tiredtaurus ¡ 5 years
Interpreting Mars
 Mars in the birthchart signifies how an individual expresses aggression, passion, initiation, assertion, and so forth. Mars symbolizes masculine, active energies and is ruled under the signs Aries and Scorpio. 
 When interpreting Mars in the birthchart, we must have already examined the key components of the chart, such as the Lights, the ascendant, and the chart ruler. The key components of the chart present itself before and alongside Mars’ position; it is what makes a specific Mars position dynamic to individuals with different rulers and Lights (and we can see that specifically with aspects, for example).  I mentioned in a previous post of mine the importance of the Moon’s position in relation to the threshold of aggression/anger before it is acted out through Mars. It is important to understand the individual’s emotional world (Moon), character (Sun), and purpose (Ascendant/Ruler), for Mars, like other planets, cannot be isolated in interpretation. Looking at the entire picture identifies the significance of Mars in an individual’s chart, for someone with an Aries rising with Mars in a domicile position means something different in significance for someone with a Libra rising with the same Mars position.
Mars in the Signs
Mars in Aries  Mars is at home in Aries, its ruler. Brings forth significance of this planet to the individual and the house its in. This placement gives the individual a lot of energy to work with, if not put to use, they can become very impatient and impulsive. Great initiators and very passionate about their ideas and explorations. Approach to heated activities is very masculine and very confident. The Martian energy is often associated with physical activities, but there is equally a significant amount of mental activity as well. They are quick to make decisions, ideas, and solutions, but may be deemed reckless for doing so. Quite aggressive when provoked and easily frustrated when their abundant energy is not put to use. Physically takes their anger out and isn’t one to confuse exactly what they’re angry about.
Mars in Taurus  Mars is in detriment in Taurus as the typically Venusian ruled sign is notorious for its passiveness, desire for pleasure, and lack of energy. This is a difficult combination for a planet that symbolizes the utility of energy. There is nevertheless desire for how rewarding it can be to use Mars’ energy, but the motivation isn’t always there; this can result in a stubborn attitude towards goals. May need to learn to love the game before the reward when it comes to achieving goals. Desire and victory for the prize can sometimes make the individual become greedy and smug. Individuals with this placement are great conservers of energy and understanding limits, but alternatively can be seen as lazy and unwilling. Typically needs to sleep on a decision or idea before coming to a conclusion; this can make problem solving and conflict relentlessly frustrating for the individual and everyone else involved. Concluded ideas and decisions can hardly be swayed (however, may take bribery), this makes for a stubborn or persistent approach. Passive aggressive and can be unforgiving depending on the condition of the Moon. 
Mars in Gemini  Mars in Gemini finds itself using its abundant energy in ways that are quick-witted. If the individual with this placement has an airy Mercury as well, they may be a natural genius. Achieves goals and presents oneself (and ideas) in a clever manner. They naturally have a way with words in terms of getting what they want. Extremely eager and motivated, if physical and mental outlets are unavailable they can become riddled with nervousness. Individuals with this placement don’t stay satisfied with completed goals for long, especially when presented with new ideas and horizons. Sometimes new ideas can inhibit previous or current goals; Mars here may lack the same consistency as it would in Taurus. They know how to win an argument with their words and their go-to solution in regards to conflict is communication, however this doesn’t necessarily mean they see conflict objectively or rationally, this must be examined throughout the chart. Rational and objectively, Mars in Gemini may use facts, but alternatively may use profanity. Either way, provoking Mars in Gemini may result in verbal annihilation.
Mars in Cancer  Mars in the Lunar ruled sign gives sensitivity to the energetic planet. This placement is also considered to be the fall position of the planet. The reason for this is it inhibits the individual from directly tackling a goal and self assertion. Often it manifests a shy behaviour in individuals, but paired with extroverted Lights, it manifests a very defensive character. When the individual feels comfortable and safe, they are more motivated to complete goals. Paired with a sensitive Lunar placement, it makes for a very emotional individual. Careful decision maker; considers everyone involved. Not quick to provoke, temper builds up like a bowling teapot. Expresses anger emotionally and often self-soothes with food and sleep. Physical sensitivity is common as well, often the stomach is an indicator of how the individual is dealing with conflict, but the house Mars is in can also provide clues. 
Mars in Leo  Mars finds itself quite dignified in another fire sign, Leo. There is a strong drive and passion towards goals, individuals with this placement can’t be deterred. Alternatively this can make the individual seem selfish and inconsiderate because while they are willing to do everything it takes to meet the finish line, they are unwilling to stop for others. The individual isn’t necessarily unsympathetic as we can determine the character more through the Lights, but Mars here dislikes being wrong, giving up, or considering their actions any less than noble; a very stubborn mindset (as the fixed signs are). Self assertion is confident, direct, and sometimes overbearing. This individual feels especially motivated by recognition and appreciation; unmotivated by feelings of jealousy and lack of validation. Conflict is dealt with by the individual’s level of power and force. Expresses anger loudly and dramatically. 
Mars in Virgo  Mars finds itself working steadily and practically in Virgo. Individuals with this placement have a strong ability to work through the thick and thin to complete their goal. They are very motivated by the work itself if it serves purpose to others. However, their motivation can be quickly inhibited by self-criticism. Goals aren’t always met quickly as Virgo nit-picks every detail of the process. Mars here makes for very careful decision makers, practicality factors weigh in a lot. Asserts oneself with helpfulness and potential; shows others that they can be an asset. Similar to Mars in Gemini, if their energy isn’t put to use, they become quite anxious. Mars here has a very cooled temper, but if provoked a petty and critical side is present. Anger is expressed very low-key, these individuals are definitely not the type to get loud, physical, or extremely aggressive.
Mars in Libra  This is the other detrimental placement for Mars as it is another Venusian ruled sign. Again, there is a strong association of passiveness, this is notoriously the passive aggressive placement. Mars here does not know how to deal with conflict or feelings of anger/hostility; this can be accompanied by confusion with certain aspects, the individual may confuse feelings of anger towards a bigger issue with a lesser issue. The individual often avoids confrontation and tries to keep the peace by dropping the whole issue. Feelings of frustration inhibits motivation towards goals and they are almost completely unwilling to do anything that causes displeasure and difficulty. These individuals are good at finding the easy solution and the easy path; they often get what they want through others with persuasion. These individuals are often very indecisive which can inhibit solutions, they will spend a lot of energy weighing their options. Self assertion is in a manner that considers others and the environment around them; relatability is their key attitude. 
Mars in Scorpio  Considered to be the strongest placement for Mars, this is Mars’ other domicile position. Can be a potent part of the entire individual’s chart; the combination of Mars and Scorpio has a way of being a dominating force. Gives the individual a powerful presence. Mars here has the potential of dealing with conflict very eloquently if the individual is has a highly developed sense of self and balancing what they can and cannot control; alternatively feelings of anger can turn into jealousy, revenge, grudgery, and manipulation. Masters of persuasion with persistence. The same passion the Aries placement has applies here too, as well as a lot of the other fiery qualities, but because of Scorpio’s watery nature, careful consideration in plans and goals take place. Not as reckless, if at all, when it comes to achieving goals. Strong capability for enduring what is takes to achieve their goals. Their need for control can inhibit these individuals from achieving their goals; their expression of freedom is one of the best qualities, but needs to be learned. 
Mars in Sagittarius  An individual with Mars in Sagittarius will assert themselves with a sense of integrity and apparent transparency. This is also their tactic for getting what they want; they will use beliefs, ideals, morals, righteousness to convey, and they will embellish and exaggerate their ideas. They tend to exaggerate their anger as well; when provoked, the expression of frustration and hostility escalates very quickly. Of all the Mars placements, this one expresses the largest drive, but fire signs are known for pushing their limit and burning out, and their drive can also be inhibited by the inability to move forward as quickly as expected or when their idea/goal isn’t clear enough. They can be full force towards an idea if they have the means and the clarity. This placement combined with a lot of Earth in the chart can indicate someone with not only drive, but stamina and great endurance. They can be quite restless, similar to the Aries placement, if energy isn’t used efficiently they can become easily frustrated. They also share the same reckless quality as Aries too.
Mars in Capricorn  This is Mars’ exalted placement, meaning it works very well in the person’s chart here. When Mars is here, it puts its energy in all the right places, there’s persistence, active ambition, and self-reliance. These individuals know how to assert authority and make themselves appear qualified and responsible. They are extremely motivated by recognition and reward, on the other hand unmotivated if there’s no status or advancement involved. Goals are also inhibited by comparing themselves too much to their superiors. If provoked, status is made known, power is their tactic, but not physically aggressive. These individuals are actually quite quiet and cool, but not ones to mess with. Achieves goals with steady persistence and careful planning. Ideas and goals are clear and well-defined, this placement is the most realistic out of all the archetypes. Apt to be workaholics unless accompanied by lazier placements. 
Mars in Aquarius  Similar to the Virgo and Capricorn placement, Mars here asserts itself with a level of ability; in this case intellectual ability. Objectivity is important to the self here. Measures relationships worth by others’ willingness to see eye to eye. Intellectual relatability is important. Motivated by the revolution of their ideas, the need to express freedom, and innovation. Very excitable by new ideas and the never before tried. Alternatively, goals can be inhibited by feelings of unoriginality, restriction of expression, and unrealistic outcome. These individuals can be very hostile and unpredictable when provoked. Very contentious in arguments. They also tend to act recklessly and unpredictably when Mars’ energy isn’t efficiently being put to use. They’re the type to have a serious mental breakdown when burned out. 
Mars in Pisces  Mars here does not have a lot of physical capacity. Energy is often low and “watered out,” but alternatively can be powered up again through spiritual endeavours. Intuition is strong here. These individuals do not achieve their goals through directiveness like the fire placements do for example, they do it paced, and felt out. They are capable of persistently feeling out situations and coming to conclusions, goals, ideas, and decisions that way. Gets things done by a whim of inspiration. Goals can be inhibited by their unrealistic nature; the Pisces placement is a big dreamer, strong Earth placements may put sense into them. There isn’t much capacity for anger either, though quite sensitive. Similar to the Libra placement in this sense, conflict often confuses them and leads to poor decision making. These individuals assert themselves with gentleness and flexibility. The “won’t get in your way” type; molds themselves around the room and the people.
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tiredtaurus ¡ 5 years
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the aries moon child needs discipline emphasising boundaries, redirection, and compromise- it’s possible that intimidating, reactive, and harsh discipline makes rage appear to be the only response to any personal or interpersonal tension
the taurus moon child needs to develop self-value from the inside out rather than outside in, with major emphasis on qualities unrelated to physical appearance or outward image
the gemini moon child needs open communication, their anxieties and overthought worries are very real and require a ‘real’ response, they can tell when adults are ‘just saying something’
the cancer moon child needs insightful,aware,or open-minded caregivers because there are very strong and lifelike dreams that take a long time to decipher from living reality
the leo moon child needs stable, strong, firmly secure, and positive parental role models or guardians, real safety nets that provide the sense of inner and material security to take on the world
the virgo moon child needs strong reinforcement that mistakes are natural and common, to have their fears and worries validated, but not exaggerated or to be identified as ‘a nervous one’ or the like
the libra moon child needs harmony in the home, mutual or compromised if need be, they are too intuitive to be fooled by pretending parents, also rigorous reinforcement that they are not the cause of everything bad that happens
the scorpio moon child needs natural behaviours not be pathologised and their preference for solitude understood as necessary for the development of their intuitive inner life
the sagittarius moon child needs honesty, even if one fears the truth will shatter some childhood rites to fantasy along with exposure to a grand myriad of experiences, places, cultures, languages, and varied teachings
the capricorn moon child needs space to develop independence, but they need someone guarding close by, not developed by force of being neglected
the aquarius moon child needs parents/caregivers to retain their independence and identity outside being a parent,they are intuitive enough to feel guilt over the life they ‘took away’
the pisces moon child needs the lifeline of dream and imagination not be taken prematurely, though they probably wouldn’t believe you anyway, because they are intuitive enough to know they can see what you cant
and really these are things that all children need, but maybe these are some of the most important Cherry
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tiredtaurus ¡ 5 years
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In astrology, we can find out how we generally interact and react to the world based on our Mercury and Moon. Our Moon shows our gut reactions while Mercury can show how we deliver that reaction.
Part 1 will cover the Moon signs!
Aries Moon: Your gut reactions are often explosive, impulsive, hard to stop, but also honest. People can struggle to quickly receive your reactions, but they also appreciate how raw your reactions can be. Your reactions show off your emotional need for independence and autonomy.
Taurus Moon: Your gut reactions are stubborn and defensive, but are also stable. Your sense of stability is easily threatened by the fear of the unknown, but with confidence, your reactions aren’t easily swayed by others. Your reactions show off your emotional need for consistency.
Gemini Moon: Your gut reactions are often flaky, inconsistent, and scattered, but can be understood through logic and conversation. People can learn something new from how you react, making your reactions insightful. Your reactions show off your need to speak your mind.
Cancer Moon: Your gut reactions are made out of comfort, and you are skilled in comforting others and yourself. However, people get frustrated with your defensive, hostile reactions when it comes to experiencing new events. Your reactions show off your need for familiarity.
Leo Moon: Your gut reactions are often shaped from your identity, and while your reactions show that you take things personally and even dramatically, your reactions are often likable, genuine, and entertaining to others. Your reactions show off your need to accept yourself.
Virgo Moon: Your gut reactions are often nervous and annoyed, but practical and reasonable. People can often get annoyed by how you can react strongly to small details, but they also appreciate how sharp you are. Your reactions show your need for practicality and efficiency.
Libra Moon: Your gut reactions are fair, well-mannered, and catered to other people. While people appreciate how you are considerate, some people struggle to trust you because it’s hard to find a reaction from you that only comes from yourself. Your reactions show your need for peace.
Scorpio Moon: Your gut reactions are made out of suspicion and an awareness of vulnerability. People can be feel overwhelmed, but amazed by your reactions, for your emotional reactions are often passionate and piercing. Your reactions show your need for power and self-assurance.
Sagittarius Moon: Your gut reactions are made out of optimism and the need for enjoyment. People are entertained by and pleased with your reactions, but they are worried when your reactions mask negative emotions underneath. Your reactions show your need for happiness and discoveries.
Capricorn Moon: Your gut reactions are often made out of responsibility and your harsh perception of reality. People can often appreciate your mature reactions, but can be frustrated when you refuse to take help when you need it. Your reactions show your need for structure and commitment.
Aquarius Moon: Your gut reactions are often made out of your need to belong and to ultimately implement change in the outside world. People can often feel confused when you want to emotionally aid them, but also stay closed off from them. Your reactions show your need for space.
Pisces Moon: Your gut reactions are often deep and ambiguous, making your emotions fascinating, but confusing to others. You are able to understand other people’s emotions well, but they can struggle to understand yours. Your reactions show your need for creativity and compassion.
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tiredtaurus ¡ 5 years
6th House and Habits, Routine, the Every Day 💅👩‍💼🍷🍕
When talking about habits it is important to remember this is a WIDE and varied topic! Many behaviors and activities can become a “habit”. A habit isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Fixed signs may find it hardest to break habits or change routine, although there are some honorable mentions in here. When we talk about physical habits or compulsion it is useful to know what body parts are associated with the signs. 
Aries in the 6th: Habits can revolve around stress and energy. Swearing, easily being triggered by something, reacting to anger can in a way become a repeated and practice behavior. Prone to irregular schedules, this person is the last you would think to develop a set routine or ingrained habits. Impatience and impulsiveness exist in their habits. We see impulsive decisions especially in the practical realm. Always being on the go, always being in a hurry may be their biggest “bad habit”.
Taurus in the 6th: Here we see a lot of the physical habits from nail biting to picking at your hair to different eating habits. This can be the over-eater or under-eater. We also see habits of indulgence from smoking to over sleeping. Set-in-stone shopping habits can exist here. This person tends to be very routine and their habits can reflect this. Disturbance to their habits or routine can cause frustration or nervousness.
Gemini in the 6th: Habits involving sleep can actually exist. With Gemini’s connection to restlessness this is a person who might eat right before bed, has a routine of always checking a certain site/app on their phone in bed, sleeps with the TV on, etc. Many connect Gemini to insomnia and some connect the Air element to it, so here is another source for having “sleep habits”, typically preventing them from sleeping. Having a scattered routine or always giving into multitasking is associated. Behavior is not focused. It can also be hard for this person to relax.
Cancer in the 6th: Here we see another connection to the body and habits such as eating too much sugar or fast food or hyper-focusing on an area of self-care. Even more emphasized is Cancer and their connection to emotions. Here habits revolve around how they feel. Learning to always react to worry can be a habit that is hard to break. The body and emotions are closely tied for this person. Their physical habits stem from what feels healthy or good. Habits may equal safety to them. This person can find it hard to leave their comfort zone.
Leo in the 6th: Passion is linked to habits. What does this mean? My own first thought is an individual who makes it a habit to get a rush, so maybe visiting the club too often or going out too often. Being regular with exercise can also fall into this linking with passion as well as a link to the Fire element’s need to release energy. We see a lot of “identity” and “expression” associated with Leo, so in the 6th House in terms of routine/habits this person may be proud of their structure and discipline. Their habits are more than a diet, exercise routine, or interest - it is their lifestyle.
Virgo in the 6th: Of course we are going to see a lot of routine as well as physical habits with this placement! Here is someone who must abide by their hygiene rituals and won’t stray from their diet. But bad habits can still form here easily with smoking, drinking, biting nails, picking at skin, etc. Changing routine isn’t actually hard but if an outside force interrupts what they have planned, it can be upsetting. With the critic of Virgo this individual may feel like they have everything under control in their everyday life OR at times they can be hard on themselves for how unruly or flawed their everyday life can be. One with this placement needs to be careful of tricking themselves, believing they have everything under control yet they still give into the “escape route” of fidgeting or vaping. Compulsion can be very strong here, especially with things like constantly washing their hands or counting steps.
Libra in the 6th: Balance is the game, but this can mean a compulsion to try to keep their routine and everyday habits to a limit. Almost like a critical Virgo, this placement can be very self-aware. Of course “compulsion” can go against conscious wishes. So really there is a hidden critic, hidden judge behind how they behave. Habits can center around comfort, socialization, ease, and pleasure, from eating a lot of sweets to always being the last one to arrive at a party (and maybe to leave). While this person can develop healthy habits like detoxing or meditation in their pursuit of a happy and comfortable life, they can become anxious towards stressful situations. Many common place stressors/activities can seem out of their routine and comfort zone. EX: phone calls, asking for directions, confronting a problem at work, moving, or traffic.
Scorpio in the 6th: Indulgence can actually happen here along with plenty of “fixed habits and behaviors”. Habits can revolve around control over their life and even those in it. So you can imagine this person wanting everything and everyone to be in their place, no crazy surprises, in a way resembling the Earth element. But unlike Earth, how this person feels can also shape their routine, making a moody “every day”. Habits within emotions can exist, especially being guarded and suspicious. Routines that involve self care may be inspired by trying to calm their fears, hush their anger, or escape from worry.
Sagittarius in the 6th: What routine? But everyone has their habits and typical behaviors. Here we see a scattered individual whose habits tend to be about releasing energy and learning or discovery. This person can go hard and then burn out or crash. Because expansion is associated this person tends to go large on everything, they can be indulgent. Slowing down and focusing is a challenge for them. Here is someone who always jumps in to new things, their routine is rarely stable, and can make a habit of taking on more than they can chew. Risky behavior can be a habit of theirs.
Capricorn in the 6th: Steady but with associations like “control” and “workaholic” we see someone who has a routine and habits built around work, practicality, and likely stress. Here we might find someone’s inner “control freak”. This person will rarely compromise on their routine and can find it hard to break habits. But with Capricorn’s adaptability they can change, but only if there is clear evidence that the change is beneficial to them. Being comfortable with negativity can exist here or maybe even being comfortable with “discomfort”. Because it is the Earth element we can see more physical habits popping up.
Aquarius in the 6th: Unpredictable routine exists here. Habits tend to be “odd”. Ex: smelling books, can’t stand odd numbers, etc. Because we many times classify “odd” habits or behaviors as compulsive, there can be some commonalities with Virgo in this house. Aquarius can live a life filled with activity and keep going and going until they burn out similar to the Fire element. While Fire is usually on the go physically, with Aquarius it is over-stimulation to information and people. Mental relaxation can be hard for this individual.
Pisces in the 6th: This is someone who can be sensitive to changes in their routine. They prefer a comfortable everyday scenario. Bad habits or really stubborn habits usually stem from an emotional upset. Food and drink are common in their lists of habits, which can range from drinking to excessive sodium intake to even excessive detoxes. Over kill on what would typically be looked at as “good” or “healing” can happen. This placement can actually be filled with many extremes, especially depending on their emotional state. There is something to be said about the start and end of their day. The feeling they have, what their intuition tells them at the start of the day sets the whole tone. If the feeling in the air is too intense or negative they may prefer to stay in bed and skip out on the day. If a bad feeling lingers at the end of the day, they may give into escapism or in a way try to “pause” their routine.
Sun: We see someone who “performs” very practically in their every day life. Stress, health, habits, work, routine, the mundane come alive with this placement. They are aware about the reality of their world and life. The Sun can be about our life force, here is vitality that takes pride in the simple things and every day tasks. This can make someone a worrier and stress is dealt with on the surface, making them seem more sensitive or maybe neurotic than they really are. Even with all this worry the Sun tackles stress or everyday problems right away, aiming for solutions.
Moon: This makes for a careful and guarded person in the everyday life. Here we see a homebody and possibly someone who worries a lot. The stress and restlessness of the 6th House makes it so this person is very receptive to outside stressors and stressful people. They tend to process and overcome everyday stress once they feel safe - usually in their own home and around family.
Venus: Has an association with being “married to work”. But despite this devotion can struggle to deal with everyday stress and challenges. Thankfully this person is good at avoiding conflict and pressure. The desire for peace and stability is shown in how they act everyday. They instinctively find ways to “beautify” their environment.
Mercury: Here we see a celestial body that clearly communicates the worries, stresses, complaints, but also goals and practical needs of the 6th House. This person has more of a focus on building up teamwork. They help others through communication somehow. This person can have a restless nature in their expression or an uptight nature. Stress is dealt with through communication and trying to rationalize things.
Mars: Energy and passion are in the 6th House. This person could be passionate about helping others. Watch out for a temper around having their routine messed up or habits interrupted. This is a position typically labeled as a “workaholic” but must be careful of burning out their energy too quickly. Their reaction to stress can be volatile.
Jupiter: Expansion exist in this house which can mean excessiveness in habits from over eating to overly washing their hands. There is self-indulgent behavior. This can be a favorable placement for dealing with stress. They have a carefree and optimistic approach to the daily grind. They may also try to find meaning or a lesson in their everyday happenings. They may also try to make spirituality or religion part of their routine on a grand scale.
Saturn: This can be a tough spot when dealing with stress. There is restriction and suppression in terms of everyday stress. They find it hard to relax. This is another “workaholic” placement. They are very disciplined and structured in their routine. Saturn also presents many lessons towards maturity that revolve around the 6th house. Ex: Maturity found through working, impact by coworkers, establishing practical goals or habits, and dealings with health from taking care of someone sick or dealing with an ailment themselves. Who knows, pets are associated with the 6th, maybe taking care of animals will teach them something.
Uranus: Routine can be unstable with Uranus in this house. Stress can either “turn you on” or “turn you off”. Pressure inspires this person at times and other times is discouragement. What is key is the people around them. They play off people’s energy, others’ competitiveness, and others’ drive. For Uranus in the 6th they need to be watchful of their social environment in the everyday and in their work space. Stress could increase a restless nature, can impact their sleep, and can impact their problem solving and ability to focus. This placement can also indicate revolutionary, odd, or innovative working styles.
Neptune: Here we see another placement who needs to be careful of the people they surround themselves with on a daily basis. Here Neptune can make someone hypertensive and impressionable towards their coworkers and people they frequently come into contact with. Routine is based more on fluctuations of mood and they tend to be forgetful about daily reminders, tasks, details. The details or strictness of routine don’t tend to matter, they want more out of life than the mundane. Could also easily romanticize elements about other’s daily lives. Can be unrealistic in their expectations for their day, their career, and future plans.
Pluto: I first want to point out that this can mean someone with a hidden side job or is secretive about their work. Pluto’s obsessive side can mean someone who is obsessive about their routine and can find it incredibly hard to break habits. A fear of change can exist. In terms of work this can be a reliable and ambitious individual but may be controlling in terms of teamwork. Stress can feed into their bad habits as well as a controlling or even paranoid daily behavior. 
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tiredtaurus ¡ 5 years
Astrological Houses: 1/12
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THE FIRST ASTROLOGICAL HOUSE IN THE SIGNS- also known as “the rising sign” or the ascendant -COLLECTION OF SIGNIFICANT CONCEPTS, WORDS & IDEAS by crystal melbourne | within the zodiac 
1st House in Aries/ Aries Rising confrontational, brave, impetuous. a sense of urgency to express oneself, immediate self-projection, instinctive reactions, short-term thinking, impatience. Rising up!
1st House in Taurus/ Taurus Rising resilient inner motivations, enduring efforts, circumspection, quiet determination. cautious, deliberate, slow. physical magnetism & venusian beauty, with a sensual nature & self-indulgent tendencies
1st House in Gemini/ Gemini Rising versatile, needs change. love of movement, mental cultivation, interconnected life experiences. slender, nervous, quick of step. communicator, negotiator. “dual life”- constant feeling of being walking down 2 different life paths at the same time.
1st House in Cancer/ Cancer Rising sensitive, sympathetic, understanding. incredible sense of self-preservation. first impressions matter a lot, taking things personally. emotional unstability, comfort-seeking nature, looking for a “home base”.
1st House in Leo/ Leo Rising grandiose, exaggerated, aware. ability to organize the great scheme of things. creativity, love of children, love of love. appreciation for the good life- clothes, jewelry, accessories, make up. pleasure seeking
1st House in Virgo/ Virgo Rising fastidious, organized, neat, practical. persistent eagerness to be of service, help others, be resourceful, solve problems. coming up with solutions. hard work instead of taking the easy road.
1st House in Libra/ Libra Rising social butterfly. beauty, grace, charm. the urge to please/the urge not to displease. indecisiveness. constant attempts to bring harmony and peace. tendency to see the self through the eyes of others.
1st House in Scorpio/ Scorpio Rising self-control, resilience, composure. eagle eyes. tendency to try to dominate, to peer into the core of others, and to emotionally deceive or manipulate. great ability to support and heal. need for sexual balance.
1st House in Sagittarius/ Sagittarius Rising exuberant, expansive, a philosopher. the urge to travel, discover, learn, experience, teach, preach. intellectual or physical restless.independence, spontaneity. running away from anything that limits one’s individuality. 
1st House in Capricorn/ Capricorn Rising self-restrained, objective, wise, responsible, duty-orientated. sustaining an image of “good” rather than constantly changing it. building upon the self. long range vision, lofty perspective, patient manner, insightfulness. 
1st House in Aquarius/ Aquarius Rising love/hate relationship with groups: individualistic, original and “different”, but looking to fit in with people who share the same ideals, thoughts, visions. Joining cults, networking, mentally connecting. Setting themselves apart through their appearance.
1st House in Pisces/ Pisces Rising impressionable, sensitive, emotionally absorptive. expression oneself through channels only opened to them. intense impressions, therefore, the need to withdraw. ability to identify with everyone, seeing themselves in others.
By crystal melbourne | within the zodiac | “what’s in my first house?”
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tiredtaurus ¡ 5 years
Moon Sign Relationships
Moon in Aries: Chaos is a promise, but once you experience the thrill you can’t live without it. They have fought to be the person they are now, and they want to know if you are willing to fight for that very person. Tendency to push people away when love becomes a real possibility, attack is their form of defending against the fear and realisation of relinquishing their control to another person 
Moon in Taurus: Don’t waste special time. These people tend to bring up the big questions early on - such as living arrangements, marriage, children etc; because they only want to invest in a relationship with someone who is equally as committed to growing a future. While being creative, they may also be embarrassed or reticent about sharing their visions, art, and writing to you most of all
Moon in Gemini: Who am I in a relationship with? With a new morning brings a new moon, mood, and girlfriend. You can never predict their response or when or what will trigger them. They want you to communicate openly about your feelings, but rarely make an equal contribution in the conversation. They can sleep on conflict and forget about it the following morning when the emotions are no longer there, and they wonder why other people can’t do the same
Moon in Cancer: These people are surprisingly dominant behind closed doors, they may even like paternal or maternal relationships enacting either role. The worst affront is threatening to leave, rather than actually leaving. They also have a secret life inside that designates mystique because they won’t, or don’t know how to let anybody else into it. 
Moon in Leo: Be prepared for the drama that accompanies these emotions. You may be the only person to witness the emotional demonstration in its entirety, it’s lights, camera, action in the evening and no other form of entertainment is needed. Sometimes the show is glorious, affectionate, and life shines brighter, and sometimes you just can’t win no matter you say or do
Moon in Virgo: These people do not share their troubles unless you ask. There may be a perfectionist streak and the need to always present their best, so they still remain quite private in love and unwilling to let you see them bare and exposed without their composure, polished appearance, and everything in order. It is very difficult to navigate through these intricate defences 
Moon in Libra: Does it feel real yet? When does this carousel ride end? This is someone who seems made for you, who notices things that other people never have. There is also an aversion to assertion or confrontation, so their feelings can simmer below the surface until one enormous eruption of pent up frustration, unspoken words, and resentment in a shocking ash cloud 
Moon in Scorpio: Relentlessly provokes your secret stories and inner life but is not so willing to open up to you. One-on one company melts the rest of the world away, like nothing you have ever felt before. There is a covert or overt cycles of extremes, they burn hot for you and suddenly go cold with no explanation. And goes up must come down, and when things are good - they are really good. When things are bad, they are really bad
Moon in Sagittarius: You never really know when and what will trigger them, that’s part of the surprise. Honesty is policy in relationships. Old memories involving betrayal and deceit keep surfacing over and over, so while they say and intend on letting things go, and focusing on the future together - it’s easier said than done
Moon in Capricorn: Respect for privacy is a given and a requirement, and they often like to keep a life outside the relationship. They give space for mistakes to be made and know it can take a few attempts to get things right, it mostly comes down to their morality that treats people with dignity regardless of the circumstance. They are not interested in your social status or assets, they want to know if you could be their future, the parent of their child etc;  
Moon in Aquarius: Sometimes you feel like you are dating a stranger. These people have such versatility, at times they seem completely different to the person you think you know, such as when they are interacting with friends or at work or school. They are also reserved in the sense they never completely share their true feelings and leave things unsaid, you never really know what is going on with them and it can hurt 
Moon in Pisces: These people push you out of your comfort zone - in terms of growing compassion for yourself and others, letting yourself ‘feel’ the spectrum of emotions that come with opening your empathy and being vulnerable, and also becoming sensitive to the possibility that something exists beyond what can be seen. They are very forgiving but they don’t forget - just when you think they have, it surfaces again 
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tiredtaurus ¡ 5 years
SDV Discord 🌻
My friend and I created a Stardew Valley Discord server, so please join if you are interested!
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tiredtaurus ¡ 5 years
:: Lunar Soul Stressors ::
Disruption of the emotional condition and detrimental coping mechanisms that follow. 
Aries moon/Moon in the 1st house: Bothered and stressed by invasion of personal space, treated like they can’t do things on their own, criticism of actions, being put in situations that make them feel emotionally and physically weak. Copes through inviting or seeking peril, isolation periods of self-antagonism, picking fights to win to feel “powerful”
Taurus moon/Moon in the 2nd house: Bothered and stressed by a lack of relaxing or quiet environments, others touching their belongings, not being self-sufficient, being forced to break from their comfort zones. Copes through material splurges/overconsumption of food and/or drink, pessimistic outlook masked as having a “realistic” perception as a preparation for expecting disappointment in their lives
Gemini moon/Moon in the 3rd house: Bothered and stressed by stimuli that becomes too overwhelming, being unable to vent or express emotions, tasks that take too long, debates that are supposed to be good-natured but turned hostile. Copes through sporadic outbursts of tangents that spur madness, seeking out distractions to avoid deeply felt emotions
Cancer moon/Moon in the 4th house: Bothered and stressed by visitors even if they are loved ones, insensitive comments, lack of sleep or interrupted naps, unfulfilling meals, being around negative atmospheres that may ruin their moods. Copes through overeating, excessive sleeping as escapism, isolation that causes intense loneliness and cycles of crying spells
Leo moon/Moon in the 5th house: Bothered and stressed when light-hearted situations turn solemn, when not given assurance in response to emotional reactions, belittled through being told they’re acting immature, being idolized and needing to live up to expectation, feeling like no one is loyal to them. Copes through indulgence and material spending, ignoring responsibility or problems, regressing to a victim-like state as a reaction to feeling abandoned, contrariwise, one is sacrificial through playing the “hero” to feel important to loved ones
Virgo moon/Moon in the 6th house: Bothered and stressed when plans are disrupted, receiving criticism unasked for, loved ones do not care or listen to advice or warnings meant to be useful, having no control over chaotic events or outcomes. Copes through obsessively fixating on distractions, nervous twitches like excessive leg shaking or finger tapping, irritable outbursts, finding general but false comfort in habit and ritual even if unhealthy
Libra moon/Moon in the 7th house: Bothered and stressed when forced to make a decision or choose a side, put in an unwanted mediating position, atmospheres are unpleasant or unfriendly, deprived of social interaction, caught in “unfair” circumstances, feeling unloved. Copes through seeking unfulfilling relationships for momentary happiness, long spells of minimizing emotions or enforcing the idea that their struggles are not as difficult as others, denying emotions that aren’t “ideal”
Scorpio moon/Moon in the 8th house: Bothered and stressed by intrusive or domineering loved ones, being placed in the position of “the bad guy,” being perceived as the scapegoat, performing emotional labor for the soul pains of others. Copes through isolation periods of self-hatred and self-sabotage, demonizing those around them with a distrustful outlook as to prevent betrayal
Sagittarius moon/Moon in the 9th house: Bothered and stressed by lack of emotional, mental and physical space, not being able to share opinions openly, lack of optimism or hope from those around them, unanswered questions that spur a crisis surrounding their beliefs. Copes through escapism methods, indulgence of food and/or drink, running away from problems, being in denial and minimizing serious issues
Capricorn moon/Moon in the 10th house: Bothered and stressed by responsibility, the pressure to meet expectations, being told they aren’t capable, criticism of goals/dreams. Copes through hardening emotions and perceiving help as condescending, burying themselves in busyness, false affirmations of “I’m fine” to seem they can hold their own even when one is silently crying for help
Aquarius moon/Moon in the 11th house: Bothered and stressed by friends not understanding them, a lack of space, being asked to change or to conform, feeling like they don’t belong in social circles. Copes through jumping from one friend group to another to experience new but disconnected experiences, orbiting too closely around someone special to avoid loneliness but disregarding this person’s space, seeking out dangerous situations or involving themselves in discourse
Pisces moon/Moon in the 12th house: Bothered and stressed by being idealized, being told they’re being too sensitive or overreacting, having no time for themselves, lack of sleep can be the cause of crying spells and feelings of being overwhelmed. Copes through sleeping or daydreaming, hiding away for long periods, feelings of hopelessness and pessimism and thoughts that can cause the thought that the world is against them or too harsh
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tiredtaurus ¡ 5 years
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The Planettes Poster is getting a reprint!
The original batch of Planettes posters were made back in September and were nicely received, to my surprise! I only planned for one edition, but after much deliberation (and getting about 200+ asks/messages when the posters are coming back! Woah) I’ve started a Kickstarter for a second edition reprint of the posters. The switch was made to Kickstarter instead my personal store to make it much easier to adjust, back out, get status notifications, ask questions, etc. The campaign ends November 29th! Thank you all so much!
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tiredtaurus ¡ 5 years
Combat Zones ♂
Mars in the 1st - a battle against their own self-imposed limitations, the continuous desire to ‘start afresh’ and ‘burn bridges’ but it doesnt come very easy when the skills are not there to begin with and develop on the run
Mars in the 2nd - a battle against their own self-worth that can plummet to such low-points and reveal substantial anger toward themselves and a tendency to punish their own body
Mars in the 3rd - a battle inside their own head, a cerebral combat field where the enemy is taunting and tormenting their thoughts, their biggest opponent is also their greatest ally in a constant fight for peace and quiet within the mind
Mars in the 4th - a battle against the conditioning of their past and liberating the private battles and ailments they have carried with them by rising above the prison of self-victimisation, they have to re-evaluate their belief of failing and re-write the story from their standpoint as the resilient victor 
Mars in the 5th - how much poison and pain is spiked with their pleasure? the creative and destructive energies pulsate around the body like their blood is melting, the desire to win can be highly intense and possibly surface from a repressed part of themselves that has never felt good enough
Mars in the 6th - a war can wage on their own mind and body, an obsessive and highly pressurised mental and physical style of operation that they also like to push to and beyond the limit, they can adopt extreme dietary, exercise, or work regimes 
Mars in the 7th - a battle against the shadows, defensive personalities, and complexes that old lovers and relationships have left inside of them and integrated as part of the identity by the inner child who never felt really loved
Mars in the 8th - a battle against wills, a fight against the intensity of the inner forces that can take hostage of person and operate like a ‘quasi-will’ and act out protective, destructive, defensive, and coping mechanisms that the individual is surrendering or has surrendered their own free will over to
Mars in the 9th - a battle against the conditioning of their own belief systems and a possible viewpoint that the world is a deviant or deceptive place, that a loving God does not exist to allow this suffering or God is one of judgement and punishment, atheism can be a defence against the profound spiritual sensitivity and perception that burns inside
Mars in the 10th - a battle against their past and future selves and the history that has conditioned a conflict between their own aspirations and the expectations of other people, but the world is on their side as a support squad for the underdog
Mars in the 11th - a battle against the reclusive idealist who is too discontent, anguished, or dissatisfied with the world as is, and may fight against their own strong desires for human connections in a self-isolating and futile form of personal protest 
Mars in the 12th - a battle against the development and ultimate exposure of their sensitivities and surrendering the sense of only feeling safe when in solitude or receiving very intimate affection, the liberation of realising the fighter inside - the one that has overcome more than anyone knows
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tiredtaurus ¡ 5 years
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I’ve been painting all these since April I believe and I’ve gone through so fucking much that I can’t believe the collection is done! I’m so happy!!! I made a huge effort believe me ugh!
As always, you can get it at tatimoons.com/shop! <3
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tiredtaurus ¡ 5 years
Your Stars
As some of you know, I’ve been practicing my entire life now, before knowledge was readily available on apps like this one. I reccomend everyone to follow their intuition and read as much as you can.
🌸 Your Natal Chart is an extension of your horoscope. It shows you the astrological houses, planets, zodiac signs and symbols. To be able to read your chart it’s best to have knowledge on what the planets and houses represent.
The Planets (including the sun, moon and pluto) represent a different component of lifeforce ✨
🌞 The Sun is related to your personality. It shows you your ego, what you like and don’t like, and how you express and identify yourself.
🌝 The Moon is related to your emotions. It represents your instincts and intuition, your childhood, and your deepest emotions. Your moon sign is usually only visible to yourself and those closely connected to you.
📝 Mercury shows you how you communicate, learn, think, and teach. Mercury is usually the same as your birth sign. Those born in mercury retrograde are said to have a higher intuition and think before speaking. Those born in mercury stationary are very communicative, and are speakers over thinkers.
💗 Venus shows you how you love, your social skills, and how affectionate you are. It represents love, feminine power, happiness, and affection. Venus is a lucky planet.
🏵 Mars shows you your motivation, agression, confidence, and perseverance. It represents taking risks and determination.
🍀 Jupiter shows your morals and ethics, how lucky you are, and what you want to learn. Jupiter is the luckiest planet.
🔭 Saturn shows you your major life lessons, ambition in life, and your career. It represents success, truths, achievements, and boundaries.
🌺 Uranus shows you your freedom, how you stand out from the rest, and what makes you rebel. It represents change, intuition, perception, and knowledge.
🌊 Neptune shows you your negative traits and addictions. It can be hard to reach Neptune as it represents elusiveness, imagination, creativity, confusion, and is hard to track.
🌑 Pluto, although it is no longer considered a planet, represents empowerment, big change, and renewal.
It shows you where you’re powerless, and how to take charge.
The Twelve Houses in Astrology represent each aspect of life. The houses do not change or hold energy, they are simply places to attract it.
♥️The First House represents individual being, or the expression of self. How you are perceived and your basic sense of self are included in this house.
💵The Second House represents what you value, or how you value yourself. Your attitude towards wealth, talents, and possessions are included in this house.
🐬The Third House represents communication of all forms. Your intellect, thinking, and how you receive detailed information are included in this house.
🏞The Fourth House represents your home. Where you’ve come from, karmic lessons, your foundation, family, emotions, and your base of consciousness are included in this house.
🎨The Fifth House represents creativity and the child within. Your interests, hobbies, friendships, teaching, learning, and self-expression are included in this house.
🚴🏼‍♀️The Sixth House represents the physical body. Your activity, health, ability, and quality of work are included in this house.
💍The Seventh House represents relationships on every level, especially marriage. Business partnerships, lawsuits, divorce, and cooperation are included in this house.
🦋The Eighth House represents transformation and what possessions you share in relationships. Death, inheritance, shared finances, healing, sex, and clairvoyance are included in this house.
📃The Ninth House represents philosophy, religion, and morality. Travel, spirituality, adventure, understanding, wisdom, and the search for deeper meaning are all included in this house.
👑The Tenth House represents status, honour, and power. Social status, financial status, personal responsibility, career, and reputation are included in this house.
🏘 The Eleventh House represents community. Friend groups, volunteering, humanitarianism, legislation, and ambitions are included in this house.
🔮 The Twelfth House represents the sub-conscious. Our hidden self, inner power, mental health, karma, personal limitations, self-confidence and self-sacrifice are included in this house.
Basic Symbols and Glyphs in Astrology ✨
♈️ Aries
☉ The Sun
♉️ Taurus
☽ The Moon
♊️ Gemini
♁ The Earth
♋️ Cancer
☿ Mercury
♌️ Leo
♍️ Virgo
♎️ Libra
♃ Jupiter
♏️ Scorpio
♄ Saturn
♐️ Sagittarius
♅ or ⛢ Uranus
♑️ Capricorn
♆ Neptune
♒️ Aquarius
♇ Pluto
♓️ Pisces
☌ Chiron (usually attached)
┼ Black Moon Lilith (moon with inverted cross)
☊ Ascending/North Node
☋ Descending/South Node
☌ Conjunction (0 degree angle)
∠ Semi-square (45 degree angle)
✱ Sextile (60 degree angle)
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tiredtaurus ¡ 5 years
◘ dominant planets
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The Sun – Solarian culture:
- Charismatic, you notice them once they enter somewhere
- Warm, you feel their warmth in that room as well, you feel like the Sun is shining on you
- Assertive
- Very energetic, they have fire in their bones and heart
- Sensitive
-  Romantic
- Creative
- Arrogant
- Very inspiring, encouraging
- Dramatic, they can dramatize everything and be very theatrical, most of the time it is because they like to make their loved ones laugh and enjoy their company
- Charming
Sun dominant celebrities: Kirsten Dunst, Brittany Murphy, Celine Dion, Pablo Escobar, Viola Davis, Heath Ledger, Matthew Perry, Scarlett Johansson
The Moon – Lunarian culture:
- Very sensitive, to their surroundings and energies
- Receptive
- Imaginative, they have a special aesthetic creativity
- Easily distracted
- They can be a bit unstable, because of their constant worrying, even a bit paranoid
- Strong attitude, very defensive of their views
- Protective
- Mysterious
- Manipulative, when going through their hardships
- Affectionate
- Considerate
-  Empathetic
- Nurturing, just like a mother figure, this is also part of their worrying nature
Moon dominant celebrities: Farrah Fawcett, Angelina Jolie, Tyra Banks, Fergie, Robert Pattinson, Mel Gibson, Bill Gates, Chrissy Teigen, Miranda Kerr (I’ve always thought she has a moon face), Courtney Love, Natalie Wood, Keith Richards, Gwen Stefani
Mercury – Mercurian culture:
- Witty
-  Clever
-  Communicative
- Curious
- They might seem detached, but their brain is very busy and scattered
- Nervous energy, anxiety
- Charming & flirty
-  Persuasive and playful
-  Even manipulative sometimes, to get to their point or goal
-  Playful and youthful spirits
- They constantly can change their minds, along-side that their opinions and ideas, which is harder to understand by some people
- Mental stimulation
- Eloquent and they pay attention to details
- Very expressive, critical, they learn and absorb quickly
- Thoughtful
Mercurian celebrities: Paul Walker, Samuel L. Jackson, Keanu Reeves, Madonna, Rachel Bilson, Kelly Ripa (always reminded me of a pixie), LaToya Jackson, Kim Basinger
Venus – Venusian culture:
- Very soft, elegant, graceful
- The epitome of etheral, feminine beauty, their presence just carries you so gracefully
 - Polite, kind and pleasant
- But passive, even passive-aggressive
- Sociable, very communicative
- Diplomats
- Very steady, they can be mediators in situations
- They really value the bonds with people, so they might be very sacrifical for those people
- Charming, flirtatious can be manipulative
- Possessive, appreciates beauty and art, they have the eye for aesthetics
- Great listeners
- Indecisive
Venusian celebrities: Lana Del Rey, Beyonce, Harry Styles, Dre, John Mayer, Aaliyah, Lea Seydoux, Brendan Fraser, James McAvoy, Boy George, Oprah Winfrey
Mars – Martian culture:
- Fighters, they fight throughout their life constantly going from battle to battle
- The previous one makes them very inspiring
-  Independent
-  Competitive
- A very fiery spirit
- Direct, honest, they have this naivety about them, incapable of manipulation or lies because they hate that
- Assertive, even rude sometimes because of having no filter
- Sexual
- Wild, brave, couragous
- Spontaneous, adventurous
-  Do, think later kind of types, who are aware of consequences but do not quit on the spontanous flow of life
- They love trying new things
- Explosive, impulsive, aggressive, impatient
- Argumentative, energetic, they love proving their points
- Easily bored which is why they love challenges
- Trustworthy, childish, innocent, loyal
- Loud in creative expression, and also generally loud as a being, noticeable
- Strong presence
Martian celebrities: Kristen Stewart, Nicki Minaj, Demi Lovato, Megan Fox, Morgan Freeman, Rosa Parks,  Mariah Carey, Kate Hudson, Molly Ringwald, Lady Gaga
Jupiter – Jupiterian culture:
- Optimistic
- All traits are larger, Jupiter enhances
- Generous
- Very kind, good-natured
- Adventurers
- Very honest, brutally honest
- Very loving, charming, flirty
- Very curious, but can be very preachy because they believe in their own views way too strongly
- Lucky
- Carefree, idealistic, joyful, also brings joy
- They do not want to commit, and want to be carried by the wind, so once they form strong bonds they stick to them
Jupiterian celebrities: Bob Marley, Mila Kunis, Ian McKellen, Denise Richards, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Amanda Seyfried, Nicolas Cage, Winona Ryder, Sylvester Stallone, Nelson Mandela
Saturn – Saturnian culture:
- Very disciplined, orderly
- They have their own restrictions in their mind, they have some sort of limitations they follow
- Goal-oriented, very successful in everything they touch
- Driven, dedicated, assertive
- Stubborn, mature presence
- Very hard-working, logical and calm
- Very patient, but can be pessimistic at times
-  Serious, realistic, grounded, loyal
- A pillar to rely on
- Depth in feelings and emotions, very serious approach to those things
- Enduring and strong
- Authoritative, boss
Saturnian celebrities: Queen Latifah, Anthony Hopkins, Bono, Queen Elizabeth, Ozzy Osbourne, Michael Jackson, Dakota Johnson, Khloe Kardashian
Uranus – Uranian culture:
- Eccentric, communicative, social
-  Detached, repression of emotions, which makes them seem so aloof
- Rationalization of emotions, looking for logical workings in everything
- Different thought-pattern, unique thoughts
-  Intelligent, futuristic
- Rebellious, original, quirky
- Innovative
- Stubborn
-  Idealistic, loyal
-  Argumentative, likes to prove points
- Awakenes everyone around them, they awaken the fight and drive for change
- Humanitarian, generous
Uranian celebrities: Zendaya, Ian Somerhalder, James Dean, Elle Fanning
Neptune – Neptunian culture:
- Very dreamy and prone to daydreaming
-  Fantasizing, creative, imaginative
- Their creativity helps them create
 Compassionate, empathetic, they want to help and do
-  Psychic powers
- Intuitive
-  Very kind, but a bit lost, they carry the knowledge of dreams, of the spiritual, of the mystic, metaphysical, it is only understandable they are a bit lost and absent
- Easily distracted
- Sensitive and kind
- Emotional, not afraid of expression of emotions
- Escapist, dreamers, idealists
Neptunian celebrities: Rachel Weisz, Andrew Garfield, Vin Diesel, Marilyn Monroe, Monica Bellucci, Adriana Lima, Eminem, Pharell Williams, Audrey Hepburn
Pluto – Plutonian culture:
- Detail-oriented, excellent investigative powers
- Logical and emotional
- They carry the depth of everything and are not interested in shallowness, simplicity
- Honest, real
- Obsessive, possessive, jealous
- Loyal, extremely dedicated, loves solving problems
- Psychic, sexual, interested in anything taboo
- Intimacy
- Transformative
- Suspicious
- Strong-willed, destructive, strong in general
- Assertive, fighters
- Proud, intuitive, pessimistic, controlling
- Powerful, intense energy, mysterious too
Plutonian celebrities: Bjork, Justin Bieber, Leonardo DiCaprio, Prince, Ellen Page, Natalie Portman, Keira Knightly, Miley Cyrus, Katy Perry, Frank Ocean, Zac Efron, Kris Jenner, Robin Williams
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tiredtaurus ¡ 5 years
Signs on the 12th House ⚜
Aries 12th House Self-undoing through: Anger Issues with: Impulse control Spiritual connection via: Physical activity
Taurus 12th House Self-undoing through: Complacency Issues with: Over-indulgence  Spiritual connection via: Nature/Physical World
Gemini 12th House Self-undoing through: Inability to concentrate energy/focus Issues with: Anxiety & nervous energy Spiritual connection via: Written/Spoken Words
Cancer 12th House Self-undoing through: Inability to control emotions Issues with: Over-sensitivity  Spiritual connection via: Private time, Time alone
Leo 12th House Self-undoing through: Ego Issues with: Self-acceptance Spiritual connection via: Creativity
Virgo 12th House Self-undoing through: Inability to relinquish control Issues with: Perfectionism  Spiritual connection via: Routine
Libra 12th House Self-undoing through: Compromising the self Issues with: Maintaining healthy relationships Spiritual connection via: Balance
Scorpio 12th House Self-undoing through: Obsessions Issues with: Mental paranoias Spiritual connection via: Accepting Human Darkness
Sagittarius 12th House Self-undoing through: Inability to commit  Issues with: Belief systems Spiritual connection via: Learning
Capricorn 12th House Self-undoing through: Over commitment  Issues with: Authority figures Spiritual connection via: Devotion to something meaningful 
Aquarius 12th House Self-undoing through: Being a rebel without a cause Issues with: Questioning everything Spiritual connection via: Embracing the collective
Pisces 12th House Self-undoing through: Self-made illusions Issues with: Escapism Spiritual connection via: Art/music/books
Find your 12th House Sign Placement ; Source: Where’s the Moon Astrology
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tiredtaurus ¡ 5 years
Fire Moons: Spontaneous and abrupt emotional reactions that either burn out or fade away; natural born destruction, crackling and broiling what lies in their path until their flames sink back into the soil, killing off the world they know and shaping it into something new.
Earth Moons: Sensual emotions that caress their body until they feel it from their head to their toes.. They can smell, hear, taste, touch, and see their own feelings and trace them into thoughts.. They are alchemists; morphing matter into mind.
Air Moons: Breezy feelings that change like the weather.. Forecasting their own emotions to predict and understand the patterns and changes. Uncovering their triggers and their soft spots, they drench their feelings with logic and analysis but even they can be wrong..
Water Moons: Emotions that shift with the waves of the ocean and the pulls of the moon; They allow the currents to wash over them and drown their bodies whole.. They feel the sting of liquids in their lungs like heart break, the warmth of the surface like blissful memories, and the treacherous storms like impulsive rage.
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tiredtaurus ¡ 5 years
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In the natal chart, both Saturn and Pluto can show fear. However, the two planets can show fear in different ways. For Saturn, Saturn can show one’s fear of being incompetent due to outside expectations given to them. For Pluto, Pluto can show one’s fear of being dark and corrupted due to the inner potential within them.
Part 1 will be about Saturn!
Saturn in the Houses
Saturn in the 1st House: People with this placement fear expressing themselves improperly. For these people, they received outside expectations on how self-expression should be. It’s hard for these people to learn that sometimes, self-expression does not have rules.
Saturn in the 2nd House: People with this placement fear stabilizing themselves improperly. For these people, they received outside expectations on how valuing themselves should be. It’s hard for these people to learn that sometimes, value is created from within.
Saturn in the 3rd House: People with this placement fear having and saying the wrong words and thoughts. For these people, they received outside rules on how to talk and think. It’s hard for these people to learn that they have the right to create their own voice.
Saturn in the 4th House: People with this placement fear not having a proper sense of home. For these people, they received outside expectations on how to root themselves. It’s hard for these people to learn that their safe space is their own to create and feel.
Saturn in the 5th House: People with this placement fear not experiencing proper happiness. For these people, they received outside expectations on how to enjoy themselves. It’s hard for these people to learn that joy and creativity come from themselves rather than rules.
Saturn in the 6th House: People with this placement fear not handling life circumstances properly. For these people, they received outside expectations on what an everyday life should look like. It’s hard for these people to learn that they can work to create their own routine.
Saturn in the 7th House: People with this placement fear dysfunctional social interactions. For these people, they received outside expectations on how a relationship should be. It’s hard for these people to learn that all relationships dynamics are unique.
Saturn in the 8th House: People with this placement fear having their secrets violated. For these people, they received outside expectations on how privacy should be handled. It’s hard for these people to learn that they can implement privacy on their own terms.
Saturn in the 9th House: People with this placement fear having an irresponsible worldview. For these people, they received outside expectations on how they should see the world. It’s hard for these people to learn that they can independently create their own worldview.
Saturn in the 10th House: People with this placement fear having an unclear role in the world. For these people, they received outside expectations on how to assert themselves in the world. It’s hard for these people to learn that one’s role in the world is created by themselves.
Saturn in the 11th House: People with this placement fear not belonging in the world. For these people, they received outside expectations on how to belong. It’s hard for these people to learn that the more one tries to belong, the more one feels alienated.
Saturn in the 12th House: People with this placement fear the parts of themselves they don’t consciously understand. For these people, they received the outside expectation that they have to control themselves entirely. It’s hard for these people to learn and embrace ambiguity.
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tiredtaurus ¡ 6 years
what you like to post online based on what house your venus is in
based on this post by @dickstrology
Venus in 1st: Mainly selfies or photos of yourself, or posts talking about what you did that day or what you think about things.
Venus in 2nd: Material possessions, such as new things you bought or something you made. You like to post things you find beautiful.
Venus in 3rd: You like to voice your opinion and you like to post photos of your friends and family. You like to post pictures of places you’ve traveled to.
Venus in 4th: You like to post pictures of your family or thing that make you feel nostalgic. You like to post about romance or things that make you feel comfortable.
Venus in 5th: You like to post about your hobbies or things you find fun. You like to post jokes or puns or whatever you find funny.
Venus in 6th: You post about your daily routine, or post about advice. You like to help others and talk to them.
Venus in 7th: You like to post about your relationship(s) or about love. You post about things you find beautiful or aesthetically pleasing.
Venus in 8th: What you like to post changes as you change your interests, but you like to post about your passions.
Venus in 9th: Inspirational quotes are probably your favorite. You like to post quotes, stories, or pictures you find interesting or intriguing.
Venus in 10th: You like to post about motivation or things that you think make you look good. You like to impress people with your posts, so they are usually orderly or have perfect grammar or theme.
Venus in 11th: Friends are your main focus in posting. You like to tag them in posts, post pictures of them, or talk to them online. You like to share inside jokes or have fun with them online.
Venus in 12th: You might not post very often or be all over the place with your interests, themes, or aesthetics. You don’t like to share personal information and you may not have a clear cut interest or theme of posts.
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