tigerisout · 16 hours
Help UK Trans Girl Relocate! (URGENT)
My fiancée, @plaidos , is currently looking to relocate with me outside of the UK, where things are becoming increasingly dangerous for trans people every day. Whether it be legislation or day-to-day living, this rampant transphobia has informed our decision to move her out of the country. We have already taken steps to do this as soon as possible; I have increased my hours at work, am currently in line for a promotion, and we have recently been able to acquire resources which would allow her to work more often. Even then, the expenses for things such as Visa Fees, travel, housing, and other cost of living expenses are still quite high. This fund would serve as a financial safety net for us, and would help this process go much smoother for us in the long run. We could really use any assistance you can offer, and we thank you for sharing & donating!
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tigerisout · 17 hours
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tigerisout · 18 hours
Today I cried a little bit because I remembered that when Beethoven conducted his ninth symphony for the first time he got a standing ovation and one of the sopranos had to turn him around to see the audience. 
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tigerisout · 19 hours
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tigerisout · 19 hours
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the clanging of his armored ass cheeks brought down the walls of many a castle
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tigerisout · 19 hours
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tigerisout · 19 hours
The fact that both of zukos abusers used lightning against zuko and instead of learning to use lightning himself like he could have he learned how to redirect the lightning and let it pass through him and then straight clean out of him… Do you ever think about how that is literally physically representing how instead of absorbing his father and sisters abuse he lets it pass through him and instead of soaking it in and letting it destroy him he redirects it away from himself… I just want some peace in my life
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tigerisout · 19 hours
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help me get out of poverty after fleeing a red state!!!
hey yall!!!
as you may know, i recently moved up to the northeast from the south. i loved florida and i'd done everything i could to survive down there as long as possible, but due to my disability i'm unable to drive. without public transportation, the only place i could work was a minimum wage job that kept cutting our hours. i'm so thankful for the support i got in order to get me here - i truly wouldn't have made it any longer without you.
i'm here, i'm housed, i'm working one part time job and looking for a second one, but between paying my movers and still being on another lease for the next 3 months because they dropped at the last minute that we couldn't sublet, i really don't know what else to do other than ask for help.
i've done everything i can on my own! i took out a loan to move but it ended up not being enough and i might not be able to get another one before rent is due. i tried to donate plasma but i won't be eligible without a doctor's note and i still don't have insurance. i've taken as much freelance work as i can find. a scheduling mixup screwed me over on my hours this month and i've exhausted all my other options.
i've started a gofundme with a very lofty goal - please know this is long term for the worst case scenario! i don't expect all of it, but there are smaller short term goals i need to meet.
$235 by October 1st (loan payments, monthly bus pass)
$1900 by October 4th (previous goals + late September rent and October rent)
$4500 total (previous goals + Florida rent for November and December - this will only be needed if I don't get a second job Or approved for another loan by November! If I somehow end up meeting this goal and then end up getting the loan and the job then any extra funding will go towards paying off my debt.)
yall have helped me once before and i wish i didn't have to ask again. i know the need everywhere is so great right now and we're all one missed paycheck away from losing everything. but if i can make it through these next 3 months then that's the best shot i have at getting out of the financial hole that being disabled in a red state had me in for so long.
thank you for being here!! love you all!!
(and if you'd like to support me financially AND get some art out of it my etsy shop and commissions are both open)
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tigerisout · 20 hours
i think the thing that fucks me up about anti-fatness is that it's a pure disgust response but people don't even realize it cause they've wrapped it up in so much moralizing and bad science. Like they can't even look at the part where they're just taught to view people as disgusting anymore and understand that that's all it is. And when they see fat people trying to be or do anything that isn't being sorry for existing they have to push it back into that mold. I have to be a walking talking anti-fat psa.
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tigerisout · 20 hours
bingewatching will never come close to bingereading. there is nothing like blocking out the entire Earth for ten hours to read a book in one sitting no food no water no shower no bra and emerging at the end with no idea what time it is or where you are, a dried-up prune that's sensitive to light and loud noises because you've been in your room in the dark reading by the glow of a single LED. it's like coming back after a three-month vacation in another dimension and now you have to go downstairs and make dinner. absolutely transcendental
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tigerisout · 20 hours
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tigerisout · 20 hours
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tigerisout · 21 hours
Tag yourself! I'm somewhere between F1 and F2!!
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!!!EDIT!!! Plz read before sending hate:
Look, I genuinely get that this graph doesn't have every gender on it. I know that it is labeled weird, I know that female & male and nonbinary/genderqueer & agender are on opposite sides of the chart. I know that this isn't inclusive to xenogenders, bigender, genderfluid, and a bunch of other genders. I know that people are upset about male being blue and female being pink. I know this graph is not inclusive for every gender out there. I really really do. I never claimed that it had all genders. Hell, I didn't even say it was a great graph! This photo is a screenshot of someone's random Twitter post that I found on pinterest and thought was neat. It was my first time seeing a gender graph that was something more besides male and female and it made me excited. I just wanted to share it with others. If it doesn't fit you, just say so. If your gender isn't on there, just say so. If you want to say how it could be improved or critique it's flaws, then by all means please do so! I have enjoyed scrolling through and seeing all the reblogs and people educating me and sharing better graphs. I love the discussions! I love the battleship and bingo jokes/games that have started. But I would really really appreciate if people would stop sending hate and shaming me for a graph I didn't even create. I am really really sorry for anyone I offended or hurt, it was NOT my intention. That is never my intention. I genuinely didn't think this post would even get more than like 5 likes, I was just sharing something that I thought was neat....
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tigerisout · 21 hours
“Gfm doesn’t operate in Palestine therefore….”
It doesn’t operate in other places too if people would take time to read it instead of constantly citing this when seeing an ask from a gfm account. People will ignore the other countries to point to one of them and call it a day.
Don’t listen to people/anons who comment like this on your posts. They’re being ignorant on purpose.
Family/friends can do what they need to. That’s a fact that gets waved away and dismissed in order to continuously spread the false information that every gfm ask you get is a bot.
Gfm doesn’t operate in multiple places so consistently stating just one is ignoring what else is there.
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tigerisout · 21 hours
a lot of you got a kick out of my service dog’s battle jacket, so i thought i’d share some more pictures of the man himself.
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i know people have a lot of stereotypes about what service dogs and their handlers are “supposed” to look like, and it confuses people to see a young, seemingly able bodied punk rocker with a service dog.
but i share this to say, that if you as a disabled person don’t see a life for yourself, you can create one. when i started to realize i was disabled almost 10 years ago, i certainly didn’t imagine this is where i’d be now. in fact, i didn’t even plan to making it to this point.
but a diagnosis doesn’t have to mean the end of the world. sometimes your world is just beginning. some people are of the belief that everything happens for a reason. me, not so much. i’ll never be grateful for the suffering i experienced in this world, but i will always, always be glad i chose to stay in it.
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tigerisout · 21 hours
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tigerisout · 21 hours
this picture is so beautiful to me, the colours brothers
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