thymeorganic1 · 3 years
Natural SPF and Why it is Essential for your Skin?
What is SPF? SPF or Sun Protection Factor is a number assigned to your sunscreen or any face cream for sun protection that indicates the level of protection it provides against the sun. Products with a higher SPF rating are stronger and have a better percentage of protection. A common misconception is that double the SPF number will offer double the protection. For example, a product with an SPF 50 does not provide twice the amount of protection than a product with an SPF 25 does. An SPF is just a numbering or a ranking system and not an absolute representation of the percentage of coverage the product provides. The SPF number denotes the amount of time for which a sunscreen can protect your skin from sun damage. That is why it’s also necessary to continuously apply the sunscreen every few hours. Products with SPF: Even though SPF is an absolute necessity in the summer, you should not skip SPF during the other seasons. One of the most common ways to shield your skin from the sun is to use sunscreen. Depending on the type of climate where you live, you can opt for products with a lower SPF during winters and monsoons. Another way to get adequate sun protection without using any additional sunscreen is to look for skincare products that contain SPF. Skin cream and don’t forget a Chapstick with Natural SPF — it does the job of sunscreen while also moisturizing and nourishing your skin. They not only act as a resilient deterrent to the incessant rays of the sun but also cut the risk of skin cancer caused by harmful UVA and UVB rays. It even provides your skin with natural SPF that’s required for your daily routine. SPF Tips: Now that you know all about SPF and the best way to get it, here are a few more things to keep in mind about SPF. Look for Broad-Spectrum Sunscreen or Facial Oils with high SPF. Broad-spectrum sunscreens and products protect you against both UVA and UVB rays of the sun. Sunscreen takes time to get absorbed into your skin. So apply your sunscreen for at least 15 to 20 minutes before stepping out in the sun. Reapply your sunscreen every two to three hours if you are outdoors for a long duration. Reapply your SPF product every one to two hours if you are sweating a lot or have been spending time in the water. Aloe Vera Gel is a great alternative to SPF. With the information mentioned above, we hope that you have a better understanding of SPF and why it is a must-have product in your daily skincare routine. Now that summer is almost here, remember to take better care of your skin and protect it from the ultraviolet rays of the sun. Know more about SPF and all your skin concerns at Thyme Organic.
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thymeorganic1 · 3 years
7 Reasons Why Organic Skin Care Products are Better for You
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Your skin is the largest living, breathing organ on your body. Up to 60% of what you apply on your skin gets absorbed into your bloodstream, which then gets circulated your whole body. But if you knew what toxins non-organic skincare products contained, you would think twice before you use them. So it’s no surprise to see more and more people switching to organic skincare products.
If you’re still using non-organic products, it’s time to reconsider. Read on to learn the 7 benefits of organic skincare products to see how they can be better for you.
Non-organic skin care products contain harmful ingredients- Pick up a bottle of any non-organic skincare product and read its ingredients label. How many ingredients can you recognize?
Non-organic skin care products contain synthetic, man-made chemicals such as sodium laurel, mineral oils, Laureth sulphate, and toxins that could be residues of pesticides. Studies have also found that they can contain mineral oil, petroleum, parabens, and other chemicals that, with long term use, can cause skin irritation, hormone imbalance, organ toxicity, and even cancer.
Organic skincare products are made of natural ingredients- Now read the ingredients label of any organic skincare product. You’d probably recognize most, if not all of the items there. Certified organic products are derived from plants and other naturally occurring ingredients. More importantly, those organic ingredients are grown without the use of pesticides, herbicides, synthetic fertilizers, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), and other additives or chemicals. With that, you can be sure your skin and body absorb only real, natural ingredients that aren’t harmful.
Organic products are non-allergenic- Without harsh chemicals, organic skincare products are less likely to cause allergic reactions, inflammations or irritations. If an allergic reaction does occur with the use of organic products, it would most likely be due to a natural ingredient (such as peanuts or strawberries), which would be easier to identify.
Organic skincare products work better- Plants grown organically are found to contain a higher level of vital antioxidant vitamins than non-organic plants. Because they are grown without herbicides and pesticides, their organic ingredients are also free from that contamination, which means the same for your skin and body.
Moreover, up to 95% of an organic skincare product’s contents are active ingredients. In synthetic skincare products, on the other hand, active ingredients only make up 5 to 10% of its contents.
Going organic is better for your skin- The synthetic ingredients found in non-organic products may be fast-acting, but they are also invasive, causing harm that cannot be seen. Their chemical ingredients may provide instant gratification and visible results, but most of this only help you aesthetically by smoothing out wrinkles, removing sunspots, and diminishing blemishes.
With prolonged use, these chemicals may damage and weaken your skin as your body tries to cope with these foreign substances. As a result, oxygen exchange to the skin is reduced, causing premature ageing and increased risk of developing sunspots.
Using natural, organic skincare products, though, ensure that you get the real nutritional benefits from its ingredients. Natural organic ingredients such as coconut oil, honey, aloe vera, and shea butter, for example, are known to soothe, nourish, moisturize and promote smooth skin. Even though the results may be slower, organic skincare products are gentle on your skin and won’t harm you in the long run.
You’re supporting cruelty-free skincare products- The beauty industry has received backlash for conducting animal testing for their products to ensure that they are safe for human use. Organic products don’t need to, because, with natural ingredients, they’re safe and harmless!
When you buy organic skincare products, you are buying cruelty-free skin care products and also supporting the move towards abolishing animal testing in the industry.
You’re helping to preserve the environment- Because organic products use naturally grown ingredients that are free from toxic pesticides and fertilizers, they don’t leave a harmful footprint on the planet, particularly the soil, water, and air.
Organic farming is also better for wildlife, causes lower pollution from pesticide and fertilizer sprays, and produces less carbon dioxide and less dangerous wastes. By using organic skincare products, you’re helping to minimize your environmental impact and support the sustainability of our environment.
I hope this has helped you understand the benefits of organic skincare products and how they’re better for your skin and health. Better yet, going organic is sustainable and better for the environment, too. So invest in your health today and make the change to organic skincare products if you haven’t already done so.
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thymeorganic1 · 3 years
Why is Retinol Recommended for Skin Care
Most skincare specialists have heard of retinol, but few people understand what it actually does. Retinol is one of many members of the retinoid family. Retinoids (compounds derived from Vitamin A) come in a variety of different forms. Read on to find out more about the benefits of retinol.
Retinol is a synthetic derivative of Vitamin-A but falls under a broader category of retinoids. When applied topically, this product will convert into retinoic acid through specialized enzymes that are found within the skin. While retinoid acid can be applied topically it is harsher than retinol creams or serums, because it does not naturally convert over time.
Retinol is found in many different beauty and skincare products that you can buy over the counter. You may also see a cosmetic provider who may prescribe retinol to you. Retinol can make your skin look and feel softer, smoother, and have a radiant glow. It will help decrease fine lines and wrinkles while improving collagen production.
There are many benefits to retinol, but there are 5 main reasons why customers, skincare specialists and dermatologists buy and use retinol. Here we will discuss those reasons further:
Do you have treatment-resistant acne? Retinol may be just what you need. By unclogging pores, retinol clears skin and prevents further outbreaks from occurring. Naturally, less acne will result in fewer Acne Scars. Plus, retinoids can amplify the effects of other medicated creams and gels, allowing you to get the maximum benefits of whatever treatments you’re using.
You can rest easy knowing that retinol is one of the most used and most well-studied Anti-Ageing ingredients when it comes to skincare. Originally marketed as an anti-acne treatment in the 70s, tretinoin quickly proved to have considerable anti-ageing effects.
One of the many noteworthy aspects of retinol is that it stimulates skin cell turnover, which is manifested as a sort of “exfoliating” effect. Dull and dry skin makes way for new, brighter, and more even-toned skin, armed with increased levels of collagen and elastin. The thicker skin is stronger and smoother and has fewer overall imperfections. Thus, even relatively “problem-free” skin can have radiating effects from retinol.
Get rid of those baggy eyes and puffiness with Retinol. Application of Retinol based Products will ease your eye area and prevent dark circles. Keep your eyes relaxed, stay youthful and look pretty as an angel.
Now you have seen the major benefits of Retinol
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thymeorganic1 · 3 years
Stay At Home Skincare Routine
Thyme Organic promotes practising self-care in self-isolation. Social distancing has been the perfect excuse for us to take some time for ourselves, spoil our skin with a new daily skincare routine and give it that little bit of extra attention that it deserves. Thyme Organic has come up with a few suggestions on how you can help your skin look healthier than ever. Be Badass and Beautiful for yourself (since we can’t step out of our homes).
You may not be wearing as much makeup (if any at all), but it’s still important to cleanse your skin and maintain a thorough nighttime skincare routine. We know it can be tempting to jump straight into bed, but we promise the results will be worth the extra 2 minutes. Go for Activated Charcoal Face Mask that’s accumulated over the day will help to unclog pores — you’ll thank yourself in the long run. Don’t miss out on Triple Correction Under Eye Serum which will be essential if you spend hours working on computer screens.
It’s crucial to ensure you keep your skin moisturized and hydrated during self-isolation. Finding your perfect moisturizer is essential to keep skin nourished and looking plump and fresh. We recommend the Deep Nourishing and Hydrating Lotion. A fast-absorbing formula that naturally helps increase skin’s ability to retain moisture. We recommend using this as a daily moisturizer, apply after you’ve washed, and cleansed your skin as part of your morning skincare routine.
Exfoliation and scrubbing will help shed the dead cells and speed up healing. The most effective exfoliator for managing hyperpigmentation is the DeTan Face Scrub. They penetrate more deeply into the skin than physical exfoliators and do not damage your skin.
We should probably have put this at number 1 as it’s a tried and tested method to get clear skin. Not only is water essential to life, but it clears out toxins that are harmful to the body. So even if you can’t survive the day without your morning latte, just make sure you’re sipping water consistently throughout the day. The recommended amount is 2 litres which are easily achievable if you refill a sports bottle a few times.
It may sound simple but getting the recommended 7–8 hours of sleep a night is vital for good skin health. When you’re sleep-deprived, your body produces more of the stress hormone cortisol, which can lead to increased stress and inflammation in the body and skin, triggering breakouts. We’ll take any excuse for an early night.
Now that you know all about the things that you should follow for great skin. Staying at home and stressing over work will certainly be a task. But stay strong, give yourself some time and believe in yourself.
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thymeorganic1 · 3 years
The Niacinamide Serum
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Niacinamide, also called nicotinamide, is a form of Vitamin B-3. It is an essential nutrient, and if it is missing, it can lead to disorders of the skin, kidneys, and brain. Taking niacinamide can help prevent B-3 deficiency. There’s much more to this nutrient than what meets the eye, especially when it comes to general skin health. Thyme Organic believes that niacinamide serum helps treat certain skin conditions, including acne, dark spots and eczema.
Overall, niacinamide can help produce proteins in the skin and lock in moisture to limit damage from different environmental stressors. According to Thyme Organic studies, niacinamide serums are quite the change you need to add to your daily lifestyle.
The benefits that it offers are as follow:
Producing Sustainable Immunity- Niacinamide serum, when applied on the face, helps build Keratin. A type of protein that keeps your skin firm and healthy. Keratin is the main protein in your skin and makes up the surface layer of the skin. Keratin is what forms the rigidity of your skin and helps with the barrier protection that your skin offers. So usage of Niacinamide serum does the work of building sustainable immunity.
Building Ceramide Barrier- Niacinamide serum can help your skin grow a ceramide, also known as lipid barrier, which can, in turn, helps retain moisture. This serum is beneficial for all skin types, especially if you have eczema, dark spots or mature skin.
Lessens Skin Blotchiness and Redness. Niacinamide serum reduces inflammation, which may help soothe redness from eczema, acne, blackheads, pimples, whiteheads and other inflammatory skin conditions.
Reduces Pore Appearance. The Niacinamide Serum keeps skin smooth and moisturized. This trait even helps in a natural reduction in pore size over time. Thyme Organic believes that it also helps in unclogging the pores.
Restricts Excess Production of Sebum. The benefits of moisture preservation aren’t just for those with dry and sensitive skin types. Niacinamide can also help regulate the amount of oil the sebaceous glands produce (Sebum) and prevent your glands from going into overdrive and extreme greasiness.
Heals Acne. Niacinamide serum is helpful for severe acne, especially inflammatory forms like blackheads, dark spots, papules and pustules. After proper application, you may see fewer lesions and improved skin texture.
Shields Against Oxidative Stress. Niacinamide helps build cells in the skin while also protecting them from environmental stresses, such as sunlight, pollution, and toxins.
Controls Fine Lines and Wrinkles. Studies by Thyme Organic have found that Niacinamide concentrations helped reduce signs of sun damage that come with ageing. To be precise, fine lines and wrinkles.
Protects Against Sun. Niacinamide can concurrently rebuild healthy skin cells while also protecting them from damage caused by ultraviolet rays.
In Conclusion,
When used as a serum, niacinamide has a positive impact on your overall skin health. The ingredient can help reduce inflammation and hyperpigmentation, smooth your overall skin texture, and brighten your skin.
It can take several weeks to see noticeable improvement, so it’s necessary to be patient and stick with your routine.
You should not take niacinamide supplements unless your doctor or other healthcare provider prescribes them to treat a B-3 deficiency or other underlying condition. Go for Niacinamide Serum for best skincare results. Rest assured, you can trust Thyme Organic with natural ingredients that are free from toxic chemicals.
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thymeorganic1 · 3 years
How to fight Oily Skin in Summers
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It is crucial to prevent skin problems like acne, pimples, scars, dark spots which you can achieve by using the Thyme Oil Control Face Wash. Here are the top benefits of using the Oil Control Face Wash in summertime:
1) Fights Numerous Skin Problems- Using the Oil Control Face Wash is highly effective for preventing your face from facing any harmful skin problems. It has the goodness of Calendula Extract, Frankincense, Grapes and Ginger that tackles difficulties of acne, pimples, redness, pore minimization, dark spots and uneven skin tone.
2) Cleanses your Face- If you are searching for a face wash that helps in deeply cleansing your skin from oil, dirt and other pollutants, then look no more and get the Oil Control Face Wash for all of that. Get fresher looking skin and provide smoothness from any signs of irritation.
3) Hydrates your Skin- It is necessary to maintain the pH levels of your skin. Skin hydration is important to keep your skin healthy and remove visible signs of ageing and wrinkles.
4) Clears your Skin- Isn’t it a dream to have clear skin without any acne, pimples and oil? With the Tea tree extracts in Oil Control Face Wash, clear your skin organically and stay miles away from harmful chemicals and parabens.
5) Remove Dead Skin Cells- The presence of dead skin cells on your face results in uneven and dull skin with a lot of long term damages. Daily usage of the Oil Control Face Wash aids in removing layers of dead skin. It also helps in the growth of new skin cells by removing the pollutants and improves in having fresher looking skin
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thymeorganic1 · 3 years
Why is DeTan important for your skin?
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Here are 5 reasons why you should choose the DeTan Face Scrub and why you should add it to your essentials:
1) Removes Tan from your Skin: Protect your skin from environmental stressors and restore the lost and harmed complexion of your face.
2) Improve texture and skin tone: Due to your various daily outdoor struggles and diverse environmental conditions, your skin builds up dead skin cells, dirt and oil, which looks quite dull and dry. The DeTan Face Scrub removes all of the above problems and infiltrates fresher, newer, smoother and radiant-looking skin.
3) Unclog Pores: Your skin pores get locked up due to the build-up of excess sebum (natural oil in our face). Not only this but, various other factors like dirt, sweat, pollution and other everyday struggles could result in spots on your face. Your face needs the exfoliation of a face scrub to get rid of this problem. Do apply it at least twice or thrice a week for best results.
4) Fades Spots and Scars: The Detan Face Scrub helps in getting free of dry and dead skin. It also serves in providing a smoother texture which makes your skin more consistent and smooth. Correct and regular usage of the Scrub will reduce problems like acne scars, dark spots, whiteheads, blackheads or hyperpigmentation.
5) Makes Skin Fast-Absorbing: Your skin has a dense layer of dead skin cells. Serum and moisturizer are tougher to penetrate your skin. A face scrub will ease the process of penetrating your skin and removing unwanted dead cells.
6) Exfoliate and Fight Signs of Ageing: Generally, for an average individual, the skin regenerates after every 20–30 days. As we grow older, the process of regeneration reduces. This process leads to problems like wrinkles, fine lines, anti-ageing and pigmentation. The DeTan Scrub increases the skin revival process and adds life to your face.
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thymeorganic1 · 3 years
Skincare Benefits of Vitamin C during Summer Season
Vitamin C is essential for your skin. Here are 5 reasons why to add Vitamin C to your daily skincare routine.
1) Suitable for All Skin Types- Vitamin C is entirely safe for all skin types. Usually, people fear applying products daily or for a longer duration as they feel that it might damage their skin. Such situations won’t arise with Vitamin C based products. The rarest case is for people with hypersensitive skin to experience mild irritation.
2) Prevents Hyperpigmentation- Hyperpigmentation occurs when melanin is excessively produced in certain parts of your face. Pigmentation also includes ageing spots and sunspots. For some people, it occurs in parts where the healing of acne takes place. Products like Charcoal Matcha Face Scrub helps in delaying the production of melanin. It helps in reducing dark spots and making your skin tone even.
3) Reduces Dark Spots- It restores the flexibility of the skin, prevents the look of puffiness and dark circles, activates the metabolism and functions as a useful antioxidant. You can use them either early in the morning when starting off your day or in the night before you go to bed.
4) May Help in Making your Skin Firmer- As stated above, collagen is a vital ingredient for your skin. Collagen production is interlinked with skin firmness and skin elasticity. When the collagen levels drop, your skin does not stay firm and begins sagging. Face masks play a pivotal role in making your skin healthier. Apply Charcoal Glacier Clay Face Mask to improve collagen production. It also results in firm and youthful-looking skin and increased blood flow.
5) Protect your Skin against Harmful Free Radicals- Free radicals are molecules that cause skin damage. In layman terms, these are atoms that do not have any electrons in them. Free radicals aim at getting electrons and as a result, steal them from our face. Vitamin C is rich in antioxidants. The DeTan Face Scrub acts as an Antioxidant and guards healthy skin cells by giving these free radicals an electron, executing them harmlessly.
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thymeorganic1 · 3 years
All You Need To Know About An Eye Serum
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The first signs of ageing often become visible around the eyes. Good skincare for this area is requisite. But you don’t inevitably have to get eye surgery.
Eye Serums in India often claim to have been formulated ‘specially’ for the thin, sensitive skin around the eyes. Brands claim they will help you get rid of bags under the eyes, dark rings and saggy skin, but eye serums are no miracle cure. They often do not contain sun protection and tend to feel thick and heavy. These thick eye serums may cause your concealer and foundation to seep into the lines around your eyes, making your wrinkles even more visible.
You need these traits when buying an Eye Serum
Thinner and more sensitive
The skin around the eyes is thinner and more sensitive than the skin on the rest of your face. This does not mean that you need a different product around your eyes. Your entire face (including the skin around your eyes) stands to benefit from gentle, fragrance-free products. These should contain antioxidants, cell-communicating and skin-healing ingredients. They make the skin cells healthier, building collagen, lightening discolouration and restoring the skin barrier.
If you already use a gentle, effective day or night eye serum or a serum, this product is also perfect for the skin around your eyes, as long as the skin type there is the same as the rest of your face.
Dry skin around the eyes
If the skin around your eyes is drier, you need a more emollient formula. In that case, a special eye serum may be a valuable addition to your skincare routine. Using an eye serum with omega fatty acids can help soothe the delicate skin around your eye area. In addition to being a well-known superfood, omega fatty acids are also beneficial when applied topically, especially for dry areas as they help enhance skin hydration.
Bags and dark circles
If you suffer from puffiness because the fat cells under your eyes have sagged, no eye serum can solve this. If you have bags under your eyes because you retain fluid or because you have slept too little, a calming eye serum around the eyes may help. To see a change, you will have to sleep more, drink less alcohol and eat less salt.
If swollen eyelids are a result of skin irritation and sun damage, then a good eye serum can repair your skin.
You can also do something about dark circles under your eyes. During the daytime, always use an (eye) eye serum with sunscreen for the skin around your eyes. The eye serum you use in both the daytime and at night should contain ingredients that inhibit melanin production. This will improve your skin tone and can make a stunning difference.
Sagging skin and/or wrinkles
With sagging skin or wrinkles, a good face eye serum is just as good for the skin around your eyes as for the rest of your face. But remember, be realistic. While an eye serum can make your skin somewhat tighter and firmer, it will never be able to lift the skin around your eyes.
The importance of packaging
The packaging of any Eye Serum should always be light proof and airtight. If the product is exposed to air and light, the effectiveness of the ingredients is reduced. Never use skincare products in a pot.
SPF is the magic word
You must protect your skin daily against the sun. This also applies to the skin around the eyes, especially if you suffer from puffy eyelids, dark circles and sagging skin. These problems will only become worse if you go out without protection. Always use an eye serum with an SPF of 30 or higher around the eyes, which only contains zinc oxide and/or titanium dioxide. This is not because synthetic ingredients do not work, but because they often contain mildly irritating ingredients. Mineral sunscreens also offer protection immediately after application.
If you do use a face or Eye Serum without sunscreen around your eyes, make sure you apply a concealer and/or foundation over your eye serum, which does have an SPF of 30 or higher. Sunglasses are an important additional protection measure.
So, when buying an Eye Serum, look for the above traits and dazzle the world with your sparkling eyes.
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thymeorganic1 · 3 years
Why Activated Charcoal is Trending this Summer?
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Summer is one of the hardest seasons for skincare. Scorching heat, pollution and sweat make it impossible for one to keep their skin clean and glowing, so a rescue potion is activated bamboo charcoal.
During the hot days of summer, your skin also absorbs impurities from your surroundings hence causing blemishes and blackheads so to prevent your skin from these damages.
Activated Charcoal can be infused into your everyday skincare routine:
● MASK- Activated Charcoal draws bacteria, poisons, chemicals, impurities and other micro-particles to the surface of the skin, helping you achieve a flawless complexion. An Activated Charcoal Face Mask blended with the right ingredients is the perfect anti-ageing solution that your skin deserves.
● FACE WASH- With your skin exposed to harsh sun rays and pollution, pores in your skin get clogged with toxins leaving your skin dull and lifeless. This in turn affects the overall complexion of the skin during summer. A strong remedy for this is infusing Activated Charcoal in a Face Wash. It opens up your pores and clears toxins, dirt and protects the skin from acne breakouts as well.
● SCRUB- Developing a skincare routine is important because it helps the skin maintain elasticity while strengthening and paving the way to clear, beautiful and smooth skin. With a plethora of products available in the market, it is important to add a Face Scrub with Activated Charcoal to cleanse and exfoliate one’s face regularly.
Regular application of Activated Charcoal in a Trio will certainly benefit your skin in the long run. Follow the trend with Thyme Organic.
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thymeorganic1 · 3 years
Different Types of Essential oil
There are more than 90 types of essential oils with their unique smell and use. Practitioners and skincare specialists use them in natural and alternative health practices, such as aromatherapy, skincare oils (in Cold Pressed form), serums and naturopathy.
Here is a list of some popular essential oils –
● Rose Oil — It is one of the expensive oils for its soothing floral fragrance that is useful for stress, anxiety.
● Lavender oil — One of the widely used essential oils that is specifically recommended to relieve insomnia.
● Sandalwood oil — It is much popular for fragrance and also helps to relieve anxiety and improve sleep.
● Jasmine oil — A sweet-smelling oil is used for stress-relievers with the potential to help to treat dry skin, inflammation and prevent signs of ageing.
● Peppermint oil — It is used for headaches and stomach issues like irritable bowel syndrome.
● Roman Chamomilla oil — It is excellent for relaxation and to improve your mood.
● Jojoba oil — It is mainly used to relieve pain, improve mood and lower blood pressure
● Neroli oil — It is an essential herb to ease coughing, uplift your mood, and soothe sore muscles.
● Lemon — It is used to aid digestion, elevate mood, and fix skin problems when blended with the correct ingredients.
Tea tree — It is very effective to treat fungal infections and boost immunity
These are the most beneficial essential oils when it comes to skin-boosting, mood uplifting, stress relief, ageing control and overall development of mind and soul.
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thymeorganic1 · 3 years
Why to Apply Niacinamide on your Skin
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As you might have gathered, we’re very impressed with all that Niacinamide can do for skin when applied via skincare products like toners, serums, and highly concentrated leave-on treatments.
Niacinamide is uniquely compatible with any of the products in your skincare routine, including those that contain retinol, peptides, Hyaluronic Acid, AHAs, BHA, vitamin C, and all types of antioxidants.
You can use multiple niacinamide-containing products in your routine, and it will still be non-sensitizing as this ingenious B vitamin is well tolerated by all skin types. It’s even suitable for use by those with sensitive or rosacea-prone skin.
Other helpful benefits of niacinamide are that it helps renew and restore the surface of the skin against moisture loss and dehydration by helping the skin improve its natural production of skin-strengthening ceramides. When ceramides become depleted over time, skin is left vulnerable to all sorts of problems, from persistent patches of dry, flaky skin to increasingly becoming extra-sensitive. Get to know more about Niacinamide from Thyme Organic
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thymeorganic1 · 4 years
Why oily skin needs facewash?
Good cleansing, toning and moisturizing is the basic skin care routine for every skin type but when it comes to oily skin, the CTM routine plays a powerful role in order to prevent extra oil on the skin and thereby maintain a youthful glow.
Pick a good facewash that is specifically designed to control oiliness on the skin without over-drying the skin. The oil control facewash from Thyme Organic is specially formulated only for oily skin. It is loaded with natural ingredients like tea tree extracts, calendula extracts, frankincense, neem extracts, witch hazel extracts and willow bark extracts. These ingredients work together to provide your skin with innumerable benefits:
·         Reduces redness, acne and sunburns
·         Fights against blackheads, excess oil, impurities and grime
·         Refines skin pores
·         Minimizes pores size
·         Tightens the skin
·         Keeps toxins and bacteria at bay
·         Prevents future breakouts
·         Minimizes scars
·         Keeps skin fresh and clean
·         Combats signs of ageing
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thymeorganic1 · 4 years
Are organic skin care products really beneficial for your skin?
Organic skincare products are formulated from natural and plant-derived ingredients. The benefits of organic skincare are plentiful and it contains vitamins and antioxidants. It assures optimal nourishment for your skin.
Use best organic skin care products that are perfect for your skin and the environment:
Best for your skin: the organic skincare products contain natural and active ingredients. These ingredients have a high content of antioxidants and vitamins. On the other hand, synthetic ingredients degrade skin health.
Environmental friendly: the process of manufacturing organic skincare is clean. It is safe for people, animals and the environment. Everyone is spared from the toxic effects of chemicals.
They are effective: As organic products are derived from plants and other natural ingredients. These products get absorbed quickly in the skin and aren’t harmful.
For all skin type:  The organic skincare products are perfect for all skin type. It cares for an atopic and sensitive skin the most.
Non-irritating: The ingredients are gentle enough on your skin. It prevents irritation that can come about and allows even those with sensitive skin and delicate skin conditions to enjoy using them.
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thymeorganic1 · 4 years
Does charcoal clay face mask clear the skin problems?
Charcoal has made it place in the beauty industry because of its innumerable benefits. The face mask made with the goodness of charcoal and has purifying properties. It is a blessing to your skin. Let’s take a look at the benefits of charcoal for skin:
·         Deep cleansing and exfoliation- it draws out bacteria, dirt, grime and impurities from the skin. It has the ability to absorb toxins, leaves skin amazingly clean and fresh. It combats frequent breakouts, acne and other skin issues.
·         Reduces dark spots and pigmentation- the mask constantly works on the betterment of the skin and make it look smooth, clear and radiant.
·         Tightens skin pores: the mask tightens the skin pores thereby reducing the inflammation to give smoother, flawless and youthful skin.
·         Controls excess oil and dirt: The mask doesn’t harm the skin’s pH balance and strips of the excess oil and dirt that makes your skin look dull.
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thymeorganic1 · 4 years
How aloe vera gel helps to brighten the skin?
Aloe vera is a herb that is used not only in medicines but also in the beauty industry. The most beneficial part of this plant is the leaf that contains a potent and lush gel that is beneficial for your skin.
The main constituent of aloe vera gel is water that is enriched with the goodness of minerals, active compounds and vitamins. The gel works miraculously on the dull, lifeless and dark skin.
Here are some DIY face packs that work for every skin type:
·         Mix aloe vera gel with few drops of lemon juice and apply on skin for 15 minutes and wash off with lukewarm water to remove tan.
·         Mix aloe vera gel with rose water and apply on skin for 15-20 minutes and wash it off to lighten pigmentation, age spots and pimple marks.
·         Mix aloe vera gel with cucumber and add oatmeal. Apply it on the face and scrub it in a circular motion for 5 minutes and after 10 minutes, wash it off to get rid of dead skin cells.  
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thymeorganic1 · 4 years
Get clean and clear skin with charcoal
Acne, pimples, dark spots and pigmentation are the skin issues that are stubborn and requires some rigorous efforts to keep it under control. So, among the various skincare steps, effective face wash is considered as the major one.
Cleansing skin regularly with charcoal facial cleanser removes the dirt, impurities and grime. It detoxifies the skin, fights environmental aggressors, controls excess oil, reduces acne & pimples, and lightens dark spots & pigmentation.
Benefits of charcoal face wash:
·         Thoroughly cleanse the skin and draws out all impurities.
·         Works to refine pores and balances skin.
·         Gives you a smoother, brighter, healthier skin.
·         Regulates sebum secretion.
·         Gently hydrated skin.
Soothe and heal bites, cuts and irritations.
Despite being in dark appearance, charcoal is one of the natural ingredients that gives you clean, clear and flawless skin. The toxins from your body stick to the activated charcoal, and since it’s all-natural, it won’t add any chemicals to your skin. It makes a good deep cleanser and exfoliant to remove any unwanted toxins and dirt from your body.
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