tiinyjournals · 7 years
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tiinyjournals · 9 years
february 4, 2016
School, work, sleep, school, work, sleep.
Sebastien’s birthday celebration in Vegas was a ton of fun, as was the convention. I was terribly nervous at the event itself but managed to meet a couple people, both co-workers and supporters, which was pretty cool. Someone even brought a laptop case with my artwork printed on it asking for a signature. Honestly, I think that was one of the most heartwarming things I’ve experienced in quite a while … definitely a pleasant surprise.
Beyond that I drank more than I knew I could actually have my body process without suffering a hangover any of the three days while we were there, I managed not to throw up everywhere even once (hooray me!) and I had a fantastic time the whole trip through. I’m glad my friends did, too. Astra had never been to Vegas before this trip and it was really cool showing her around.
It was also cool to have gone back to Vegas to make better memories than the ones I made last time when I was assaulted. I was apprehensive returning and while I still look at the city the same a lot of the anxiety I was feeling melted away as I was reassured it was possible to have fun there and still stay safe.
Anyway, I’ve applied for Simon Fraser and am more or less waiting to hear back. I have to go grab my high school transcript next week during reading break and fire that their way, too … I’m really worried that I won’t get in because my GPA is still too low. I wish I had been better able to plan my future when I was younger … no use crying over split milk, though, I guess.
I still do, obviously.
Not much else to update other than work is going fantastically and school is … manageable. I have a bit to catch up on during this next week off, let’s just leave it at that.
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tiinyjournals · 9 years
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jan 29 2015, 8:17 am // For one of my seminars, starting next week we each have to do a book review and present it to the class and then we also have to lead discussion on the assigned readings one week.  And guess whose book review is due and who leads discussion next week?  She must really hate me…
10/100 days of productivity
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tiinyjournals · 9 years
january 21, 2016
I feel like I’ve been living on campus lately and I enjoy it. I had always envisioned some sort of romanticised ~*~*student life*~*~ time period to happen in my life and even though I love being at home, I also really love huddling up in the library with my teeny laptop and my books and my coffee and getting things done. I’m tackling this semester with more organizational skill than I’ve ever had, which is a great thing, but simultaneously I have this increased fear that I’m always “missing something” – it almost feels like the more effort I put in, the more nervous I get. You’d figure it should be the other way around.
Haven’t been working all that much since my schedule has me at school until 5:30 twice a week and I’m such a creature of rigid habit that if I’m not doing the same thing day in and day out, I end up all over the place. I’ve got to find a way to stay on track and just put a few hours in around 6pm when I get home … ah well. I’m off to Vegas tonight until Sunday, half to celebrate bb’s birthday, half to go to the convention and meet with other girls from the site J Bonus: I can write off the flight, accommodation and most of my meals as business expenses!! Quite the business, right? Haha.
I think after this trip is over I’m going to hermit for a little while and just focus on that work and school grind. Having a social life is fun but tiring.
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tiinyjournals · 9 years
january 7, 2016
The coffee I made today was a little too strong – my fingers shake like little earthquakes as I type this. Must refill my water bottle.
I’m sitting in the library at the moment feeling very content (despite the trembling hands) because all of my classes are enjoyable so far. I’ve got another semester with Leonard as a professor and I find him so inspiring. I’m feeling confident on this straight A semester goal.
Yesterday Sebastien and I went downtown for lunch to Coast for their buck-a-shuck happy hour. I’ve developed a taste for oysters and coffee – who am I, exactly? They were absolutely delicious and I felt like a rich girl princess, which is a nice change from the student-vibe. In truth, though, I enjoy experiencing both.
After lunch I worked and did fantastically. The Canadian dollar is really low so my paychecks are going to be quite large, which makes me feel guilty for being happy about it but hey, it is what it is so I may as well find a way to be positive about it. Sebas and I tucked into bed at about ten thirty and slept like babies.
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tiinyjournals · 9 years
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Audrey Hepburn, 1956 by Michael Ochs
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tiinyjournals · 9 years
december 29, 2015
Has anyone been here since the beginning? Is anyone still following me from years and years ago? I wonder what it would be like to see some posts pop up now and again, especially after such a long pause. I’m still living my life. I’m still growing up over here, from this end of the internet. I hope you’re well, too.
Planning New Years this year is proving to be a little more time consuming than I had thought, especially considering we had hoped that not doing a “club thing” would make it more relaxing. Looks like more people want to do the whole dinner and chill new years than I had anticipated ... regardless, my plan for today is to go get coffee with a friend, work on some studying and cross off some to-do’s from my bullet journal.
I’ve grown a taste for coffee lately. I really am getting old.
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tiinyjournals · 9 years
december 17, 2015
It’s december and I still mess up the year that we’re in. I feel like I almost never settled here all the way. Hopefully 2016 feels a little more concrete.
It’s mid way through the day so journal writing feels weird, but I figure in order to get back into the swing of things I may as well stab at them whenever I remember. I woke with Sebastien before he left for work, showered and cleaned the house, and then went to hastings to get my nails done. I had kind of planned on being more productive (going to look for gifts in a number of different stores) but it was so hideously rainy and freezing cold that I couldn’t be bothered. 
I got back home a couple minutes ago and now I’m trying to rouse myself to start work, and considering I’m writing journals instead, obviously you can see how well it’s going ... sigh.
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tiinyjournals · 9 years
fall 2015
it’s december 12th today and as of this moment i’ve finished three out of four final exams. my semester was intense and stressful but also very rewarding - having been my first couple months back to what i’d consider “real responsibility”, aka more than one class at a time while maintaining a regular work schedule, i’d say i did very well. i took social psychology, biopsychology, abnormal psychology and the dreaded statistics and i’m confident in three out of the four (can you guess which course i’ll be happy to swing a passing grade for? haha). 
living with sebastien has been really nice. we’ve settled comfortably and worked out good routines, and he’s been working a job he really enjoys since july, which is the longest i’ve seen him maintain a work place since we’ve been together! i’m really proud of him. not only that but the company is fantastic, i’m getting signed up for benefits along side his plan very soon (yay dentist) and he seems to be really happy having something to keep him going throughout the day. 
i’m hoping to use this blog more often because i’m going to be running a study tumblr as a side blog (i’ll post a link when it’s up and running) and it’ll give me more reason to sign into this account. admittedly i’ve been spending all my time on my other logins, which i feel a little bad about ... hopefully i’ll be updating here a little more in the near future.
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tiinyjournals · 9 years
august 28, 2015
thankfully, steph got home in one piece.
sebastien left for work around ten so astra and i essentially sat on the couch hungover and disgusting, watching that 70s show and eating pizza until like four in the afternoon when she went home. classy.
admittedly i felt really rough all day. not only because of being mildly hungover but just because tension is gross and i still felt so angry with steph that i couldn’t bring myself to talk to her, so i more or less just moped around the house and felt awful until i went to bed. sebastien came home around seven and we hung out here for a few hours but before long i tucked myself in for the night. sometimes it’s just good to get a day over with by going to bed early, really.
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tiinyjournals · 9 years
august 27, 2015
happy birthday to astra, my best friend in the whole world ♥♥♥ since she was on a bus heading back from seattle in the morning and sebastien was at work, i headed downtown to put together a little gift basket for her, which was fun :) i went back home and tidied the house and worked for a couple hours, and then around six people started to arrive to hang out and drink and stuff. it didn’t take long before all the homies were over (olivia, angus, astra, steph, robbi, rick and sebas) and drunk and ready to head to the pne again to hang out and explore.
the first half of the evening was a ton of fun. we mostly stayed in the beer garden where we drank even more and ate more bbq food and danced, but at around eleven thirty, things unfortunately took a turn for the worse when steph remembered that it was thursday, not friday, and she had work in the morning ... so she was determined to get in her car and drive herself home, despite being honestly flat out drunk. i told her she wasn’t able to drive, she argued that she was fine, and it escalated into an honest to god physical fight that had to be broken up by sebas and rick!! i’ve never been in a fight in my entire life let alone with such a close friend so it was seriously scary and so unexpected and awful ._. essentially the rest of the evening was spent crying and then fighting with steph a second time and then hiding in my room, and then listening to rick fight with steph .... and then, heartbreakingly, listening to steph speed off in her car despite everyone’s best efforts. her cab was waiting for her and we walked her out, having given her keys back to her since she needed to get in her house, and she told the cab to leave and just ran into her own car before we could stop her ...
long story short it was really stupid and as fun as the night was beside this, it’s hard to look past it right now. 
astra slept over though which was pretty hilarious because fitting three of us in the same bed was impossible xD 
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tiinyjournals · 9 years
august 26, 2015
sebastien had the day off from work so we decided to go to the pne fair together! we left the house around eleven and wandered around the fair grounds for a few hours, eating snacks and looking at farm animals and as-seen-on-TV stuff at the marketplace, watching the superdogs and, of course, having delicious bbq food * w * 
we got tired around four so the two of us came back home and relaxed for a few hours. i then tried to work on a couple birthday projects for astra, but was unfortunately having a hard time producing anything nice looking, so i gave up around ten and sebas and i tucked into bed nice and early.
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tiinyjournals · 9 years
august 25, 2015
sebas woke up and toddled off to work, so i cleaned the house and laid around for a little while before starting work as well. thankfully things went well! the summer is usually so slow and boring so a good day feels even better when it happens.
i finished at around six and then started to get ready for dinner. sebastien came home at seven thirty or so and we drove downtown so he could take me to ... le crocodil! i’ve wanted to eat there for years so i was really so excited to finally get to try it. the food was phenomenal - we had escargot, frogs legs and an onion tart to start and then i had braised rabbit legs and sebas had venison and duck confit. we finished dinner with a passionfruit creme brulee and these cute little crocodile chocolates they give you with your bill, so so so good! i had to take half my main home as leftovers because the portions were really quite large. pretty fancy leftovers if you ask me~~
anyway we came home and it was already quite late since we didn’t start dinner until eight thirty or so, so sebas and i climbed into bed and talked for a while before falling asleep <3
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tiinyjournals · 9 years
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Where We Ran To by Whitney Justesen Via Flickr: My most recent conceptual shoot, which I shot alongside the amazingly talented Grace Adams, is live on my site today! You definitely won’t want to miss these images, and I am so proud to share them :) More coming to this page soon! Models: Alexa Zoesch and Anna Thomas Styling: Grace Adams and myself Location: Independence Mine - Hatcher Pass, Alaska HERE: www.whitneyjustesen.com/whitney-justesen-photography/2015…
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tiinyjournals · 9 years
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tiinyjournals · 9 years
august 24, 2015
i woke up feeling totally fine! must really have just been a bit too much sunshine. being so pale kind of sucks sometimes in this respect.
sebastien was off to work early, so i spent my morning cleaning the kitchen and then moved on to setting up my office! i got rid of the big old tv cabinet that was way too large for the space and built the smaller cupboard, which i’m totally in love with. the room looks so much bigger already. i can’t wait to add the finishing touches ♥
the ikea cupboard was actually impossible to build, though, so the project more or less took me the entire damn day. stephanie came over around six with some samosas because we had intended to go to a bbq for cherry’s birthday, but we honestly felt like homebodies and didn’t really feel like socializing all that much ........ so we went to parallel 49 just the two of us and had a flight xD sebastien joined us when he was finished work for a beer and then the three of us went back to our place to eat homemade chow mein and listen to good music. 
we stumbled into the world of early 2000s “best of” music compilation videos and had an epic sing-along for like an hour, which was totally the highlight of my day. steph went home around eleven and sebas and i went to bed not long after that.
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tiinyjournals · 9 years
august 23, 2015
it’s crazy how many memories i’ve completely lost, having ceased to do my journals consistently for over a year. i regret it. i wish i just kept going. a big part of the reason i stopped writing them was because i felt i couldn’t be honest about some things in my life, but i’m in a different place now and am not afraid to be open about those things anymore. 
essentially i’m saying i’m glad to be back.
sebastien came home at close to five in the morning, crashing about then loudly vomiting then crawling into bed and stealing all my blankets. such a pleasant man.
i woke only a few hours after that because my mom, astra and i were headed to the lake! sebastien was thinking of attending but when he opened his eyes to the world’s worst headache he reconsidered and stayed in bed. so the girl-mobile took off for coquitlam around ten, stopping to grab a&w breakfast along the way, and made it to the beautiful lake at no later than quarter to eleven.
we spread out a blanket in the grass, suntanned and chatted, and then floated around the lake on the floaties my mom brought. it’s nice to spend time with astra and my family together - we’re so close at this point that it was bizarre that my parents didn’t know her better. i started to feel a little bit sick while we were bobbing around out there, though, so we came back to dry land and i drank some water in an attempt to feel better but it didn’t help much.
thankfully we hadn’t planned on staying all that much longer anyhow, so we got into the car and headed toward ikea. we had to stop once because i felt like i was going to be sick (thankfully i didn’t!), but we made it to the land of sweden in good time and the air conditioning in there helped me feel less nauseous :) we wandered around and i ultimately decided on a smaller cabinet for my room, which i’m realizing now that i’m much happier with than i would have been had i purchased the original one. yay for things being out of stock, i suppose! we had an ice cream from the cafe there and then drove back to my place, where my mom hung out with us briefly until sebastien drove her home so we could keep her car.
(oh, yeah, probably worthwhile to mention that the honda accord has finally died. rest in peace, little tank :( so lately we’ve been borrowing my mom’s car since we don’t have one.)
astra and i laid in bed and played animal crossing for a few hours while i felt increasingly more ill and achy. she went home around eight and i laid around while sebastien made me dinner and took care of me, more or less. i dragged my sorry, gross carcass to bed around ten thirty and slept like a rock. 
i think i just got too much sun, to be honest.
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