timdorrteslatrip · 7 years
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timdorrteslatrip · 7 years
Starting day 1 of our drive home. #teslatrip
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timdorrteslatrip · 8 years
That was the best 5.5 hours of sleep ever. Tim is picking up some more formula, then we're hitting the road. #teslatrip
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timdorrteslatrip · 8 years
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Actually, make that 8 hours or so. Getting a hotel for Charlotte's schedule's sake. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10102064047035119&set=a.551351619899.2141187.12807591&type=3
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timdorrteslatrip · 8 years
Tim is still going strong. He hasn't even cracked open an energy drink yet. Baby is sleeping. Do you think we'll have to stop? #teslatrip
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timdorrteslatrip · 8 years
In case anyone was concerned, I got our lost bottle warmer back. #teslatrip
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timdorrteslatrip · 8 years
The baby's sleeping a lot more this time. I'm okay with it. This NJ traffic, on the other hand... #teslatrip
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timdorrteslatrip · 8 years
Forgot my shaver at home. Excited to get back and remove all this nonsense on my face.
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timdorrteslatrip · 8 years
We’ll be getting going soon here for our trip back. We’re going to try it in one shot to get back to Atlanta overnight. If I end up feeling too tired to go on, we will stop at a hotel to rest. No need to drive recklessly!
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timdorrteslatrip · 8 years
By the way, if anyone at Tesla is reading this and wants to add VIN 167745 into the firmware beta program... :)
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timdorrteslatrip · 8 years
Fun Fact: About half of the Teslas we saw on the road had Autopilot 2.0 hardware. Pretty crazy given that it’s only been out for two months.
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timdorrteslatrip · 8 years
Made it to my parents' house in one piece. A very cranky, very tired 5 month old is down to sleep finally. We'll be doing the trip back in one go. I don't think I can do two days of that again :|
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timdorrteslatrip · 8 years
Thankful for @timdorr's defensive driving skills. #teslatrip #NewJersey
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timdorrteslatrip · 8 years
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Oops. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10102055937177339&set=a.577407528649.2172551.12807591&type=3
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timdorrteslatrip · 8 years
"@RealKiefer is probably nearby!" - @timdorr as we pass the Pentagon. #teslatrip
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timdorrteslatrip · 8 years
Had to stop at @Target to get a travel bottle warmer before hitting the road. We left ours at Chili's last night. 😭#teslatrip
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timdorrteslatrip · 8 years
Unfortunately, no Autopilot for the trip back either: https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/812100877708234752
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