time-to-go-97-blog · 7 years
Eva x Chris. Titanic AU
I got this as a prompt a while back but can’t find it (it was by anon anyway). I actually got it a day after I randomly decided to watch Titanic (I absolutely love the film - I still cry). I also wrote Jack accidentally a number of times (when I should have written Chris).
This might feel a bit rushed but I didn't want to make it really long (so I’m sorry if its really bad). Also, I don’t know a lot about boats so apologies if anythings wrong. I got a lot of the dialogue and some other parts straight from the actual movie itself too (so if it sound familiar its probably that). Lastly, I’m sorry I haven't written anything for a long long time (please forgive me). 😞
Eva remembers it all as clear as day. Not just because of the awful tragedy, no, before that, something nay someone much deeper had been singed into her brain and heart. She remembers it all, the day they met, how he introduced her to her first taste of freedom, and how it was taken away from her all at once. She remembers his stories, how he had just about managed to board the ship by winning some poker game, how he rattled on endlessly about the adventures he had been on and how she longed to go with him one day. Those days spent with him felt as if it was just the two of them against the world. They didn’t know each other long, yet they had fallen fast; but they had much bigger forces weighing against them. He was of a lower class to begin with, whereas she was from a much more esteemed class and it just wasn’t acceptable for them to be seen together much less be together. Moreover, Eva was soon to wed Jonas, they had long since been betrothed by the time she met the true love of her life. Eva knows that she will never forget Chris.
She still remembers how they met. In hindsight, she never would have jumped, but at the time everything had gotten to her, Jonas, her mother, the rules, the expectations, and in that moment, she just wanted out. It was quite silly, but with tears falling from her eyes, she runs across the deck her heels echoing around her as she makes it to the stern. Before she can register what she is doing, she’s starting to climb, the wind blowing her hair across her tear-stricken face. With shaking hands, she climbs over the rails and stares into the abyss of the ocean below her, how easy it would be to just end it all right now, she thinks.
“Quite a view, right,” his voice comes from behind her, causing her to whip her head back to face him slightly. Her hands are curled tightly around the railing, her knuckles a pale white, her teeth are chattering.
The voice continues, a small smile at his lips, “that is why you’re here right? I mean that water is too cold for a swim right now. And if you jump, I’ll have no choice but to follow.” She blinks back her tears as realization strikes her, what am I doing, she thinks to herself, before nodding slightly to the stranger.
He notices the way her eyes shift and her posture relaxes, “here, give me your hand and I’ll help you over.” She looks back out to the ocean, then reaches out to him. He grips her hand tightly as his other hand curls around her arm, she takes a step up but her foot somehow gets tangled in her dress, she’s freefalling for a split-second and she feels her heart fall to her stomach as her ears start ringing, but Chris is quick and manages to pull her over the railing before she can scream. They end up on the floor a mess of tangled limbs and heavy, nervous breathing. Her eyes are squeezed shut still waiting for impact when his voice comes from above her,
“It’s ok. You’re ok.” She slowly opens her eyes to see Chris hovering over her. Her breathing has almost returned to normal but she’s still on edge. He continues, “I’m Christoffer Schistad. But you can call me Chris.” He smiles, that smile.
“Eva Kviig-Mohn. Eva for short,” she feels small under him and her heart is still hammering in her rib cage but for other reasons now. “Th-thank you,” she stutters out, gesturing to where she was stood just moments ago, “for all that.” He just smiles in return, a glint in his eye as he begins to stand. He offers his hand to her for the second time that night and Eva gladly accepts once again. He helps her up with ease, standing a little too closely to her than necessary, but both enjoying the warmth of the other.
“There you are,” Jonas says, walking up to the pair, eyeing Chris warily. He continues, “I’ve been looking for you everywhere.” Eva takes a step away from Chris and turns to face Jonas but he’s facing Chris instead.
“Who are you,” he asks Chris, not bothering to keep the hostility from his voice.
“I’m Chris,” he replies, offering his hand. Jonas takes it, “Jonas” he states, his lips pursing together as he faces Eva.
“I was,” she begins, “well, I was looking for,” she pauses to think, “dolphins and Chris here was just explaining that you can’t see them right now. And well, you know me, I was leaning too far out and almost fell but he saved me.” She trails off, hoping that Jonas would ease up on Chris a little if she added some truth to her little lie.
Jonas seems to buy her excuse, “such a fine gentleman, you should join us for dinner,” he says to Chris, but Eva can’t help but notice the malicious look behind his eyes.
“Well, if you insist,” Chris replies, looking between the two, before following them to the dining quarters.
By the time Chris sits down, he’s passed through several doors and has been introduced to a flurry of people, Eva has taken it to herself to introduce him to all her family members. Chris finds a friend in one, Eva’s aunty Christina who is outspoken and seems to mock the upper-class without a care. It’s through her he finds out the relation between Jonas and Eva.
“Oh, they’re engaged,” Christina says, displeasure laced in her tone. The words hit him harshly, the disappointment and sadness settling suddenly in his stomach; he just can’t picture the two together and Eva truly happy. He shrugs it off soon enough, you barely know her and you have no say in the matter, he tells himself. So, he merely nods at Christina’s words and refocuses to the dinner at hand. He knows, that the rest of the table is looking down at him, he can tell in the way they look at him behind veiled smiles.
“What do you do,” an aging man calls to him, this is the fifth question that’s been directed at him. In true Chris nature, he answered them truthfully laced in personal anecdotes which Eva appreciated.
“Oh well, I’m between jobs right now,” he had a way to glorify all his answers and make everything seem better than it was, “but I usually work my way from place to place. I managed to get on this fine boat by winning a game of poker.”
“And you find that sort of rootless existence appealing, do you,” says Eva’s mother who had made no attempts to hide that she disapproved of him.
“Well, I like the unexpected side of it. I can wake up one day under a bridge but a couple of days later I’m sat here having dinner with you fine folk,” comes Chris’ smooth reply. The rest of the table laugh at this, seemingly curious about his life. It’s towards the end of the night when he manages to slip a small piece of paper to Eva. The rest of the men of the table had gone to smoke cigars and he had made an excuse to go back to his own deck. He gives Eva the paper with a smile and turns to leave, it had been an interesting evening to say the least.
“Meet me at the clock,” Eva crumples the paper in her hand, a wide smile adorning her face, her heart is fluttering as she excuses herself for the rest of the evening. She knows Jonas will be smoking and drinking until early morning, so she makes her way to where Chris said in a state of dazed happiness.
“You wanna go to a real party,” are the first words he utters when they see each other. She nods as he offers her his hand for the third time that evening as he leads her to the Penetrator party on the lower deck.
Eva’s face is lit in wonderment. She’d been at the party for at least two hours and everyone was so welcoming. The music, the drinks, the laughter, everyone seemed so free and Chris had made sure to she always had drink in her hand. She spent most of the evening dancing with Chris or speaking to other people at the party. She was never without a drink in her hand and neither was Chris. It was the first time she had felt free in a long time, not weighed down by the expectations of her class.
“This is possibly the greatest party I’ve ever been too,” Eva says so Chris, laughing in delight.
Chris smiles back in response, his eyes crinkling at the corners, he was happy seeing Eva this happy, “I’m glad you like it. Tomorrow, I’ll show you how to fly.”
Eva starts laughing again, “fly. Are you feeling ok, Christoffer Schistad?”
“Tomorrow, you’ll see,” he replies, a hint of mischief in his eyes.
And the next day she did. She experienced the true feeling of flying, with no care in the world. The wind howling through her air. They’d spent most of the day together in various part of the ship, her avoiding her mother and fiancée. The sun was setting deep into the horizon when they finally made it to the bow of the ship, the orange hues made Eva’s face seem almost angelic as it cast her in a warm light.
“Ok, close your eyes,” Chris instructs. “Hold on to the railing, keep your eyes closed.”
Eva does as he says while Chris guides her forward and places her hands on the railing, she smiles.
“Step onto the railing,” he instructs her further, “no peaking.”
“I’m not,” she replies. “Hold on, eyes closed,” comes his reply to which she laughs in response. She can feel the wind around her but she feels safe at the feel of Chris behind her.
“Do you trust me,” Chris asks. “Yes,” her response is instantaneous which makes Chris smile as he holds her arms out.
“All right,” he whispers into her ears, “open your eyes,” he places his hands firmly on her waist as Eva slowly opens her eyes.
She gasps, “I’m-I’m flying,” the awe is clear in her voice. Eva looks around in wonder, she feels small as the vastness of the ocean is laid out in front of her, she can see as far as her eyes let her, she feels euphoric. She feels freedom. Chris entwines their fingers together and brings his arms around her as she turns her head to look back at him. She knows she shouldn’t, she’s engaged, but Eva can’t help but lean in slightly closer to him. Her eyes flicker from his eyes to his lips and then back again and in that moment, she realises she doesn’t care as long as he’s by her side. Her eyes flutter close as doe Chris, and right there, with the world laid out in front of them, their lips meet for the first time. She feels so small but kissing him makes her feel wanted and needed. His heart is hammering away in his chest in a way that is foreign to him but it all feels so right. They stayed like that for some time, alternating between flying and kissing both leaving the two breathless. It was sometime later that they found themselves in Eva’s room merely talking about their dreams or all the adventures Chris had been on. Eva knew that Jonas wouldn’t be back for a few hours so it was safe to have Chris there.
“So, why are you engaged to Jonas, if you don’t mind me asking,” the question had plagued Chris’ mind since the moment he found out about the engagement.
Eva’s heart sinks, like it does every time she thinks about the engagement, “there’s no one real answer, my mum adores him. Everyone says it’s only right if we marry each other. It’s what’s expected…” she trails of feeling her eyes start to water. Chris is sat on the bed next to her so wrap an arm around her, “hey, I’m sure Jonas is a nice guy, it will all work out.”
“I wish he was, maybe it would be easier. But he’s never there for me. He’s always out doing his own thing never really caring about,” by now, the tears are starting to fall freely, as she thinks that this is what the rest of her life will be like.
“Fuck him, if he makes such a nice girl cry, fuck him,” Chris states boldly and Eva can’t help but laugh as she leans in for a kiss the second time that night. She’d known Chris for two days but in that time, he had gotten to know more of Eva than Jonas has ever. It was something Eva appreciated and valued greatly. She’s about to ask him another question when,
“Eva,” a voice question, its male but not Jonas’. It takes one look between the two to convey that they need to hide Chris. The next 30 seconds are spent looking around for either a suitable hiding place or a place to escape. Eva grabs Chris’ hand and pulls him through a door which leads to a different corridor, before long, their going through another door before long, they manage to make into onto the deck.
“Who-who was that,” Chris questions, he’s out of breath by the quick getaway his senses alert.
“I can’t be too sure but I’m pretty sure it was Jonas’ right-hand man,” Eva looks around worried he’d followed them. Once she’s sure he hasn’t she can’t help but start laughing at it all as she wraps her arms around Chris.
It happened at once. One moment they were in each other arms, the next the ship was colliding with an iceberg. The looked at each other in shock, the minutes ticking by as neither of them said anything. It was unsinkable so they’d be fine, they both thought. Yet soon enough, Eva was being herded onto a lifeboat as Chris reassured her saying she had to leave him there.
“I’ll get on the next one and I’ll find you,” he whispers to her as she’s guided to a lifeboat, “I promise.” They both knew it was a lie, his class was weighed against him. He just wanted her safe but she just wanted him.
“No,” she mutters, “I won’t leave without you, I can’t.” Moments later, she’s sat on a lifeboat as it slowly starts to lower towards the ocean. I can’t leave him, he won’t make it, she thinks to herself. So, Eva makes a decision, it’s quick and spontaneous but she stands and leaps towards the nearest deck, just about making it on. She doesn’t look back and runs to find Chris. The top deck is chaotic, people screaming for family members, children crying as others leap over the side of the boat, the staff doing their best to assist as many people as they can but all she can think about is finding Chris.
He sees her before she sees him. He’s angry at her for coming to find him but he knows deep down if it was the other way around, he would have done the same. Chris has accepted he was going to go down with this ship, but he didn’t want her to die too. Still, a small selfish part of him is glad that he gets to see her one more time. It’s only when he starts making his way to her that she sees him and goes to do the same. Amidst the chaos, the two embrace happy to see one another but also aware that with each passing minute, the ship is sinking.
“You shouldn’t have come back for me,” Chris is the first to break the silence.
“I know,” she says,” but I couldn’t just sit there, not knowing where you were or if you were safe.”
“Eva,” he whispers, pulling her close whilst shaking his head. Then suddenly, he’s guiding the two to the back of the boat as it’s the only part that’s not shrouded by water. All at once, they’re climbing the very railing she climbed when they had first met each other. Back then she looked out to the water finding clarity and welcoming it. Now, looking down into the violent water crashing below her, rapidly getting closer by the second, she felt panic and fear. She didn’t want it to end like this, not when she had just met Chris.  
“Ok this is it. Just hold onto me and don’t like go off me. Whatever you do, as soon as you hit the water, swim. Just swim,” Chris’ voice is calm and steady but panic bites away at him much harsher than the cold wind around him. Eva nods, her teeth chattering just as they did two nights ago at the very same spot.
“Trust me, Eva,” his voice echoes around her, calming her slightly. “I do,” she manages to stutter out. She should have stayed on the lifeboat, he thinks, but he has no time to dwell on the matter as his body hits the ice-cold water at once. It hits him like a thousand knives stabbing all over his body, he couldn’t breathe, he couldn’t think, at least not about anything but the pain. Still, the manage to push through it all and swim to the surface, holding onto each other, hands clasped together.
“Someone will be here soon,” he starts, “trust me,” Chris looks around for something they could lie on, the cold was becoming unbearable and he needed to keep Eva alive, he’s the reason she was there right now. Eva spots the panel door first and they both start to swim towards it, eager to get out of the water, it was starting to take its toll on the both of them. He helps Eva onto it first, once he’s sure she’s securely on it, he hoists himself up. It’s only then that he realises it won’t be able to hold them both up. It’s also only then that he realises they both won’t be able to make it out alive but he can do everything to keep Eva alive. She’s holding onto him,
“I won’t let go Chris, I promise,” she whispers to him, “I’ll never let go.”
“I love you,” he replies instead, knowing this might be the only time he’ll be able to say it, “this isn’t a goodbye.”
“I love you, Chris,” she immediately responds. They’re silent for a few minutes, both clinging onto each other. “I’m so cold,” she says her voice hoarse.
“You’re not going to die here. Not today, not tonight,” he reassures her, adamant that she’ll survive and live a long life. He continues,
“Winning that ticket is the best thing that happened to me,” he looks at her, really looks at her, he can’t feel anything anymore, “I’m thankful.”
“Don’t give up, we’ll stay like this,” she says to him, the cold creeping into her bones.
“Don’t give up either Eva,” he manages to whisper, voice hoarse.
“I love you so much, Chris,” she whispers back, her teeth are chattering and her voice is barely audible as her eyes start to drift close. It’s the last thing he hears. 
Eva still thinks about him, even after all these years. She sees him in everything. She feels him in the wind around her especially when it makes her hair fly, she sees him in the water. She makes sure to watch the sunset as often as she can savouring the orange tones that are so reminiscent of the evening he showed her how to fly. With the wind in her hair, the orange hues dancing across her face, she feels Chris beside her and finally begins to feel free.
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time-to-go-97-blog · 7 years
you're doing amazing sweetie, keep on writing, love ya xx
omg thank you so much xxx 
i know i haven't written anything in a while but i promise ill post something within the next few days
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time-to-go-97-blog · 7 years
RULES: answer 30 questions and then tag blogs you would like to know better I was tagged by @whyjulieandemhatesevamohn Thank you for tagging me ❤️ 1. Nicknames: none

2. Gender: Female

3. Star Sign: Aquarius

4. Height: 5′5

5. Time: I don't know what this means ??!?

6. Birthday: January 29

7. Favourite bands: Fall Out Boy, Coldplay, The Neighbourhood, The 1975, OneRepublic, Years and Years, Arctic Monkeys

8. Favourite solo artists: Lana Del Rey, Taylor Swift, Drake, Eminem, Kendrick Lamar, Khalid, Kevin Abstract

9. Song stuck in my head: Fleetwood Mac - The Chain

10. Last movie watched: Never Been Kissed (we had a rom-com night)

11. Last show watched: either Game of Thrones or How to Get Away with Murder??

12. When did I create my blog: June 2017

13. What do i post: mainly Chriseva, some Skam

14. Last thing i googled: Student Finance England (still not done it 😬)

15. Do you have other blogs: yes my personal one

16. Do you get asks: I get fic requests

17. Why did you choose your url: the ones I wanted were taken so I made this up and added my year of birth at the end

18. Following: 100

19. Followers: 149

20. Favourite colours: green, burgundy, black

21. Average hours of sleep: 9-10 when I have holidays (I know I'm lazy). 5 (sometimes 6) when I'm at uni

22. Lucky number: 2 or 5

23. Instruments: I have a guitar but I can't play it so technically none

24. What am i wearing: leggings and The 1975 t-shirt (just came back from a hike - the Tolkien trail✨)

25. How many blankets i sleep with: 1

26. Dream job: I have no idea (I know - pathetic)
27. Dream trip: Tokyo, Canada, New Zealand, Iceland, LA
28. Favourite food: potatoes (you can do so much with them) and cheese
29. Nationality: British

30. Favourite song now: Khalid - Winter I would like to tag @joyfullyqualitydaze
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time-to-go-97-blog · 7 years
Knock knock, is this ship still alive? (That sounds so gossip girly) 😭 I know I haven't posted anything in a while but I only just got back. Unfortunately, I won't be able to post anything this week either as I have family visiting and it's also Eid this Friday!!! ☺️ (I also have a lot of university things to prep for which I've shamefully been putting off). If you guys want, I could post a list of upcoming fics/prompts I've received so you know what to expect (just let me know if you want me to do this). I hope you all had a great summer and ready for a new academic year❤️
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time-to-go-97-blog · 7 years
Can you give your snapchat (if you have it) ☺️
hi, I don't mind giving anyone my Snapchat but message me privately for it🌻
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time-to-go-97-blog · 7 years
✨Quick message for everyone✨
I’m going to be in London for the next 2-4 weeks (I’ve not decided on how long yet and it was all so last minute). I haven’t bought my laptop with me so I won’t be able to write anything for that period of time. As soon as I get back, I’ll write up all the prompts I have/any other ideas. ❤️❤️❤️
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time-to-go-97-blog · 7 years
Could you do a chriseva fanfic where like a few months after s4 chris doesnt want a relationahip because him and emma didnt really turn out well, but eva figures that she tries to find chris in every guy she kisses so she comes to talk to him on a party one day and chris slowly falls in love with her all over again (Idk if this is long or you dont like the idea, i really love your fics and it doesnt matter if you dont write this one lol i will still read whatever you post) kisses
Hi, thank you so much for the prompt and for liking my little one shots!! I’ve finally managed to write your prompt, i’m really sorry it took so long (I’ve been kinda busy these last few days)😁
Here’s the link — i hope you like it 
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time-to-go-97-blog · 7 years
Eva x Chris. Vulnerable.
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Thank you so much for the prompt (it was so cool to write them both being vulnerable)☺️ I hope you like it and thank you for reading my fics. 
Lately, he’d been thinking a lot about relationships. He realizes that Emma wasn’t right for him, they had lasted a month together before he decided to call things off. Three of the four weeks that they were together, were spent giving the relationship a proper chance to take off. At the time, he was adamant that it just needed a little bit more time to feel right – or so he told himself. He had bought up the topic of relationships with Eva but that idea was quickly shut down, too humorously he recalls. The break up with Emma wasn’t a big deal, it was amicable, with the both of them slowly realizing that they just weren’t right for each other and it was unfair to keep going on when they both weren’t committed to the relationship; his heart, was still held by another. He sees Emma in passing from time to time, she’d since been dating some boy from her year, and she looked truly happy. He was happy for her, but felt misery at his own failures. A part of him knows that Eva might just want to give the two of them a go again, her own relationship with Jonas having since ended too, but Chris wasn’t sure if he’s ready for that rejection again. So, he’d been thinking about relationships and how when it came to him, they just didn’t work. Iben didn’t work out, Eva didn’t work out, Emma didn’t work out. He convinces himself, that maybe, he didn’t deserve to be in a relationship or to find love.
It had been too long, too long since she last felt Chris between her fingertips. She craved him but he wasn’t hers anymore. She’d spent her time trying to get over him, foolishly running to Jonas instead of acknowledging her feelings, weeks spent crying as realization struck – only to then realize it came too late. She then did the next best thing she could think off; going to parties and hooking up. So, she did exactly that, hooking up with as many people as she could. She was lying to herself, hiding the fact that all the wanted was Chris and telling herself that her coping mechanism was working – it wasn’t. Soon, she realized that all she found was Chris; the boy she had once tried so hard to run away from was now following her everywhere. Not literally of course, she’d noticed that he usually spent these parties sat on a sofa away from other partygoers with a drink, looking down at his feet slowly getting drunk by the hour. It was a far cry from the boy he used to be, the one who was boisterously singing along to every song and hooking up with random girls every week. Why does he even bother coming at all, she thinks, a part of her still hostile over the whole ordeal. Instead, she saw him in the people she was with. It usually came in flashes, someone close to her had the same shade of hair colour as Chris, or the same eye colour and so she’d spin to face them, hopeful that it was Chris coming to talk to her – it never was and she was always left bitterly disappointed. She couldn’t help but compare every guy she was with with Chris. Eva would be running her fingers through someone’s hair and a thought would pipe up stating that their hair wasn’t as soft as Chris, or their eyes aren’t as bright as Chris, that their arms aren’t as inviting, lips aren’t as skilled, hands aren’t as daring as Chris. Chris, Chris, Chris, she thinks bitterly, you need to let him go, Eva. So, she wills herself to push those memories away and focus on something else.
Months were spent like this, dancing around each other in the hopes they won’t bump into each other, months spent purposefully ignoring each other and all it took was one chance encounter. It wasn’t his fault nor hers. They were both at some party – whose it was never mattered – both there to get wasted and drown out their thoughts. Eva had her back to him watching people as she decided whether she wanted to dance or not, Chris was walking around the house with his head down – like he usually does these days – when someone who was clearly drunk pushes past him causing him to fall into someone else. As a result, the person he’d stumbled into almost falls over but his arms snake around her waist to catch her in time, accidentally spilling a little lukewarm beer on her. She turns to face him just as he’s about to mutter out an apology but at the realization of who the random girl was, his breath hitches in his throat. Eva visibly stills as a million thoughts rush through Chris’ mind.
“I’m sorry,” he mutters, for leaving you, falling into you, falling for you, he thinks before walking away. Eva watches his back disappear into the crowd before calling out to him but he just wants to leave the party already. He’s weaving through the crowds with ease, months of being invisible has made him agile in social environments, almost ignorable. But, Eva follows relentlessly, for her Chris is all she can see, a huge part of her wanting to get answers to the thousand questions she’s thought about in the previous months. Chris is halfway across the road when she finally manages to catch up to him, liquid courage and adrenaline pumping through her veins and taking control.
“Chris, stop, we need to talk,” her breathing is labored, partly due to nervousness and partly because she had to catch up to Chris. She comes to a still across from him and that’s how, in the middle of a slightly iced pavement on a cold November night, the two reconcile. In the one conversation, all those feelings Chris tried to bury all those months ago start to resurface again. He can’t help but drink in the curves of her face, the ones he had long since memorized but hadn’t had a chance to see up close till now. He can’t help but take note of all her individual characteristics; the way she keeps tucking her hair behind her ear showing her nervousness, the way she bites her lip whenever she’s unsure if she should say what she’s thinking. He’s slowly falling in love with her again but then again, he doesn’t think he ever fell out of love with Eva, he doesn’t think he ever will. The silence stretches out between them for an eternity as they both shamelessly stare at each other. Eva speaks first;
“I’m sorry, Chris,” her voice is gentle and cracks slightly. It’s the first time he’s heard her voice in months and his heart leaps at hearing his name emerge from her lips. “I ran away, it was dumb and stupid. I was scared, I still am. But I can’t spend the rest of my life avoiding you, so I’m just gonna lay it all out and let you decide what you want.” She takes a deep breath, relieved that Chris hasn’t walked away from her already or told her to shut up. She continues, slightly more confident, “so here it is, I’m putting my heart on my sleeve, just for you,” she smiles up at him and tucks her hair behind her ear, something Chris notices. He stands in front of her, arms crossed tightly across his chest, eyes darting around wildly before landing on her, encouraging her to go on. It’s all she needs, somehow after all this time, Chris knows exactly what to do to calm her.
“I think about you all the time,” there’s a sense of vulnerability and truthfulness in her words. “It’s sickening actually, I close my eyes, and there’s your face just staring back at me, I’m with other people and I can’t help but think of you. You’re just everywhere, and I’ve tried so hard to just forget about you, I’ve tried moving on and forgetting but nothings working.” She squeezes her eyes shut willing herself to take deep breaths and calm down.
“I-I guess,” she pauses, Chris is about to interrupt her when she states, “no let me finish, I need to get it out,” each word lets out a puff of air, visible in the cold air.
“None of it makes sense without you,” it’s a simple statement but it resonates with Chris, she’s managed to put all his feelings into a sentence, and better yet, she feels the same as him so he nods at her sparking hope in the two. “I feel empty all the time, and I thought it would last a couple weeks and then I’d get over you, but here I am months later stood in front of you and still feeling the same. You make me feel elevated, yet the hardest part of my day is realizing that I no longer have you. You have no idea, no idea, the pain I’ve felt these last months without you and we weren’t even officially together,” she lets out a dry laugh. “I mean we weren’t even together, and I was already feeling these intense feelings for you and that scared me. That and the fact that, maybe, one day you’d just walk away from me into someone else’s arms, and you did. You gave me a made-up dream,” they smile at the fact they knew it was a fake dream, “and I-I was ready and so close to making us official and you just … left.” She’s dejected and tired but glad that she’s bared her feelings for Chris, at least he knew where she stood now. And she’d be lying if she said she didn’t feel better, sure talking to her friends helped but telling Chris how she felt seemed to offer her relief from herself.
Chris bites his lip, hard. He’s nervous and doesn’t know what to say, Eva had expressed herself so well, yet he could barely manage to utter a sentence to the girl stood in front of him. He wants to scream; he’s got all these pent-up feelings and no idea how to release them. He takes a deep breath and tries to get his thoughts across to Eva;
“I don’t know how to say how I feel,” he confesses to Eva, “this is all so new to me, and I’ve spent the last few months replaying everything in my mind but I still don’t know how to tell you everything.” Eva nods back, and it all it takes for him to know that she understands; it makes him warm to think that Eva could read him so well.
“I’m sorry,” he continues, “for everything, I didn’t mean to leave you like that, it just happened to fast. I know nothing can excuse it, I know, but you didn’t want a real relationship, and I couldn’t help but think that you just didn’t give a damn about me. So, I ran away from you too, I don’t even know why, but it’s the worst mistake I have ever made.”
“I understand,” Eva sympathizes with him, and it’s all Chris needs; Eva knew that the words he had used conveyed much more than he could ever say, he was still sifting through his thoughts, coming up with better ways to articulate them. And, maybe one day, he could tell Eva all the things he wants to, but for now, they had reached a mutual realization, one built on honesty and vulnerability. It was all Eva and Chris needed for now with the both knowing each other much better than they thought. It was through their unspoken words that they got to understand their feelings for one another and for the time being, it was all they needed.
“Come on, I’ll walk you home,” he says, taking ahold of her hand, the chill still present in the air.
“Do you even remember where I live?” she questions, jokingly, entwining their ice-cold fingers.
“Somehow, I don’t think I’ll ever forget anything when it comes to you,” he replies seriously. It wasn’t going to be easy, they both knew that, but they were both taking a step in the right direction, adamant to make it work, and maybe, just maybe, this time it will.
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time-to-go-97-blog · 7 years
A serious post for once.
If you’re hardcore evaxjonas you’ll probably be offended.
(This post has the life experience that explains why I very much enjoy Chriseva/Mohnstad more than I ever liked Jonas and Eva together)
Okay so basically my dad and step-mom have a Jonas and Eva relationship. They’re fine and happy but they can never spend more than an hour together without scream fighting. Whenever they fight he always apologizes With I-love-you’s and too many compliments to handle. He insults her in the things she enjoys and it truly is second nature for him to make her feel bad, to blame her for falling outs. And she takes it. Its been like this since I was 3 and it happens so often I tune it out. But my step-mom never had her Eva moment of realization that she deserves better than my piece of shit dad. And I think that if she had realized it before she had kids with him, she could be truly happy, she could love herself like she should, and she would be living a happy and fulfilled life. I’ve seen where this type of relationships leads. Where the guy thinks that he owns his spouse, that she should give up her hopes and dreams and hobbies for him, her friends for him. Where she abides to it, where she learns to stop fighting for herself. It’s sad, and everyone deserves better.
This is dedicated to my amazing step-mom who’s heart is full of love for my half-brother and sister, and for me even though I’m not hers. For every person in this type of relationship, to realize their worth. For anyone who needs it.
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time-to-go-97-blog · 7 years
Love your one shots, I was just wondering what your writing process is? I'm thinking of starting to write fics myself x
thank you so much for liking my work 🙏
also, please do start writing. i dont know if I'm the only one who feels like the fandom is slowly dying out (the show has ended so its only natural) but either way, your work will be appreciated. 
please do write, even if it is for another ship/show. if you feel like writing, write. no one should stop you from doing that.
my process is probably not the greatest. almost every fic I've written has been written between midnight and 5am (not a great example i know - but I'm on holidays from uni so freedom). additionally, this is the first fandom I've ever written for, and every fic i have ever written is on my masterlist. 
so usually i have an idea during the day something small like idk pretend boyfriend. and then during the day whilst I'm driving or something ill think of things that can happen in the fic. come midnight, i sit down write a small paragraph of what happens in the fic (like a mini plan - literally like 3 or 4 sentences long). and then i just write as i go along. then post (i don't have a beta either so i just post as is). 
prompts are the same. i sit down plan the prompt out quickly and just write as i go along. most my fics take between an hour or 2 to write (sometimes less, but usually around the 2 hour mark). 
i really hope this helps (if you need to ask anything else feel free to message me directly), and please please please write stuff (even if its just for yourself and you never publish it) x 
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time-to-go-97-blog · 7 years
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Eva Kviig Mohn, Ønske deg av hjertet alle gode ting
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time-to-go-97-blog · 7 years
Why do you don't like William? :/
ok but in all seriousness (and this is my opinion so pls don’t hate me for it) there’s a lot of reasons but the main thing i can’t get over is the fact that he used vilde to get noora to go out with him (like what a dick move). and then ok noora liked him back etc fine 
but then he can’t support her when she’s a victim and taken advantage off (instead plays the victim himself). like he can’t even support her??? (i mean pls get this toxic shit off my screen)
also she went all the way to london for him (lets be real here) and he can’t even find time for her (instead she’s all alone in a different country). i could go on but for the sake of my health I’m not gonna 😊
tl;dr noora amalie sætre deserved better bye 
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time-to-go-97-blog · 7 years
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time-to-go-97-blog · 7 years
Just wanna say thank you for writing all these amazing fics 💕
✨✨✨omg thank you for sending this. it really made my day ✨✨✨
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time-to-go-97-blog · 7 years
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Signs that you’re in an unhealthy relationship. •  Nitpicking and criticism — even if said in jest — are constants in the relationship. •  You’re always wondering what your partner is up to when you’re not around/You catch your partner lying repeatedly. •  Your partner is dismissive of your interests and projects. •  (x) See number 7.
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time-to-go-97-blog · 7 years
Skam Fairytales: Cindereva CH1
A/N: This is the first of a series of Fairtytale inspired Skam fics I have planned. They are all loosely based and pulls from various other stories that I have heard through the years. There are three that are currently in the works, this first one is (obviously) Chriseva, I have one Yousana and one Evak story planned and a Noorhelm one half-planned. This one like the rest was supposed to be just a one-shot, but I kind of got carried away.
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Once upon a time, in a faraway land, across the ocean and through the fields and the forests expanding far into the horizon, there were two kingdoms that lived through a constant state of war. People who lived in the two kingdoms could not remember a time of peace, before their nations started the battle that unrolled through decades and cost families fathers, sons, husbands and brothers.
It was the battle between the peaceful kingdom of the North, where the people fished for their trade and grew crops to keep their children fed and clothes on their backs and a roof over their heads, against the battle hardened kingdom of the South, where their soldiers were bred from young and taught to fight as children. Their king was a tyrant and a dictator and rejected all notions and requests from the North Kingdom for armistice and peace. The king only wanted war, he only wanted blood and all the people in the North knew about the Southern soldiers growing up was that they were blood thirsty killers who pillaged and plundered defenseless villages; destroyed their livelihoods and raped their women and bathed in the blood of their enemies and left their corpses out to be devoured by animals.
They were always immediately identifiable by their deep black uniform and blood red lining, and the menacing Wolf emblem on their chest piece.
It was the tale mothers would tell to their children to keep them from misbehaving: “Don’t be naughty, or the Penetrators will come to steal you from your beds as you sleep at night.”
It was the stories a little girl named Eva used to hear growing up, told to her by her mother when it was just the two of them curled up on the carpet, watching the crackle of the cinder burning in the fireplace.
Young Eva used to live in a big house with a large compound alongside her mother and her father and an array of animals that used to scurry around the household; dogs and cats and rabbits and mice and birds sitting perched on the windowsill singing their sweet songs.
But death and tragedy found Eva young even though she and her family lived on the outskirts of the kingdom, away from the town and the castles and so far away from the fighting often times it actually felt like it was nothing more than the fairytale her mother used to tell to her when she put her to bed.
She lost her mother to sickness and her father to heartbreak and lost her fortune and her house and her beautiful clothes over time to the debt collectors and money grubbing relatives, but Eva didn’t mind. She still had her animals and that was all that mattered to her.
She now lived in a ramshackle little hut at the edge of the clearing where the grassy plain met the mouth of the forest. It wasn’t a very big house but it was homely and it was cozy and it was hers and that was the only thing that mattered in the end. She planted flowers and vegetables in the small garden that surrounded her hut like a fence, the vines creeping up the outer walls and little purple flower blooming like Mother Nature’s own gift of artwork to her.
Her dogs and cats slept on the bed with her, the chickens and the birds perched on the arm rest of her worn sofa. The little mice and the squirrels in the potted plants hanging from the ceiling and the rabbits bunched up together at the foot of her bed.
It wasn’t a very big family, but it was hers.
Keep reading
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time-to-go-97-blog · 7 years
Can we make requests? If so, would you mind writing about how Eva and Chris decided to have a continuous hook up? Like maybe after a night together they talk and say they want to continue hanging out? Idk, I think it'd be interesting to see how things got started between them. You can make it as long as you want. Thanks in advance. Love your writing by the way.
Hi, of course you can make requests!! thanks for reading my little fics😊
I just posted your prompt (kind of pushed yours to the front of the other prompts). i hope you like it 
here’s the link
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