titanlord231 · 8 days
GodFall AU: Out to Lunch
“Don’t fret about it right now, Caeneus has helped so many of the souls already, and taking one day off isn’t going to make a difference.” Persephone said setting down the picnic blanket and putting the basket on top.
“We helped harvest the souls of mankind to keep our family immortal for so long, what right do we have to take a day off when they are still trapped.” Hades said while standing on the edge of the blanket.
“My love, how are we to help the mortals if we ourselves are exhausted. Restoring souls takes a lot out of Caeneus as well, so we should take his example to heart and rest and recoup so we can give it our all when we return to work.” Persephone said guiding Hades to sit down next to her on the blanket.
“Very well, but just this once my dear. We mustn’t make a habit of shucking our responsibilities.” Hades said with a sigh.
“Very good. Now I have had the staff make your favorite sandwiches, with a side of some wine.” Persephone said as she began to unpack the basket.
“What did I do to deserve you my dear?” Hades said taking his sandwich from Persephone.
“You loved me my love.” Persephone said.
Here is a little snippet of Persephone finally managing to drag Hades out of his work long enough for him to rest and relax since he has been overworking himself. I think they are such a cute little couple in Kaos, and I hope we see more of them if we get a season 2.
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titanlord231 · 8 days
GodFall AU: Underworld Day Off
Riddy wakes up, feeling Caeneus’ arms holding her from behind as he sleeps. Riddy is about to close her eyes again when she happens to notice the clock next to the bed.
“Shit! Caeneus we need to get up we are late.” Riddy says jumping out of the bed, and Caeneus’ arms.
“What’s going on Riddy?” Caeneus says groggily sitting up and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
“We overslept. We are gonna be late. You’ve got souls to restore and I’ve got to help Charon with intake today.” Riddy says hurriedly getting dressed.
“Hey Ridds, it’s fine. I talked to Hades and Persephone and got us the day off. Surprise”.” Caeneus says with a little wave of his hands.
“You mean we don’t have to go in today?” Riddy says turning around.
“Yes, my mom even agreed to watch Fotis for the day so we could have it all to ourselves. Now why don’t you get back in here and cuddle with me.” Caeneus says wrapping his arms back around Riddy and pulling her into the bed.
“Oh thank gods, if Medusa has to give me one more punctuality lecture I think she will try to turn me to stone.” Riddy says giving in and allowing Caeneus to pull her back into the bed.
“But we are doing more that just cuddling.” Riddy says with a mischievous smile as she pulls the covers over the both of them.
Why are all of my GodFall AU drabbles starting with couples in bed? Idk, I think they are cute. Up next we will get to see Hades and Persephone and what they are up to now that they are no longer gods.
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titanlord231 · 8 days
GodFall AU: Orpheus Birthday
Orpheus felt warm. He has only just woke up and hasn’t even opened his eyes yet, instead he is just enjoying the feeling of the sun shining through the open window. He reaches over to draw in Dionysus to cuddle with him but finds the other side of the bed empty.
“Hey Di? You where did you go?” Orpheus says opening his eyes and sitting up in confusion.
“Give me a second Orphy!” He hears Dionysus shout from downstairs.
Hearing his other dad has finally woken up Dennis Jr. pops his head up from the foot of the bed and let’s put a little mrrp before moving to lay in Orpheus’ lap.
“How are you doing little man.” Orpheus says betting Dennis Jr.
“I will have you know that nothing about me is little.” Dionysus says walking into the bedroom with a plate of pancakes and a bowl of cereal on a tray.
“I was talking to our son, I think every part of you is perfect Di.” Orpheus says holding up the cat to show his husband.
Dionysus leans in and kisses Orpheus while setting the tray down on his lap.
“Breakfast in bed Di? Now you are just spoiling me.” Orpheus says between kisses.
“Not just breakfast, your cereal comes with a toy. Consider it the first of many gifts for your special day.” Dionysus says handing him a little figurine of a spartan warrior.
“What did I do to deserve you?” Orpheus says pulling his husband into bed while Dennis Jr. leaps off the bed and out of the room.
Here is the Dionysus/Orpheus ficlet for my Kaos GodFall AU. I hope you all enjoy and want to see more of it. I’ll try to post a few more later today.
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titanlord231 · 9 days
I’m gonna start posting some Ficlets from a possible future AU for the show Kaos on Netflix (please go watch it y’all, it is so good and needs a season 2 after that ending). The AU is gonna be called Godfall, it takes place after a potential war between the gods that leaves all of them mortal, and gives us a few cute couples.
My current plans are for a Eurydice/Caeneus ficlet, a Dionysus/Orpheus ficlet, and a Persephone/Hades ficlet. Please support them if you enjoy and I might post some full fics on AO3 for the show.
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titanlord231 · 9 days
Lasagna as a metaphor for BuddieTommy… three disparate components coming together in order to make something greater than the sum of its parts… here’s how lasagna theory can still win.
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titanlord231 · 9 days
I just watched Kaos on Netflix, and it was really good. Please go watch it if you can so we can get another season! It has really good trans and gay rep in it, and it is a reimagining of Greek Mythology that shows how much it lives the source material.
Over the next few days I might write out some ficlets about the show and the characters I liked from it.
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titanlord231 · 21 days
The Hiatus is almost over and when the new season starts I’ll be Buzzing 🐝 with new post ideas. But for now I offer you this.
Firetruck: *passes by my new apartment*
Me: Oh my G-d just like 911!
Ambulance: *goes down the street while I wait for a bus*
Me: Oh my G-d, just like 911!
Me: *fills out application for entry level dispatch position* OH MY G-D JUST LIKE 911!!!!
Man with a birthmark: *walks past me in Target*
Me: Oh my G-d just like 911!
Bees: *just buzzing around in the flowers*
Me: Oh my G-d, just like the teaser for 911!
Two men: *kiss each other*
Me: *hangs out with my throuple friends*
Still me: Oh my G-d, just like what they need to do with Buck, Tommy, and Eddie on 911!
Anyway wish me luck on my job application, I need money to pay rent.
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titanlord231 · 2 months
the thing that gave you anxiety attacks for 2 years straight will be resolved on a random Wednesday morning btw
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titanlord231 · 2 months
But imagine we're there, it's bucktommy wedding time. And 911's a drama, there's gotta be drama with a wedding. Happened to Tarlos, happened to Madney.
But instead of deep sad dangerous drama, we get shenanigans.
The day is here, everything is getting finished up, but everything keeps going wrong. The crew, lead by Eddie and Maddie (whom well finally see interact), do damage control while trying to keep Buck and Tommy in the dark about the situation.
I'm talking: Venue is double booked, so now they gotta prove who booked/paid first. The cake gets destroyed on the way in, so they scramble to get a suitable replacement while also having to replace the tablecloth the cake fell on. The flowers that got delivered are the wrong ones, wrong color, and ones that Tommy is allergic to because of a mix up, so they gotta do detective work to find out where the actual flowers got delivered to. Someone puts down the rings on the bed of a truck that drives off, so someone has to steal a motorbike to hunt the driver down. All along, their friends rotate around to keep the grooms distracted (trying to hide their phones so they can't be contacted by the vendors, finding excuses for them not to leave the rooms, etc).
Despite everything, they pull it off, and when it's finally time for the ceremony, everything is perfect. Tommy and Buck have beautiful vows, they look amazing, their friends and family are crying with joy. The cake is perfect, the reception is great, everyone's having a good time.
And their friends are patting themselves on the back that they managed to save the wedding and keep it all away from Buck and Tommy.
And then we cut to them and we find out that they very quickly figured it out but kept quiet because one, it was kind of funny, and two, they trusted their friends - and it was worth it, the wedding is amazing! And now they just get to enjoy their party, knowing their friends love them so much.
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titanlord231 · 2 months
If the gore in a gore/body horror movie is mainly cg then what’s even the point
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titanlord231 · 2 months
I just met a mother of an autistic child who thinks vaccines cause autism but is still pro-vaccine. Didn't know ppl like her existed tbh
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titanlord231 · 2 months
Me: *scrolling tumblr*
Castiel: I love you
Me: Dear god what’s happened now
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titanlord231 · 2 months
Eddie: Hey fellas, you're not busy, are you? Tommy: *screams and climbs off of Buck* What the fuck? Buck: Eddie, we were in the middle of something! Eddie: Yeah, yeah, Tommy was riding you. You'll get it up again. *climbing into bed with Buck and Tommy* Now listen to MY problem... I went on a date, right? And I tell the girl that I have a son, you know what she says? Buck: Eddie, you know when Tommy and I said you're welcome to come talk to us anytime we didn't mean literally, right? Tommy: What did she say? Buck: Don't encourage him! Tommy: Well, I'm invested now. I wanna know.
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titanlord231 · 2 months
Tumblr is the best social media site, because the second I heard the news I checked the Supernatural tag and I was not disappointed. Long live that stupid fucking destiel meme!!!
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titanlord231 · 2 months
I have auditory processing issues, so even though I can hear I struggle with understanding what I am hearing sometimes. When this happens I need to use the subtitles to help me. Having good subtitles is a must, they shouldn’t be half assed.
I, a hearing person who likes subtitles just as a preference, shouldn't have to read a subtitle that's obvious nonsense, go back a couple seconds, and listen again in order to figure out what's going on. An accessibility feature should not be the most half-assed part of a professionally made production. Scripted media has absolutely no excuse for not having subtitles or having subtitles that aren't perfectly verbatim. Professional captioning services should be ashamed of the shoddy work that they put out. Captions should be treated as a part of the production, just like filming, editing, audio balancing, etc - and anything that releases with missing or bad captions should be seen as unfinished
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titanlord231 · 2 months
Tumblr media
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titanlord231 · 2 months
Tumblr media
Love it. 10/10 no notes perfect scene
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