tissue-box-1001 · 2 years
The book I am writing feel free to rate it but keep in mind this is my first book and it is still being worked on:))
Chapter 1
 Listen, I didn't want to run away, but I needed answers. My family wasn't perfect but it was mine. I wish I would have spent more time with them. Just a month ago I was with them for my birthday when I decided to go to a friend's house. I didn't think much of it but little did I know that day would be the last normal day for a while.
     I was running down Winchester, trying to get away from the police. I didn't have shoes because I had ran through a backyard and the dog in the backyard did not seem very friendly so I had thrown my shoes at it. It seemed like a good idea at the time. By the way, running hurts when you don't have any shoes. And I know, me running from the cops sounds bad, but I'm not trouble or anything. I just want answers. I thought I had lost him when boom- I smacked right into him. I tried to get away, but he overpowered me. "You can't keep running, Klaus," he said. "Oh yea, and then how will I get answers?" I asked with an irritated tone. "If you are able to run away, where? How will you find these answers?" he said. And to be honest, I didn't know where to look or even begin.
     There I was back at the police station. The place I despise  the most. I had been here several other times and each was not my fault the first, I had come here because of my parents death the other times were for running from my foster homes. 
     There was a woman that looked like a stereotypical librarian but younger, she smelled of roses but not the perfume kind but like real roses. "Klaus is it?" she asked. "Yes, Klaus Carnell. You are?"
"Miranda. Miranda Smith. I was friends with your parent's."
"Weird, they never mentioned you."
      I know, a stranger claiming to be a friend of my parents seems a little sketchy right but something told me that I could trust her, like a gut feeling, like the one you get when it's about to rain.
“Well a work friend really."
 “Oh that makes sense."
  See my parents didn't speak much about work. I really didn't understand why maybe they wanted to keep work life and home life separate. 
“Klaus, I am sorry for not coming sooner. When your parents died, it took a toll on the whole industry. "she said 
“You don't have to be sorry, but what did my parents do exactly? They never spoke about work."
"Well, it's kind of complicated," she shifted uncomfortably in her seat. "Maybe I should show you instead."
"Well won't that be hard? I am in police custody."
"Let me handle the police," she said.
  Five minutes later we were on the road, somehow she had gotten the police to let me go. "How exactly did you do that?" I asked
"Well, I have this talent you could say, I can persuade people, I just know how to talk people into stuff."
“I bet that comes in handy."
"It's really a blessing and a curse, sometimes it happens without me knowing," she looked as if she was remembering something dark "And it could hurt them." 
I didn’t want to ask her about it. I didn’t want to stir any emotions. We were  approaching a diner. “We have been driving for a couple of hours, are you hungry?” she asked, focusing on me.” I could eat.” I said.
 About thirteen minutes, we were inside and seated. I scanned over the menu, looking for my favorite meal, two hash browns, sausage and eggs. “What are you getting Miranda?” I asked, still focused on the menu “I’ll just get some eggs and bacon, you?” “I will probably get hash browns, sausage, eggs and a glass of milk.” The waitress came and took our orders.
   “So, tell me something about you.” I said, looking out the window. “Well, I worked with your parents for about eleven, ten years, I like food and I love reading. Tell me something about you.” ''I like cooking, the outdoors and I like making stuff, like inventing things.” The waitress came back with our food. It smelled amazing. I took one bite, and it was like fireworks inside of my mouth. “This is the best food I have tasted in months,” I said, stuffing my face. Miranda gave a muffled yeah. We finished the food in a matter of minutes.
  We paid, and we were getting ready to leave. When a shockwave hit the diner, the glass shattered, a deafening ring went through my body, everybody flew backwards. I was struggling to get up when I saw Miranda fighting the guy who made the shock wave, she wasn't just smacking and hitting him she was full on assassin mode. I'm talking about jumping on him and pulling him to the ground. When he was on the ground she bent down and whispered something in his ear, then he got up and walked away. 
  Miranda ran over to me helping me up. “Who was that and what did you say to him?” I asked, still dizzy from the shockwave. “I’ll explain later, right now we need to get out of here.” She helped me over to the car, she got in and sped out of the diners parking lot. 
  I could barely comprehend what just happened. “Okay, first things first, are you alright,” “Yes, I'm fine but what just happened?” Okay, the guy back there his name is Jake Garik. He worked with me and your parents until he went rogue,”  she said, checking the mirrors “How, did he do that?” 
“You know how I can talk people into things, well it's not just a talent it's more like a gift to make people do things, he has a gift that allows him to make shockwaves.” 
    “So you're telling me that you have superpowers?”
“Yes, basically but we call them gifts. Listen I know it seems unreal but you have to trust me”
"Wait, if you have this gift does that mean. . . . My parents had gifts?"
"Yes, they did and I think you might be gifted too Klaus."
  I couldn't believe it, there are people with these abilities and my parents did and I might have them too. It feels like my world has been turned inside out.”Wait, did their work have something to do with their gifts?”
“Yes, your parents and I worked for an organization called A.G.P The Alliance of Gifted People. The organization was set on keeping people safe and keeping our powers hidden
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