tinyghostkid · 7 years
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tinyghostkid · 8 years
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tinyghostkid · 9 years
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tinyghostkid · 10 years
watch the way your chest raises when you take a deep breath and watch the way the stars dance, like they know you're watching even though we're really just ants to the stars they know you're important to someone and that someone is important to you watch the way the grass moves in the wind, blades pushed to the side like they're nothing but grass to the ants is like skyscrapers to us and skyscrapers to us is like grass to the sky watch the way your eyes crinkle at the corners when you smile and the way your nose twitches when you have to sneeze watch the way the flowers grow towards the sun and the way the sun moves in the sky and the way the sky changes but its always the sky watch the clouds and try and find animals and shapes and dragons and shoes and watch the clouds move with the wind the same wind that moves the grass the same wind that blows the rain the same wind that musses up my hair the same hair on my head as was there last night but not last year not even last month i cut my hair to get rid of you you were tangled in it and now you're free from my clutches and now my hair is short and you are gone and i am happy
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tinyghostkid · 10 years
you have space in my mind but you're not paying the rent i've talked to the landlord you'll get evicted soon here's your notice now get out of town you're not welcome here at all
elisabeth cox
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tinyghostkid · 10 years
hungry for attention wish you'd look at me again why'd you stop? you'd think i was dead the way you ignore me but my hearts still beating for sure because the pain is shaped like your sillohette but ill move on eventually teach the bed to erase your shape teach my eyes not to leak when i think of you teach my heart not to jump when i hear your name teach myself to forget about you your touch your voice your fuck your kiss your face because i don't need i'll forget your face
lmao speculation of what a breakups like- Elisabeth "single forever" Cox
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tinyghostkid · 10 years
who decided that the diet mags go in the women's section and the ones about music and science are on the men's side? these days you can't flat out say "this isn't for your kind" but it's obvious to me how you feel I need to thin, trim, and pretty reading about how to plan a wedding how to bake a cake- but shed those pounds while you shred on your guitar well you can shred me to pieces but i wont do what you ask i can bake a fucking cake and i can wear a dress but don't you dare think that means i can't like good music and know a thing or two about science dont you dare think that just because i'm a woman i'm not strong enough to do anything i set my mind to
not my place?- elisabeth cox
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tinyghostkid · 10 years
it got bad around the time the leaves started coming back and it got worse as they deepened in color hit rock bottom when they started turning red my wrists the color of the trees my vision turning the color of dirt the smell of the blood gushing metallic and sharp; like the knife my hearing going silent like my thoughts drifting away like the leaves on the wind
loose lips sink ships but slit wrists bring peace- elisabeth cox 
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tinyghostkid · 10 years
the truth about things desire is easy but the outcome is hard
regret- a shitty haiku
elisabeth cox
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tinyghostkid · 10 years
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i hate my scanner
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tinyghostkid · 10 years
a prude with clothes on, you take them off, she's a whore can't win for losing
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tinyghostkid · 10 years
they sing like sirens out in the fog of early day didnt know they'd be out this way wander blind among these hills walk into the fog so tempting their skin but i need to begin again i cannot do this again
"sirens"- elisabeth cox
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tinyghostkid · 10 years
its hardest to listen to the kernal inside the one saying "keep going, theres a reason you're here you're important to someone" because the rest of you is saying "you dont deserve to be here you dont matter you are worthless" it's an all consuming darkness with a tiny tiny nightlight in the corner thats shining very dim and apparently its the strong thing to listen to the light
thanks kathleen- elisabeth cox
inspired by my conversation with kathleen hanna
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tinyghostkid · 10 years
i dont fit in my skin today feel like i need to burst split from my skin break anew burn and be reborn a phoenix of vast proportions i have potential but not in this form i need to be changed reformed reborn
phoenix- elisabeth cox
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tinyghostkid · 10 years
dizzy again the room is spinning back and forth to and fro feel like im floating need to be teathered tied down so as not to float away away into space up in the air sucked into the sky i need my feet on the ground because my heads nowhere near it
elisabeth cox
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tinyghostkid · 10 years
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// modern art // 
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tinyghostkid · 10 years
the psych ward nurse smelled like artifical cherry sickly sweet to match the sickly sweet demeanor she smelled like cough syrup and candy dum dums and chapstick overstimulated my nose
elisabeth cox
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