tineanders · 4 years
‘Week 11 Presentation’
Because of the current lockdown due to the coronavirus, I am not able to continue my original project "Couples in the big city".
Therefore I have started a new project by documenting the current life of my friend and roommate during the lockdown.
A selection of images that I have created so far for the final project:
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What sequencing are you are considering?
I will order the pictures according to when they were taken, so that the viewer can experience the recorded time span.
The text that will accompany your photographic series:
a. Are you considering giving a title to your series? What title?
- Quarantine
b. Are you considering using captions? What will your captions include/exclude?
- Captions that underline the content of the image
What steps do I need to take in order to improve on what you have done so far?
- Find artists with the same theme that inspire me
- Build in a story / emotions
- Take pictures that have more expression
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tineanders · 4 years
WEEK 10:
„My life in the time of Covid19“
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Working in bed
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Baking a cake
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Playing a game
Probably the biggest change is that my workplace has moved from the university to my apartment. Since my boyfriend and roommate is also at home a lot during the lockdown, I often stay in the bedroom to be able to do my work for the university undisturbed. But I try to enjoy the time and approach the situation positively by doing things I didn't have so much time for before, like baking cakes. I am also happy about the time I can spend with my partner, as he works in shifts and the normal daily routine often overlaps. We use the time to play games and have conversations. Things that often get lost in normal everyday life.
In my three pictures I have captured these moments and tried to depict them in a way that the viewer can easily identify with them. In the photo you can partly see my hand to get movement in the photo and let the viewer feel the snapshot as if he is doing things straight. I tried to focus on the content and not have much distraction in the background. To create a consistent series I have edited the photos all into a consistent color scheme.
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tineanders · 4 years
WEEK 10:
1. Choose one series of photos and explain why and for whom you think these photos were taken.
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Karen Knorr, Gentlemen 1981-1983
I think Karen Knorr did the series for both women and men to show that although women now have full property rights, they are still underrepresented in key positions in government and in the financial and scientific world. To show this, her work examines with humour the attitudes prevailing in the English establishment in the 1980s.
2. What, overall, can you understand about masculine identity from this exhibit?
Masculinities: Liberation through Photography is a large group exhibition that shows how masculinity is experienced and socially constructed through photography from the 1960s to the present. It is about the portrayal of masculinity in all its innumerable forms, which are full of contradictions and complexity, and touches on themes such as queer identity, the black body, power and patriarchy, female perceptions of men, hypermasculine stereotypes, fatherhood and family.
3. Is there anything about the works you have seen by following these links that you find problematic or that you think is worth of praise, or both? What makes it so – style, subject matter, a combination of both, other?
I find the works praiseworthy and I think it is important to address these issues. Even if difficult or problematic aspects of masculinity are portrayed, it is essential to deal with these issues and to clarify them. The style of the artists creates recognition value.
4. Now looking 3 different photos (3 different artists):
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Peter Hujar, David Brintzenhofe Applying Makeup (II), 1982
a) analyse closely how the subjects are depicted– what has the photographer chosen to include/ exclude from the photo? Look at camera angle/lighting/focus etc. How does this influence the way you understand the message of the photo?
The photo shows a young man applying make-up. The photographer has shown the man only up to his shoulders to focus on the face. The camera angle is straight on the face. The photo has deep shadows that bring out the man's face even more and take the background out of focus. These measures make the image look more dramatic.
b) what is the relationship between the photographer and the subject(s) in these photos?
I think the photographer has spent more time with the person in the photo and the relationship is intimate in a certain way. But maybe the photo is also a snapshot in which the moment was simply captured.
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Rotimi Fani-Kayode, Untitled, 1985
a) analyse closely how the subjects are depicted– what has the photographer chosen to include/ exclude from the photo? Look at camera angle/lighting/focus etc. How does this influence the way you understand the message of the photo?
The photo shows a dark-skinned man. He is squatting in the middle of the photo and the whole body can be seen. His face is partly covered by his Afro. The camera angle is straight and at eye level with the subject. The photo is taken in a photo studio and illuminated from several sides, so that only a shadow is created in the middle. Just like the first photo, the work of art appears more dramatic and emotional because of this.
b) what is the relationship between the photographer and the subject(s) in these photos?
I think the photographer has spent more time with the person in the photo and the relationship is intimate in a certain way.
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Sunil Gupta, Untitled 22 from the series Christopher Street, 1976
a) analyse closely how the subjects are depicted– what has the photographer chosen to include/ exclude from the photo? Look at camera angle/lighting/focus etc. How does this influence the way you understand the message of the photo?
The third photo shows a young man in the street. In contrast to the other photos, the artist has included the background. There are several people and cars to be seen, but they are out of focus. The picture was taken in daylight and therefore has a natural light source and hardly any shadows. The camera angle is at eye level and the subject is centered in the picture.
b) what is the relationship between the photographer and the subject(s) in these photos?
I think the photographer has photographed a stranger on the street and it is a snapshot.
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tineanders · 4 years
WEEK 10:
Activity 1
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1. What aspect of the article does the image illustrate? That is to say, does the image help you visualise one particular part of the text? Which one?
The photo visually shows the part "Thousands of families travelled for days through burnt bush land from Somalia to Kenya" of the article.
2. In what light does the image present that aspect of the article that it illustrate? That is to say, what comment does the image make about that aspect of the written text?
The picture underlines the article by showing how people flee from famine and travel for days on foot through Africa. The terrible situation of the people can be seen in their faces.
3. How does the image help you engage with the written text? That is to say, in what ways does your chosen image influence how you understand the text?
The picture makes the viewer even more aware of the seriousness of the situation. The viewer sees the people in this dire situation and can build an emotional bond with the people in the picture, because the people in need now have a face.
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1. What aspect of the article does the image illustrate? That is to say, does the image help you visualise one particular part of the text? Which one?
The picture illustrates the last part of the article "Children who have fled Somalia die of the causes of malnutrition either during the journey or very shortly after arriving in the aid camps".
2. In what light does the image present that aspect of the article that it illustrate? That is to say, what comment does the image make about that aspect of the written text?
The picture shows the children in a relief camp where they are medically helped to save them from death.
3. How does the image help you engage with the written text? That is to say, in what ways does your chosen image influence how you understand the text?
Like the first picture, it makes the viewer even more aware of the seriousness of the situation. The viewer sees the people in this dire situation and can build an emotional bond with the people in the picture, because the people in need now have a face.
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1. What aspect of the article does the image illustrate? That is to say, does the image help you visualise one particular part of the text? Which one?
The image is intended to viusalize the part "without food and water, after their crops and livestock were destroyed by the drought" of the article.
2. In what light does the image present that aspect of the article that it illustrate? That is to say, what comment does the image make about that aspect of the written text?
The image does not agree with the statement of the article, since the article mentions that the cattle were destroyed by the drought. The picture shows a large number of live goats. It is also impossible to see if the cattle are about to die.
3. How does the image help you engage with the written text? That is to say, in what ways does your chosen image influence how you understand the text?
I find the picture in combination with the article inappropriate, because it does not reflect the situation as it can be read in the text.
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1. What aspect of the article does the image illustrate? That is to say, does the image help you visualise one particular part of the text? Which one?
The picture shows the aspect "including barefoot children without food and water, " of the article.
2. In what light does the image present that aspect of the article that it illustrate? That is to say, what comment does the image make about that aspect of the written text?
The picture shows a small child in your broken tub, who is severely emaciated. The child's bones are clearly visible and the head appears too large on the emaciated body. The picture underlines the seriousness of the article.
3. How does the image help you engage with the written text? That is to say, in what ways does your chosen image influence how you understand the text?
Like the first two pictures, the viewer builds up an emotional bond, unlike the article where we do not have any specific people/faces in front of our eyes.
I think this picture, should be the leader of the pictures. Since it shows the starvation at its worst. The child in the picture is alone, we don't know if anyone will help him and if he will survive. I find this picture most tragic.
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tineanders · 4 years
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Caption 1: “Disinfectants”
The first caption "Disinfectant" describes what is shown in the photo. The viewer is free to interpret the message of the picture.
Caption 2: “Corona crisis, 2020”
The second caption "Corona crisis, 2020" reflects the current situation in the world. Under normal circumstances, disinfectants in this quantity would not be available in a normal supermarket. However, during the crisis, disinfectants and soap have become a vital product to protect health from the virus and are urgently needed in large quantities.
Caption 3: “The power of the pharmaceutical industry”
The third caption "The power of the pharmaceutical industry" focuses on the number and price of disinfectants. Even in times of crisis, the pharmaceutical industry exploits its power over price determination due to high demand. The consumer has no choice and has to buy the products despite higher prices because people's health depends on them.
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Cropped Picture Caption: “cleaning products department in the supermarket”
The cropped photo shows only a small part of the disinfectants / soaps. Which could pass as normal stock of a supermarket. The focus is still mainly on the products in the foreground, but the background with the cleaning department now also catches the viewer's eye. The photo could now simply show a normal cleaning products department of a supermarket.
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tineanders · 4 years
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Anton Kusters, The Blue Skies Project (2018)
Look carefully at each artist’s work and for each one of them note answers to these questions:
• What is the main message of this artist’s work?
Through a documentary approach, Anton Kusters attempts to explore the limits of understanding and the difficulties of portraying trauma, the loss of the experience of the place and the act of remembrance.
In the end, however, Kusters rarely receives answers.
• How is this conveyed? (What techniques is s/he using?)
All polaroit images show a view of a blue sky from above, taken at the last known location of any former Nazi concentration or extermination camp in Europe during the Second World War. The resulting images were then blindly stamped with the number of victims on this page and their GPS coordinates.
Then choose one photo by each artist and:
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Alderney Kanalinsel (SSBBI) 0000700 (2017)
Describe how focus; contrast; colour (if there is any) and composition are used in the photo, and what effect each of these attributes has.
The photo shows the circular section of a blue sky with a few clouds. The Polaroid image is colored but not very bright. The focus is on the numbers inserted at the bottom of the image.
Analyse the relationship between what you see in the photo and its message. Do you need to read the exhibition text to understand the message? Does the title help? Does the style of the photo remind you of anything you have seen before?
The statement of the individual photo is difficult to understand without the exhibition text. When looking at the whole project as a whole, one becomes aware of the artist's statement and is encouraged to think about it. I find it very remarkable how the artist managed to spread his message without taking a direct photo of the happenings.
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tineanders · 4 years
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Mark Neville, Parade (2019)
Look carefully at each artist’s work and for each one of them note answers to these questions:
• What is the main message of this artist’s work?
The Brittany farming community, which is the main demographic of En Avant de Guingamp fans, is both the subject and the main audience of the print exhibition in the stadium. These images of farmers, nuns, people who breed pigs, dogs or horses, supermarket shoppers, football fans and football players, families on the beach or visiting a beauty contest are based on ideas of utopia or ecotopia.
• How is this conveyed? (What techniques is s/he using?)
The photos show excerpts from the lives of people in Brittany. The photos are in clear and bright colours. The photographer's focus is directed to his objects by means of individual strong colours, for example clothes. The background on all photos is sharp and not taken out of focus but does not distract from the object.
Then choose one photo by each artist and:
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Parade #15
Describe how focus; contrast; colour (if there is any) and composition are used in the photo, and what effect each of these attributes has.
The focus of the photo is a horse and its owner, standing on the hood of a car. The front hooves of the horse are also on the car. The photo is black and white and therefore looks more dramatic. The focus is therefore directed even more strongly to the object. The background of the picture is also sharp and not taken out of focus without distracting.  
Analyse the relationship between what you see in the photo and its message. Do you need to read the exhibition text to understand the message? Does the title help? Does the style of the photo remind you of anything you have seen before?
The message of the artist comes across well by looking at the picture. However, the exhibition text is helpful and necessary for understanding. The caption, says nothing about the picture, except the order. I have never seen a project of this kind before and the style of the photographer does not remind me of any other artist.
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tineanders · 4 years
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Clare Strand, The Discrete Channel with Noise : Information Source (2018)
Look carefully at each artist’s work and for each one of them note answers to these questions:
• What is the main message of this artist’s work?
The main message is the question of how we receive and interpret visual information in the digital age.
• How is this conveyed? (What techniques is s/he using?)
In order to investigate the process of transmission and reception, Strand asked her husband to select images from her archive of found photographs and send them to her by telephone with an agreed number code. A uniform grid of squares was applied to the original image, with each square being assigned a number between 1 and 10 in conjunction with a shade of grey.  Upon receipt, Strand would use a large-format version of the same grid to recreate the image by painting on paper.  The resulting restoration or representation of the original image is an expression of a personal struggle with the interpretation of information.
Then choose one photo by each artist and:
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Information Source #1
Describe how focus; contrast; colour (if there is any) and composition are used in the photo, and what effect each of these attributes has.
The photo is always black and white. With a red pencil a grid of numbers was written on it, which describe the colour depth of the respective box. The focus of the photos is a woman kneeling in front of a keyhole. The photo is very dark and parts of the object, like the woman's hair or shoes, blur with the background. However, the main feature of the project are the red numbers, through which the photo can be transmitted (in times without internet).
Analyse the relationship between what you see in the photo and its message. Do you need to read the exhibition text to understand the message? Does the title help? Does the style of the photo remind you of anything you have seen before?
I had to read the exhibition text to understand the message of the picture. The caption is also helpful. If you then know what the statement is about, you can clearly understand it by looking at the picture. I have not seen any photos of this style yet.
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tineanders · 4 years
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Mohamed Bourouissa, Free Trade at Rencontres d'Arles, Arles, France (1 July – 22 September 2019)
Look carefully at each artist’s work and for each one of them note answers to these questions:
• What is the main message of this artist’s work?
Bourouissa's main message is the socio-economic process and the invisible tensions between different social milieus and the associated cultural divisions.
• How is this conveyed? (What techniques is s/he using?)
He conveys this by capturing scenes from socially deprived neighbourhoods. The photos capture the real life of the people there. Bourouissa's photos are colorful and he uses different angles so that the viewer can establish an emotional connection with the object. Especially by framing the pictures, the photographer focuses on the object and can transmit a message through his photos.
Then choose one photo by each artist and:
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Le Hall, 2007
Describe how focus; contrast; colour (if there is any) and composition are used in the photo, and what effect each of these attributes has.
The picture is colorful but rather in dark tones, expressing a rather depressed mood. The focus in this picture is mainly on the man on the right side of the picture who is in conversation with two other men.  The other two men are taken out of focus by being in shadow and therefore difficult to see. The man on the left side of the picture is also in focus because the light in the picture comes from the left and the side is therefore brighter. The cement floor and the cement wall give the picture another frame within the frame.
Analyse the relationship between what you see in the photo and its message. Do you need to read the exhibition text to understand the message? Does the title help? Does the style of the photo remind you of anything you have seen before?
The message of the photo comes across clearly when you look at it.The exhibition text is helpful but not absolutely necessary to understand the message. The title, however, does not provide much information about the message of the picture. The style of the picture reminds me of other artists who want to draw attention to problem situations or crisis areas through photography.
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tineanders · 4 years
Activity 2
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1. Note down some of the different things you notice in each image, and what these might signify.
Picture 1
Two children eating ice cream. They are at the promenade by the sea. On their left is a red car. In the background there is a pavilion on the left side and on the right side further back a lighthouse. The girl is holding a cuddly toy in her hand.
Picture 2
A man with binoculars can be seen in the foreground of the picture. He is probably at an airport, because you can see an airplane in the background. There are a lot of people in the photo. The man has a notepad and pen in his hand and a camera hanging around his neck. All the people in the photo have a ribbon with an ID or similar, which is labelled by an airline. It could be reporters.
Picture 3
The photo shows a boy in a laundromat. He sits back leaning against a chair as if he were waiting. On the chair next to him is a big bag with probably laundry. Over the young man hang some socks on a line.
Picture 4
Two men are standing in a factory. They could be workers there. There are heavy chains on the floor. In the background, the British flag is hanging in a bricked-up window. On the other side in the background there is a passage or tunnel through which the heavy chains pass. In the left foreground there is a rusty blue box with poles on it.
2. Then choose two and write 4 different captions for each of these. Each caption should draw attention to a different aspect of the image, or indicate a different way in which the photo could be interpreted.
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Caption 1: “Children eating ice cream”
The caption "children eating ice cream" focuses on the two children who are eating their ice cream. It is noticeable that the children have dripped on the ice cream. The ice cream runs over their hands and drips onto their legs and the floor.
Caption 2: “Trip to the sea”
The caption "Trip to the sea" directs the focus more to the overall picture. One also pays attention to the background of the photo, where the sea and the lighthouse can be seen. Also the partly visible car gives the impression as if the family had made the trip to the sea by car.
Caption 3: “My brother and I, 2002″
This caption gives the picture something personal, as it gives the children a personality. With the caption the photo could be from a photo album  The viewer probably associates it with memories and has an emotional connection to the photo. 
Caption 4: “Sylt”
The caption "Sylt" tells about a place, the German holiday island Sylt where the photo could be taken. The focus is not on a special object of the photo, but on the overall picture. The lighthouse as the landmark of the island is now more in attention.
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Caption 1: “Maiden flight of the new Airbus A300″
The caption "Maiden flight of the new Airbus A300″ suggests that people have gathered at the airfield to witness a special event. The binoculars of the man in the foreground indicate that he wants to follow this event from closer up.
Caption 2: ”Reporter at the airfield”
The Caption "Reporter at the airfield" focuses on the utensils such as binoculars, notepad, pen and camera of the man in the foreground, which could be used to identify the man as a reporter. It is also noticeable that the people in the background all wear an Aerolia ID card or similar.
Caption 3: “Man looking through binoculars”
The caption "Man looking through binoculars" directs the focus very strongly to the binoculars. The observer may wonder what the man is looking through the binoculars at the moment.
Caption 4: “Leica Binoculars HD-B 3000″
The caption "Leica Binoculars HD-B 3000" directs the focus to the binoculars. The image could have been taken from an advertising campaign. 
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tineanders · 4 years
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Look carefully at the whole photo – notice everything that is depicted in it and how these different elements work together to create a narrative.
What is the photograph of?
In the photo you can see 3 elephants and a nicely dressed lady. The elephants do tricks like lifting the front leg and the trunk. The lady is standing in a similar position, which fits well into the picture. One foot of each elephant is chained to the ground.
What is the photograph about?
The photo was probably taken in a circus and the elephants are forced to perform tricks that the lady shows them. Because of the chains with which the elephants are tied, the picture gets a bit sad, because the elephants do not do this voluntarily.
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What is the photograph of?
After the cutting you can also see the elephants imitating the lady's tricks.
What is the photograph about?
The elephants' chains are no longer visible. This gives the spectator the feeling that the elephants do the tricks voluntarily and have fun doing them. The picture now seems cheerful and no longer forced and sad.
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tineanders · 4 years
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1. Elliott Erwitt, Retrospective, USA, 1946, New York City, New York
a. The composition of the image
The picture of Erwitt shows a dog and some feet in the foreground. It can be assumed that the legs of the person belong to the owner of the dog. The person is walking her dog in New York City. In the background you can see a row of houses and a few more people who are not in focus. It is a very small dog that you can only see from above from normal eye level. The point of view of the picture is very deep, so that you can see the dog frontally and therefore it looks much bigger. Because of the low angle, the viewer feels moved into the point of view of the dog.
b. The use of light
The picture was taken outside in daylight and therefore has light from all sides. Because of the row of houses on the left side the light is stronger on the right side at the back. There are only slight shadows.
c. What is the mood of the photograph?
The mood of the picture is cheerful and funny. The expression of the dog is humorously captured by the low angle.
d. What is the photograph of? (Concrete subject: this is what you see in the image)
The photograph is of a small dog with its owner on the streets of New York.
e. What is the photograph about? (Abstract subject: this is how you interpret what you see in the image)
Photography is about what we all often overlook: the little comedy of everyday life, the tiny moments when gestures and facial expressions say more than a thousand words. The empathy from a different point of view.
2. Recreation
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3. Response
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I learned while trying to recreate Erwitt's photo that it is very difficult to show a photo that was most likely a snapshot. You need a lot of patience, because the animal cannot understand what exactly it is supposed to do. I have tried to find a suitable place similar to the photo by looking at a row of houses on the left side. This way I tried to catch similar light conditions. But the shadows in my photo are stronger and on the other side. This is probably due to the time of day or the position of the sun.
My response to the recreated picture was how the owner of the dog rewarded him with treats for the good cooperation for the photos.
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tineanders · 4 years
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Beautiful pictures of something ugly
I took the pictures of my series partly in Munich, partly in London. To photograph something ugly and beautiful I chose garbage on the streets and leftovers in restaurants as my subject.
The first photo shows an empty wine bottle and plastic garbage around the entrance of a subway station.
The second photo shows the remains of a lunch at the outdoor tables in a cafe in Munich. In the background is the subway station, which is shown in the first photo. On the right back you can see a graffiti which was sprayed on the outside wall of the cafe.
The third photo shows a litter bin in London. The bin is overflowing with garbage and a banana skin has fallen out onto the street. The trash can is smeared with graffiti. In the background you can see a bus stop.
On the fourth photo you see tree coffee mugs standing in front of a house entrance in London. In the front coffee cup there is still a last rest of milk foam, what lets us conclude that the coffees were drunk not too long ago and were simply left standing.
Because of my unified theme of garbage / leftovers I created a series. To make the photos more consistent I tried to capture similar lighting conditions. I also chose a similar frame. But with the point of view and the distance to the subject I tried to bring variety into my series and to focus on the garbage. The pictures are not photographed in any particular sequence and can be viewed in any order.
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tineanders · 5 years
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Group Presentation Week 7
Metamorphoses 2014-2018, Karen Knorr
1. How individual images are constructed visually, and their relation to each other ?
In the series Metamorphosis by Karen Knorr, various wild animals can be seen in the Villa Farnese in Caprarola. What combines these images is that the animals that normally live in the wild are photographed in the colorful and extravagant rooms of the villa. The animals blend into the colorful background of the rooms through their fur/plumage.
2. Use of photographic terminology:
The pictures are all taken from the same point of view, also all pictures were taken with a wide angle. The background is just as sharp as the subject and in focus. The lighting conditions are similar in all pictures, but come from different directions and sources. The pictures are clear and bright.
3. Is the sequencing of the images relevant?
Since the images have no specific order, the sequencing does not matter in this case.
4. Information that accompanies the images:
Metamorphoses 2014-2018
Hahnemühle Fine Art Pearl paper
Edition of 5 + 2AP
122 X 152 cm
80 X 100 cm
60 X 76.2 cm
5. Who produced the images and why ?
Karen Knorr produced the Series. Metamorphoses explores Italian legacy in Europe using Ovid’s Metamorphoses as frame in which to consider heritage and mutability in today’s Europe. Pagan stories overlap with christian ones, as an anxious response to recent global migrations that may transform the remnants of old Europe into a pluralistic dynamic federation or a closed fortress.
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tineanders · 5 years
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Stephen Shore, From American Surfaces, 1972-73
• What is the artist trying to do/show/say with this work?
The photographer took the photos during a road trip through the USA between 1972 and 1973. The photos show urban scenes, hotel interiors, food, streets and cars of the 70s.
• What techniques is s/he using to convey this message?
Shore photographed his series with color, which was a new technique at the time. He also worked with different lighting conditions to capture the mood of each scene.
• Do you consider these “good” photographs? Why / why not and what are your criteria?
I think they are good photographs, because the viewer can empathize with the mood of the photo. I also think that the photos all fit into a coherent series and that each photo itself is unique.
• Do they convey the artist’s intended message?
I think the photos convey the intended message of the artist. The author has captured various scenes and impressions on his road trip.
• What is the effect of seeing a lot of her/his images together (as a series)?
Through the amount of photos the viewer gets a good impression of life in the USA at that time.
• How does the written information change your understanding of the photographs?
I think the written information is not necessary to understand the message of the series.
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tineanders · 5 years
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Hiro, Shinjuku Station, Tokyo, Japan, 1962
• What is the artist trying to do/show/say with this work?
The photographer shows people in the subway at the busiest station in the world. I think the artist would like to point out the overpopulation and fast pace of life in asia. But the photographer also has an eye for the details of the individual persons and tries to show the individuality of each person in the masses.
• What techniques is s/he using to convey this message?
The photographer took the photos through the window of the train and thus created a frame within the frame. The pictures are all taken from the same point of view with the same angle. Also the lighting conditions are the same on all photos and the series is black and white.
• Do you consider these “good” photographs? Why / why not and what are your criteria?
I think they are "good" photographs, because they arouse interest and encourage the viewer to think. Furthermore, the photos form a coherent series and yet each photo is interesting in itself.
• Do they convey the artist’s intended message? (How does your answer to this question relate to your answer to the previous question?)
I think the photos convey the intended message of the artist. The photographer captured the crowds at rush hour at the world's busiest train station. Through the frame of the train, the viewer himself gets claustrophobic feelings.
• What is the effect of seeing a lot of her/his images together (as a series)?
Because I see several pictures in the series, I feel more immersed in the situation and can better identify with the work of the artist.
• How does the written information change your understanding of the photographs?
I find the written information broadens the reader's horizon in relation to the photographer's series. However, I find that the photographer has managed to express through the photos what the viewer should experience without written additions.
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tineanders · 5 years
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Browse through the photo book/magazine and pick a series, then write down your first impressions.
The series is always photographed from the same point of view in the same place. A man comes closer and closer to the camera. A second man is visible from behind. He moves away from the camera.
What makes this a series rather than just a collection of pictures? What do the images have in common? Consider both subject matter (of and about) and technical choices.
The photo series is taken at the same place, from the same point of view. It was taken within a short period of time. In all pictures you can see the same two men from different distances. The series is black and white. Due to the short time interval the light is also the same in all images.
How does the title frame the photographic series? How does it influence your reading of the images?
The title chance meeting suggests that the two men in the pictures know each other and crossed paths by chance. The title arouses an expectation of an acquaintance of the two people in the picture.
Consider how the images have been sequenced: has the author chosen a spatial, temporal, thematic, or other progressive arrangement for the photographic series? How does this influence the reading of the photographs?
The author has chosen the same location within a short period of time. The pictures follow the correct time sequence. This reflects a continuous action. It creates the illusion of being in the situation.
How have your first impressions changed as a result of considerations on overall thematic and sequencing of images?
My impressions have changed to the extent that I now question the personal and emotional connection between the people on the series. Do they know each other only briefly or have they not seen each other for a long time.
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