thxsfeelsgood-blog · 8 years
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thxsfeelsgood-blog · 8 years
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(( I realize I’ve been in and out here, and I’m sorry about that, I’ve been busy job searching on top of other personal things I won’t go into at the moment.  Good news though :D my career is finally set.  Step one to my RN dream has started.  I start CNA classes on the 27th.  Thank you for your patience, I do plan on replying to rps very soon.  Possibly start making replies and put them in que.  <3
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thxsfeelsgood-blog · 8 years
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You’re so cute ~
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thxsfeelsgood-blog · 8 years
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I imagine poor Camilla would be a wreck after Corrin chooses Hoshido. :(
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thxsfeelsgood-blog · 8 years
thxsfeelsgood replied to your post “Seeing his brother get all personal with Laslow was really not how he…”
Offer them some lotion, Dear Brother.
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“Lotion? How would that even remotely help in this situation?”
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“Oh, it would help the situation.  Not yours, but theirs.”
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thxsfeelsgood-blog · 8 years
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“What is this ‘ confetti ’ everyone is talking about?”
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“It is Sinday.  What a day to celebrate.”
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thxsfeelsgood-blog · 8 years
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{ Please like/reblog this if you are interested in RPing with a Fire Emblem Fates Vampire OC! Thank you }
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thxsfeelsgood-blog · 8 years
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((I like jumping on bandwagons, so here I go! Hello! This blog is nothing new, but would you be so kind as to like/reblog if you don’t mind interacting with an indie Dia/Dwyer blog from Fire Emblem: Fates? I’ll be sure to check you out if we’re not mutuals already.))
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thxsfeelsgood-blog · 8 years
@kleptomxnia continued from here
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A low short giggle sounded as she read the man’s reply.  His response was exactly what she expected.  So, predictable.
[Text]: You mistake me for someone who would share.
[Text]:  I merely told you, because your love for this sort of thing is no short of amusing.  
[Text]:  You have simple taste for pizza apparently, not surprising in the least.
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thxsfeelsgood-blog · 8 years
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Please like for me to invade your inbox/im to discuss a thread?  Whether that may be a plot, or just a banter rp to get a feel of how our characters interact.
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thxsfeelsgood-blog · 8 years
Oliver was lucky she had saved him. “Thank you for saving me.” He said he held onto her waist. “I’m Oliver, what’s your name?” He asked as they flew off.
“Lady Camilla.”  She responded in a velvet tone.  Her hands held tight to the reigns.  “Enlighten me, would you?  What was it that distracted you?  When near a ledge it is wise to be aware of your surroundings.”
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thxsfeelsgood-blog · 8 years
"I know that I’m broken, but I don’t care. This is normal for me.”
Yandere Simulator  {Sentence Starters} |  Accepting
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“Oh, Luna Dear, to be broken means you must be fixed.”  A delicate hand reached upwards to give the red head a comforting touch.  “You are perfect to me.  I expect nothing short of perfection, and you deliver.”
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thxsfeelsgood-blog · 8 years
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thxsfeelsgood-blog · 8 years
starter for @thxsfeelsgood​
Kam flew around in the skies of the battlefield above, observing the battle below.  He stood ready to begin the assault on the Vallan stronghold which barred them access with the other half of Camilla’s wyvern riders and malig knights ready to obey his every command.
Something was wrong… Camilla’s wyvern riders and malig knights came back, but…where was she?  The time for his attack had come, and so he dove downwards with the rest of the malig knights and wyvern riders behind him.  The wyvern riders flew past him as he slowed his descent to scout the battlefield.  They were holding their own quite well… but then he saw Camilla and her wyvern on the ground.  He broke off from his battle group to fly down and aid her.  He transformed back into a human, offering his hand when he held Yato in the other.
“Are you okay, Camilla?” he said.
The thrill of battle, oh the sweet tingle of joy Camilla felt when an enemy was slain.  Not even wine could give her the same alluring intoxicated feeling.  Sweet Marzia had been wounded to the point where she needed immediate medicine.  Vengeance will be swift.
Enemies surrounding her, and Marzia, Camilla held her silver ax at the ready, with a closed dark tome clasped to her belt.  Slowly the pain from her previous wounds began to scream.  A hand rose to swing a stray curl from her face, and wipe away the streak of blood on her brow.  “Your pain will be tenfold compared to Dear Marzia’s.”  She breathed with bitterness in her tone.  Rather infuriated at herself, she felt the pain bring her to a knee.  I will /not/ be defeated by ones such as you.
The sound of nearby wings approaching brought Camilla’s gaze away from the enemy for only a moment.  Kam.  The muscles in her arms relaxed only briefly.  A relief relaxation.  The enemy would truly feel the blade of her ax today.  “Kam..”  Camilla cooed, slipping her hand into outreached hand.  “I am fine, Dear.”  Ignore the burning numb.  “Marzia needs medicine.” 
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thxsfeelsgood-blog · 8 years
Yandere Simulator  {Sentence Starters}
“That blood… so, it was YOU!”
“I don’t care about anything else.” 
“I know that this is a selfish request.”
“Please, don’t take him away from me.”
“Senpai noticed me… at the worst time.”
“I’m addicted to the way he makes me feel.”
“She has taught me a new emotion… RAGE.”
“How long has it been since I last used this thing?”
“I’ll make sure everyone knows what you’ve done!”
“Those were better times. I was so young back then.”
“What the hell’s wrong with you?! Get away from me!”
“I want to stop her. I want to hurt her. I want to kill her.”
“If I could turn back time… what would I do differently?”
“ know that I’m broken, but I don’t care. This is normal for me.”
“I tried to be a hero… and that was the worst mistake of my life.”
“Now I finally understand what it means to be human. To be alive.”
“I saw that! You disgusting pervert! That’s absolutely unacceptable!”
“She could never appreciate him the way I do. She doesn’t deserve him.”
“I pretend to be normal when I’m around other people, but on the inside, I feel nothing.”
“For the first time, I felt something. A strong desire. A longing. A yearning. A craving.”
“It would be very easy to make your death look like a suicide. Don’t ever cross me again.”
“I don’t care what I have to do. I don’t care who I have to hurt. I don’t care whose blood I have to spill.”
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thxsfeelsgood-blog · 8 years
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I’m like 99% certain Camilla would harass Saizo to within an inch of his sanity at least once
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thxsfeelsgood-blog · 8 years
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Tagged by:  @kamthebirdman
Copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours, when you are done tag up to ten people and also tag the person who tagged you.
A - Age: 25
B - Biggest fear:  I’d rather leave this unanswered since I have already experienced my worst fear.
C - Current time: 2:25 PM
D - Drink you last had: Squirt.  Favorite soda.
E - Every day starts with: Coffee.  Need my coffee.
F - Favourite song:   Don’t exactly have a favorite song, but the song I listen to most nowadays is Gods and Monsters by Lana Del Rey.
G - Ghosts are they real: I’m open to it.
I - In love with: *insert Tina Belcher “Ugghhhhh”*
K - Killed someone: I can be a scourge when playing games.  Skyrim for example.
L - Last time you cried: Next.
M - Middle name:  Marie.
N - Number of siblings:  One sister, and one brother.
O - One wish: Time reversal.
P - Person you last called/texted: Friend of mine.
Q - Questions you are always asked: “Can I watch Octonauts, pleaaaase?”  “You getting on Don’t Starve?”
R - Reasons to smile: Family.
S - Song last sang:
“Let It Go” for my daughter
T - Time you woke up: 7 fucking in the morning.  When my son poured water all over me.
U - Underwear color:  Tan.
V - Vacation destination: New Zealand.
W - Worst habit:  Looking at messages, saving them for later, and forgetting to reply.
X - X-Rays you’ve had:  Teeth, neck, back, legs, and knees.
Y - Your favorite food: Sushi and red bean buns.
Z- Zodiac sign: Virgo.
Tagging:  @armxda and anyone else that wants to.  
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