tis-niki · 5 days
as much as I hate Rhysand I feel like I dislike Cassian even more. like. I just have this visceral hatred for men who get paraded around as sensitive and caring and protectors or whatever and sure i know I'm projecting bec of my own history with a man like Cassian but he Laughed at her Falling Down the Stairs and said it made his day better in his internal monolog. He gave her the Silent Treatment to the Point she Collapsed and Fainted and almost DIED and I'm supposed to believe he's sensitive and caring and the most "emotionally intelligent of the IC" LMAOOOOO THE BAR IS ON THE GROUND AND HE STILL CANT REACH IT
as much as Tamlin triggered me originally, Cassian is so much worse and it's because they're trying so hard to convince you he's a Good Guy and half of yall are falling for it
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tis-niki · 5 days
googling "how to be the best hes ever had in a way that haunts him for the rest of his life"
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tis-niki · 20 days
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tis-niki · 29 days
palestine fundraisers 🇵🇸🍉❤️
ive gotten quite a few asks lately and wanted to compile them into a list in the hopes that it reaches more people. these are some fundraisers i have been kindly asked to share please read their stories and donate to help them if you can (anything helps!)
last updated 24 aug 2024
Enas Majed & Mohammed Alanqer @enasmajedfamily - €57,695 raised of €60,000 [VERY CLOSE TO GOAL!!] (#174 on @/el-shab-hussein and @/nabulsi's spreadsheet)
Shahed Abumousa @drshahd - $14,244 raised of $40,000 (verified by @/palipunk)
Youssef @yousefjehad3 - $3,702 raised of $15,000 [LOW] (#255 on @/el-shab-hussein's and @/nabulsi's spreadsheet)
Whadi @/wdy_qnw on Insta - £1,525 raised of £100,000 [VERY LOW] (vetted by @/beesandwatermelons on Insta, #11 on their spreadsheet, asked by @harrowharkist to share)
Husam Farhat @shamfarhat1 - $5,325 raised of $29,500 (#248 on @/el-shab-hussein and @/nabulsi's spreadsheet)
Muhammed Abu Jar - $9,617 raised of $40,000 (asked by @straightontilmornin to share, Muhammed is their friend in Gaza)
Mahmoud Khalaf @mahmoudkhalafff - €24,801 raised of €30,000 [CLOSE TO GOAL] (#151 on @/el-shab-hussein and @/nabulsi's spreadsheet)
Aseel Asad @aseelo680 - $14,360 raised of $50,000 (reblogged by @/fairuzfan - Aseel has had to remake multiple times, updates can be found on @/magnus-rhymes-with-swagness blog)
Mahmoud AlBalawi @elbalawi - €37,630 raised of €50,000 (verified by @/90-ghost)
Tamer Aldeeb @tameraldeeb - €24,002 raised of €40,000 (#191 on @/el-shab-hussein and @/nabulsi's spreadsheet)
Haya Nahed @hayanahed - €78,487 raised of €100,000 (#26 on Operation Olive Branch's masterlist)
Raneen Ibrahim @ranin3344 - €7,796 raised of €80,000 (reblogged by @/90-ghost)
Musab @musababed - £4,621 raised of £8,000 [CLOSE TO GOAL] (Musab lost access to his old GFM and had to open a new one see more here, his old GFM was reblogged by @/90-ghost)
Doaa @fedao - $7,140 raised of $65,000 (verified by @/90-ghost)
Muhammad Al-Habil @aya2mohammed - €25,582 raised of €50,000 (#166 on @/el-shab-hussein and @/nabulsi's spreadsheet)
Nour @noor678 - $3,141 raised of $25,000 [LOW] (reblogged by @/90-ghost)
Ghazi Younis @ghaziyounes1967 - $4,187 raised of $50,000 [LOW] (verified by @/90-ghost)
Aya @ayaalanqarsblog - €9,784 raised of €15,000 [CLOSE TO GOAL] (reblogged by @/90-ghost)
Aya @family-aya - €2,288 raised of €15,000 [LOW] (reblogged by @/bilal-salah0)
Samar Shamiya & Hashem Al-Shawish @samarsh97 - €5,829 raised of €45,000 (reblogged by @/90-ghost)
Abdallah @abdallahblog0 - $2,002 raised of $30,000 [LOW] (reblogged by @/90-ghost)
Mohammed Hussein Ismaeel @m8hammed - €9,721 raised of €25,000 (verified by @/ibtisams before they deactivated)
Amna Marwan @amna-merwan - €13,993 raised of €40,000 (reblogged by @/90-ghost)
Ahmed Halas @ahmedhelllis - €10,632 raised of €80,000 (verified by @/90-ghost)
Mohammed Ayyad @mohammednasers-blog - €2,904 raised of €38,000 [LOW] (not vetted, but it is a donation protected campaign and images appear original by reverse image search)
Sara Hussein @sara-97a - €632 raised of €50,000 [VERY LOW!] (not vetted, but it is a donation protected campaign and images appear original by reverse image search)
Amany Ubeid @amnyaburas - $95 CAD raised of $68,000 [VERY LOW!!] (not vetted, but it is a donation protected campaign and images appear original by reverse image search)
Nada Al-Farra @dodiahmed123 - €810 raised of €20,000 [VERY LOW!] (not vetted, but it is a donation protected campaign and images appear original by reverse image search)
Osama Al-Anqar @osama-family - £1,011 raised of £50,000 [VERY LOW] (not vetted, but it is a donation protected campaign and images appear original by reverse image search)
Iyad @eyad-alanqar255 - €262 raised of €40,000 [VERY LOW!!] (not vetted, but it is a donation protected campaign and images appear original by reverse image search)
Ola @abedallhferwanagaza - €3,042 raised of €35,000 [LOW] (not vetted, but it is a donation protected campaign and images appear original by reverse image search)
Etaf Al-Qataa's Family @screechingphilosopherengineer and @familymaria1234567 - €663 raised of €10,000 [VERY LOW!] (not vetted, but it is a donation protected campaign and images appear original by reverse image search)
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tis-niki · 1 month
one thing no one ever teaches you is that you can just make things nicer and more intentional- you can take your energy drink, pour it in a rocks glass over ice with a slice of lime on the rim, and sip it slow. and you'll think, "wow i am the biggest faggot to have ever lived". and you know what? you're right.
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tis-niki · 1 month
This too shall pass but like holy fuck
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tis-niki · 1 month
*retaining nothing you just said* got it
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tis-niki · 1 month
❣️🕯 8th House Overlay Synastry Notes 🕯❣️
“I loved her not for the way she danced with my angels, but for the way the sound of her name could silence my demons.” - Christopher Poindexter
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(Note: These are my own observations and experiences. Depending on your chart and others, this may vary.)
I know a lot of people talk about the “ugliness” of 8th house synastry so I’m here to offer some of the lighter things I’ve noticed regarding this. I know several people who are in healthy, strong 8th house synastry relationships. My grandparents were together 50+ years, my grandfather’s Sun/Moon/Venus/Mercury were all in my grandmother’s 8th house.
- Can be profoundly deep and a soul-binding type of love.
- Many couples I know who have been together 20+ years have someone’s Sun and Mercury in the other’s 8th.
- That “I would die for you and kill for you.” type of love.
- Couples with this may sometimes have separation anxiety from each other.
- I’ve noticed there can be a telepathic/unspoken communication between the two.
- The sex can feel like a merging of two souls and like they’re bound together.
- Sometimes it feels like you know each other from somewhere.
- If there is a significant age gap, the older partner will want to deeply nurture the younger one. They might help them heal any deep emotional wounds.
- If both partners have Pluto influences in the natal, this relationship will likely lead to marriage quickly.
- Love exploring the mysterious, odd, and dark parts of life together.
- These relationships, with mature partners, can lead to both individuals becoming the best versions of themselves.
- I’ve found this can cause one of the partners dying of a broken heart if the other passes away. Four couples I know that died hours apart had a lot of 8th House Overlays.
- Couples living together might have dark home interiors. Dark couches, wood or other furniture combined with soft light.
- Unconditional love and understanding for each other. This can feel like a “you’re my lover but my best friend” relationship.
- In my opinion, Morticia and Gomez Addams are the perfect example of what a healthy 8th House relationship looks like between two mature, accepting adults. Their relationship mirrors nearly exact to my grandparents who were married for 50+ years.
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tis-niki · 1 month
gods greatest punishment was putting 1 trillion cool rocks on earth and no one with eyes big enough to see them all
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tis-niki · 2 months
recognising your parent's mannerisms in yourself and physically feeling psychic damage occur
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tis-niki · 2 months
Like, getting political for a moment. A thing a lot of people need to understand is that, ultimately, rules only exist if they are enforceable. The mechanism of enforcement is what determines the realness of a rule.
If you're playing Monopoly and you decide that being in Jail sucks so you move your piece to Go and call it a tunneling loophole, there's nothing built into the game to actually stop you from doing that. Other players yelling at you and banishing you from the table is how the rule is enforced. But if they don't, if they let you do that, then I'm sorry but that's just how the game is played now. If you're allowed to do it then it's not against the rules.
We all instinctively understand that when you're running track, you're not supposed to cross the lines into someone else's lane. But the lines are not a wall. They're not physically preventing you from doing anything. If you decide you want to run into the lane to your right and jump-kick the other racer, you physically can do that.
The line on the ground is a social construct. It's part of the magic circle; A thing that takes on special meaning, even psychological power, so long as we exist within its play space. But it's not real, and it only has power if somebody comes over and drags you off the field for striking that other racer.
At the highest echelons of power, a lot of what "can" and "can't" be done are actually just the boundaries of a magic circle with few real enforcement mechanisms. The President can't do that. But. Like. Who's going to stop him if he does?
The biggest thing we learned during the Trump Presidency was just how many restrictions on government power are illusory. Trump spent his four years in office testing the limits of what he can and can't do. Stepping over the lines of the magic circle to see which ones had enforcement mechanisms and which were merely decorative. And revealing that an alarming number were decorative.
Because the thing about the highest offices, about POTUS and SCOTUS and Congress, is that they're the highest offices. There's nobody above them. The only check on their power is each other and, contrary to what high school social studies might tell you, those checks aren't very strong at all.
Trump wants to redefine the game rules to be dictatorial. The magic circle says he can't do that. But the only factor that truly decides whether he can or can't is whether the other players at the table will let him do it. And if you listen to the way Republican Congressmen talk, it's not reassuring.
There are no executive super-cops who will arrest Trump if he breaks the rules. The Avengers are not going to show up and stop him from continuing to reconfigure the magic circle to his liking. The only thing, the only true restriction on his power, is the vote. It's the fact that we, as a population, get to make a choice as to whether or not he even gets to sit back down at the table to play again at all.
In a democracy, voters are the enforcement mechanism. Let's try and remember that when November comes around.
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tis-niki · 2 months
My name is Ashraf Alanqar, and I am 30 years old. My wife, Widad Issa, and I have a one-and-a-half-year-old son named Bakr. We used to live peacefully in the Al-Shuja’iya neighborhood, in a house we built just a week before the war began. I worked as a farmer and owned a large chicken farm that provided for my family.
Beloved of my heart (Bakr)
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Then the war came and destroyed everything. Our home was reduced to ashes, and our chicken farm was obliterated. We lost our home, our livelihood, and even our basic rights. We've been forced to move from place to place in northern Gaza, simply trying to survive.
My House before...
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Me.. while trying to recognize what has happened..
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The terror we feel as we flee from heavy bombardment is unbearable. The sound of explosions around us, the constant fear as we navigate through the rubble of destroyed homes searching for safety and food, haunts us every day. My son Bakr is constantly scared and suffers from severe malnutrition and skin diseases due to the lack of food, water, and sanitation.
Our beautiful memories.. :(
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We urgently need your help. I am asking for your support to fund this campaign to move my family to a safe place, provide us with a proper home, and ensure we have enough food, water, and medical care.
Baker used to play with his dog.
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Your donation, no matter how small, can make a significant difference in our lives. We desperately need your support and solidarity during this difficult time. Together, we can restore hope and safety to Ashraf and his family.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for considering my plea. Your support means more than words can express. Together, we can turn a story of loss into a journey of hope and resilience.
With deepest gratitude,
Ashraf & the Family
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tis-niki · 4 months
like i'm sorry modi lost AND i'm getting hamish back in litg? today has been amazing
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tis-niki · 4 months
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tis-niki · 4 months
“average person eats 3 spiders a year” factoid actualy just statistical error. average person eats 0 spiders per year. Spiders Georg, who lives in cave & eats over 10,000 each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted
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tis-niki · 4 months
anxiety and astrology: theory
note: I'm neither a professional astrologer, nor mental health therapist, hence the below written content represents only my theory and based on my assumptions and feelings of the world. Take it as resonates, and feel free to comment. also, apologies for grammar mistakes and typos, hope the general idea is clear😝
anxiety is a feeling of worry that stems from fear of death of psychical self or Ego.
originally anxiety is given to humankind to signal that the danger is near, and it's better to run and hide to survive. it was intended to run away from real threats to physical Self. at its core and full essence, anxiety is a fear of literal death.
yet, as the world started to develop, the real threats started to disappear. instead, people started to grow perceived threats that has something to do with Ego, because now they fear the death of their Ego. bearing this in mind, astrologically it can be said that anxiety is associated with Moon, Mars and Sun at the first place. honorable mention to Mercury.
without going too deep and too details, it is possible to say that currently people get anxious in situations:
when there is a threat (be it real of perceived) to die. the anxiety around this might play out as being hypochondriac depending on aspects and house placements. given the fact that anxiety is given to identify thread and run away from danger, astrologically, i'd say that people with weak Mars (harshly aspected, debilitated) can get anxious from the thought of being not able to defend themselves in the face of danger, that will lead to the death - crushing of Sun. - Mars in Libra, Taurus, 2nd house, 7th house, 4th house, harshly aspected by Pluto, Uranus and perhaps Saturn. Pluto in Libra. - Moon in Scorpio, Aries, Capricorn, harshly aspected by Saturn, Pluto, Uranus.
where they are dependant on someone or something, because they give their safety and their independence to someone else will. it makes the brain to think that there is a danger since you are vulnerable, and can do nothing since the deciding power in other person or situation hand. and by danger I mean perceived threat of death. Moon governs over our sense of safety, and the Moon is receptive and feminine placement that is felt first by child when they were in their mothers womb. Moon gave them security, Moon gave them everything, and they loved this enmeshment. it is always difficult to grow from your Moon to Sun, but Sun will demand it. Moon represent where you are dependent because it reflects the Sun and is opposing planet of Saturn, both planets representing authority. this can also explain why some people get too religious and they fear punishment and pray for redemption. - all Moons prone to anxiety revolving around being dependent party, especially badly aspected by Venus, Pluto, Neptune, Jupiter and perhaps Saturn. Moon 1st house, 8 house, 12 house. - Venus in Scorpio, Aries, Virgo, 8th house, 1st house, 6th house, 12 house, harshly aspected by Neptune, Pluto, Saturn, Moon, Neptune.
where they are highly stressed. high level of stress is associated with anxiety because the hormone cortisol and adrenaline raise up, making their brain to think that there is a danger. and again by danger I mean perceived threat of death. - weak, debilitated Mars, harshly aspected by Saturn, Pluto, Uranus. - badly aspected Saturn, retrograde Saturn. - all of the Moons, special mention to Moon in Capricorn, Aquarius, Virgo, in 8th house, 10th house, 11 house, 6th house, 12th house, badly aspected by Saturn, Mercury, Uranus, Pluto.
when there is a threat to something or someone they hold dear to their heart, because it has something to do with your ego. values, likes, priorities, goals. everything important to you. in situations that threaten something precious to them that they are afraid to lose, afraid that someone will take it and violate it.
fear to lose, fear to get humiliated, fear to be abandoned, fear to be left behind, fear of rejection, fear of not been seen, hear, accepted, fear to miss, fear to be hurt -> because all of this will crush an Ego, it will be a death of Ego, and anxiety is up up up. - Sun in Libra, Aquarius, 7th house, 11 house, 8th house, 1st house, 5th house, 12 house, badly aspected by Pluto, Uranus, Saturn, Neptune, Jupiter. - Moon in Leo, Scorpio, Aries, Libra, Taurus, Aquarius, Sagittarius, 8th house, 1st house, 2nd house, 9 house, 5 house, 11 house, 12 house, badly aspected by Pluto, Uranus, Saturn, Neptune, Jupiter. - Mars in Taurus, Mars in Cancer, Libra, Pisces, 7th house, 2nd house, 4th house, 12 house, badly aspected by Saturn, Pluto, probably Uranus and Neptune. - Venus in Scorpio, Aries, Virgo, Taurus 8th house, 1st house, 2nd house, 12 house, badly aspected by Pluto, Saturn, Uranus. - Retrograde Pluto, Pluto in 4th house, 7th house, 2nd house, 5th house, Pluto in 12 house. Pluto in Libra.
also, when it comes to anxiety honourable mention to Mercury that makes people overthink increasing the anxiety, fear, and offering vivid images of what can happen and how this person might experience their death of body and Ego. Mercury should be afflicted as well by Neptune, Uranus, Pluto, Moon, detriment, and retrograde.
How to cope with anxiety from Astrological Point of View?
dear Me, and maybe whoever read this, - work on your Sun and listen to Saturn to reduce dependability on other people. Get independent and disciplined and take over the power of your own life because it depends only on you. Stop giving too much important on what others think. - light up your Sun to know who you are, where you stand, and be confident in what you are, where you are moving. Believe in yourself, especially that you can withstand any challenge that Uranus or Pluto or whoever else throws as you, because you are the King of your life. - at the same time humble your Sun so it doesn't believe that it is a God and can control everything -> it will only raise anxiety. Instead work on your Saturn. Saturn will help you to grow and take responsibility. ground yourself with Saturn, it will help you to humble your Sun, control the fears of your Moons, impulses of Mars, over indulgence of Venus, and biases of Mercury as Saturn is reality and the force that teach to accept this reality, accept this and learn to discipline and evolve as confident and capable human being. - work with your Mars and Pluto. Dealing with fear in the face of danger requires action. go to the gym, do active sports, do embroidery, beads, learn how to stitch, go get some sex, masturbate, sit with your fears, and most importantly finally go to therapy. Set goals and achieve them. And bring the power you gave to others when you were a child back to yourself. - work on your Mercury and teach it to identify where is the real danger and where is perceived. teach your Mercury to go through the illusions and fears imposed by Neptune. learn how to check facts, improve your critical thinking, learn how to work with informational resources on the internet, and don't believe every BS in the media that is intended to make you scared. - work with your Moon. don't repress your inner child, but don't get dependant on them. learn how to cope with your emotions, how to self serve emotionally and ensure that you are safe within yourself. learn to listen to your Moon and become their truest friend and most patient and fair parent. Improve your relationship with mother and all the female figures in the family. - make your Venus happy by giving yourself time to relax and experience the pleasures of this life, but make sure to avoid Venus over indulgence, laziness and indecisiveness, avoid Venus when she is trying to make everything peaceful even when the boundaries have been crossed. - listen Jupiter as it is your kind guiding light that will offer you moral compass to navigate thought life and will give you firm beliefs and principles. But don't let Jupiter arrogance and over promising blind you. And never allow your Jupiter make you rigid in mind. - learn from energies of Uranus to adjust and adapt to the rapid changes of life and to be open to the new ideas and innovations the life can offer. allow Uranus to open the whole world with its communities to accept you, but never allow that community define who you are and what you can become. don't lose yourself in the others. - finally, dream together with Neptune and listen how its kind heart that forgive others beats. listen how Neptune heart aches for humanity, how Neptune infuse you with the desire to unite with the Universe, surrender to the invisible forces. but don't allow Neptune to give you illusions, make you addicted to escapism, and never let him to remove all the boundaries you once had.
it will take time, because the fear of Death will follow us as long as we live, but let's find balance together. when you are confident, focused, disciplined, capable and balance - anxiety will give you right signals in the face of real threats.
Anxiety will be your friend that protects you, and not the enemy that tortures you. But if this is too much to dive deep, then go masturbate 😎
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tis-niki · 4 months
Ever since i was a little girl I have wanted to fight in battle and receive a grave but concealable injury and continue fighting bravely til the end and get reunited with my comrades and then smile and cough up blood then die smiling
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