tired-toddler-mom · 3 months
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Anyone like lighthouses? it's a little lumpy, but every painting is a learning experience
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tired-toddler-mom · 3 months
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I recently got back into painting. This one took me 4 hours (30 min just mixing the right colors). I want to sell my art, but so far only one person was “interested” and they wanted to send a “6 digit randomized code” to my phone to verify my identity lol.
If anyone in lower Delaware wants it, just message me!
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tired-toddler-mom · 6 months
Hey moms of advanced three year olds!!!
How do you deal with the desire to find a toddler bed that locks??
Mine just figured out how to unlock doors, and woke up two hours earlier than usual to get into the bathroom and play with the Vaseline, makeup, shaving razors, cough medicine, and Vics vaporub!
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tired-toddler-mom · 6 months
I wanna be *that* mom. Yk, the one you wish you had. The one who has endless patience for everything. Always able to comfort you perfectly when you're sick or sad, or mad. I wanna be a mom as if I was born a mom. Like how I used to think of my mom. Before I found out she was just another person. (My mom seems to have no maternal instincts whatsoever for many reasons)
I hope I'm doing it. I really hope they can't tell when I get overstimulated, frustrated or overwhelmed. Most of the time it's not their fault and I don't want them to think it is.
I comfort from a distance when they're sick because I have emetophobia. It's getting better, as you know kids puke a lot. It's almost like exposure therapy. But I'm not yet at the milestone where I could hug one of them while they're nauseous. And I want to so bad. I know I'm terrified of puking. And I know how bad it feels to feel alone in it. I want to be there for them, comfort them when they're miserable but I haven't gotten there yet and I feel like I'm not even a real mom. Just some old kid with kids.
I guess I have imposter syndrome about being a mom. My step daughter considers me her "real mom" more than her biological mom. That makes me feel so happy, but somehow I'm convinced I'm being selfish. I'm not spending every free moment building memories. Sometimes I play video games instead of playing with them. I sleep in often, because I work until 1am at the earliest. I'm not enthralled with everything they have to say because honestly sometimes it's really stupid stuff. Like "mom (x100)" WHAT "the kitty is using the potty."
Like okay?????
I can't even convince myself I sound genuine when I try to feign interest in that kind of information. I don't want her to feel like o don't care because to her it really matters. And later in life it will be bigger things. And if she gets it in her head now that I don't care, there will be things I really should know that she will be afraid to tell me because she thinks I don't care. And yeah right now I really dgaf if the cat is using the litter box. It's what cats do. They do it all the time. Multiple times a day. Yk?
I don't know, I just wish I had the personality for this. I wish I was that stereotypical perfect mom. It looks so easy. But I think I would have to throw my whole self away to do that. Is that what good moms do?
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tired-toddler-mom · 6 months
Property abandoned for decades, owner unresponsive and living out of state.
What should I do? The property value is super cheap now, in total its value is $13,000. It's a huge piece of land. In my development that one plot is twice as large as the rest.
There's an old laminated for sale sign on a tree in the yard. I called the number and immediately got voicemail. I left a message expressing my interest in the property as a nice fixer upper. It's been broken into a few times (by me as a kid too) and there's BB holes in the windows. The whole inside is coated in decades of dust. No one has lived there in decades, let alone even visit the property.
I feel like it's my only chance at affording a house, and I could fix it up over time. Where I live right now the rent is cheap cause I'm renting from family, so I could afford to keep living in comfort while I make that place livable.
I searched the property on our county website and found the owner, and the number is still the same. That's how I found out they moved out of state well over 20 years ago. Is there anything I can do if the owner never responds? I really want to try and get this house.
I can't use adverse possession because my neighbors are nosey and would probably call the police on me for getting inside. And also I have kids, so they can't live there.
Although maybe I can pretend I live there by parking my car there and working on the property, while I still live in a clean danger free environment.
My husband also mentioned it would probably take thousands of dollars just to make the house livable since it's been abandoned for so long. Like plumbing, electric, sewage etc.
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tired-toddler-mom · 7 months
Not my 3yo crying at the bathroom door because there's some kind of emergency as soon as I have to poo, then telling me with an urgency that she has hair on her head, and then realizing I do too.
It's not like she just realized it, we brush our hair together every night. But today she really needed to let me know that she knows.
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tired-toddler-mom · 7 months
My 3yo is finally tall enough to run into the door knob every time she enters a room. Poor baby can't catch a break. She can certainly catch a door knob though
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tired-toddler-mom · 7 months
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Yk this probably doesn't help mom brain. I had 4 hours of sleep yesterday, and drifted through work like a jelly fish.
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tired-toddler-mom · 7 months
Having both kids home at the same time is like multiplication. I have one bio kid 3 yo and one step kid 7 yo who spends most of her time at her mom's house. When they're together it's not just two kids shenanigans, it's like they both get a crazy boost! My 3yo starts acting up, and my 7yo starts tattling like crazy. Once I heard my 7yo whisper "say f*ck" into my 3yo ear repeatedly till she repeated after her and then she said "(my name) she said a bad word!" My 3yo likes to find things that irritate my 7yo and then push and push that boundary until my 7yo tells her to go away or walks away herself and then my 3yo will act sad and surprised.
Was I like this with my sister? Absolutely. Same age gap too lmao.
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tired-toddler-mom · 7 months
My husband deep cleaned the house yesterday and hid the cleaning products. Unfortunately he didn't think to put them away in a closet with a child lock on it. So our 3yo woke up at 7am and snuck out. She sprayed the entire can of Lysol and we had to open every screened in window and turn on every fan. She also sprayed one of our cats with it, I'm guessing because she's seen her grandma spray their cat with a water bottle. Had to call my step mom to vent and calm down while cleaning up the mess because I was so frustrated.
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tired-toddler-mom · 7 months
Being a mom feels like a combination of all of my work skills. Using my manager voice to navigate confrontation and delegation. Using my customer service voice to never say what I really mean. I'm the best janitor in my entire house. I'm also a part-time teacher, teaching my kid that sometimes water does fall out of the sky and it's really not that scary. I am also obviously a chef as I cook gourmet meals of her favorite things such as pickles, applesauce, and more weird random combinations. I am also a therapist, and I help her through really big feelings. I am a mind reader, determining that when she wants "seven" of something, it just means she wants a handful and seven is the biggest number she can think of. 
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tired-toddler-mom · 7 months
I'm a mom first, and a person when I have the time 
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tired-toddler-mom · 7 months
I feel like a car stuck in first gear on the highway.
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tired-toddler-mom · 7 months
I'm tired of people saying I need to explain to my three-year-old why she can't do certain things as if that's going to magically work. I have told her time and time again not to touch the litter box and she keeps trying to play in it. I have told her that she will get incredibly sick if she keeps doing that and she just doesn't get it. I've told her that it makes me sad when she does it, and it makes a mess, and it will make her sick, and it's gross because there's poop and pee in it etc. she does not listen. She does not care because it's fun to do. Telling your child why they can't do something definitely works when the kid is old enough to understand, but my three year-old hardly has the conversational abilities as my seven-year-old does. Sure she can speak sentences and use grammar almost correctly but she still doesn't understand consequences even when I explain them. The future doesn't matter to her as long as the present is fun.
I have done my best to hide the litter box in a way that the cats can access it but she can't, and unfortunately that is not currently possible. We are living in a bedroom with an attached bathroom. That's it. We as a family rent a single room out of a house. The cats are supposed to be confined to our room and they have been ever since they were kittens. Someday we will have enough money to afford renting an entire building, but that is not today. So don't come at me please I'm just venting.
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tired-toddler-mom · 7 months
I have a toddler, of course I can make eye contact and maintain a conversation while peeing.
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tired-toddler-mom · 7 months
My 3 yo: I'm tireddddd
Me: take a nap then.
3 yo: no I'm not tired!
Me: then go play
3 yo: no I'm tired!
Me: ( ̄ー ̄)
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tired-toddler-mom · 7 months
You dated a guy for six months, and you thought you knew him better than his parents. Your mom was there for you during every incident and event in your life and you think she doesn't know the face you make when you lie?
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