Facts About Me: I Become Immobilized 30 Minutes Before I Need to Leave My Apartment
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On the off chance I am not rushing out the door because I woke up late or procrastinated me getting ready for what ever event I am going to, I will just sit down and wait until it is the exact right time for me to head out (I don’t like leaving early if I know I’m just going to end up waiting outside somewhere).
I figure the reason I need to do this is the fear of getting distracted by something else long enough for me to miss whatever deadline I was trying to meet. But as proven by me typing this while I am waiting for the right time to start heading to the bus, I know that it is not as big of a problem as I make it out to be. 
I feel like I waste a great deal of time doing this, and probably a greater deal of time thinking about what to do instead. 
Happy procrastinating!
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Fact About Me: When The Going Gets Tough I Go to Sleep.
Whenever I have something I don’t want to do, or I do something that requires an abnormal amount of effort out of me, I get the overwhelming urge to lie down. When I lie down, I go to sleep. 
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This happens to me often enough to the point where I have come to accept it as fact. Yet, I still lie down with my homework in bed thinking that this time is going to be different. It’s as if my ability to make this one decision is controlled by a broken record that my brain refuses to replace.  
Obviously it is easier to go to sleep if you have a bed, and it would be ideal for me to study outside of my bedroom, but my sister lives in our living room so I can’t use the dining room table (Yes, our apartment is small.) I should seriously consider taking advantage of what I believe to be a 24 hour clubhouse in my apartment complex. No longer will I let the fear of night, keep me from delaying my responsibilities until the next morning!
At least I am mature enough to acknowledge this about myself and hopefully with time, I can train myself to do better. 
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This walking robot is here to help society
Google-owned robot company SCHAFT had its new bipedal robot strut across the stage at the New Economic Summit 2016 Conference in Tokyo. The SCHAFT robot can allegedly tackle uneven terrain and stairs, as well as carry up to 60 kilograms. It “is designed to be a low-cost, low-power, compact device to ‘help society.’ Two of its abilities open up plenty of possibilities for where these robots can go.
Follow @the-future-now​
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....Mr. President.
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Walking with my dogs on the Etna mountain and I stumbled on a Cherenkov Telescope. I thought you guys might be interested / via
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“Astronaut zoekt baan om de aarde.” - Harry de Rijk
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pronunciation | ‘kI-ros (KYE-ross, English); kEr-'os (keer-OSS, Greek) Greek | καιρός note | Kairos is both a rhetorical term for “the opportune moment” (as above) and the word for “weather”.
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The field of Artificial Intelligence still has a long way to go! Very excited to be a part these advancements in the future.
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Day 13: Ramen-San
It’s cold outside. Like really really cold. Why do I live where the air hurts my face? (i.e. my new winter slogan)
So I work as an intern for The Driskill Foundation: a private non-profit “on a mission to ignite curiosity and propel future generations of innovators”. Today We went to Ramen-San to discuss the possible future involvement of Taylor Harvey (co-founder of MonkeyBars and my former Serving Through STEM leader) in some of the projects we will be working on. 
While I went there to focus on education, I instead had no choice but to devote most of my attention span to the best ramen I have ever tasted in my entire life. Although I’m not a ramen expert or anything, anything that makes me feel like I’m in a Studio Ghibli movie deserves all the props I can give it. 
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What I Learned About Today:
Countable: An app that lets you vote on and discuss bills that your representatives will be voting on. 
I didn’t do that much science today. Sorry techies. :(
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Day 12: Code & Coffee
Today I went to Girl Develop It’s Code & Coffee at eSpark. I really like this event because it allows me to surround myself with other programmers. It is really motivating to just be around other programmers. 
While i was at Code & Coffee I met another engineer that worked at eSpark. He was also working on a Machine Learning project (Classification of handwritten digits with MNIST data). He was using an academic language that I had never of before (the name of it escapes me), but I was glad to see him working on a similar project to something I had worked on before.  
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For the duration of the night I was trying to figure out how to load data into a web application with D3.js, so I could implement some machine learning algorithms in JavaScript. I figure using JavaScript would be helpful in showing off projects to people easily. I failed many times and I was frustrated for most of it. I hope to solve the problem by the end of the week. 
Here’s what I learned today:
Here’s inspired my interest in machine learning in JavaScript:  K-Nearest-Neighbor
“CSV file” noun. :  Stands for Comma Separated Values file. Used to store data. As most files are. 
Thing I Want To Learn: 
How do you test exactly how long it takes your program to run?
That is something that I can most likely learn with a simple Google Search. But I’m just going to go to bed because it’s around 10 o’clock. Good Night techies. 
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Day 10: Zipline
I have spent most of my day either trying to finish my portfolio Zipline from Free Code Camp or trying to avoid finishing my Zipline from Free Code Camp. I also have not finished my homework from Week 6 of my Machine Learning course. In my defense, I did begin rewriting the linear regression cost function, but the grader doesn’t like it for some reason...even though its the same algorithm from our first assignment. Smh.
It is 5 degrees right now (Fahrenheit) and I have to go outside tomorrow.
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I hope that these blogs will get more joyful with time. Until then...
Here’s what I learned about today:
There is a blueprint for data science. Pretty sure its not official, but it still looks pretty useful.
D3.js: Data Visualization in Javascript. Leave it up to a new (to me anyway) library to make me squeal like a teenage boy receiving a new pair a gym shoes.
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Day 9: Stronghold
Today I spent most of my day celebrating the beginning of the FIRST Robotics Competition season. To all of my fellow FIRST alumni that got to end their high school career with Recycle Rush: I feel your pain. We deserved better. 
After the day was done, I realized my friends were leaving early and so I decided to get a ride with them. I wanted to ask if maybe they wanted hang out more or if they could maybe just... not leave at all. My gap year has been pretty lonely. 
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Hopefully college will help me get over this...If I choose to go to college.
On a lighter note: I also learned a bit about DevOps today. It is a model of the software development process that seeks to maximize efficiency by automating the deployment of code. Very interesting. 
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Day 8: Resolutions.
Every year I think about my New Year’s resolutions. I always set around ten of them and maybe actually achieve. One or two. I am not ashamed of this. I’m not getting graded on my performance and I rather accomplish something rather than nothing. Plus, I am very ambitious so it’s usually not possible to achieve all of my resolutions given the amount of time that I have.  This year I aim not to be like the people that trash their resolutions after one--or seven--days of failure.  I prefer to look at the year as a percentage, not a daily pass/fail. So here are my New Year’s Resolutions--seven days late! 
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2. Go outside six days week { This is pretty hard to do when you have a job that allows you to work at home during the Midwest winter :/  The extra weekend day is for fun :) }
3. Blog EVERYDAY. 
4. Post a YouTube video every week.
5. Commit to a daily morning routine.
6. Plan out the week on Sundays.
7. Mediate Daily.
8. Put more effort into external appearance. The goal is to look like the type of girl I would hit on in public. 
9. Do a daily evaluation of how well I am hitting my goals. How else are you going to know if your improving? 
(This list isn’t necessarily final. I might add more as the year goes on.)
Here’s to 93%! 
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Day 1: Happy New Year!
One of my New Year’s Resolutions was to put out a vlog everyday.  This is my sad attempt at that.  Eight days later, and this is the only vlog I have put out. And it just might stay that way.... Stay tuned for more of my New Year’s Resolutions!
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#GirlsWithToys proves women belong in science 
In a recent interview a CalTech scientist, said, “Many scientists, I think, secretly are what I call ‘boys with toys’” The only problem? Not all scientists are boys — and women around the world let him know. This is so much more than a hashtag.
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Stunning art redefines being transgender and resilient
Nov. 20 is Transgender Day of Remembrance, where we mourn those that have died as a result of violence against transgender people. With 2015 being one of the worst for transgender violence, activists in the trans movement have an especially important message — and it’s being told through art.
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