tinabean37 ¡ 3 years
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Bad, Bougie and Black! 💁🏿‍♀️💸✨
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tinabean37 ¡ 4 years
@tinawritesstuff HAVE to choose?? Sooo tough. Chris was always my tops, until Henry came along. Chris seems so down to earth and sweet, and those arms 😳😳. Plus, we grew up like 7 minutes away from each other. But Henry...🤤🤤🤤. Is there anyone more perfect??
Torn: Chapter Two
“Bad Day”
Summary: the one where Chris wants her back, and accidents happen (or do they?) 
You can find part one here 
Wordcount: 4.226
Warnings: as usual, there are several changes of POV after the flowers pic. 
A/N: I’m not sure how to feel about this chapter. Personally, I think I could’ve done better, but I’ll let you decide that for yourselves. Things will get savory after the third chapter, I promise. Happy reading! 
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It’s been two weeks since the production of the movie started, and to say I was excited and nervous would be an understatement.
Henry and I have become exceptionally close these last days and I couldn’t be happier. He’s charming, but really caring and attentive, always asking about my wellbeing and such. We haven’t spoken about the Chris situation again, to which I’m really thankful for.
Speaking of him, yesterday I came to realize one little thing:
I’m still utterly, completely and helplessly hooked with the man. Which is a shame, because there’s nothing I want more than to get over him. It’s really taking a toll on me, to work with him side by side, pretending that everything’s just laughs and happiness when, in reality, once the cameras turn off and the directors yell cut, none of us speaks a word to one another.
I let out a huff of air when the timer on my Apple Watch lets me know my run is over. I look behind me and see Henry trotting a couple of meters back, until he reaches me. We just hit the 10 km mark, which was the challenge we had set.
“Well, guess I won this time, mister” I mock him and he rolls his eyes, drinking from his water bottle
“Don’t flatter yourself so much, missy. I don’t have the energy I’ve had the last couple of days”
“Hey, aging never comes alone” I joke and he opens his mouth, feigning offense
“Excuse me, you rude little thing, that’s not what I’m talking about”
He turns his back to me and starts walking to his trailer, pretending to be offended, and I follow right behind him. In a faster pace, obviously, because have you seen that man’s legs? I’m not sure how I won the little race we put up when we were a kilometer away from reaching the racket.
“Okay, then tell me!” I exclaim once I reach him, and I jump on his back, scaring him a bit and making him turn his head to the side to give a questioning but amused look “You can tell me all about your terrible night while you carry me to my trailer, thank you very much”
He just shakes his head, letting out a little chuckle “Who said anything about me spending a terrible night?” he arches one of his eyebrows and I gasp
“You, whore!” I exclaim and laugh “Who was the lucky lady?”
“Excuse you, miss nosy, but I’m a gentleman. I don’t kiss and tell”
“You don’t remember her name, do you?”
“Nope” he accentuates the ‘p’ and we both laugh
Yeah, as you may see, our friendship escalated a lot these last two weeks, we share almost anything with each other, and he’s gotten to know me more than I know myself. He usually doesn’t tell me about his nightly flings, but throws hints from time to time, knowing I’ll take them. Boys will be boys and all that (I’m rolling my eyes and being sarcastic, by the way.)
It’s a short path to our trailers, but Henry decides to walk around set with me on his back, “to do some weight lifting without the usual weight I work with” (Do as me, and use his voice to read this, it’s way easier to mock him that way). He gets tired after ten more minutes and puts me down when we are only meters away from each of our trailers.
We take separate ways, arranging to go for some lunch after we both shower and stuff, and I go to my trailer to do exactly that. It takes me fifteen minutes to remove all the sweat from my body (we gotta save water, guys!), and then ten more minutes to get dressed, brush my hair and dry it a bit with the towel.
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When I’m done, I text Henry saying that I’ll be waiting for him by the tent where we have loads of tables full of food and desserts, and I walk there. In the way, I cross paths with a fluffy, maroon dog that stops his walk to come and sniff me around. Well, damn me and my fucking luck. It’s none other than Dodger Evans.
“Well, guess I couldn’t ignore your dad forever, pal, now could I?” I ask the doggo petting his head
“Dodger! Bubba, where are-“ he stops running when he sees us and lets out a sigh “Don’t do that to me again, pal. I’ve been looking for you everywhere”
He squats down to scratch Dodger’s ears and then turns his face to me “I hope he wasn’t bothering you”
“Oh no, not at all. We found each other while I was walking to the lunch tent” I shrug and we both keep petting the pup.
None of us knows what to say, but Dodge seems to be enjoying the whole attention he’s getting from the two stubborn, silly humans.
“Listen, I-“
“Look, Chris-“ we both say at the same time and then chuckle embarrassingly “You go first, I think I owe you that” I say
“Right, thank you” he clears his throat “I think we both know by now that we can’t avoid to have the conversation, but I wanted to say that I won’t try to push you to talk to me”
I look at him, surprised to hear what he’s saying. I can’t believe this obstinate man-child is actually telling me this after being so infatuated with the topic.
“These last two weeks made me realize that trying to force you to speak to me won’t help with the case, and seeing you so friendly with Cavill made me see that I miss our moments like those, that I miss my friend” he shrugs and goes back to pet Dodger “I won’t force you to talk to me about it, I can’t possibly do that either, but I want you back in my life, I need you back in my life; and I know you do too”
Well, fuck me.
Keep reading
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tinabean37 ¡ 4 years
August is August. I’ll take it
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I did this thingy... now tell me...
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tinabean37 ¡ 4 years
Anyone know of this story?? I know I’ve read it, and really enjoyed it, but as well, I can’t remember the op. And @lunedelorient , I am so glad you like my fic. I promise there will be more coming, but I have had some disagreements with my muse lately! 😀
Calvillry! I humble myself here, in front of you, asking once again for your help.
I'm in a desperate search for a story. I read it, and I loved it; and making a list of the on going series I'm currently following, I realized I don't remember the name, or even the user of the OP.
My previous search for the story about Henry Cavill and the Ballerina reader, turned out to be infructuous, although I'm not giving up quite yet. Since that day I promised myself to like the post, follow the op or even ask to be tag whenever I find any story I like.
Clearly, I didn't do any of those things. Aaaaand Tumblr keeps not telling me when someone tag me on things. So, I appeal at you immense kindness and deep love for this fandom and its beloved members, and request your invaluable help.
This fic, which name I don't even remember (🤦🏻‍♀️) tells the story of a very good videogames designer, that's having an online long distance relationship with one of her games mates. Said young man is none other than Mr. Cavill, but she doesn't know that detail. The things is, they are planning to meet on a convention and see each other's faces for the first time. She also has a roommate that it's a bit of a bih, but I believe that her good intentions compensate her extreme lack of tact.
It's a several chapters series, but I only read the first. I'm not sure if there are more of them posted.
Now, since I hate coming to you empty handed, here is the list of the stories I'm currently enjoying:
(In no particular order, they are all amazing)
• My Superman - @tinabean37
• In need of Healing - @blablatiti
• Fangs Deep - @viking-raider
• Syverson the Protector - @thetaoofzoe
• Keep Calm and go to London / So we Meet Again - @demivampirew
• A Mage's Begining / A Mage's Blood - @theonetheycallhannah
• Emergency contact - @80scavill
• The Stand In - @oh-for-fic-sake
• Hey Mister, Can I Pet Your Dog Real Quick? / Curly and the Tank - @fishcustardandclintbarton
• Ruin Me - @singeramg
• My Neighbour - @badboys-imagines
• The Hots for my Assistant - @itsmydreamlifethings
• Goodbye - @utterlyhopeful-fics
• Meet me, Love me - @princess-of-riviaa
• Superior Specimen - @angryschnauzer
• You Had me at Your Handshake - @hmmm-duck
Special mention to: @mylittlepartofthegalaxy - @mrsaugustwalker - @henchry - @yoursecretsmutblog
Just because they are DA BOMB!!
And of course, all of their short stories that are unbelievably good.
(ALWAYS read the warnings before reading, and never go ahead if something makes you uncomfortable)
Thank you much, for even stop your scrolling to read this. Any bit of information is appreciated.
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tinabean37 ¡ 4 years
It’s my birthday today and I would love to be showered with everyone’s favorite Henry pics and gifs. What do you say?
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tinabean37 ¡ 4 years
Yes yes his ass is hot...but can we talk about the ridges of his back?!?
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tinabean37 ¡ 4 years
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I see here so many broken, insecure, beautiful women, and I just want to say that I truly love and admire you.
Please don’t be harsh on yourself, don’t say you are unworthy of love or a man like Henry. It saddens me every time one of you queens say something like this. 🖤
It’s not true so shut up and let me love you.
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tinabean37 ¡ 4 years
@eastwesthomeisbest Wow! This is stunning. I’m glad to have inspired such amazing art! And, you used a quote from my favorite Phantom song! Adore everything about this!
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What raging fire shall flood the soul?
What rich desire unlocks its door?
What sweet seduction lies before us . . .?
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Inspired by this cool story "Distant Harbor" written by @tinabean37
Do you remember those books ... romantic and sweet and passionate... about the dark sexy stranger (who turns out to be a pirate or a nobleman or something of the sort) and a young and super pretty damsel in distress (who is very strong and independent at the same time)... well I read like a million of them in my teenage years. This story reminds me so much of those books, it's like the beginning of a novel. I've always liked the covers of those books, so I tried to do something like that. (Well it's a manip/edit over actual cover to be honest)
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@dancingwendigo @wondersofdreaming @hell1129-blog @b-n-a-o @cheyentjj @yespolkadotkitty @yoursecretsmutblog @penwieldingdreamer @peakygroupie @nuns-and-roses @viking-raider @sciapod @brexrif @ladyreapermc @oddsnendsfanfics @promptandpros @thiccgeralt @thethirstyarchive @constip8merm8 @henry-cavlll @henry-cavill-obsessed @henrysrighteyebrow @hcfavoritegal @chamomilebottom @fishcustardandclintbarton @hollydaisy23 @ohjules @madbaddic7ed @kingreidx @meowpurrbooks @captainbigdy @jolly-polly @lovieebby @auguswalker @mrsaugustwalker @radaofrivia @ellixthea @dearlybelovedluke @deathonyourtongue @mary-ann84 @luclittlepond @demivampirew @henrythickcavill @littlefreya
(Again I allowed myself to tag some people, hope you don't mind and I hope you'll like it. Just let me know if you want to be added or removed from the list)
And again I just want to thank every single one of you, from the bottom of my heart, for your kindness and support!
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...and since we're on a pirate trend, here's something I did some time ago - Captain August Walker
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tinabean37 ¡ 4 years
Distant Harbor
This story idea came out of a dream I had. Yes, I dreamed of Pirate Henry, and it was fantastic! Please be aware that this is my first AU story, my first olden time period story, as well as my first OFC story instead of a reader insert. That being said, feedback would be amazing!! Tell me if you liked it, hated it, want more of it...I’ll take it all.
If you want me to start a tag list for this story and want to be on it, let me know.
Summery: As the daughter of a merchant sailor, you convince him to let you accompany him on his current voyage. But when a Pirate Ship is spotted on the horizon, you realize the sea is a dangerous place.
Characters: AU Pirate!Henry x OFC Lucy
Word Count: 2,366
Warnings: Violence, cannon fire, talk of blood, character death, captivity, unwanted touching and kissing, abuse, if you find anything else I need to add here please let me know.
**I do not know or own Henry Cavill(even though I would love to!) The original female character, Lucy, was made up by me.**
***Feedback welcome and encouraged :)***
The gentle rocking back and forth of the sailing vessel helped lull you into a restful sleep at night, and also woke you from the same slumber. The glow of the rising sun reflected off the ocean, and onto your face. It was the third day into your journey, and the motion and close quarters were already becoming bothersome. Your father was a merchant trader and had reluctantly agreed to let you accompany him on this voyage as you requested. You always dreamed of adventure and new horizons. All you had gotten so far was stir-crazy and discouraging looks from among the crew. 
They reasoned that it was unlucky to have a woman aboard a ship as she would anger the sea. But they also apparently felt that certain hygiene practices were unlucky, so you couldn’t put stock in much of what they said. Your father, however, kept a very close eye on you, and usually relegated you to your cabin, to not rile the crew. You were never one for following rules, however, so you decided to dress quickly, and head onto the deck to take in the fresh sea air. You leaned against the deck rail, hands gripping it tightly, eyes scanning the horizon. You squinted your eyes against the sun. Was that a spot of white you just saw? You turned to see if anyone else had seen something when you were joined at the rail by your father. 
“Lucy, you know you should not be out here unaccompanied.” His voice sounded tired, but you were unsure if it was due to the nature of his work here, or the number of times he has had to remind you of this fact.
“Father, I know you worry for me, but I am no longer a babe clinging to the nursemaid. I cannot be locked in that cabin the whole journey. I want to experience what you do. I want to experience anything at all.” You looked at him with a steely expression. He softened as he cupped your cheek. 
“I know, my dear daughter. But after we lost your dear mother, you are all I have left. You cannot fault me for being an attentive father.” You knew he was right. When sickness took your mother seven years past, it nearly broke him. He gave up sailing for almost a year, to keep you close. To keep you safe. But the banks were only sympathetic for so long before he knew he had to return to the sea. So having you on this voyage with him was, you felt, his way of allowing you freedom, while still keeping you close. You gave your father a kind smile and embraced him close. 
“I understand father, and I promise, I will heed your instructions from here out.”  Giving you a nod of acceptance, he turned his gaze to the sea. You both stood in calm silence for a few moments, until you saw your father tense and grip the railing. He shouted to the passing crewman. 
“Hawkins, get me the spyglass. I think I see sails!” Once the metal tube was placed in his hands, he focused out on the horizon. “Sail, ho! There’s a ship starboard side, 2 leagues out. She’s flying a black flag. Pierce, get to the helm. Keep it at a distance. Don’t let it catch up!” Your father’s authoritative commands both impressed and terrified you. 
“Black sails? Father, pirates?” Without answering, he grabbed your arm and led you quickly to your cabin. Once you were safely inside, he commanded you as well. 
“Lucy, you must listen to me, this is very important. You must stay in your cabin. We are going to try to outrun the vessel, but we are heavily laden. I cannot guarantee the safety of this ship. I need to know you are safe. Do you understand?” Too terrified to speak, you let out a whimper and frantic nod. Your father gave you a quick smile before running back on deck. Terrified for him and the crew, you knelt where you stood and began to pray. 
You were soon startled out of your prayer by the sounds of frantic shouting on deck. You ran to the porthole and saw that the pirate ship was much closer than you thought possible, and getting closer. The order from the deck was to man the cannons and prepare for crossfire. You were in disbelief. This was supposed to be a routine supply voyage. How quickly it had come to this. You hurriedly crossed the cabin to get away from the windows. You sat on your bed, pulled your knees to your chest, and wrapped your arms around them. And that is how you were when the first cannonball hit the ship. 
The barrage lasted what felt like forever. The loud blasts of the cannons soon became shouts and the clashing of steel when your ship was boarded. You sobbed as you drew even further into yourself. You couldn’t tell who was winning, but you were too scared to see for yourself. And you promised your father you would stay in the cabin. Your heart was pounding when the sounds of fighting outside seemed to stop. Was your father's crew victorious? Is your father safe? What will happen next?
You got your answer when someone began banging on the door from the outside. Your father had locked it, thank god, but if whoever it was could not unlock it, then it was not your father. Panicked and thinking quickly, you hid in your wardrobe. A few more loud bangs sounded against the door before it burst open. You held your breath, terrified whoever just entered would hear you. From your hiding spot, you couldn’t see anything, but you heard them ransacking the room. They must not know you were there but just looking to pillage. You couldn’t help shaking knowing that they would eventually look in the wardrobe and discover you there. Almost as if you willed it by thinking it, the door was wrenched open, and you let out a small scream of surprise. 
“Oi, what do we ‘ave ‘ere, then?” The pirate grabbed you by the arm and pulled you to stand in the cabin. “Yer a pretty lass, ain’t ye? Methinks me treasure been found ‘ere, ay?” You desperately tried to get out of his rough grip, as he began to grope and grab at you. 
“Let me go! You cannot do this!” You made your voice sound as commanding as possible, but the pirate just laughed. Your heart clenched as fear grew in you. 
“Ye think so, princess? There is plenty I can do, don’t ye fret.” His hands kept grabbing through layers of fabric, and you kept swatting them away. Once he got frustrated, he grabbed your chin in his dirty hand and kissed you roughly. Throwing your head back to escape the kiss, you slapped him roughly across the face. “Oh I like em feisty, I do.” He spat and tried to kiss you again. You struggled against his rough hold on your face and kept tossing your head back and to the side to avoid his foul mouth. Angered by your defiance, he roughly grabbed both arms and slammed your back hard into the cabin wall. Pain shot down your spine as it collided with the hard surface. You were unable to stop his mouth’s assault this time. When you felt his tongue attempt to break through you bit down as hard as you could. He let out a scream mixed with pain and anger. His hand was lightning quick as it struck you hard in the cheek. Tears blocked your vision as blood pooled on your split lip. “Don’t make me get a muzzle on ye, bitch!” Just then, another pirate stormed in, took in the scene in front of him, and his eyes clouded with anger. 
“Smythe, ye know the Captain’s rules. All prisoners need be brought to him. What do ye think yer doin’?”
“Just having a bit o’ fun. No ‘arm in that, is there?”
“Ye can have yer fun when ye finish yer job. Now get the girl to the Captain, and shove off!” You had been too scared to speak during their exchange. You only managed a whimper when the man called Smythe grabbed your arm painfully and began to drag you onto the deck. More strangled sounds came out as you saw the carnage on deck. Your father's crew, the men you had been sailing with, all dead. The bottom of your dress dragged in the blood on the deck as he pulled you towards the gangplank. However, your body stopped still when you saw one particular face you recognized amongst the havoc. The lifeless face of your father. 
“FATHER! NO!” You wailed. You pulled with all your strength and managed to wrench free of your captive’s grasp. You ran to him and knelt at his side. Your hands fluttered over him, helpless, as you wept for him. You laid your head on his bloodied chest and sobbed. Too soon, you felt the pirate yank you to your feet. “Please, no! I cannot leave him. Let me go! Please…” you begged to deaf ears. He continued to drag you to the waiting pirate ship, all the while you were fighting to return to your father’s body. He didn’t utter a word to you. You didn’t expect sympathy, but you expected something. The rest of the way, every lifeless face had the visage of your father. 
Now on board the pirate ship, you were led to the cabin directly under the helm, the captain’s cabin. The room was empty, but you were tossed in any way. The pirate roughly sat you on a wooden chair in the corner of the room, and without care, tightly tied your hands behind your back. You thought of trying to fight your bonds, but you couldn’t find the strength. You had nothing left. You were alone. And now, you belonged to the captain. 
You were unsure how long you waited in that cabin, tied to the chair alone. Your thoughts were only of your father, his crew, and your horrible fate. Would the captain kill you? Enslave you? Molest you? As terrified as you were, your fight was gone. You decided to accept your fate, whatever that may be. A short time later, you startled as the silence was broken. The doorknob turned, and the loud boot steps of the captain rang in the cabin. 
You were terrified to look up and face him, so your gaze stayed trained on the ground. A few steps later, the boots came into view, and then stopped in front of you. The silence filled the room again, almost as if he was waiting on you. Shaking, you slowly raised your head and took in the man standing in front of you. He was a giant of a man. Tall and broad. His dark curls rested wild on his forehead, almost hiding his striking blue eyes. His mouth was set in a hard line as if he was unsure what to do with you. You weren’t sure why he wasn’t saying anything. Doing anything. He was just staring at you. 
“Please, sir. Please don’t hurt me. My father was on that ship. He’s dead now. I don’t want him lying there alone. Please.” You begged between sobs. He sighed deeply before speaking. 
“I am Captain Henry Cavill. You are a prisoner aboard my ship, The Wretched Blue. While you are a prisoner here, you will be in my care. But do not think it will be a comfort. You will fetch a large amount of coin for me, so I will see to your captivity. Do you understand?” His tone was very direct and full of business. When he looked you in the eye, he did not show emotion. Trembling with sobs at your fate, you lowered your eyes from his gaze and let out a defeated sigh. Taking that as the only acceptance he needed, he turned towards the pirate that appeared there and started giving him orders that you were unable to hear. 
Before long, he had returned with a cot and bedding, seeing as there was only sleeping furniture for one in the cabin. It was apparent that he had also ordered the pirate to return to your ship, and your cabin, because the next item he brought in was your trunk. The lock and hinges were broken on it, so it was clear it had been riffled through. The last item was secreted to the captain before you could discern what it was. But you paid it no mind. You were thoroughly defeated and wanted nothing more than to surrender to the blackness at the edge of your vision. The captain gave his crewman a satisfied nod and granted him leave. You were once again left alone with the intimidating man. 
“I am your captor, but I am also a fair man. I will not be cruel, but there will be rules to follow. And punishments if those rules are not obeyed. Do you understand?” Your head nodded in shallow agreement. “Well then, as I stated, I am not a cruel man, so I will leave you to grieve. Do I have your word you will not try to escape? Or do I need to bind you?” Again without words, you shook your head to assure him you would not try anything. “Fine. The accommodations are small, but I offer you the bed as your own. Cross me, and your stay will not be nearly as comfortable.” He turned to walk away but stopped just short of the door. He came back to you, reached into his vest pocket, and pulled out the item that was handed to him along with your trunk. Silently, he handed it to you and breezed out of the room. You stared at the item in your hands and fresh sobs grew in your chest. It was the small portrait you had of your mother and father. This brought everything into perspective. You were now very alone. 
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tinabean37 ¡ 4 years
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Oh my heart!! This got me right in the feels!! But I loved it!
Okay y’all - I have been *struggling* with writer’s block for the past few days. It has been really bad and honestly made me feel really anxious because writing is my love and something that relieves a lot of stress for me. I just wanted to thank @onlyhenrys​, @angrythingstarlight​, and @a-seeker-of-imagination​ for helping me deal with my writer’s block.
This is an emotion based one-shot for Napoleon and grief. This is some heavy angst so please don’t read it if you’re not in the right headspace for it.
Warnings: Hospital setting, miscarriage/loss of child, general relationship angst, car accident, mentions of blood, mentions of loss, sick partner/unconscious partner. 
Word Count: 1523
If you like this check out my masterlists – General Masterlist // Male Reader
Feedback is always appreciated !!
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tinabean37 ¡ 4 years
Those are my 2 favorite things!! I need this in my life!
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Would you be interested in a modern day Vampire/Daddy! Henry fic?
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tinabean37 ¡ 4 years
These are gorgeous! Should I use one of these? Or my husband and kids...the struggle is real!
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// iphone wallpaper //
actor edition : henry cavill
— collection —
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tinabean37 ¡ 4 years
The fact that the shirt on the right is from 50 Shades Of Gray...and tey try to tell me he doesn’t have a son kink!
@honeychicanawrites @viking-raider
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I just wanted you to see these pics if you haven't already because both henrys are giving off very INTERESTING vibes & my brain cannot handle this meal- 👁👄👁
I know that text on the shirt is edited on but can you imagine omfgggg
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tinabean37 ¡ 4 years
Whoever did this, thank you for this...😵😵
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tinabean37 ¡ 4 years
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Henry Cavill building a gaming pc is my new sexuality
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tinabean37 ¡ 4 years
My Superman Part 5
Catch up with Part 1 2 3 4 
Summery: Henry and reader go on their date. Lots of excited nervousness and fluff.
Warnings: None
Important:  I do not know or own Henry’s character in this story. The other characters were made up by me.
I am sorry this chapter took so long to come out. I was having a really hard time deciding where I wanted the story to go, but I now have a clear direction, and I’m excited about it again. 
Tag List:
@lunedelorient @omgkatinka @ju-lehnsherr @kaatelyynn-blog-blog @unbrekeable-abby @sausagefest1996 @whyyykitkat @fathima00-universe @bluegalaxyprime @ivyfatale @catsandra-chan @thereisa8ella @hista-girl @stella-swiftx @xo-mery-ox @xxxkatxo @elinalfrida @fanfictionaddiction99 @mad-hatters-lover @sofiebstar @star017 @suueeeeeee @britishbutnotbritish @the-wheel-of-crime-turns @raynosaurus-rex @sunflowerdeaky
If you want to be added to or taken off of the tag list, let me know!
Arms crossed, foot-tapping, you stood in front of your open closet, half-cleared out as you threw your discarded outfit choices on the bed. Your date with Henry was only an hour away, and you were acting like every rom-com movie you had ever seen. Tossing out outfit after outfit trying to find the perfect ensemble. You were embarrassed at how you were behaving. You were a grown woman, and you had gone on dates before. You allowed yourself to take a deep breath, and calm down. Your eyes scanned the closet again with a clearer head and landed on a dress that would be perfect. Knee-length to show off your legs, cinched at the waist to bring out your curves, and a deep neckline that framed one of your best assets just right. Yah, you could do this. 
After your outfit was sorted, you made your way to your bathroom, untied the towel that wrapped up your freshly showered hair, and got to work drying and curling it just right. When you were finished, your y/h/c locks flowed down your back in loose waves, with the front pinned pack to allow your y/e/c eyes to shine. The tasteful makeup you applied helped that as well. When all was said and done, you grabbed your heals, and stood in front of your hall mirror, taking in the full package. Even you could admit, Henry was in trouble tonight. Grabbing your bag from the side table, you were startled when your phone rang. You saw the smiling face of your best friend from home, Erica on the caller ID. You answered with a smile. 
“Hey, Eri. It’s been forever. How are you?”
“I’m really good. You sound out of breath. Did I catch you at a bad time?”
“It’s never a bad time to talk to you.” You laughed. “But I was just running around, getting ready for a date.” 
“A date? That’s awesome. Who’s the guy? Is he hot?” Not needing much prompting at all, you started relaying the whole story to your friend. That night at the bar. How Henry saved you, then walked you home, and how you haven’t been able to think of anything but him since. “Look at you. You go to a London, and less than a year later, you snag Hollywood’s most eligible bachelor.” You could hear the smile in Erica's voice. “I’m so happy for you y/n. You deserve to be happy. After, you know who.” Just the thought of your ex made your stomach clench, and not in a good way. 
“Thanks, Eri. Honestly, after Josh, I didn’t think I would want any more relationships. He really soured me towards them, you know. But Henry, he’s…” you took a second to find the right words. “He’s a breath of fresh air. I am really excited about tonight.” If on cue, there was a knock at your door. Your heart began to race with the realization that you were going to see Henry again. You quickly opened the door with a smile. You held up your finger to let him know you were almost done with your call and stepped aside for him to come in. 
“I heard a knock. Is that him?” Erica asked excitedly. 
“Yes, my date just got here. I will call you tomorrow. Alright? I’m so glad you called. I miss you.” 
“Miss you too y/n. I better get all the gory details. It’s my right as your future maid-of-honor.” You agreed with a laugh and hung up the phone. Then, you turned your full attention to the gorgeous man standing in your entryway. He looked so large in your small space. He wore a dark blue button-up shirt, neatly tucked into black pants. The buttons were undone enough to give you a peek of the dark curls that are spread across his broad chest. His blue eyes were shining, and his dark brown curls were perfectly tousled. He was the most handsome man you had ever seen. 
“I’m sorry about that. My best friend from home called to say hello.”
“Please, don’t apologize. It gave me a chance to enjoy the view.” His perfect mouth was curved into a playful smirk. “You look beautiful y/n.” You felt your whole body heat up as the blush was all-consuming. 
“Thank you. You look amazing as well.” With a broad smile, he held up his arm, crooked at the elbow. You wrapped your arm in his, and let him lead you to his car. 
The drive to the restaurant was short and quiet. You couldn’t help it. You were nervous. The other night, the crazy events of meeting Henry took center stage. You didn’t have a chance to think too much about it. But tonight, the date itself is the focal point. And you felt like you were on very foreign territory. This is your first date since your ex-boyfriend tried to ruin the idea of relationships for you. And Henry was, well, Henry. You didn’t want to disappoint. You kept sneaking glances of him during the drive, and more than once, you were pleased to find him glancing too. 
When you pulled up to the restaurant, you were shocked and excited. It was a very lavish and romantic choice. A place you had always wanted to try, but knew you never would or, could. He held the door open for you and helped you out of the car. With a guiding hand on your lower back, he led you towards the restaurant entrance. 
Once inside, you were directed towards your table, which was in a less crowded area, more intimate. The restaurant was beautiful. So cozy and romantic. When the waiter brought over the wine list, Henry passed it to you, telling you to pick whatever you wanted. 
“Oh, I’m not sure. I’m not usually a wine drinker. You chose.” You smiled sweetly at Henry and handed the menu back. He gave it a quick glance and ordered a bottle of something that sounded very expensive, but you were assured it was delicious. You both took a few minutes to look over the menu and placed your food order as well. With a nod, the waiter walked away, and you were left with this gorgeous man, unable to believe your luck. 
“I meant what I said earlier, y/n. You look stunning.” Henry admitted as he took you in. Your eyes lowered to the table when you felt the blush return. “I’m glad we were able to do this.”
“I am too. To be honest, I didn’t think I would ever see you again after the other night. I wouldn’t have blamed you. The crazy lady coming up to you at random to have you pretend to be her boyfriend.” You and Henry shared a laugh. “But this,” you gestured with your hand around the restaurant, “is way more than I could have hoped.” You were surprised at yourself for being as candid as you were. You were usually the type of person that kept your emotions close to you, but Henry does something to you. 
“Don’t think that. Like I already told you, I haven’t been able to get you out of my head, it would be silly of me to ignore this chance.” Just then, the waiter returned with your wine. As he was pouring the crimson liquid into your glasses, your eyes didn’t leave Henry's. You exchanged smiles and coy looks until he walked away. You then raised your glasses and toasted to new beginnings. 
The rest of the dinner went very well. You both exchanged comfortable chatter. Spoke about your families, growing up, and even your past relationships. By the time the dessert came, you were truly smitten. And when dessert came to an end, you were sad. This night had gone by too fast. But once the bill had been paid, you realized it had to end. You both stood from the table, and with a warm hand on your back, you headed out to Henry's car. He walked your straight to the passenger side door and held it open for you in the gentlemanly way he had. As you looked up at his face to thank him, you noticed that all of a sudden it seemed to change, almost as if he was trying to make up his mind about something. Then slowly, he raised his hands to cup your face. His eyes drifted to your lips, then back to your eyes, as if he was asking for your blessing. As an answer, your fingers carded through the back of his curls and brought your lips to close the gap. His mouth was more perfect up close. His lips were soft and warm. They moved with an agonizingly slow speed as if he wanted to memorize every inch of your lips. Too soon, the kiss ended, foreheads touching, trying to slow your breathing. This time, when you looked at his face, he was grinning from ear to ear, and you couldn’t help but share the feeling. He helped you into the car and made his way around to the driver’s seat. With one more beaming smile, he started the car and headed back towards your flat. In your opinion, the night was perfect. You just wished you had noticed the paparazzi behind the car to your left, with his camera, taking pictures of your private moment.
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tinabean37 ¡ 4 years
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So sweet
I Love You *FLUFF*
Summary: Henry wants to tell you he loves you, in an effective and romantic way.
Pairing: Henry Cavill/You
Word Count: 333
Rating: None - Fluff, Cotton Candy Goodness, Kal
Inspiration: We all know Henry would do this!
Author’s Note: Tell me what you think!
Tag List: @jennylovelyheart, @peakygroupie, @jessevans, @rosie-loves-things, @ohjules, @mary-ann84, @omgkatinka, @the-freak-cassie-131, @heelsamizayn, @agniavateira, @cap-barnes, @romyr4, @michelehansel, @kaatelyyynn, @badassbaker, @mrsaugustwalker, @authentic-bish-face, @rizeandvibe, @severuined, @supernaturalvikingwhore, @bellastellaluna, @wondersofdreaming, @thisisntmyrightera, @michelle-1185, @winchwm, @royallylazy, @sofiebstar, @worldicreate, @agniavateira, @fantasygirlsuniverse, @witches-of-discovery-a, @xuxszx, @ayamenimthiriel, @keiva1000, @fantasygirlsuniverse, @itsreigns, @constip8merm8, @scorpionchild81, @mylifefallingupthestairs, @onlyhenrys, @luclittlepond, @ellixthea, @lebguardians, @geralt-yennefer-jeskier, @cherrybloomn, @p3nny4urth0ught5, @iloveyouyen, @hollydaisy23, @mcuimagination, @psychosupernaturalhero, @sweetlybigdragonn, @whitewolfandthefox, @moviemonzy, @the-soot-sprite, @hell1129-blog, @trippedmetaldetector, @captaingothgirl1996, @dont8mind8me8eue, @peaky-marvel, @desperate-and-broken21, @monstersnmoney, @dancingwendigo, @redhot-mystacism, @thereisa8ella, @black-ninja-blade, @oddduckthatgirl, @rosewinx, @henrythickcavill, @tinabean37, @hnryycvll, @msblkfire84, @romangenesius, @emelinelovesjc, @strangerliaa, @lovieebby, @pinksdaydream, @fanfictionaddiction99​, @seb-owns-these-tatas​, @oh-for-fic-sake​, @henrycavill-yes​
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Henry wanted to be serious with you, he wanted the first time he said, I love you, to mean something so special to you.
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