tiradraws · 2 years
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I was reading this lovely fic and I got feels man how could I not draw this pose after seeing it [X]
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tiradraws · 2 years
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tiradraws · 2 years
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Ok I saw this post by @quibbs126​ and got inspired so bad I had to draw that
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tiradraws · 2 years
May i have a baroque/rococo Rich please? UnU 💕💖🙈
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I got you fam I know you have been thirsting for this for ages 😂💖
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tiradraws · 2 years
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tiradraws · 2 years
Okay, I'm really curious about the von Herzigs. Is there any place where you've posted info about your OCs? I'd love to get to know them better!
First of all thank you so much for real I am so moved. ; -; 💜✨😭 I fear there is not so I hope you are ok with the infodump here 🙈 I created Teddy out, hm you could say boredom when I finished the first game but couldn't play the second game and I kept on adding and adding. All I wanted was a small mystery that I could draw xD It's just that I feel a little weird knowing that there are so many characters underdeveloped that deserve so much love as well, so yea thank you again ✨ '^^
I do have to admit that they are not fully developed yet might have some holes here and there. Some dates because I made notes for myself. their birthdates, culture and some events (at the side you can see the age of the mother when they were born)
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So where do I begin, Teddy grew up in a really poor family and lived in Hamburg, the Gängeviertel. (At that time it was one of Europe's biggest slums). So poor in fact they sold their first two children. They don't know exactly where they went, but kept their next and third child because the mother refused to give her away. (Her arguments were that they really need more “helping hands”) Shortly after that Theodor or for short Teddy was born. They might have been 5 years apart but Henriette did everything for her little brother. She was a factory worker but I can already mention it here she did other stuff, let's say, ehem behind the scenes. Tried everything to get money for a her little brother. He really loved her and looked up to her a lot (writing it now is a little weird … like I said I only played the first game at that point . -. if you get what I mean, also an excuse for me to make him drink his respect women juice). In the year 1888 she was murdered. This event made Teddy swore to find out what happened. He wanted to work for the police. Before that he shortly served the military (Prussian lol). His education wasn't the worst thanks to his sister he doesn't know she had enough money for him. She stashed it away for him in case of her death she wrote a letter for him. She was worried that something might happen to her but I fear for a totally different reason that eventually got her later. Jumping forward, his father died 1895 due to Cholera. There was a Cholera epidemic in Hamburg around that time. He was just too weak to survive it eventually would become a victim as well. But as fate wanted it to be the mother was for the last time pregnant. She died in childbirth she was rather weak (in addition rather old for that, 48) and honestly didn't expect it. After he lost his parents he took his little baby sister, wrapped her in his treasured scarf and ran away. He got that scarf from his older sister as well. Another reason he chose to run was that after all those years he felt watched and slightly paranoid about that. He escaped to the UK because he had some hints that his siblings went there (his mother made the mistake at the funeral to mention that she lost too many children already.), he wanted to look into that as well but another matter had a higher priority to him. Speaking of which, which isn't quite refined yet, the father had secrets as well. Whatever he did it angered another family and someone is trying to get them. The von Herzigs weren't always poor. I drew a picture of some items Teddy got. It's not much and is pretty much all he has of his old life at this point (well missing a family photo the only one they ever had). He got the sword and pen from his father.
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Teddy has no idea how valuable the pen is lmao but he uses it on a daily basis. Personality-wise he is the kindest man you can imagine. He wants to help everyone tried to be rather optimistic considering his tragic life quite an achievement. Doesn't mean he won't be sad but he tries his best for his little sister, many think it's his daughter in a sense she is. Now to the other two siblings. They were adopted by a wealthy family that had trouble getting children. So their childhood wasn't too bad. They have no idea that they are adopted. And in Ace Attorney style of course one is a judge and the other a forensic doctor xD I gave them only names that their biological parent would have given them. So I am still thinking of their names. The older of the two is loud, loved to laugh and really extroverted, while the younger of them is timid, soft spoken.
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I think that pretty much sums it all up what I got so far of them.
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tiradraws · 2 years
I would love to see you draw King Cold in a dramatic pose, grabbing his cape with one of his hands as his cape flaps about in the wind, if that's alright!
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tiradraws · 2 years
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tiradraws · 2 years
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angry bebe Barok
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tiradraws · 2 years
I'll send you more whenever i get the ideas, but how about: Van Zieks family picture 👁👁 or Von Herzig?
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This was the perfect opportunity for me to finally draw all the siblings!~
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tiradraws · 2 years
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tiradraws · 2 years
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tiradraws · 2 years
Hey, I just wanted to drop in to say I love your art! I've been following you for a while, but couldn't find the courage or time to speak up. Thank you so much for what you create. It's amazing!
Thank you so much for your kind words~ This really made my day 💜💖✨ I am very glad you spoke up also I am just a dorky person really :p
I might not be the best expressing my own feelings so I drew that
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tiradraws · 2 years
not taking requests atm
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tiradraws · 2 years
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tiradraws · 2 years
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tiradraws · 2 years
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