ticktockstuck-ezodiac Β· 5 months
We Are Experiencing Technical Difficulties
Hi folks.
I wish I was here with a better update but, as you can probably tell from the title of this post, we've got some somber news for today.
Here's the short version: My Mac, where I do most of my work and where tons of documentation and organization for TickTockStuck is kept, has experienced some sudden and unexpected drive issues. At the time of writing I have no way of reliably accessing any of the files on there, which means I'll have to put a halt to any further work on TTS and the TTS Extended Zodiac for the time being.
The good news is that I've been able to confirm all the files are still safe and uncorrupted. I can't access them but they should be able to sit still until I can get the data out and get the Mac repaired.
The bad news is that those repairs will wipe the system memory, so I need to get my files out first. While I've found a place that can help with data recovery it's not going to be a cheap service, and I don't have an estimate for how long it's going to be until I can afford to get the repairs done.
A few things I want to stress at this time:
I'm not opening up donations at this time. Aside from TTS' low foot traffic making me lack confidence in that route, I'm not in such dire financial straits that this whole process should take more than a few months. By the time TickTockStuck hits in 11th Anniversary in July we should be back up and running.
While I'm going to have to put a full stop to the TickTockStuck Extended Zodiac for this period, I don't intend for this main blog to linger idly. I'll be doing what I can to put out content during these troubles, to the extent that I'm able to without access to my usual documentation.
I'm not opening donations but I am interested in possibly opening up commissions at some point in the future. I won't speak to what shape that'll look like if I decide to pursue that route - whether it's TickTockStuck-related work or otherwise - but it's something I've been meaning to try for a very long time.
I'll keep you all updated as this situation develops.
As always, thank you all for sticking around with us through everything. This is your faithful showrunner signing off for now.
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ticktockstuck-ezodiac Β· 5 months
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TRUE KEPHEUS Sign of the Inscriber
K(E)* = Lilac Sign β€’ *PHEUS = Prospit + Word
#837: The sign of the inverse imperial - they were crowned at a kingdom's fall on a throne of rubble, and only when their domain found its bounty were they deposed. Patron sign of the lilac caste, associated with the aspect of rules, laws, and all forms of regulation and contractual obligation.
Lilac Signs β€’ Wordbound Signs β€’ Prospit Signs
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ticktockstuck-ezodiac Β· 5 months
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DRORA Sign of the Grifter
DR(A)* = Rubt Sign β€’ *ORA = Prospit + Wealth
#836: A sign for profiteers of low social expectations. Their aspirations are simple - purely the creature comforts - but they possess surprising intellect and cunning.
Ruby Signs β€’ Wealthbound Signs β€’ Prospit Signs
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ticktockstuck-ezodiac Β· 5 months
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CARITTARIUS Sign of the Miracles
CAR* = Verdigris Sign β€’ *ITTARIUS = Derse + Void
#835: The sign of anomalies, hatched together time after time. Cursed to flee with hand held tightly in each other's hand, they navigate the tribulations of the worlds. Verdigris signs are typically meant to be combined with a moss sign and a chocolate sign to form a larger image, but in this instance it merely shares a common design element with its partners (Puppla and Viborn). Production notes: This trio is loosely tied to the overall theme of transport in these three-sign sets by being a combined reference to Hermes, Greek god of travel and commerce. Viborn is a caduceus staff, Puppla is a winged helmet with straps, and Carittarius is a pair of winged sandals. This theme actually extends to their epithets, too: in post order they're the Signs of the AvalancHE, the WindwoRM, and the MiraclES - HE/RM/ES.
Verdigris Signs β€’ Voidbound Signs β€’ Derse Signs
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ticktockstuck-ezodiac Β· 6 months
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COLURICA Sign of the Offcast
COL(U)* = Ivory Sign β€’ *RICA = Prospit + Speed
#834: A sign for those recklessly pursuing success, not for glory but for the consoling relief that their actions matter. There's a wound in their hearts that they believe can only be filled with satisfaction and approval.
Ivory Signs β€’ Speedbound Signs β€’ Prospit Signs
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ticktockstuck-ezodiac Β· 6 months
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VULLIA Sign of the Distiller
VUL(P)* = Cream Sign β€’ *LIA = Prospit + Rot
#833: A sign for proliferators of poisons both slow and fine-tasting. With a tender touch they twist toxins into palatable potions, and ride away with the profits before the side effects take hold.
Cream Signs β€’ Rotbound Signs β€’ Prospit Signs
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ticktockstuck-ezodiac Β· 6 months
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OPHIZEUS Sign of the Knight
OPH(I)* = Peridot Sign β€’ *ZEUS = Derse + Vim
#832: The sign for bearers of noble arms. Proud, chivalrous, and brave, they confidently bear sword and shield for that which they believe in - a country, a homestead, a population, etc. Sign 18 of 22 in an ongoing series of signs inspired by the job system of Final Fantasy III. Today's inclusion is for the Knights, and takes some design cues from the Warrior's sign, Tucacles, since the Knight is a straightforward upgrade to the class. The central feature is a sword-like element in the center, enclosed in a shield-like 'U' to represent the classes' defensive aspects (with the full arrangement resembling a knight's helmet with visor).
Peridot Signs β€’ Vimbound Signs β€’ Derse Signs
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ticktockstuck-ezodiac Β· 6 months
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GEMYRO Sign of the Soundless
GEM* = Gold Sign β€’ *YRO = Derse + Tune
#831: A sign of those who suffer in silence, but not by choice. Their voice has been ripped from their throat, and the necessity of stealth and avoidance has only left their own heartbeat to listen to.
Gold Signs β€’ Tunebound Signs β€’ Derse Signs
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ticktockstuck-ezodiac Β· 6 months
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PERCANA Sign of the Colossus
PER* = Berry Sign β€’ *CANA = Derse + One
#830: A sign for those seen as too strong for everybody else's good. Whether they are patronized, exploited, or simply feared, they have made the decision that they are better off alone.
Berry Signs β€’ Onebound Signs β€’ Derse Signs
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ticktockstuck-ezodiac Β· 6 months
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MICROSO Sign of the Collective
MICRO(S)* = Wine Sign β€’ *O = Derse + Heart
#829: A sign for the many-in-one, and for attention-needy cooperators who excel at stitching themselves to their peers. They live within a cage of personality, and find comfort in drawing others into their personal prison. Production notes: This sign is loosely inspired by historic Roman dodecahedrons, the kind with knobs on each vertex that often get touted as a knitting tool.
Wine Signs β€’ Heartbound Signs β€’ Derse Signs
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ticktockstuck-ezodiac Β· 6 months
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VOLSCO Sign of the Slumbering
VOL* = Garnet Sign β€’ *SCO = Prospit + Glut
#828: A sign for liminal wanderers who walk through life with eyes blissfully shut. Dream and reality are both simply detours from each other - lovely places to visit but easily vacated and ignored.
Garnet Signs β€’ Glutbound Signs β€’ Prospit Signs
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ticktockstuck-ezodiac Β· 6 months
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SCULPENIX Sign of the Polemic
SCUL(P)* = Sculptor Sign β€’ *ENIX = Prospit + Wrath
#827: A sign for politically motivated authors and/or auteurs. They make their disdain known not by being loud, but with its boldness, skewed vision, and generous underlining.
Sculptor Signs β€’ Wrathbound Signs β€’ Prospit Signs
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ticktockstuck-ezodiac Β· 6 months
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ANTECULA Sign of the Gritty
AN(T)* = Plasma Sign β€’ *ECULA = Derse + Tricks
#826: A sign for the healthy soldier who excels under pressure and is always prepared for the next challenge. When all they've got left is empty shells, their resourcefulness provides the ammunition for a last-ditch charge. This sign has two brothers, one of which has been posted already.
Plasma Signs β€’ Tricksbound Signs β€’ Derse Signs
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ticktockstuck-ezodiac Β· 6 months
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VIBORN Sign of the Windworm
V(E)* = Chocolate Sign β€’ *IBORN = Derse + Rage
#825: A sign for expedient merchants and carriers of speedy deliveries. At its tamest, they bring gifts and requested goods - at their wildest, they bring devastation and ruin. Chocolate signs are typically paired with members of the moss and verdigris signs to combine into a larger image. This sign and its partners (Puppla and Carβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ) are divergence from that design theme. These three instead have a shared design element between them, while still fitting in their respective caste's design theme.
Chocolate Signs β€’ Ragebound Signs β€’ Derse Signs
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ticktockstuck-ezodiac Β· 6 months
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LYRANTALIS Sign of the Disillusionary
LY(R)* = Azure Sign β€’ *ANTALIS = Derse + Quest
#824: A sign for realists and cynics, whose words are sharp and without melody but never fail to bring the dreamers back to reality. They would do well to remember they too dreamed, once.
Azure Signs β€’ Questbound Signs β€’ Derse Signs
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ticktockstuck-ezodiac Β· 6 months
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CORBUS Sign of the Curator
COR(V)* = Onyx Sign β€’ *BUS = Prospit + Lust
#823: A sign for seekers of madness. They search for the universe's strangest oddities (regardless of the damage it leaves) for the benefit of anyone that needs guidance towards or away from them.
Onyx Signs β€’ Lustbound Signs β€’ Prospit Signs
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ticktockstuck-ezodiac Β· 6 months
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PEGAPENS Sign of the Root
PEG(A)* = Sugilite Sign β€’ *PENS = Derse + Why
#822: A sign for prolific influencers who leave a wide mark. They are aggravators that spark conflicts and they are also benefactors always ready to reward the victors.
Sugilite Signs β€’ Whybound Signs β€’ Derse Signs
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