tipsypix · 4 years
25 years ago, some intrepid judges in New England decided there were a lot better ways than jail to  help those with substance abuse disorder ... We produced this video - COVID-safely - to honor the hard work of the judges, community leaders and participants in Connecticut, Rhode Island, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts and Maine. 
Learn more about Recovery Courts and how they save individuals, families, and communities - www.nearcp.org
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tipsypix · 4 years
Inhale...Exhale. We had the honor of working with Brandon Copeland (and his lovely family) on this case study video for Pearson Education. Brandon found his practice while at Howard University as a way to manage the stress of university as a new parent. He soon began teaching to friends, then the community.  His studio, Khepera Wellness, offers culturally sensitive classes through out DC and Atlanta. His signature Trap Yoga class has been adapted in studios across the country. To learn more about his special studio check out https://www.kheperawellness.com/ 
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tipsypix · 6 years
It’s an honor and a privilege to work with the amazing scientists at Yale.
Check out our latest work with the Office of Cooperative Research which offers legal, business and financial support to researchers and physicians developing lifesaving interventions as they take their projects the next step to market ... That means you can soon benefit from their brilliance! 
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tipsypix · 6 years
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tipsypix · 6 years
Monkey Business
We LOVE not for profits, this is one near and dear to us... In fact, we work with this team of yoga super heroes on the regular - teaching in schools, community centers, making videos, marketing and fundraising and going pretty much anywhere they ask us to go!
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tipsypix · 6 years
Doing some fiddling with the site.. .more to come .. but I really love this one. Watch it again! 
This is the way healthcare should be. 
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tipsypix · 6 years
We can’t get enough of this client! As a woman-owned business ourselves, it’s so important  to “be the change” or at least a part of it... we want to see in the workplace.  
Keep kickin’ it and taking names, ladies! 
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tipsypix · 6 years
Physicists are People Too! 
Meet the next generation of discoverers at Yale Wright Lab.
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tipsypix · 6 years
We knew him when... This guy’s got a great career ahead of him! Such a joy to work with great talent! 
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tipsypix · 6 years
That glass ceiling ain’t gonna break itself. 
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tipsypix · 6 years
Filmed on location in Puerto Rico, this documentary by filmmaker Sabrina Aviles explores the complex issue of “la operacion” the program of sterilization of Puerto Rican women as birth control. 
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tipsypix · 6 years
Trading suits for skates.
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tipsypix · 6 years
‘member that time your website got all hacked and your customers freaked out? These guys are the ones who an keep that ish from happening. 
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tipsypix · 6 years
You want fancy cinematography? We gotchu.
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tipsypix · 6 years
We had the honor of cutting this trailer by filmmaker Arleigh Prelow on preacher and civil rights leader, Howard Thurman. 
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tipsypix · 6 years
What did you want to be when you grew up? 
These scientists are breaking new ground in everything to cancer cures, to Alzheimer’s to a nanoparticle sunscreen that REALLY works.
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tipsypix · 6 years
A pioneer is someone who breaks new ground and addresses challenges where no one has dared to go. 
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