce that Jason finds himself bonding with (Is Jason weirded out by the fact that, of his siblings, Jason-with his supernaturally enhanced anger and the bag of heads- is the most stable? Yes, Yes it does) as he desperately tries to keep Tim from doing damage (both physical and psychic) other people.
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oh. i just found out that the writer of the vincent van gogh doctor who episode wrote it as a tribute to his sister.
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