tiny-writes · 5 years
it's been a while
since I've posted. i had to take a bit of a break over the summer, as it was a bit hectic. i changed my username, too. i used to be mostly-musical-writings, but i'm tiny-writes now. also, a new update: i now write for jojo's bizarre adventure! please request more things, i would really like to get back into the habit of writing.
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tiny-writes · 5 years
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A new route has begun with Lucio’s Book VI - The Lovers! 
In this book, Lucio offers the apprentice a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.  💫
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tiny-writes · 5 years
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tiny-writes · 6 years
Those Who Wander
Pairing: The Signless x Reader
Word count: 2081
Requested? Yes.
    You’ve always hated this. The way the system worked. You were raised into a harsh world, one you had always hated. Then you found out. The dark world made brighter. Someone had started a revolution. But you didn’t have any more information. You just knew it existed, but you wanted to learn where, how could you join, how could you support it? The only news of it was whispered in alleyways and through cracks. You and your friends had spoken of it, but never in public. And no one else had more information than you. You bumped into something on your way down the street.
    “Oh sorry,” you said automatically, looking up at whatever you bumped into. A man stood there, waving off your apology and frantically looking around. He was holding a stack of papers, one of which fell to the ground at your feet. You picked it up and began to read it, but he snatched it out of your hands before you could understand what it was said.
    “Hasn’t anyone ever told you it’s rude to look at other people’s things?” He hissed with a heavy lisp. The man then began hurrying down the street again, frantically looking for something. You picked yourself off of the dirt only to run into another person.
    “I’m sorry,” they said, “are you alright?” You looked at the man, and, seeing that he extended his hand towards you, took it. He pulled you off of the ground, smiling warmly at you when you nodded yes to his question. “By any chance did you see a man rushing around here with some papers?”
    “Yeah, he ran into me earlier,” you said.
    “He did? That sounds very like him. Would you mind pointing me in his direction?” He asked.
    “I think he went left there,” you said, pointing. He told you a quick ‘thank you’ before going after the other.
    That was the first time you spoke to their fearless leader.
    You was at a rally. It was dangerous, yes, but it was kept low on the radar and was set out-of-sight. This one would change your life, you just knew it! Join the revolution, climb through the ranks. Do you think that you could meet their leader? That would be so cool! The people around you were buzzing with energy, talking with anyone who would listen, including you. It felt so good just to be there, you already felt like you were part of something! Someone appears onstage, the crowd cheers. He smiles at them, and you begin to recognize his face. You talked to him. That strikes some emotion and your stomach fills with nausea. Once the crowd dies down, he begins speaking. You could tell that every word you said reverberated within every person around you, including you. He spoke the truth, he spoke what he believed, but most importantly, he spoke to try to make it right. You had never seen such an honest person, his heart laid bare on the stage.
    “How many of you have never been to one of our rallies before?” He asked the crowd. Silence struck through. “Don’t be shy, let’s see our newcomers to this revolution. Stand up.” Surprisingly, there were only a few of you. Following suit with other people, you slowly stood up. “There you go, welcome to our little revolution! We hope you stay,” he said, the smile remaining on his face. “We brought snacks.” He laughed after that, warming the environment around you into a friendly tone. You sat back down, listening to the rally. You shouted, you stood, you cheered, at one point you think you cried, along with everyone else. When he left the stage, finally, people stood and moved and mingled. Everyone seemed to be staying around for something. You heard people talking around the room.
    “The ideas are so radical! What we really need is a change around here!”
    “The rallies are some of my favorite things! His passion for this is amazing! The Signless is at it again!”
    The Signless? They called him the Signless? It was a funny name, but somehow, it fit.
    “Oh, you,” a somewhat familiar voice spoke beside you. It was the guy the Signless was looking for when you first met him. “If you told me you were a part of the revolution I wouldn’t’ve been so rude.”
    “I wasn’t,” you said. “This is my first rally.”
    “Oh. Then how was it?” He asked.
    “It was amazing, I don’t think there was one thing said that I disagree with!” You began. The more you spoke, the more energetic you got.
    “Psi?” A voice cut through your conversation, and the guy you were talking to, “Psi”, apparently, turned around. Behind him stood the fearless leader of the revolution. But he looked different than how he did during his speech, there his eyes were filled with fire and passion, here, they were filled with kindness and benevolence.
    “Yeah?” The yellowblood responded. The Signless said some things to him, but you were frozen in awe and shock. He noticed you, and smiling warmly, he began to address you, much to your surprise.
    “You’re the one that helped me find Psi the other day, right?” He asked, walking closer to you. You simply nodded your head, unable to comprehend your situation. He chuckled at your state and put a hand on your arm. “Don’t be shy, I’m any normal troll.” You simply continued to stare at him, your eyes wide. “What’s your name?”
    “(Y-Y/N),” you replied, attempting to calm yourself down.
    “Well, (Y/N), did you enjoy the rally?” He took another look at your starstruck form. “This is your first rally, isn’t it?” You simply nodded in response. “I hope we’ll be seeing you again in the future. Now if you’ll excuse me,” he said. After this he turned to his right, where a nice-looking lady was beckoning to him.
You attended every rally you could after that. It put you in a lot of danger, but life on Alternia was synonymous with danger. After the first ten or so rallys, the Signless began to make it a habit to talk to you after every rally. You hoped that he thought of you as his friend now, despite only talking to him a few times and almost always talking about the revolution.
One night, early in the morning, a knock sounded at your door. Urgent, loud pounding echoed through your house.  When you opened the door, the Signless and who you now knew as the Dolorosa were at your door, along with a small oliveblood.
“Will you be able to keep her here? We don’t have anywhere else for her to go,” he asked breathlessly. You nodded, ushering in all three of them.
“What happened?” Were the only words that could come out of your mouth. The oliveblood looked frightened and bloody, as if she had just gotten out of a fight.
“She defied the order of a highblood and was nearly killed. She’s wanted now. I thought you might be able to keep her safe,” he explained. He looked you in the eye, a glimpse of desperation shining through. “Will you help?” You paused for a moment, considering your future. If you denied them, they would probably think lesser of you, and you wanted to be as helpful to the revolution as you could be. However, if you took her in, you would be an enemy of the government. If someone found out, you could be killed.
“Of course I’ll take her,” you said. What the hell did you just say. The Signless’ face melted in relief.
“Thank you,” he said.
After that fateful day, you were used to house members of the revolution that were no longer safe in their homes. Members of the inner circle, or even the Signless himself, would show up at your door with unsafe revolution members. At the rallies, they began to give you the nickname of “the Keeper”, and you began to be referenced in the Signless’ speeches. While no one knew who the Keeper was, they thought of them as a member of the inner circle, and that very thought mystified you. Today you had stayed long after the rally, as you had no one to protect and nothing else to do. You and the others of the inner circle were sharing stories and such when the Signless broke into the circle, and, instead of choosing to sit next to someone he had known for sweeps, sat next to you. Because of that single act, you could feel heat rising in your body and your stomach turning into butterflies. That’s when you realized you were in love.
“Keeper, what do you think?” He asked you. Apparently, the Dolorosa had finished telling a story and the Signless asked your opinion of it. You began to open and close your mouth like a fish, but after you realized your mouth went dry, opted to simply close it. Your heart was beating so rapidly you thought that it would deflate like a balloon. Last but not least, you could feel your hands start to get sweaty, so you awkwardly decided to bury your hands somewhere among your cloak.
“I-I, uh,” you stammered. The Signless simply smiled at your state, and, by the grace of God, covered for you.
“I assume you zoned out? It’s alright. It’s been a hard couple of days for us,” he said. He then resumed the conversation in the circle as you took this time to breathe. You looked at him, taking time to look at his soft skin glowing in the fire light. What could I do, you thought, what could I do to ever be near someone who is as wonderful and caring as him? Unconsciously, a faint smile grew on your face. Seeing this change in your attitude, the Dolorosa thought up a plan. She yawned, interrupting the Signless’ story.
“Oh, apologies. I guess I better be off to bed,” she then began to turn around, but quickly faced the group again. “Disciple, why don’t you come along?” The Disciple looked confused for a moment, but, catching the Dolorosa’s wink, came along. You looked to the sky, which was beginning to be rimmed with reds and yellows. The Psiioniic, not wanting to be stuck with you and the Signless, made some poor excuse and ran away. You were extremely flustered, and you could feel the blood rushing to your face as you looked away from him. The usually calm and talkative Signless seemed restless about something, often fiddling with something in his hands.
“So, uh,” you said, attempting to start conversation. Yeah, it was late and you should start to get home, but you loved spending time with the Signless. You wouldn’t pass this moment up.
“How have you been recently?” He asked you, his voice rather soft.
“I’ve been well,” you said. “The work for the revolution is thrilling. I enjoy helping so many.” He looked at you, a curious look, something you couldn’t quite describe.
“Forget the revolution for a minute. How are you really doing?” He said. The question surprised you. As the leader of the revolution, shouldn’t he be worried about it? Why would he ask you about your non-revolution life?
“I’ve been tired. I haven’t been seeing my friends as much, but it’s a small price to pay for…” you trailed off, trying to find a better way to end that sentence than “spending time with you”.
“For?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.
“For, you know,” you said, motioning with your hands. “Spending time with… you.” The ending of your sentence was extremely quiet, but you were certain he could still hear it. After a moment of awkward silence, he finally spoke up.
“I’m flushed for you,” he said, his voice quiet and tender. You looked at him, shock evident on your face. How could such a great man be flushed for such a little creature like you? It was ridiculous in your mind. You responded in the only way you could.
“I’m flushed for you too.” The Signless looked at you, asking permission by the look on his face. You nodded, and he closed the space between you two. His warm lips pressed to yours, you could stay in that moment forever. Unfortunately, air separated you, and you looked at each other with complete happiness.
This was truly the start of something new.
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tiny-writes · 6 years
Mmm can i request a homestuck thing?
yep! it should be up soon. sorry for the long wait though! school and theatre started to kick my ass :c
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tiny-writes · 6 years
hey! since tumblr is dying or whatever, i wanted to give you guys some other accounts you could track me on. i'll still be active here, but just in case you dont want to be on tumblr anymore, follow me on:
deviantArt at Master-of-Edges
and Wattpad at taintedTheriac
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tiny-writes · 6 years
ngl i headcannon anya as bisexual idk if it’s because i want her to wlw or?
understandable have a great day
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tiny-writes · 6 years
hey i also write for the arcana (a super cool mobile game you should check out) and im really feeling it right now. any requests for my arcana babes?
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tiny-writes · 6 years
“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”
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tiny-writes · 6 years
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tiny-writes · 6 years
can i get some requests? i've got bad writer's block and i can't motivate myself to write. a few requests here would do it though!
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tiny-writes · 6 years
Help I need new accounts to follow (Unoriginal, I know.)
Hey! So I’m pretty new to this whole “Being active on Tumblr” thing. So, I need new accounts to follow!
If you’re a fan of any of these things, and post mostly them, let me know!
Be More Chill
Little Shop of Horrors
21 Chump Street
The Phantom Of The Opera
Into The Woods
Dear Evan Hansen
Detroit: Become Human
The Last of Us
Beyond Two Souls
Steven Universe
Dodie Clark
Shane Dawson
Thomas Sanders
Jaiden Animations
Anything related to writing.
LGBT rights
Opinionated blogs
Please let me know by liking or reblogging this post! Thanks!!
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tiny-writes · 6 years
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let me introduce you to brooke lohst, light of my life, most beautiful girl in the world, an absolute sweetheart, a 
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tiny-writes · 6 years
I don't have any ideas for any new fics, so I was wondering if anyone wanted a second part to this?
Once Again
A/N: so I got this idea from @restoftheworldfallsaway’s Beetlejuice. I thought the Connor Murphy is a ghost idea was pretty cool, so I went and made one! Thanks for the inspiration. Also Connor’s 18 in this when he dies not a huge change but yeah. Sorry if anyone is out of character.
Pairing(s): ghost!Connor Murphy x reader, maybe Zoe Murphy x reader
Summary: It’s an AU where Connor Murphy is a ghost and you now live in his house. Oh then some new girl comes to work and everything goes down the drain from there.
Word Count: 1,963
Warnings: mentions of suicide/death, ghosts, like 3 swear words.
    So apparently your last house was haunted. That was confirmed when you called your local exorcist to your house. In light of this revelation, you moved out of your house. Not far, just across town. But once you confirmed there was a ghost, it started getting a little more violent, smashing glasses near your head, blowing knives in your direction, the like. When you first moved in, you had stayed up late, trying to unpack and decorate your lonely house. It was just you, but you bought a house big enough for an entire family. You must have stayed up until almost three in the morning before you decided it was time to go to bed. Luckily, you had gotten your boss’ approval to come in late.
    “Hah,” you sighed, clapping your hands together to wipe the dirt off. “If I was in my old house, the lights would be flickering by now,” you looked around, for a minute. It was too early to tell if this house was also haunted, as the ghost may be shy, but this may draw them out. As if on cue, the lights flickered, then went completely dark. You looked around the room, but you couldn’t see anything because it was completely dark. “Hello?” You called. In an instant, you felt a cold spot right next to you, grow closer, then vanish suddenly. The moment it vanished, the lights turned on, just like nothing ever happened. You shakely exhaled, but resumed unpacking. “I really need to choose my houses better,” you sighed. It seemed like whenever you moved there was another ghost waiting for you. But, hey! It was no big deal. You had dealt with ghosts enough to have your own TV show. After all, ghosts are just weird, unhappy, dead friends who live with you! They’re like, eternal roommates.
 When you started to get really tired, you went to bed. You waited for a little while, but nothing else paranormal happened before you soundly went to sleep. You woke up sometime around noon, judging from the light streaming in through the blinds.
“Who the hell are you?” Someone said above you.
    “I could ask you the same question,” you said groggily. “Why are you in my house?” You add on.
    “I could ask you the same question,” the voice, almost definitely masculine, responds.
    “What do you mean?” You looked at the figure above you, his sharp figure and long hair burning into your memory. “I own the house. You can’t own it too,” you reasoned, now fully awake.
    “W-Well, I mean,” he paused his sentence. “Stop distracting me with other things. Who are you? I won’t say it again,” with such sharp words, he actually seemed threatening.
    “I’m (Y/N) (L/N). I’m the new owner of the house. Who are you?” You explained fully.
    “I’m Connor. Connor Murphy. I used to,” pause, “live here.” His face twisted into an unreadable emotion.
“So? Why are you here?” You asked. When he didn’t respond, you took to a comedy route. “I mean, I’ve always heard that I need to change the locks on my houses, but I didn’t know it got this bad.” You didn’t know how to react to this guy. You knew he was probably a ghost, but you wanted to make sure he was before you go and throw salt at the poor dude.
"Oh. Well, I’m kinda, here, like, permanently,” you scrunched your face up in confusion when he said that. “Well, I,” he looked at the sky to think about what he was saying. Now that had basically confirmed he was a paranormal being. Talking about death was hard, especially talking about your own. “I died. I committed suicide,” he slowly said, “in this house.” Your face fell into a look of sympathy. “I’m kinda here forever now.”
"Well, this is good,” you blurted out. “Well, not the suicide thing. It’s a good thing you’re dead and not alive in my house.” You explained yourself to him.
"Oh.” You both stared at each other in silence. “Wait so you don’t care about how I’m a ghost?” Connor asked. You shook your head ‘no’.
After that clarification, you tried to talk to him more, only for his form to shatter in front of you. So, he didn’t wanna talk. Two can play that game. The lights in the hall flickered as he probably moved down it, and you just stared before you checked the time on your phone. It was about noon, so you decided to get up to get lunch then go to work. As you made a meager sandwich with some stuff you had managed to afford, the lights in the kitchen flickered a little, showing that Connor was near. You ignored him, even when you saw him flicker into reality. Minutes later, he disappeared again.
As you walked to the vet clinic where you worked, which was only about 10 minutes away, you thought about the new person you were getting. Someone new was coming to the clinic, and you were supposed to train them on how to do your job. You left it to a close friend, but your boss will probably hand over the responsibility to you once you step in that door. You got there and held the door open for some cute three-legged dog and, spot on with your prediction, your boss shouted at you.
”(Y/N)! So lovely you arrived! Can you take the new employee from Evan? I need his help with something,” your boss shouted to you.
“Yes sir! I’ll get right on it.” You walked down an ‘employee only’ door and followed the halls to the kennels. There, you saw Evan and the new employee, with Evan probably trying to teach her something, but stumbling over his words. You really couldn’t blame him. The new girl was amazingly cute. Like, so cute you could feel the blood rushing to your cheeks, and you couldn’t take your eyes off of her for a second. Which turned out to be a bad thing. Apparently Evan had spilled some water where you were about to step and he hadn’t bothered to clean it up yet.
“Wait! (Y/N)!” Evan cried in alarm. He reached out to try to get to you but was too late. You had already stepped on the slippery metal floor and, because your shoes had absolutely zero traction, you fell. In a matter of seconds you felt yourself, previously upright, almost diagonal to the ground. You looked up at the frightened face who had caught you. Shit. The pretty new girl.
"Are you ok?” She asked you, helping you up from her catch.
"Yeah, I’m, I’m fine,” you said. You looked to Evan, who still looked rather shocked, and instantly remembered why you were here. “Evan, the boss wants your help,” you informed him.
“Oh, well, then I should leave Zoe to you?” So that was her name. You simply nodded in reply to his question and faced her again as Evan raced out of the room. You stood in silence for a moment before a dog barked at you.
"Well, I’m (Y/N),” you rushed out due to the sudden bark. Once Zoe saw your shocked face, she giggled a little. Dear God you could listen to that sound for the rest of your life.
“I’m Zoe,” she said, a smile on her face as she extended her hand to you. You gladly took it as an excuse to get closer to her. You two shook hands in silence before separating, once again an awkward silence as you tried to regain your thoughts. She just stood there, smiling, as you semi-panicked in your head. She definitely thought you were weird now. This was the third time you had silently stared at her. Your gaze broke from her as you looked at the multiple sad dogs surrounding you two.
"Were you going to feed the dogs?” You asked.
"Yeah, Evan was just about to tell me how much each dog got,” she explained.
“Thank God I came in, then. He always feeds the dogs too much,” you sighed. You got a bowl and explained that how much food each dog got was on the cage, and how all the dog bowls had a certain dog name on them.
"So that’s the dogs,” you finished, wiping the food crumbs off of your hands. “Let’s move onto the cats, yeah?” Zoe nodded and happily followed.
The day you spent with her was one of the best days you’ve ever had at work, and you watch over the dogs when they play sometimes. You were sad to leave, but you knew you’d see her again the next day.
The moment you walked in your house, you found yourself looking at the ghost in your house. The TV, which was playing Friends or something similar a minute ago, quickly shut off as Connor began to vanish.
"Wait wait wait wait,” you cried, running towards your living room and shutting the door behind you so hard the pictures on the wall rattled. He turned back to you, alarmed at your sudden outburst. “Can we, maybe, not?” You asked him. He simply furrowed his brows in response. “This… thing, where you pretend I don’t exist and I pretend you don’t exist? Because I’m pretty sure we both exist.” He looked down at the ground and wordlessly vanished. “Damn it!” You cried. You were both living in the same house, yet he always managed to get away from you. So, after dinner, when you were sitting on the couch watching whatever was on TV, the lights flickered. Then they went completely dark. You sat there, the TV’s illumination still lighting everything you needed to see. The lights slowly went back on, to which you replied one thing.
"No leave them off,” you whined. Whatever light was coming back immediately shut off. “Thanks, Connor,” You said as you turned to face him.
"No problem,” he mumbled, trying to hide any and all involvement. There was silence with nothing but the TV’s dramatic noise as you two sat.
"Are you ready to talk about it yet?” You asked him, keeping your gaze straight on to the TV. You saw him nod out of your peripheral vision and you turned to look at him. “Look, I get it, coping is hard, but you can’t just keep running away.” He didn’t turn to look at you, but looked at his legs instead. “Can we not play this game of hide and seek? I know it’s weird someone else is in your house, but we have to talk at some point.” He just nodded. Silence racked your brain as he looked back up at the TV.
"How are you?” He asked, refusing to make eye contact with you. His soft voice broke the silence like a knife. You smiled wider than anyone ever had around him.
"I’m good. There was a new girl at my work today,” you told him, excited to finally talk to him.
“Where do you work?” He asked. He seemed to begrudgingly like this conversation too.  
“Vet’s clinic not far from here. What have you been doing all day?” You asked him.
“I’ve just been wandering the house and watching TV. It’s been pretty boring.” He thought for a minute. “It’s funny you work at a vet clinic. My sister wanted to be a vet for a while. Don’t know if she ever grew out of it.” He thought for a minute and you patiently waited. “But it doesn’t really matter.” And in no time, he vanished.
"Bye,” you called out to the “empty” house. You mindlessly stared at the TV and decided to finally get some sleep.
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tiny-writes · 6 years
Hey guys, the end of the school year is hitting me really hard, and I was wondering if I could get any requests? Writing helps me take my mind off of things, so I would really enjoy getting some asks.
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tiny-writes · 6 years
The Chandler imagine was totally worth the wait, no worries :)
Thanks!! I had lot of fun writing it. It might be one of my favorites that I've written. :)
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tiny-writes · 6 years
The Scarf
Pairing: Heather Chandler x reader
Summary: It’s Heather’s birthday and the reader decides to surprise her with something mushy.
Word Count: 1277
Warnings: cursing
    It was mid November, and everyone in the school knew exactly what that meant. It’s said around the school that the older she’s turning, the colder it is that year. The one and only Heather Chandler’s birthday was coming up soon, and damn, you were prepared. As it continued to get colder nearing her birthday, your plan was set in motion. See, you had known Heather since middle school, and had been dating her since sophomore year. You loved Heather with all of your heart, even when she was a total bitch. This birthday, she would be turning 18, and boy was she expecting big things this year. You only had three days to prepare yourself mentally for what her family or friends would say, but you knew she would love it. And that was all that mattered, right? Three days until her birthday, three days until that Thursday, three days until your world was made. Oh, if you knew how that one present would bring her to tears.
    “Heeyy (Y/N),” Ram purred. Both boys came up behind you while you were sitting at your desk, no doubt to settle a deal about your sexuality.
    “Go away,” you groaned. Why did they have to do this every single goddamn day?
    “Come on, don’t be like that,” Kurt whined.
    “Then what way should I be?” You were not taking any of their crap today.
    “I think you’re being perfect.” Heather Chandler to the rescue! She took the seat next to yours and flipped both the guys off. All they did was pout and wander back to their seats.
“Thanks for that,” you said, nudging your shoulder against hers.
“God, they’re so annoying. And they decide to pick on you every fucking day. They’re
gonna end up six feet under soon if they keep this up,” Heather whined. “They’re so damn persistent.” You loved how much she cared for you, and it was such a contrast to how she acted with other people, you loved it. The teacher began to talk, attempting to calm the kids down. You and Heather didn’t care. You kept on talking, and of course, the teacher didn’t interfere.
    “How do you feel about your birthday?” You nudged Heather with your shoulder.
    “It’s coming up, and that’s all that matters. By the way, do you want anything for my birthday?” Heather asked you.
    “It’s your birthday!” You chided. Every year she did this, every year you wanted that you knew she’d want.
    “I still want your opinion.”
    “Fine, I want a… new car!” She had been complaining about her car for the last couple of weeks, and it was really annoying now.
    “Great idea, what kind?” Heather knew what you were doing, but if she put it off as “charity” for her girlfriend, then it would make her feel better.
    “Doesn’t matter to me. What do you suggest?” You playfully asked her. She launched into a (probably rehearsed) speech on her dream car.
    Day two was beginning meaning that you had to get everything in order. Today was Wednesday, meaning that her birthday was tomorrow.
    “Do you wanna go somewhere after school? Blow some money, get you some knew gifts before I get mine?” Heather placed a little kiss on the top of your nose, and you scrunched it up at the contact, making Heather giggle.
    “Ah, actually, I can’t. I have to do something later,” you hadn’t thought of an excuse earlier, and you needed some quick thinking. “I have a-” your eyes darted around the many posters the school had hanging up, before a health poster caught your eye. “I have to go to a doctor’s appointment,” you quickly rushed out. Heather looked disappointed for a moment, but quickly shrugged the thought off.
    “Alright. Maybe we can meet Saturday or Friday night or something,” she suggested. You nodded in agreement.
    When you got home from school, you quickly got to work. No, you didn’t have a doctor’s appointment, but you did need to get ready for  Heather’s birthday. After you finished making the present, you grabbed a medium size box to hide the actual object. You stuffed it full of different notes and letters you’ve written to her that you never got the nerves to pass or mail to her and put it in the box on top of the present, so that, when she shook it, she would be confused by the papery noise. You found a cute card at the store, so you wrote some heartfelt things like “I know this is our senior year, and we might go to different colleges, but I want you to know that I’ll always be with you, and I’ll always love you”  in different places on the card, making sure to sign it at the bottom. You finished tying the bow and bit your lip. Heather was used to big gifts, not small heartfelt gifts. Would she even like it? Your answer came the following day.
    During lunch, you two went out into the courtyard to celebrate Heather’s birthday alone. You had been testing her patience all day with lugging around the box, not even allowing her to touch it.
    “Alright, fine,” you laughed, passing the box to her. She lifted it several times, trying to guess the gift before opening it. “Got it?” The confusion knit in her brows said no. She looked up at you with eyes saying “can I open it?” “Go ahead, just be careful,” you warned.
    You closely watched her face as she opened it. She was confused at the paper before she picked one of the letters up, and read it in it’s completion.
    “Is this… for me?” She asked.
    “Yeah. Before I got the nerve to talk to you,” you smiled at her. She pulled out more, some notes you wrote during classes (you could tell because there was still notes and math on them), some letters you wrote.
    “Are these all…?” She trailed off before she could finish the question, and you could see the tears welling in her eyes. You nodded softly, but gestures for her to continue past the paper. She complied, promising to herself to read all of the notes later. When she got to the bottom of the box, she paused, and you panicked. You couldn’t see her eyes because of her hair, but you could hear her shakily breathe out.
“Do you like it?” You whispered to her.
“I love it,” she said. She pulled out the present, which was a handknit red and light grey scarf. It was messily made and pretty bad, but you had put the last two weeks on hold to make it for her.
“You know, the older you get, the colder it is, so I wanted you to have something from me that would keep you warm on your birthday every year,” you explained the thinking to her.
    “Listen to me, I love you so much and I’ll never fucking forget you, we may be apart for 20 minutes, 4 years, or 15 years, but trust me that I’ll never forget you,” Heather said. You looked into her eyes and absolute knew she was telling the truth. She was almost sobbing at the gift, and how you were looking at her pushed her to the edge. “I’ve never had anyone who loves me like you, and I love you so fucking much, I love you,” she kept repeating that one phrase until the class bell rang.
    “Wanna get out of here?” You asked Heather.
    “Damn, I love you.” She answered.
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