tinacassandra · 4 years
“Ready player one”
Kristina Cassandra Rara
The ready player one movie showcase what would be the possible things to happen in our future. This movie gives us thrill and excitement, and this movie also showcase the love and passion for a certain things. I consider ready player one as one of the best movie and it is highly recommended . A movie that is based on what would be in our future. In the year 2045 where everything is evolving and relying through technologies, where virtual world is much more happier than in the real world . Wade Watts was one of the cast on this movie and he is one of the teenagers who get addicted with the game that is so called as THE OASIS this game is invented by the great James Haliday. This game tend to give happiness and excitement for those years that they were in the dark times to live in. In this game the player must obtain 3 keys for them to get the prize and to win the contest, there is a lot of them who joined the game but few of them left and wade watts is one of those who stay and continue to that game.
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Being a media and information literate individual let’s not rely ourselves in the world where everything you see is based on your imagination, we have the real world and we have our responsibilities there. As a literate individual we have to look out and discover new things, like in this movie wade and his friends , helping each other to achieve the game and to know the secret beyond that game and he trust his friends for that. In that world people tend to escape the reality through virtual world because of the societal problem that they are facing in their world. As a media and information literate it is very important to communicate and socialize to others and have a unity. We have to seek for a place where it offers us credible and reliable information that we always wanted. Let’s think critically for us to be able to identify new things and know how to evaluate and reflects what we have to do. We have to be careful enough in trusting and sharing our private information because we have our differences and we have to be extra careful in trusting people online. As the shows that the individual must be a media literate person for us to know what would be the possible advantages that we can get in this world where media today is evolving.
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tinacassandra · 4 years
“Education is a lifetime”
Kristina Cassandra Rara
In today’s world where technology is evolving and the way we learn, the technologies has been revolutionized. To communicate, do our task , assignments, that’s what technology can help us students. The digital divide has been characterized as the gap between technologies and social classes and socioeconomic background. As our technology is evolving the cycle of information is also expanding and with this we must be a information literate individual. There is a huge gap in the frequency of use and the amount of nature in the online activities that the people may participate, whether if they have a strong internet connection at home. Way back when I was grade7 our science teacher assigned us to print out a microscope picture and make a PowerPoint presentation about it and that time I was studying in the province where in fact we all know that the internet connection their in our province is very poor and I have a lot of classmates who wasn’t able to submit and present a ppt because of the internet connection problem.
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As we are facing this pandemic a lot of us are suffering and in this situation we are embracing the new normal way of learning and we are adapting the e learning system. Some of my classmates are having a hard time in joining our everyday online classes because of their internet connection problem and also for the gadgets that they are using. For me , I am lucky enough because I have a gadgets with me and a strong internet connection and because of this I was able to help my classmates , I am sending them a ppt and some of the files if we are having a activities for them to be answered. The only thing that we can address this digital divide is by making use of the technology and internet to reach out those who aren’t able to do the online classes and activities. The digital divide is just a manifestation of a class divide, fixing each other. All of the students deserved a sufficient and high quality of education. Let’s educate the youth even the elder , let’s encourage them to learn despite the circumstances in our society, Because through education we can handle this things out.
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tinacassandra · 4 years
“The setbacks of piracy”
Kristina Cassandra Rara
The entertainment is evolving and there is a lot of movies being released today. Entertainment from video games is commonplace and most of the population cannot afford to buy this software, or firmware at a legitimate price, that’s why they will prefer to choose the cheaper one. Illegal copies. We all know that the sale of pirated cd’s, games and etc. is present everywhere, mostly this pirated things display on a sidewalk or even in malls. There are times that we are wondering if why that certain person watched already a movie even though that movie is not yet released or that movie is in the cinema only,Because of the existence of pirated things this illegal crime they can able to watched and have a copy with that movie and sell it with a cheaper price. Many factors contribute to the rampant problem of piracy in the Philippines, the culture and its economy, the lack of resources for or lack of interest in addressing this problem.
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As what we observed nowadays there is a lot of sites that you can browse for to be able to download a copyrighted content digitally without permission or you can download it for free. Piracy is one of the problem that the movie industry is facing and it may affect our economy because of this crime . The government must do something about this though we already have the law with regards to this crime because we have the cybercrime law they have to be more strict in implementing this law and we citizens of this country we have to take action with this. Piracy is a crime and we need to stop this crime to achieve a better community. I feel so guilty with this because honestly I’m one of those who enjoy watching this pirated movies and I can say that it is more convenient because of the cheap price but this act is a crime and it is against the law and all we have to do is we will stop and act as a concern citizens in this country.
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tinacassandra · 4 years
“The appreciation of the old-fashioned media towards the new media “
Kristina Cassandra Rara
The media has made a huge contribution to our society and to the whole world. The media has many its branches that we can use in our daily need as a human beings,in the past years the media has also changed. With these changes it can replace our main sources of information and these are the broadcast and print media , we know nowadays we need these type of media because they present a valuable and credible information from a reliable sources. Change is constant in our world but as years past by we are depending on technology, media and technology these two platforms makes the life of individual much easier. New media is one of the type of media and we all know that just in one click a person will get notified and aware of what is happening in our society and in the whole world
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Old-fashioned media are still relevant and existing and this is slowly replaced by the new media. As a matter of fact these old media rate one of the best in terms of giving credible informations . What if these two media will be vanished and replaced by new media ? Do you think we can still access a valuable informations? The result that I can imagine if this time will come our world will be miserable. The three media is obsolete and it is much better if these three media would still interact with one another , in this coming 5 years these three media will still remain in delivering a very unique way of giving informations and factual news.
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tinacassandra · 4 years
“Understanding the Relevance of Information Literacy in the Midst of Social Era”
We live in this era where informations are spreading all over the media, information is everywhere, day and night, but that’s not mean that all of those are valuable information. Let us always remember that fake news is also spreading and let us be aware if that , being a information literate can help you to identify if that information given is fake or not. Nowadays lots of people are more on social media they find social media as their stress reliever, were in fact, by scrolling and browsing through social media we can get a lot of informations that would keep us aware on what is happening everyday. If you are one of the well-informed individual then you can live much easier. It is important to realize the value of this skills , for us to be effectively engage in lifelong learning for any decision from our viewpoint
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As fake news are spreading all over the media,people get to see it and inform others about it.There are a lot of positive and negatives effects on the influence of media.First,it can be your source of informations from all over the world so you'll get to have little knowledge about it ,and you will be aware of what's happening around you.But also remember that not all news on social media is true, you should search more about the news to be able to know if it's factual news or fake news.Today, We individuals should be educated enough in this new social world,In this way we will be wise enough to be a media and information literate individual.
Kirt Louise Escol
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tinacassandra · 4 years
"Media and Government: A Love-Hate Relationship"
Media and Government plays a very important role, these two are the most influential institution in our society. This past few years we have just elected our national officials and the news spread all over the media. Mass media is politically important because of its potential to reach large audiences,and it also allow for participants among citizens. We all know that media is the communication outlets that used to deliver the informations. They have the power to manipulate the information. We are so thankful that media still evolving and existing because without media, we wouldn’t able to be notified on what is happening in our world and without government there is no such justice and discipline that lead the citizens to the right path. The media and government will cooperate even if other says that the media favors the governments, and there are some saying that media are biased. Journalists oppose what the government is saying , Because some of them woken up by the fact that not all government officials have good intentions in the country.
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Nowadays, media is now focusing on nonsense news more than serious happening in the world.As you can see in the picture, there's a man sitting and watching news about government officials having press conference.Media is still more focusing government issues more than anything else.In this time of pandemic,media should focus more about this virus called "covid".People doesn't take it easy because media doesn't really care about it either.The performance of Media is not so good because they also post or announce some fake news that can cause confusion to the people.Media should aso verify if that certain news is fake or not so people won't get confused. I hope media will do better job one day because it's news are highly needed by those people who wants to know what happening in the world from time to time. Even if things happen like this biases. Still without media and government our world will be miserable.
Kirt Louise Escol
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tinacassandra · 4 years
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From where i would rather be today
By: Sam Johnson
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tinacassandra · 4 years
“The value of Being a Media and Information literate Individual”
The value of being a media and information literate individual is very important , in order for us to have awareness of what is fake news. Nowadays media and information is evolving, media and information is everywhere and a literate person needs to when to expand the information especially when the information is coming from a unreliable sources. Being a media and information literate individual you can avoid for any biases on the issue that may affect someone’s knowledge. If you are a media and information literate , you can express yourselves in a very well oriented manner,you can practice the freedom of speech. A literate individual would able to understand /comprehend in such relevant information and this kind of skill is one of the application in having a job.
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I may not say that I am a hundred percent literate person because there are times that I keep on sharing fake news without knowing if it is true or not. Being a media and information literate individual is a must because if you already have the background and you are able to comprehend in a certain issue then it is easy for you to make things out,and with this you will not get blinded by untrue statements in cruel world. Being responsible in spreading news/information has a big impact in this modern world because atleast in a small effort we can lessen the rate of fake information. This is not only for our own good but it is for everyone, that they would able to know what is really happening in our society and in the whole world.
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