tinyfoxpolice · 7 months
22:25 - I'm going for a drive to let the universe speak to me
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tinyfoxpolice · 7 months
20:58 -
Me: here's a love letter
Also me: and so I'm reading Gray's anatomy to really understand the bones in the human body.
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tinyfoxpolice · 7 months
20:38 -
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tinyfoxpolice · 7 months
19:56 - I'm holding back the kick off for the anger one and today
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tinyfoxpolice · 7 months
14:22 - you can't stop me
14:23 - I'll buy 10,000 books everyday for the rest of my life
14:23 - I'll be homeless under a bridge with books surrounding me while I starve to death
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tinyfoxpolice · 7 months
12:07 - I'm not angry anymore :)
12:17 - so most of my privacy is gone and my preferred method of emotional processing has been taken from me, but don't we all think and agree that life is all just a bit too serious?
12:18 - so the Australian Criminal Intelligence Agency is keeping such intense tabs on me, who cares, right?
12:18 - Why don't I just find a new game to play with my pals who love me so much :)
12:19 - Why don't we have a bit of fun together. A bit of a laugh. A bit of a giggle.
12:19 - Why don't I start making you guys work for your money, hey? :)
12:19 - Oh boy do I feel bad for those on less than 100k a year
12:20 - I've got an idea and I'm keeping it inside my head because I don't want to spoil the game by blabbing :)
12:20 - let's play :)
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tinyfoxpolice · 7 months
10:25 - I need to think about some things and would appreciate privacy while I do it. If I want to spend my own money I will spend my own money, mind your business please and thank you.
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tinyfoxpolice · 7 months
08:45 - communication is restricted because of the extreme level of privacy invasion that's happening
08:46 - it's great you guys get to collect all this information and data for whatever it is you're doing back there, but all that it creates on this side of the fence is a replicated series of events that I grew up with and the shut down of wanting to share what I'm really thinking or feeling because there isnt any form of privacy whatsoever.
A burner phone for nothing but a Spotify is already taken by you guys. My room, the bathroom, my home, my phone, any and everything in this world, because that's how far technology goes.
08:48 - just typing like this. I think there is technology that can key log while you type, so I don't even get the luxury of making a first draft for my thoughts.
08:49 - driving? You literally have drones following me if I don't take my phone
08:49 - it's a complete invasion of privacy in every aspect. Plus the push through social media to remind me that I have OCD and compulsions because I do things a specific way that isn't considered stereotypically normal
08:50 - dentist? You remind me I grind my teeth
08:50 - at every single point I get to be reminded that I'm being watched, I'm living my life wrong and I need to seek some sort of medical treatment to "fix" me because it's not good enough
08:51 - I am broken in your eyes because I do things differently. I get no privacy because it's so fascinating to watch. You are creating a study experiment under the guise of not doing anything at all to gaslight me into a form of schizophrenia when I know full well the extent the criminal intelligence agency of countries
08:52 - there's no need to post receipts of shopping because you can pull it from the companies themselves and their security footage in real time
08:53 - There is no form of privacy and then I am reminded I need to be talking more, communicating more, expressing myself more, I'm feeling things differently, people can't read my mind, I have OCD, I have compulsions, I have ADHD and I do things differently, autism, just any and everything. My form at the gym, my posture, I'm not squatting deep enough, running correctly, doing my skincare wrong, makeup wrong, I'm drinking milk past the expiry, I need to stop touching pimples, spending my money that's I've earnt wrong, I should not spend in a month.
I'd go on but I have work
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tinyfoxpolice · 7 months
08:22 - this one I think she should have just received the invitation, declined and say it didn't correlate with the dates for things rather than this full blown rejection upfront. I don't know, I've been that guy before and sometimes it's not the best method to be so full on, guns blazing especially for sensitive topics
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08:31 - watch me create a new hole in the ozone layer
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tinyfoxpolice · 7 months
21:46 - the skipping of the sodium valporate. I think she's trying to come out because I think something is happening
21:47 - it's giving delinquent behaviour who's going to play pretend while seeing things fully
21:48 - I don't think I trust her enough to not blow me up
21:51 - naproxen for pain but I've had a headache and uterus pain all day
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tinyfoxpolice · 7 months
21:26 - goodnight, sweet dreams x ❤️❤️❤️
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tinyfoxpolice · 7 months
20:12 - I haven't taken melatonin since I saw the thing that said melatonin makes your nightmares worse or something. I think I'm just susceptible to nightmares, but I've been sleeping well
20:32 - it's not a compulsion it's just I want nothing there but then I accidentally make myself bleed
20:33 - I don't like that that is being monitored because she would watch me all the time with those sorts of things
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tinyfoxpolice · 7 months
18:39 - delusion doesn't beat trauma at this current point in time
18:58 - she's talking to me.
19:00 - I don't know what's wrong either and it won't be complete until it's complete. Don't jump the gun
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tinyfoxpolice · 7 months
17:36 - I'm sitting in the yard to be the neighbourhood watch. It's all severely lacking in this area
17:48 - I saw
A bin chicken
Lots of birds
A red car
A white ute with a man leaving it
A white ute with the enclosed thing on the back WZT(?)
A blue Suzuki swift
A red(?) car with learner plates
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tinyfoxpolice · 7 months
15:08 - that was the most horrifying dream
15:08 - I don't know how to describe it. I'm constantly running away and people are trying to get into my room to kill me and one person is trying to rape me so I lock myself in my room but then someone is outside about to smash my window in but I called the police for domestic violence but they never show up so I'm just there in a room by myself where people are trying to break in
15:10 - but Ben is there and I am also wandering around the shops doing my grocery shopping with no shoes on but something is happening that I can't remember
15:11 - I don't know it was just very scary
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tinyfoxpolice · 7 months
12:54 - skims and the washing pods are literally scams and you can't convince me otherwise
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12:57 - I'm safe boys
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12:57 - no long terms problems.
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tinyfoxpolice · 7 months
11:30 - was the Reddit account necessary 😭😭😭😭
11:38 - Connagh did scouts once upon a time. I took him to it
11:38 - I also picked him up and he did not want me there hanging around like the other parents were so I left
11:39 - there was a dude with a beard or something that he really liked
11:39 - he was so funny that boy
11:40 - what the fuck do they even do in scouts?
11:41 - I see. he was way too cool for me.
11:46 - do you ever watch me from the sky and just watch my little Sim actions
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